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Chasing the sub 50 10k - for what seems like forever



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    annapr wrote: »
    Good week for you... Do you have a target time for the marathon? Just wondering how you're setting your MP pace... And ok you can give out to me for nagging but 6:06 is not recovery pace! :p

    Have a great holiday.

    Getting the recovary pace right is a work in progress - much better then it was!

    My fantasy marathon time is 359 59 hence going to Berlin to try and make it happen . Unfortunately I am not where I thought I would be at this stage - so I don't think it's realistic . I will wait till the rock and roll and adjust accordingly . I want to enjoy the marathon and not have an unrealistic target . At the moment 9:07 or 5:41 is the mp I am using but as these runs get longer it maybe become too hard at the moment it's doable - I am a different person then the one who lined up for cork hm - iron levels seem back to normal and the long runs feel good and enjoyable .

    I think 415 maybe doable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Long run was ok despite the bi**tc*** and moaning before hand - too early n the morning , too long , who wanted to do stupid marathon anyway!

    Ha! This is me every Sunday morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    First run on holidays - had me attempting once again to run easy . Managed 613 this time which is pathetic considering it was 28 degrees and the last k was uphill. I swear I felt like I was plodding - I slowed back a lot well apart from the hill which I was just concentrating on getting to the end of !

    7 bells was probably a bit early but I take my windows when I can !

    Having a couple of beers now but plan on early bed and 10l in the morning . I'll try slow again and see how that works out for me !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    10k done and dusted fueled by San Miguel and a handful of raisins .

    Well the San Miguel was last night! Dragged myself out of bed at 730 and went out . Decided just to run on see what happened (24 degrees at this hour cloudy , no sun). Glorious morning with beautiful views - great to be alive and to be able to enjoy !

    Legs slowly moved me towards a peak of 507 and back . I'm calling it a Hal higdon tempo . Schedule called for 70 mins and 30 mins at marathon pace . So between last night and this morning I think I'm done for a couple of days! ( total run was 10.32 k @ 5.36) That hill at the end is gong to kill me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Didn't quite manage 25k . Well didn't try to if I'm honest . Running buddy arrived and swore she wouldn't do more ten 10k so we went off pretending to do 10k. Turned into 10 mile . We left at 7 and by 8:40 it was very hot - brought water but not enough. First 8k slow 6:13 second 8k a bit faster - 5:50 - so average settled around 6:00.

    Lovely to be out and about in the stillness with a beautiful back drop.

    Last night an opportunity arose to pop out again so we headed off about 8. Had no plan for this run only that it was going to be short: again first k remarkably slow for descending a giant hill( 6:22 min k) then legs settled into a steady pace of 5:31 for 3k . We were running parallel to the main road on a dirt track with a pretty view of steep hills perched by a tiny castle with a big orange ball glaring into our faces - it was still warm at this stage circa 25 degrees. After 4K we turned around and headed back - paced picked up to 5:13 for a k. Then conversation dropped and we were off. Last 2k at 5:01 and 4:51 . Very pleased with this - didn't even have my inhaler with me and forgot all about it! So calling it a progressive run.

    39k for the week- not bad for holidays . 10k short on last week. Have a vague notion of doing another 10 miler tomorrow with my buddy before she goes home and then a 20-22k by myself at the weekend . ignoring the schedule because refuse to put pressure on myself on holidays . Of course I'm not exactly doing nothing either!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well the 10 miler didn't work out my buddy got a tummy bug so wasn't up for running . Managed to do a 10k evening run by myself on Tuesday - scheduled called for a Fartlek with long intervals but couldn't manage to get the speed up at all especially as the temperature had been going up by a degree or two a day . Decided to stick to a steady pace . Did 5k in 27 30 then stopped for a drink for about a minute then did 5k back in 26 40. The route was the same one from Sunday but with a couple of k added on . It was tough and legs felt worn the next day .

    Did a recovary run or easy run the next day - 5k @ 6:10. I know I know not slow enough but I'm getting there.

    Sill need to pull a long run from somewhere this weekend and one more 8-10k. Buddy gone so harder to motivate myself !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well if there was a finish line I would have collapsed over it!!!

    20k done at about 6:25 min k. Approx due to using map my run and pausing it accidentally once or twice .

    Had planned to get up and do whatever my body could muster . With two weeks of icecream and Rioja sloshing around inside (and this mornings banana and brioche) I set off . A bit later then planned due to an untimely small child appearance . So I started at 740am. First 5k I was still asleep ( been woken in middle of night by same child and again at dawn by bleedin seagull. Average pace 6:25 - I would like to say I was talking it slow but no that's what pace my legs were doing. Second 2k I started to wake up a bit and pace went to 6:10. Stopped for a gel at 8k because it was getting hotter and hotter and felt I need the salts/energy. The small bottle of water that I was carrying ran out at 10k so I stopped supermarket that just happened to be strategically placed at the 10k mark!!

    No sports cap water so bought a small water and a Powerade. Drank the water and set off again . At this stage it was very hot and was actively looking for shaded areas to run in . Was planning to run on the beach boardwalk but ended up running parallel in the shade and up dirt tracks and on to country roads.

    At 16k took another gel and hoped it was enough to get me home. My Powerade was almost gone at this stage. I just had to imagine the cold bottle of water that was mine as soon as I got back .

    20k campsite appeared - couldn't run for another second !

    Got 1.5 litres of water and drank half before walking up the 1k hill!! Checked phone - it was 29 degrees. No wonder it was so tough going . Going to be a hot day!

    Over all pace was about 6:15-6:20 not including supermarket stop but including to other stops. .

    Drinking zero now and hoping I am not wrecked for the day! Had nuts and chocolate milk so fingers crossed. 20k is not 25k but it was in 29 degrees so that had to count for something . Couldn't have did anymore. Well I suspose I could have got up earlier and not had the 2 glasses of wine and the beer the night before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Fair play for getting that done in those conditions. I'm also very impressed with your refusal to let running get in the way of alcohol consumption. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Last run of holiday - 5.18k recovery or as close to a recovery pace as I could manage @ 6:18. Ran up the hill

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    tailgunner wrote: »
    Fair play for getting that done in those conditions. I'm also very impressed with your refusal to let running get in the way of alcohol consumption. :)

    Too many nice wines to taste not enough days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Marathon panic setting in . Only 11 weeks left and no real long runs done Deep breaths , deep breaths. Suppose to be doing 26k this week but missed the 25k last week. I think I should do the 25k this week then instead of the 29 next week do 27k then only 2k behind. Schedule ends there so don't know what's next - but hoping for a mini taper for rock n roll. If I can do the 29k is prior before to the the half , maybe there will be a 30 and two 32s before taper !! It's so close omg. Deep breaths. That's hardly enough to do a marathon . 11 weeks ---ahhhhh

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    In other news 11k tonight at steady pace @5:30. Not happy being back home to allergy world and damp air . Lots of conjestion etc .back to Spain me thinks- I'll even not drink wine and get up early!!

    I think my legs are need a doing its my roller. The fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Strength and core work was on the cards yesterday so spent some time with my old friend Shaun doing ript it circuit! 25 mins of core and legs with some arm work thrown in. Still can't do half the floor work ! No six pack for me!

    Sore today I tells ya! Ouch

    So today schedule suggested I do 4K easy , 4*20 sec strides and 3* 1k @ ten k pace with 3 min break in bewteen!


    1st 4K

    This felt a bit too tough for the pace , didn't really think the faster segment would work out so convinced self to just try the strides and maybe 1k

    So did the strides - not sure what the gap between these is supposed to be . I took bewteen 10-20 secs , strides were about 24 secs.

    Legs got motoring and off I went on my first k , there was a small downward incline so ended up going a bit faster then planned @ 4:41.

    Took a break of 2:30 min then took off as again. Second k was @ 4:56 and ended at bottom of big hill!

    So walked up hill for 2 min 40 then took off again! Last interval at 4:43 again I think this was a net down hill- slight downward incline .

    So walked for about 1:30 min before a cool down 1.5k @ 6:00

    Total 10k was nearly 9.85 but got a sudden urge to run back the way I came for a tiny bit before finishing at exactly 10k! First time I have been hit by the urge to round up in a long time - hope it's not the start of a running around car park infection .......
    Total 10k was 57:26@ 5:45

    Legs very sore now , stairs an issue and 15 miles to run tomorrow !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    So 25 k huh. What a sweaty evening for it . Legs were destroyed before I even started . Napped briefly before hand - so tired!!

    Started at 6:30 in the evening - with the car dash showing 23.5 degrees. Brought a 500 ml water bottle , two gels and money for more water .

    We talked about going slow but didn't have a successful start ; first five spilts 6:02,5:48,5:48,5:41 ,5:52 - I kept slowing the pace and we would all slow briefly and then the pace would up again. Legs felt very tight and sore especially my quads . I consoled myself by thinking well if I can do this on these legs anything is possible .....

    Made a huge effort to slow the guys again and we managed 5k over 6 min miles : 6:00,6:04,6:05,6:27,6:08 . The 6:27 was due to us trying to cross a road with bad traffic. At this stage we stopped to buy more water and took our first gel! It was really that warm that the 500 ml was gone.

    Next 5k passed fairly uneventful : 6:10,6:07,6:17,5:54,5:59. We sped up a little for a couple of k due to main road nerves 5:48,5:52,5:50,5:59. The 20th k was complete by visualising the next gel stop , didn't think beyond this . (6:05) Legs getting sorer and sorer, heavier and heavier. Knew though at this stage I could do another 5k - might be slow but I had it. We were supposed to pick up to marathon pace with 10k to go but wasn't happening - just needed my legs not to go from under me before the end . Some of the guys decided to finish strong and galloped off - for me finishing was strong so just kept going ! With every pony from him self the final 5k was tough but due to tired legs from strength sessions more than anything I just put the head down and kept motoring . (6:03,5:58,6:11,6:08,6:01) . No glorious finale but it's done so happy out .

    25k @ 6:00 min k. I'd say if I add the shop break in this would read more like @ 6:13 . Probably my actual marathon pace.

    It's very hard to pace yourself let alone other people as well - I think if we had slowed down and paced properly we may have been able to stick to the schedule better! Still happy to have it done.

    Wrecked today and thirsty as hell!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    So very tired again. Yesterday was a rest day , probably should have did a recovery run but was too cabbaged . Took advantage of the nice weather to loosen up the legs doing a mini hike with the kids over Clogherhead . It was fabulous but did involve a wee bit of excerise!

    Felt a bit more energised after - for a bit anyway .

    This morning about 11 trotted out for that recovery run. The weather was fabulous not too humid in comparison with Friday. The first 2k my legs were unbelievably stiff - especially the right one / after that they loosened out a bit meaning I really did need the run. Tried my best to go as slow as possible so 5k @ 6:05 was the result. Barely broke a sweat in that glorious sunshine so I felt the pace was ok.

    After lunch I headed off for some more outdoor pursuits with the family . We hiked up a baby "mountain" in the cooley peninsula . 3 hours through heather, brambles and bog ! I wish there were more proper trails up there - kids love the adventure but I would rather be clean and dry!

    Any way about ten minutes into it my left lower calf started nagging at me , but kept going couldn't really let the kids down , felt knotty at the time and my head was wrecked thinking here we go again ! I've never had a lefty injury so was hopeful at the same time that it was a niggle that would soon disappear . Niggle lasted for most of the hike - forgot about it a bit near the end due to muck and tired kids etc.

    Now calf still hurts - doesn't look swollen and is currently covered in tiger balm . Planning on rest tomorrow so hopefully it will just go away!

    Have signed up for Fingal at the weekend but still need to do a long run. Not the brightest of plans I know - I'd forgotten how tiring long runs can be. I plan a slow ten k on Tuesday - - 28k Thursday and a 10k race on Sunday . Can't see the race part working out ! I'll strategise closer to the time - may just use race to try out hmp.

    Helping out Tuesday night at the B-5 in bettystown love looking at races so looking forward to that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Did 5k slow yesterday (6.03 min k) morning in an effort to cut mileage and save kegs for long run tomorrow and the Fingal 10k Sunday . I seem to be going slow as a default now which may not be a good thing - legs forget how to go fast . No real fast running on schedule :( unless I improvise !)

    Anyways ended up doing the fun run on the beach 2.5k , did it with the young lad so it was proper slow 18 -19 mins didn't actually time it .

    Anyways the brain is trying to come up with all sorts of reasons to avoid Fingal !

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Anyways the brain is trying to come up with all sorts of reasons to avoid Fingal !

    But think of that lovely sub-50 that you're totally capable of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    But think of that lovely sub-50 that you're totally capable of.

    Wishful thinking !! I have to run 28k tomorrow evening so not sure my legs will have fully recovered !! Have no idea what my legs are capable of doing - I am hoping one day they will surprise me - honestly though it's my lungs that normally let me down ! Actually ignore that my brain is the weakest link!

    Word of warning for Fingal - about 4K is enclosed in country roads so make sure you have taken zirtex or equivalent can be quite sniffy for the pollen challenged .
    Sub 50 be sweet. !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Long run didn't happen tonight due to unforeseen circumstances . I did 11k @ 9:25 min mile quite late to try and get some mileage in . Legs not feeling great . Stressed now about missing long run . Will probably have to do it on Tuesday on my own :(

    So only 16k for the week with 10k on Sunday coming up . Maybe I should do real slow run tomorrow .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    I'd be stressed too, but we still have 9 and a half weeks to go. Missing one long run now isn't going to make or break your marathon.

    If you were very concerned, maybe you could do the race at MP and do a few very easy miles before and after to bring up the mileage a bit?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Long run didn't happen tonight due to unforeseen circumstances . I did 11k @ 9:25 min mile quite late to try and get some mileage in . Legs not feeling great . Stressed now about missing long run . Will probably have to do it on Tuesday on my own :(

    So only 16k for the week with 10k on Sunday coming up . Maybe I should do real slow run tomorrow .

    If you do couple miles w/u easy and couple c/d at 10k with race effort
    In between won't be to bad, don't get to stressed about it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    + 1 to the don't stress comments above, let it go and start fresh on Monday, enjoy the race on Sunday, best of luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Thanks guys . Will do a warm up Sunday anyways - cool down probably won't happen - traveling for the race and car pooling so can't delay . I would pass on the race only I convinced somebody else to sign up so can't really leave them off ( already have a strike one). I'll take it as a rest week which I suspect will actually do me some good and do a long run Tuesday night and then maybe Sunday again next week. Then another rest week ( rock and roll half)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Was going to do a 5k slow Friday but ended up doing 8k@ 6.05. Didn't feel slow felt tough - last k legs just trudged. So didn't want to do the race Sunday - couldn't see how I could get my legs to go faster then 6:00 min k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Ok so race report !

    I didn't want to race and couldn't see it going well ( realist not pessimist) . Told everyone who would listen my woes - no speed in legs , no fast running lately , didn't taper properly blah blah .

    So I didn't have a plan or a target . Well my plan was to run and hope it wasn't a complete disaster . Got out in the first wave - just followed the pace of the folk around me for the first k - didn't look at watch at all .(5:15) Much faster start than last year as in no crowds going really slow and hemming me in. The next three k seem to be down hill - don't remember that from last year - last year I was bursting a gut and oblivious (4:52,4:56,4:54) . Told my self I would check watch at 5k to see how I was getting on. Fifth k felt ok - but those country roads felt airless , started worrying about asthma /hay fever kicking off but breathing was remarkably calm in comparison to recent races (5:08)

    25:05 at 5k mark . Not bad I told my self for a crock with no fast running . Let's just try to get to 6k (5:07) feeling strong at this stage . Had no idea of splits or anything but thought hey I'm feeling good , I'm running strong whatever the result I'll be happy . 7k I was still feeling good (5:04) . Just after the 8k (5:06)mark my breathing start wavering so I took a little walk and a gel ( I think I need to get over this little waver that seems to happen a lot and push through ) I didn't take the inhaler which is a first for me in a 10k ! The 9k spilt was bad due to this (5:20) . The last k got my mojo back and finished with a sprint down the hill - powered by a team mate screaming at me from the sidelines (4:58). There I was in full throttle and someone blocked me right at the finish line - had to stop and weave - right at the line they were standing on the line !! Just standing there , not doubled over or heaving or puking or anything !

    Obviously not a sub 50 but a pb non the less - 50 47. Happy with that! Next time I'll have a plan but the lack of one may have helped ! I can't help but think about the opposite as in if there was a plan and I had started a bit faster and pushed a tiny bit harder from 5-8k would I have gone sub 50! All in all enjoyed the race well to 8k anyway . One of the more comfortable races I have ran !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done on PB today,don't think Gel helps at 8k so all that energy was just you at end, should be great confidence booster to kick on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Well done Bluesquare , Congratulation with the PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Looks like a well run race, fair play and congrats on the time. Very strong finish as that last km is never easy. The gel was unnecessary though - your glycogen levels are never going to deplete in a short race, more useful when running for two hours or more.

    Well done on the PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Well done today!! You're very close.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    Well done, great running today. Once the temperature starts cooling a bit going in to autumn you should do another, you're almost there!
