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Chasing the sub 50 10k - for what seems like forever



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    For your own sake, get the gait analysis checked sooner than later, you could save yourself money in the long run rather than forking out on physio from running in the wrong runners.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    The race tomorrow is at 3 . Silly time really when you start thinking about when to lunch!

    No plan . Just going to run the thing . See what happens . Actually there is a plan . I am going to enjoy it !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Absolute disaster . Nearly DNF. At about 4K ( after slow start) I was dizzy and weak and could barely but one foot in front of the other . Kept moving cause the quickest way to go at this stage was forward . Felt like crap . Had a little walk at 5k. Walked up the giant hill didn't even attempt to run I felt that bad . Couldn't get any speed up for entire race . Felt like low iron or something . (55 mins finish)
    Fed up with running and considering a new hobby . Maybe I could have pushed a little bit harder but I felt so bad and was feeling so sorry for myself finishing was the best I could do !

    People then were like oh it was the heat , the hills, I'm like it wasn't you know it's was me - I was destroyed before the hills and didn't even notice the supposed heat. Never could even push hard enough to be out of breath. No ott on the ventolin .

    To top it all off , right leg in a bit of trouble . No idea what the issue is because can run on but after it hurts . Groin/hamstring/thigh/knee etc .

    Off to physio today so will know more later. Need to pick myself up and move on - happily I know that I'm fitter than this race . Going to get blood tests to check everything out. An MOT before the big miles start .

    Am I making excuses ? Maybe I'm just a lazy bint!

    Ran 11k last night start @ 5:40min k. Body still tired from drowning sorrows after the race !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Sorry to hear race didn't go to plan, but not to sure you are really on top of
    training at moment, might be better getting some base building going for a few
    weeks and forget about racing, sounds like body giving out s lot at moment so
    maybe nice slow unforced miles no matter how good you feel may be way to
    go, you could target few races over marathon training when you are a little stronger. Just a thought and not intended as critasisim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear race didn't go to plan, but not to sure you are really on top of
    training at moment, might be better getting some base building going for a few
    weeks and forget about racing, sounds like body giving out s lot at moment so
    maybe nice slow unforced miles no matter how good you feel may be way to
    go, you could target few races over marathon training when you are a little stronger. Just a thought and not intended as critasisim.

    It's very frustrating because I should be strong now!! I'm not really overly concerned about the performance on Sunday - I do randomly have out of the blue days were my body refuses to cooperate and my energy levels hit rock bottom . I am going to the doctor to get bloods done because I was having similar issues last year and it turned out my iron levels were non existent .

    Sticking to club plan for moment but will definitely stop the races for a while .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    As part of my pre marathon mot - I went to visit the friendly physio yesterday .

    My hamstring and groin are very tight and sore but are not torn or strained .. Basically need to work on getting a Kardashian butt if I have any hope of making it to the marathon. Physio gave me loads of excerises . I'm like but I hurt can u not fix me . If no improvement in two weeks I have to go back for dry needling . Basically I'm made for a life of over indulgence and pampered leisure! I hate doing excerises by myself - my form is rubbish and its so dull . Wish I could get a specific class that sorted me out . I just wanted a massage and sorted !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Had problems with hamstrings earlier in year, was told hamstring suffer particularly if not hydrating enough, drink gallons of water now along with
    excerises and much better. No easy fixes all time and pain:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Had problems with hamstrings earlier in year, was told hamstring suffer particularly if not hydrating enough, drink gallons of water now along with
    excerises and much better. No easy fixes all time and pain:D

    In pain now - ouch . Those exercises hitting the right places anyway ! I do try with water but I have a tiny bladder and get fed up with going in and out to loo! Try to use zero tabs from time to time . Also good with a hangover .

    He sent me little videos and all so no excuses :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Club night on Thursdays . Hardly anyone turned up. Super evening for running - had to wear new runners without breaking them -left both current pairs in work after visit to physio .

    Schedule had 5*4 tempo intervals with 2 mins in between at 10k pace.

    If it was 10k pace I'm due a sub 45 next time out !

    After a 2.5 k warm up -The leaders went off like turbo jets . Luckily my legs can't actually move that fast so trundled behind them . Picking off one or two stragglers after a while who went off too fast. First interval clocked at a fast 426. The lead guys must have been doing 410 or something like that .

    After a walking two min recovary we set off again - second interval at exact same pace .

    At this stage I'm like lads this is not anyone's 10k pace - not even 5k pace for the love of God !

    Third interval was into the wind ( at the coast so always a small wind) this was tougher on the breathing . I had started to close the gap slightly on the leaders because they were getting very tired at this stage . Third lap 433.

    Before the fourth lap it was decided to only do four because people were wrecked after the first three . Fourth lap 433 again.

    Cool down of 3k at an actual cool down pace which was impressive for the group in question !

    Happy with this despite the obvious complete ignoring of what we actually should have been doing . Means my energy levels are just fine and Sunday must have been a blip! Recovered well bewteen intervals and had no breathing trouble . Felt the pace was tough but kept it steady . Lucky that I can't actually move must faster or would have been exhausted after first one. Could have did five but happy enough to do 4. Tired this morning - sometimes find it difficult to sleep after a session because a bit high!!!

    Happy that it's Friday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    You're right BS, if you race instead of training you will not see benifits and not
    being able to complete session as going to fast tells its own story, if I where you
    I wouldn't worry to much about keeping up and just hit right paces if you take a
    little longer, shorter recovery of more benifit than going eyes out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    You're right BS, if you race instead of training you will not see benifits and not
    being able to complete session as going to fast tells its own story, if I where you
    I wouldn't worry to much about keeping up and just hit right paces if you take a
    little longer, shorter recovery of more benifit than going eyes out.

    Not to mention increased risk of injury! Mararhon training due to kick In next week so the sensible hat will have to remain on for rest of summer if I am to make it to the starting line !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Long run on Saturday morning . The rain and coastal wind made this not the happiest of runs! Good to be out and doing it but still my bed was cosy !

    First 8k slow and miserable and into the wind . Legs felt heavy and energy levels seemed depleted. Felt like taking a short cut back to the car. At about the 8 k mark after a long slow drag we turned into some serious country roads . The traffic had started to pick up as we started later than normal . I appear to be a very dangerous country road runner. My legs just keep taking me away from the ditch into the middle of road . Girls had to keep steering me back !

    With the driving rain/wind and the nervous running twitch the pace picked up - needed to get out of there! So after an 8k start @ 6.10 the pace drop to 5:10 for a couple of k. Once we were safely back on footpathed terrain the adrenalin kick stopped a back to business as usual. The rest was at a steady enough pace - soaked through at this stage we wanted to get home before the blisters arrived.

    So all in all 10 miles at 5:42 . A kind of progressive run . The burst of speed was interesting as I felt like lying down curling into a ball and sleeping a couple of mins previously .

    So I'm only doing races where the roads are not closed off - and they are windy country roads !

    Sunday slow 5k @ 550. Felt hard . Nice to have sun on face though . Sun I love you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Weekly total - 41k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    So the weather was amazing last night ! Incredibly warm and wonderfully wet!

    Due to having a be late gene I managed to grab a baseball cap and rain jacket before leaving the house.

    3k warm up followed by 3*4 min hills.

    The hills were scheduled at a 5k pace but we seemed to be doing them at 5k effort and 10k pace. The hill was very slippy and the rain relentless . Clothes were getting wetter and heavier and my vision was blurred - glasses girl that I am (no mini wipers) . Despite this they were OK - they are kind of like hill tempos as opposed to actual sprinting up hills . The pace on average 5.05 min k .

    The last time I did this particular session my repeats were faster well marginally @5.00 min k. Putting it down to the lovely weather .

    4.5 k cool down if you can call it that .

    Total workout out 7.5 miles . Not bad for a Tuesday evening .

    Completely and utterly drenched - underwear and all despite wearing a running rain jacket ! Took a recovery shake on board followed by a protein bar and a bagel - so only tired today not achy . Well my arms hurt , must have been doing some weird stuff with them to propel myself up those hills!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Thursday evening did 8.5 k with 6k of it at tempo pace 513 min k. A lot harder then it should have been and it wasn't that warm to have made a difference. it was supposed to be progressive but I just managed to maintain a steady pace .

    Energy levels not 100%. Hopefully I'll get to the bottom of the reason why soon enough .

    Beautiful evening for running . Shorts will be out !

    I love the summer!!!! Sod all the haters ! It's never to hot to run in Ireland!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    A quick 5k decided to just run and see what happened. Nothing gloriously to report apart from the weather. Need to work on the positive mental attitude . 5k in 26 mins . Felt tough enough was trying to relax and practice cadence- brain just kept flicking to scenes of wheezing carnage although that's not what was happening. Last k was the fastest by 20 secs(450 min k)despite the feeling I was going way slower - well apart from the the last 200m when I put the foot down .

    Should have ran slow . Long run tomorrow with hangover !! That will be fun! Tucking into the zero!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Long run - 18k .

    This was not pleasant . That was the first and last time I will run more than 5k with a hangover ! Felt like I was running the last bit of a marathon . Breathing all over the place - legs gained about 10 pound each could barely lift them . Couldn't chat - all effort into moving - once i ran 9k I had to run back - it was the middle of no where . Never really drink a huge amount when running cause tend to do all sweating at end but yesterday I had drank 500ml by 9k. Took energy gel , jellies and one of those luzazade tablets to keep motoring .

    Feet had swollen due to water rentention so toes were squashed and got blisters .

    Weather was nice though !

    Never again . No idea what pace was , I had no watch or phone . I was running much slower then the group and they doubled backed a bit to keep me company. Apparently they kept trying to speed me up in turn but the legs kept plodding away over a six min k no matter who was sent back! I'd say pace probably 6.15 min k.

    Bloody hard run! One of the girls had been out with me the night before - she's obviously made of sterner stuff!

    Had to sit down for half an hour after till the nausea past . Did I say never again !

    Weekly total = 43k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well - I went to the doc yesterday for blood test results and as predicted iron stores are low and I'm borderline anaemic. Also low in vitamin D.

    So back on iron twice daily and vitamin D supplements ( ain't cheap who knew)

    Relieved - That I am not getting unfitter and there is a solution . Should be back fitting fit in a month . In the meantime I'll stick with the plan and relax a bit .

    I was going to sign up for the cork half in 3 weeks ??? What to do - it could just be a long run ???? Buddy depending on me - well not that we would run together or anything !

    Local 5k on next week - everyone doing it instead of training - should I or shouldn't I . Makes sense not to I suspose .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    A Fartlek was scheduled for last night and a good old soaking !!!

    This running in the lashings of rain in the muggy weather brings joy to my heart !

    First 7 k was so -so . No one seemed to be putting and real effort in and the fast distances were bewteen 100-500 m. No idea what pace because again forgot watch .

    After 7k one of the girls didn't feel too good and had to walk/run back - I stayed with her incase she fainted or something - her symptoms sounded exactly low iron ish

    So a long cool down . Once again completely soaked through !

    Hopefully these tablets will work quickly - eager to achieve some gains!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Good to hear you got to the bottom of things. If I were you, I'd leave off racing until you're back to 100%. Mind yourself!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Very frustrated today with my stupid body and its low iron stores .

    I know it will sorted itself out soon and I should relax blah blah but every single time I get near my goal fitness level something happens . This is my second time now with low iron - I was taking multi vitamins , I eat a lot I red meat . I never run more than 4 days a week and never more than two consecutively . I don't treat tempos as a race every time and try to beat PBS every time I do a long run . But irrelevantly I get injured or something. Just want a rant . Running sucks this week!

    Anyways I know the score - better I caught it now before it got worse and my marathon training was in full flow. I'll be back to normal in a month or so - plenty of time to pb blah blah .

    Anyways 8.5 k last night @ 5.25. Should have been a twenty minute tempo in there - couldn't seem to manage to get the tempo speed going though - only managed about 5:15 which was worse than last week and much harder . Didn't make things better that half the group were way ahead and the other half behind deciding they were tired and not really bothered .Surely this flogging of dead horse has to help when horse does a jon snow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Long run yesterday started out well lovely sunny morning . Nice chatty pace until about 8k then that pace turned into torture . Struggled putting one foot in front of the other despite taking two gels .20k done @6.10 . Rain arrived to give us the obligatory soaking .I hope that this torture means something as energy levels increase ! 3 months ago I could run forever at that pace ! Definitely not doing local 5k I'm drawing the line at extreme Self abuse!

    Was contemplating recovary run today but have managed to pull a muscle in my neck so going to be smart and rest.

    So weekly total 39k

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Did 8k myself last night - no club . Kept the pace steady - now have massive head cold so there was never going to be another pace . Felt like I was going much faster but not to be . I think the key for me is to relax and forget about pace while trying to get iron levels back to normal .

    8k @ 5:45

    Achilles feeling a bit off. Roller to make an appearance later and back to doing calf lift excerises!

    Hoping that I will have enough energy for the long run on Saturday !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Had planned to do an easy 8-10k . Got duped into doing 300s whilst a rattling full of drugs - Sudafed , nurofen and zirtex .

    So 4K warm up @ 5.36

    6*300s at average 358 k min pace on grass.

    4K cool down at 5.36

    Last couple of 300s feeling a bit rough and looked like a clown with big red nose. Last in pack but I had my list of excuses - main one being they are all bloody faster than me!

    Enjoyed it in general - we did some funny dynamic warm ups which were a giggle - not sure it was the point mind:)

    Felt energy levels a bit better in spite of sniffles ! Maybe that's the drugs talking !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Had planned to do an easy 8-10k . Got duped into doing 300s whilst a rattling full of drugs - Sudafed , nurofen and zirtex .

    So 4K warm up @ 5.36

    6*300s at average 358 k min pace on grass.

    4K cool down at 5.36

    Last couple of 300s feeling a bit rough and looked like a clown with big red nose. Last in pack but I had my list of excuses - main one being they are all bloody faster than me!

    Enjoyed it in general - we did some funny dynamic warm ups which were a giggle - not sure it was the point mind:)

    Felt energy levels a bit better in spite of sniffles ! Maybe that's the drugs talking !
    Hey BS, Dynamics warm up muscles and prepare for faster running to
    come, think you are running them 300 way to fast, should be 67-77 sec
    per rep and that's when you are feeling good. Mind yourself and slow down:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Hey BS, Dynamics warm up muscles and prepare for faster running to
    come, think you are running them 300 way to fast, should be 67-77 sec
    per rep and that's when you are feeling good. Mind yourself and slow down:)

    Thanks kennyg Just messed with the garmin and the average time was 72 mins so within your reference . Can I ask where you got the reference from - the scheduled I have was vague and said 90% effort ! I was recovering ok bewteen reps but my legs do not turn over quickly - I don't think I can actually run faster even for 50 m. I was trying to copy the form of the speedsters . Not that I'm trying to be a sprinter or anything but my lungs unusually have the upper ground for intervals - opposite for 10k!

    Hope your calf is healing up. It's hard not to think about it in the taper madness. Might be doing the half myself - not to race just because I like cork so much .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Thanks kennyg Just messed with the garmin and the average time was 72 mins so within your reference . Can I ask where you got the reference from - the scheduled I have was vague and said 90% effort ! I was recovering ok bewteen reps but my legs do not turn over quickly - I don't think I can actually run faster even for 50 m. I was trying to copy the form of the speedsters . Not that I'm trying to be a sprinter or anything but my lungs unusually have the upper ground for intervals - opposite for 10k!

    Hope your calf is healing up. It's hard not to think about it in the taper madness. Might be doing the half myself - not to race just because I like cork so much .

    If you put your 10k or 5k time into McMillan running calculator and
    check training paces, you will see sprint paces for various sessions
    I based you on 50min 10k and gives a range of 67-77 sec when fully
    fit, if you are not well shouldn't really take these on, they are purely to
    Premote fast leg turnover so they should feel hard, if you are under
    weather you will just be pushing body way to hard. Earlier on in year
    I was doing about 10 of these at about 60sec per rep, and 3 mile road
    race at tempo pace and 3 easy days running, at 2x 45 mins easy
    And 1 X 90 mins easy and knocked 1.30 mins off 5 k time. So you
    Don't need to kill you self.

    Tempo session probably a bit 20- 30 sec slower than 5k time . Stopped doing
    these once decided on Marathon, probably not much use to you for Marathon
    training, more if you where doing 5-10k block before you begin Marathon should join the Novice Thread for Marathon training really good
    advice to be gained. My MRs runs same session with faster runner but at her
    Speed, just means shorter recovery time and if you can cope with shorter
    Recovery will benifit training more and you still have 5sec to spare in reps
    so don't be afraid to run little slower.

    Calf healing slowly but bit better each day, bit of time yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    If you put your 10k or 5k time into McMillan running calculator and
    check training paces, you will see sprint paces for various sessions
    I based you on 50min 10k and gives a range of 67-77 sec when fully
    fit, if you are not well shouldn't really take these on, they are purely to
    Premote fast leg turnover so they should feel hard, if you are under
    weather you will just be pushing body way to hard. Earlier on in year
    I was doing about 10 of these at about 60sec per rep, and 3 mile road
    race at tempo pace and 3 easy days running, at 2x 45 mins easy
    And 1 X 90 mins easy and knocked 1.30 mins off 5 k time. So you
    Don't need to kill you self.

    Tempo session probably a bit 20- 30 sec slower than 5k time . Stopped doing
    these once decided on Marathon, probably not much use to you for Marathon
    training, more if you where doing 5-10k block before you begin Marathon should join the Novice Thread for Marathon training really good
    advice to be gained. My MRs runs same session with faster runner but at her
    Speed, just means shorter recovery time and if you can cope with shorter
    Recovery will benifit training more and you still have 5sec to spare in reps
    so don't be afraid to run little slower.

    Calf healing slowly but bit better each day, bit of time yet.

    Some good advice in there - thanks . I think my heart still not in this marathon training yet - awaiting the mystical schedule from boss man so just following regular club plan at moment . Slowest runner in group so will have to use your Mrs tactics going forward to survive the summer !
    Hope you taking it easy ! Might be a scorcher Monday yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Long run sat was the best in a long while . Actually didn't feel like dying after 10k despite the head cold. Managed to finish strong and feel like a could go further .

    Started slow 6.10 min k and finished steady 5.33 min k.

    Chatty pace till about 14k then the pony escaped and we were off.

    So 19k @ 547 min including gel stops and blow nose stops.

    Really have issues with those bleedin gels - have to stop and take them . Think I need a different brand.

    So going to do cork - feel like energy levels are almost back to normal . Have to finish the bloody course so I can wear that teeshirt from 2013! Can't bring myself to wear it !

    Would love to aim for 155 but finishing is the key ( dnf in 2013) . Or a pb be good as well ( less than 159).

    Plan is to just run and see what happens.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    10k with 20 min tempo @ 10k pace in middle

    so warm up 3k @ 550
    4K tempo - 501,507,511,453
    3k cool down at 550
    Felt tough - readjusted pace several times to try and feel comfortably hard as opposed to just hard but kept slipping back to uncomfortably hard!

    Not sure energy is were I need it to be yet . Calf feeling a tad tight - can't seem to pinpoint spot though - feels fine when running mind. Weird.

    Taking it easy for rest of week now to have rested legs for Monday . Does that mean two more runs or just one.

    I'm thinking a very slow 3 miler tomorrow and maybe 8k Friday with one or two miles a half marathon pace !

    May have to rethink plan for Monday - need a if its this warm plan!
