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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Delighted to have just stumbled across the awards and to see I was nominated for A/R Most Improved Athlete. Thank you!

    Right better update so.

    Actually we'll just bump this to remind you all to vote and then update :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Ok so for an update.

    Back to December I'm afraid.

    Week 17-23. 27.4 miles for the week.

    Monday - rest day.

    Tuesday - I had a half day so was around town shopping and an NCT booked for 5pm. I knew the blind club TT was on and really didn't think I would make it down. Flew through the NCT and home in no time, it was a re-test so all passed this time. I then had less excuses and plenty of time so decided to run down to the club. P was going from work. It was a good night for it.

    Ran to the club and did my strides.

    So wrong to be on a track, or anywhere now really, and be asked to take your watch off. It felt all wrong. I hadn't done a TT in a year. I can still be in survival frame of mind on the track so didn't want to blow up, or step off and just get around. I had put a time of 13:10 on my time. As we started off a gap opened quickly and I was conscious of not racing off. Kept it controlled. I stood on the tails of a girl which I wouldn't normally do and in hindsight should have pushed on earlier. I finally decided to pass her with a few laps to go. I was cautious enough as wasn't sure with the countdown which was the final lap. Crossed the line in 13:33. Faster than last year but that was my first one since injury and I had just been promoted groups. Not entirely thrilled or deflated either. I had decided to get around and I did. Disappointed of course the next day.

    Myself and P ran home so 10.3 miles for the night.

    Wednesday the plan had me run 6 miles but we ran in and with timing I only managed 5.65 @ 9:38. Noted on Strava as '
    Morning Run to work with P. Not the full 6 as late enough.
    A beautiful morning. Calf hurt on uphill. Run was ok. Disappointed now at last night's effort but was happy to get around last night.'

    Thursday it has it as a rest day? I don't remember why. I was out that evening but don't understand why I didn't run in the morning. Oh I know. I was tired and lazy so decided to cycle and do the run on Friday. Ah.

    Friday- Thursday's easy miles. Last runmute of the year to work. 5.05 miles @ 9:41. What a year! Amazing.

    Saturday - parkrun tourism and session at Corkagh parkrun. Annapr and Murph_d were heading over to Corkagh so we both went. Plan today was to run our session during the run. It was a good morning, a bit windy though. The session was near identical to the previous weeks as :

    Saturday warm up, 5x3 min @ 7.20 recovery is 90 (60 between last 2), 3 min jog, 5x20 sec hard (40 sec rec) cooldown. Full bladder again.
    Great to do Corkagh parkrun again. Corkagh parkrun results for event #65. Your time was 00:23:59 .Congratulations on completing your 55th parkrun and your 2nd at Corkagh parkrun today. You finished in 28th place and were the 3rd female out of a field of 155 parkrunners and you came 1st in your age category.
    Found the 4th rep the hardest. 1,498 miles for the year.

    Lap Distance Time Pace  HR
    3 0.40 mi 03:00 7:22 /mi 166 bpm
    5 0.41 mi 03:00 7:16 /mi 175 bpm
    7 0.42 mi 03:00 7:03 /mi 171 bpm
    9 0.41 mi 03:00 7:15 /mi 180 bpm
    11 0.41 mi 03:00 7:11 /mi 178 bpm
    13 0.32 mi 03:00 9:15 /mi 159 bpm
    14 0.05 mi 20s 5:42 /mi 168 bpm
    16 0.05 mi 20s 6:08 /mi 151 bpm
    18 0.04 mi 20s 7:12 /mi 166 bpm
    20 0.06 mi 20s 5:36 /mi 171 bpm
    22 0.06 mi 20s 5:10 /mi 174 bpm

    All reps a bit fast for the 3 minutes. It went well though. It is a great park. Apologised after to the man we kept speeding up and then slowing down and just generally being a PITA.

    Sunday - we were up early for shopping and back late so too tired to do 10 miles so we decided to leave it to Monday.

    Dec 24 - 30 OMFG Christmas week! 34.2 miles, good going.

    Christmas Eve - Sunday's LR. Distance off as 10.8 miles and not the 10 on the plan. A great morning so up early and we headed along the canal and back via the park. Stopped at the second mile for a hug and a kiss with P to celebrate my hitting 1,500 miles. I hadn't even hit 1,000 before this year so really thrilled with that mileage. Pace of 9:13 for the run

    Christmas Day - we were out with my folks and had planned on doing Waterstown parkun as close enough. Family thought we were mad of course. It was our first Christmas parkrun and first time to Waterstown. Fair play to all volunteers. 320 of us there and they usually have 50-70. Took it easy and ran it with P. I was nervous of this massive hill that was mentioned to the finish but it was grand. No warm-up as too busy chatting to Annapr, Murph_d, BG, WW and N. 3.15 @8:52 for the run.

    St Stephens Day we took as our rest day as change of location.

    Thursday 28th - We headed into Athlone and ran out and back along the Old Rail Line. Took it lovely and easy on a very pleasant day. 6.51 @ 9:30. A very flat start but it got more interesting after that. Lovely to do.

    Friday - Got back and decided to head out asap. It was already dark but only after 5. Messaged Annapr and got her out. Did 4.3 easy miles @9:51 on a lovely evening.

    Saturday - We decided to do some parkrun tourism so headed out to Tyrrelstown this morning. The community centre was closed which caused confusion if the run was going ahead. We saw there was a full roster and then spotted a girl coming from another road, turns out it was Eve from these parts. We climbed over a fence, along a field and under a fence and around another road to find the start. A few others had found a better way to get in and not crawl in muck. A small crowd of 26 there this morning. It is a simple route with only one marshal required as 3 laps. It was great to do, we threw strides in for the third mile. P tried to convince me to race it or give it a go at least to claim a podium spot but I would like to do that when fitter and lighter. I later checked the F record and I wouldn't get near it anyway. Turns out it was also applegirls first parkrun. 4.03 miles @ 9:07. I seem to be coming down with a dose too as throat at me and not feeling amazing.

    Sunday - Christmas cracker 5km.
    I wasn't sure when I woke up if I would even make the start line. Still not feeling great but decided I would start anyway. It wasn't until we were on the track I decided to give it a go. Finished in 22:25 so happy with that. My second mile let me down as the first mile was too fast. My target was to get sub 23, then try to beat Wesport parkrun from post-Wedding break of 22:19 and A goal was a better time again. Pleased overall. Still a shame I backed off so much on mile 2.

    Edit to say happy to be faster than predicted after TT.

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP  HR
    1 1.00 mi 07:03 7:03 /mi 7:00 /mi 151 bpm
    2 1.00 mi 07:40 7:40 /mi 7:34 /mi 161 bpm
    3 1.00 mi 06:49 6:49 /mi 6:54 /mi 163 bpm
    4 0.13 mi 51s 6:09 /mi 6:15 /mi 169 bpm
    P did amazingly well. So proud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I had two pages of your log to catch up on A. Wow, you've had an incredible end to your year with PBs galore :)

    Was so happy to finally meet you at RTL and Mr. Neady was chuffed to make it into someone elses log :D

    Happy New Year and I've no doubt that with your dedication and hard work, 2019 will bring as much improvement as 2018 did. You've done phenomenal to come back from such a difficult injury to where you are now. Just incredible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    You have done so well in 2018. You are flying it. Hope you have a great 2019.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Here we are, mid-January.

    So the year finished off well with good mileage which I was very happy with and the Christmas Cracker.

    In 2018 with the coaching of Luke I hit new 10 mile (1:16:33) and HM PBs (1:41:07).

    Again, I didn't make the start line of the Cork marathon but ran the half with Paul on a very humid day so happy not to have a full to complete that day.

    Enjoyed the sessions, seem to prefer progression runs. Learnt that something that looks easy on paper really isn't.

    Still a few lbs to lose.

    Got married, he's amazing. He's faster than me but that's ok.

    Had I think one parkrun 1st on the day of my hen and was thrilled with that.

    Did my 50th parkrun the week before we got married by pacing at St Anne's, feather boa and balloon of course.

    Week 31 Dec - Jan 6.

    An easy week to log with 10.4 miles as I had a dose. Blocked head turned into a cough so on NYE myself and P went out for an easy 5km.

    On NYD I did my first parkrun double. Starting at St Anne's I ran it easy with P with a slightly faster finish down the avenue, 28:11.

    I then drove over to Father Collins and ran easy with Laura, Mrs Mc and PJD. I was the go ahead to go ahead in the last mile so finished in 27:26. Two slightly progression runs. The second more so as started at 9:31 and finished at 7:07.

    That was it for the week. Not the best way to start a year feeling like c*ap.

    Jan 7 - 13

    33.1 miles for the week.

    Monday - I finally starting doing that gym routine from DSC. Went grand. Did a run over and back to the gym so started my rest day with 1.1 miles.

    Tuesday - we had a Birthday dinner to attend and so I had booked into Pilates on lunch. The gym was jammed with New Year resolutions. I didn't fancy a kick to the head so instead did my 4 mile run on lunch up the canal and around by Ballsbridge. 4.3 @ 8:44 as it was an accidental tempo with the excitement of being able to run again.

    Wednesday - 6 miles on the plan.

    I had my eye check-up to see if all was healing well after the laser so got the DART out to Blackrock and ran home. I enjoyed this as nice to run a new route. It wasn't massively busy and lovely running weather. 6.41 @9:39

    Thursday - 5 miles easy to work in the drizzle was very enjoyable @ 9:19.

    Friday - rest day. I was pondering I think going back to the gym but I didn't.

    Saturday - A funeral in the morning for an amazing clubmate which left me absolutely wiped. I then didn't head out until later in the day as needed food and rest. Watched the first half of Leinster rugby and then had a facial. Headed out then in my hi-vis just as it was getting dark. Spotted D leaving Fairview park and had a quick chat. The quad bike in the park was staying along the back so decided to stay in the park. A session introduction of
    Warm up, 10x20 sec hard (60 sec jog recovery) CD.

    Instructions were fast but relaxed so it went well. The wind was strong but I did some into and some with it.

    6.06 miles @ 9:33.

    Sunday - LR 10 miles. D kindly got in touch when he heard I was looking for company for the run with P out at the minute. I was collected at 9 and driven to the Phoenix park. We followed the original Frank Duffy route. The wind along the North road was a bit unpleasant but then of course lovely going back down Chesterfield. Back up the S bends to finish but happy with that. Faster than easy so 10.1 miles at 9:00.

    A good week. Next possibly back to the club tomorrow, waiting to hear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I had two pages of your log to catch up on A. Wow, you've had an incredible end to your year with PBs galore :)

    Was so happy to finally meet you at RTL and Mr. Neady was chuffed to make it into someone elses log :D

    Happy New Year and I've no doubt that with your dedication and hard work, 2019 will bring as much improvement as 2018 did. You've done phenomenal to come back from such a difficult injury to where you are now. Just incredible.
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    You have done so well in 2018. You are flying it. Hope you have a great 2019.

    A pleasure to get to meet you both this year. Thanks very much for reading and encouraging me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Week Jan 14 - 20.

    Monday - rest day. I might have walked over and back and did the gym routine, not sure.

    Tuesday - I have decided it is too much to be cycling home and then running 3.3 miles back to the club for Tuesday night sessions. Instead I stayed late in work and got changed and ran down. I ran just over a mile down and then did a few laps of the inner track on the grass with a clubmate. All too fast for warm-up miles as 8:47/8:49. Met Huzzah doing the strides, always good to put a face to a boardsie.

    The session was 8*600 with 200 active recovery. Summary: I didn't enjoy it.

    I was my own worse enemy at the start. There is nothing wrong with my conversational skills but I just can't take chatting on the track. I then skipped ahead of the group and then around people still fiddling with their watches. This then left me in no-mans land. Serves me right really as then it made it even harder on my own.

    I left the track after 4 as according to me I just had to pee. Shouldn't have bothered, extra rest and yet still here is the final result:

    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
    1 0.36 mi 02:42 7:20 /mi 143 bpm
    3 0.36 mi 02:36 7:06 /mi 181 bpm
    5 0.36 mi 02:44 7:30 /mi 180 bpm
    7 0.36 mi 02:44 7:26 /mi 180 bpm
    9 0.37 mi 02:34 6:55 /mi 179 bpm
    11 0.37 mi 02:44 7:24 /mi 180 bpm
    13 0.36 mi 02:43 7:24 /mi 181 bpm
    15 0.37 mi 02:40 7:13 /mi 181 bpm

    I should be doing better than this. The track is very busy with the New Year and my first session in weeks but still. Not overly pleased with myself but at few points I wasn't finishing the session so at least I did.

    Glad only to have a short run then back to the office to collect the bike and cycle home.

    It was a cold evening and I was possibly put off with the wind as it was very hard on the last 100 on the track, felt like jogging when trying to run at speed.

    Nearly 4 miles on the track so a big workout.

    7.9 miles for the evening.

    Wednesday - pilates on lunch so I ran over and back to give me 1.1 miles. The weather in Dublin was fabulous. Like today cold but beautiful blue skies. Really lovely.
    I rolled the calf briefly after the class so the left must still be niggling.

    In the evening then I went out and did the balance of the daily miles. I must have been tired but body didn't feel it as I was running at avg pace of 10:10 so did 4.32 miles and left it at that.

    Thursday - ran on lunch with a colleague. Another beautiful day. Again too fast though, my pacing is all over the place this week. Ended up doing 4.24 miles @8:58 so far too fast. Still an enjoyable run as out to Irishtown Nature park.

    Friday - rest day

    Saturday - We decided to do some tourism so headed out to Hartstown as P's hip is still niggling. I had no instructions so ran easy with P. We arrived late after a M50 fail when I was navigated back on to the M50 that we had just come off. The team very kindly told us we would catch the tailwalker and to start at the bin. Off we went, after much apologising for being late. Easy running and splits. Barely and warm-up and CD. Total for the day 3.44 miles at 9:03.

    Sunday - I hadn't wanted to go out early so it all worked out well when I learnt that Annapr also needed to do 8 miles today. Waited until she was ready so ran down to collect and we did a lovely run up the coast, around St Anne's and back home. Very enjoyable as I was in a desperate and upset mood all weekend. Great to get out and I really enjoyed this. 10.12 miles @9:54.

    Total for the week 31.2 miles for the week.

    Jan 21-27

    Monday - gym maybe, who knows. No running anyway.

    Tuesday - Another attempt to run from work to cut distance to the club yet I did over 3 miles on the warm-up and strides? I don't know how I managed that.

    Session this week was 4(3 * 400) at HM/10km/3-5km pace or fast/faster/fastest!


    Not happy with this one either. At least this week I stuck with people. It was a cold night but at least the wind wasn't as bad as last week. Still there, well it always is.

    At least I followed the fast/faster/fastest but splits did not reflect ability. I seem to have lost love/motivation for the track. It is very busy but that shouldn't be an excuse.

    Lap Distance Time Pace  HR
    1 0.25 mi 02:04 8:07 /mi 127 bpm
    2 0.25 mi 01:54 7:36 /mi 153 bpm
    3 0.25 mi 01:48 7:04 /mi 178 bpm
    4 0.25 mi 02:15 8:56 /mi 172 bpm
    5 0.25 mi 01:57 7:35 /mi 175 bpm
    6 0.25 mi 01:51 7:17 /mi 174 bpm
    7 0.25 mi 02:17 8:49 /mi 172 bpm
    8 0.25 mi 01:56 7:31 /mi 175 bpm
    9 0.25 mi 01:52 7:24 /mi 175 bpm
    10 0.25 mi 02:36 10:25 /mi 165 bpm
    11 0.25 mi 01:55 7:38 /mi 173 bpm
    12 0.25 mi 01:47 7:05 /mi 175 bpm

    I wouldn't call that fantastic at all. The track was slippy but I didn't think that had put me massively off.

    Ran back up the Quays with B and C to get me back to work for the bike to get home.

    Total for the night 7.3 miles.

    Wednesday - No pilates this week. I needed to run on lunch as hair appointment this evening. That took longer than it takes to run a marathon for some, or to fly across Europe. So on lunch I did a proper easy run with my colleague up the canal and around by Ballsbridge and back. 4.31 at 9:12.

    Thursday - no-one noticed my hair? FFS. Unreal.
    Thursday evening myself and P went out for a run. It was run a mile, walk a few minutes and repeat. I tracked over 4 miles running at 10:09.

    Friday- rest day.

    Saturday - Pacing 29 minutes at St Anne's. A lovely morning for it. Pacing a bit off but I was thanked by two people for pacing them so delighted with that. Turns out km do work better for 5km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Sunday - Raheny 5 mile, post ACL PB, if I can take that. PB. Raheny 2016 of 36:16. I ran 37:14 here last year and so 37:07 yesterday.

    I had 37:03 on my watch when I finished and was disappointed not to get 36:xx. Turns out I shouldn't be too harsh on myself as I ran well. What let me down was my own lack of confidence.

    Myself and P picked up Anna and D from D3 and headed up. Traffic bad on the Howth road but parked in plenty of time. I was v brave and wore the short shorts. It was freezing! We went into the hall and stood around in the warmth. Started to peel off the layers reluctantly and so my outfit was the singlet, arm sleeves, sun glasses and a buff. Bloody hell was I cold. Did a bit of a warm-up with Anna and P and headed for the start with 10 minutes to go. It was fairly packed already, at least the body heat kept me warm. I couldn't see the start but I'm short anyway. I didn't know where my fitness was and aim was to hold sub 7:30 pace and average 7:24, I had worked this out earlier in the week.

    Started just after 3 and off we went. I had learnt from last year not to weave or panic at the start. It was very busy but I was ok moving through people. One car in the middle of the route, however they managed that?

    The road surface is absolutely shocking, in desperate condition. I knew we had 3 left hand turns to do. I didn't waste energy for once yelling at corner cutters and left them off. I got a roar from Laura AC as we started the drag up by the Gardai station. I knew already I wasn't all that comfortable and Laura kindly informed me of the same after the race. She had the cheek to roar' time to dig in'. WTF like, not even a mile in?

    The first mile beeped and I was very surprised to see 7:35 pop up. Ok, much better start than I had thought I would have.

    Second mile down All Saints Road and on to Sybil Hill road, I only know this from looking at my trace. I ran in the middle of All Saints to avoid most people and then on the turn ran on the outside of the barriers. I had some mad Christmas song in my head on this bit, wherever that came from? Mile two at 7;24. Happy with that.

    Mile 3 then I backed off as I knew mile 5 would be the toughest. I was reining myself back in here, possibly should have pushed on as this was the downhill I think. I had an avg pace of 6:55 on the watch here at times so I backed off so I wouldn't blow up at the end. I was feeling good here though. Mile 3 rang in at 7:20.

    Mile 4 is tough. An area I know so well but still tough. I tried to keep cover out of the wind on the Avenue on the way up. Dying to cut cones but I would never. BG shout-out along here gratefully received. Passed the Junior parkrun turn wishing it was ours. I had no idea where it was. Finally,yahoooooooooooo 7:23.

    Mile 5 as expected really tough. I had the head down after nearly a standstill at the 180. Decided to keep the head up and look for P in the people on the way back up the Avenue, didn't see him. Around by the dog park was tough as I knew it was. Know it well but even still. Back onto the main road and once we got to the park you can hear the finish which is hard. Coming up on the park, people trying to be kind telling you 200m left when there wasn't. I had in my head as I left the park that it was 800 so come on, that's like 3:30 on a track, keep going. A much appreciated shot-out from Mrs KennG and himself along here. I had a nice little push from the last corner to the finish at least. Crossed the line and pumped my arm which I would never do. Delighted to be finished. Dying to pee the whole way around. So many thoughts of backing out or just stopping but with no reason to I'm really glad I didn't and kept on going. Surprised to see the mile splits so happy with them. Again

    Lap Distance Time Elev  HR
    1 1.00 mi 07:35 10 ft 129 bpm
    2 1.00 mi 07:24 4 ft 174 bpm
    3 1.00 mi 07:20 -35 ft 175 bpm
    4 1.00 mi 07:23 1 ft 177 bpm
    5 1.00 mi 07:15 22 ft 179 bpm

    25.1 miles for the week.

    I have now decided I want to aim for this distance for a while as there are a few of them with Simon/Terenure and Irish runner 5 mile. Why not.

    My first ever race was the Simon 5 mile and one I will always support if I can. It is what got me into running.

    Simon 2012: 41:04
    Smon: 2013 37:56
    Terenure 2015 36:22
    Raheny 2016 36:16
    Simon: 2017 38:00
    Raheny 2018: 37:14
    Raheny 2019: 37:07

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done A, nice racing that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Well A, nice racing that.

    You flew through that! Thanks very much.

    Pleased looking back. Good splits in fairness I thought.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Nice running A. Any update on the 'Announcers Split' times? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Those splits look strong!! Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Nice running A. Any update on the 'Announcers Split' times? :)

    Thanks very much J. Looking forward to reading yours and congratulations. Some time.

    No, I have no idea actually and they are no longer on the results. Very odd but it didn't make me faster anyway whatever was going on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    aquinn wrote: »

    I wouldn't call that fantastic at all. The track was slippy but I didn't think that had put me massively off.

    I wouldn't be so sure. It was very slippy.
    aquinn wrote: »

    I had 37:03 on my watch when I finished and was disappointed not to get 36:xx. Turns out I shouldn't be too harsh on myself as I ran well. What let me down was my own lack of confidence.

    Great time and you did run well, so well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    That's great steady running and an enjoyable read. Well done.

    There was a bit of a dark cloud hanging over your log entry for the past couple of weeks running. Hopefully a strong race like that will blow it away! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Excellent stuff A. Great read

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Unthought Known

    Great running A, nice splits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭IrishLad90

    With the cold front coming I decided to go on a short cycle !
    Haven't cycled since before Xmas. I would normally cycle out to Phoenix park and get back to mine (20km)
    But instead I cycled out toward kilmainham , back thru james' hospital, crossed the Liffey by the four courts.
    Then past glasnevin to Whitehall, over to killester and as far out as Sutton cross
    Back to the city centre.

    The only reason this cycle was extended was down to anxiety at junctions and deciding to go straight thru rather than waiting :) that and avoiding roads fulla potholes

    Some dinner now and chill out..
    It's a slow process getting into this

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    That's great steady running and an enjoyable read. Well done.

    There was a bit of a dark cloud hanging over your log entry for the past couple of weeks running. Hopefully a strong race like that will blow it away! :pac:

    Thanks S.

    Was I the dark cloud then?

    I forgot to mention the Lord Mayor spat towards me as I went by. Huh!

    Also at the finish as I was waiting for P the amazing Catherina McK was around. She was dressed like she was out for a walk. I said did I beat a legend, thinking I had. She smiled at walked on. By the time I had finished she had her cool down and everything done as came high up of course. Oops Aoife.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    IrishLad90 wrote: »
    With the cold front coming I decided to go on a short cycle !
    Haven't cycled since before Xmas. I would normally cycle out to Phoenix park and get back to mine (20km)
    But instead I cycled out toward kilmainham , back thru james' hospital, crossed the Liffey by the four courts.
    Then past glasnevin to Whitehall, over to killester and as far out as Sutton cross
    Back to the city centre.

    The only reason this cycle was extended was down to anxiety at junctions and deciding to go straight thru rather than waiting :) that and avoiding roads fulla potholes

    Some dinner now and chill out..
    It's a slow process getting into this

    Dinner looks good. Well done on the cycle, and random log entry.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    God no, you are the epitome of a silver lining! :D

    Well done on nearly getting spat on by a man with a large necklace. It's not everyone that gets to experience that. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    aquinn wrote: »
    Dinner looks good. Well done on the cycle, and random log entry.

    I love the bit about continuing to go straight ahead as turning was dangerous. I was kinda disappointed he turned at Sutton Cross rather than continuing straight and doing a lap of the head before heading home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Great racing A. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,447 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice running Aoife. You need to be happier after good races. ;) Love the Catherina moment. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I love the bit about continuing to go straight ahead as turning was dangerous. I was kinda disappointed he turned at Sutton Cross rather than continuing straight and doing a lap of the head before heading home.

    I was waiting for the part where he cycled past the Raheny 5 and spotted Aoife flying along...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    annapr wrote: »
    I was waiting for the part where he cycled past the Raheny 5 and spotted Aoife flying along...

    Yeah, me too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭IrishLad90

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I love the bit about continuing to go straight ahead as turning was dangerous. I was kinda disappointed he turned at Sutton Cross rather than continuing straight and doing a lap of the head before heading home.

    Have never completed the cycle over howth, today being first time making it to the cross, would normally turn at baldoyle and complete that loop

    Can only imagine it being nearly impossible for me at the moment

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Beautifully done A, that's great racing there. Perfect splits! Congratulations

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Copy, paste, edit, copy, paste :D

    Week starting Jan 28

    Monday Nothing  
    Tuesday Easy run 6.11 miles @ 9:32 solo as P off cycling around Dublin. All ok except a note that it was freezing and my left calf was sore.
    Wednesday Lunch run Had to collect something for Mam at home that I had forgotten so I took my colleague on a tour of DNS. It was a stunning day with sunshine and blue skies, cold too it seems. C was v impressed with the North side. 5.34 miles @9:03
    Thursday Commute I seem to have stupidly ran in on treacherous footpaths. I was mostly ok but a few near misses. The railing on Mobhi road saved me from a wipe-out. Snow and ice warning in place so not ideal and my knee hates the cold. 112.9 miles in Jan. Sake.
    Friday Nothing First leg of flight to NZ
    Saturday Nothing Second leg of flight to NZ
    Sunday Nothing Arrived in Auckland at lunchtime and strolled around. Nothing beyond that though.
    16.1 for the week.

    Week starting Feb 04

    Monday 4.3 @ 9:32 Lovely run around Auckland. Ran from the city out to the coast. Concern over massively swollen ankles and blood clots but all ok. It was warm so plenty of stops. Collected the car in Auckland and drove through amazing windy scenery and mountains to arrive in Whitianga.
    Tuesday 4.07 @ 9:34. Morning run with P around Whitianga. Out and back route with a massive hill approaching the halfway point.Lovely and flat before and after. There was no prior warning given over the hill.
    Wednesday 4.11 @ 9:36 New location today. A lot of walking yesterday out and back to Cathedral Cove so sore starting off. Mount Maunganui trail run in Tauranga. A really nice run around the extinct volcano on trails. This was cool, except it was really warm.
    Thursday 8.5 mile MTB Easy MTB in and around the Redwood forests outside Rotorua. I may have enjoyed this more than A - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Bloody tough. This reminded me of skiing. Frightening. You must be mental to love MTB.
    Friday 6.25@ 10:05 Amazing run through the Redwood forests outside Rotorua on the Pohaturoa track. There were definitely some steep enough climbs on this, but worth it for the amazing views. The Redwoods were really a hightlight. Superb. Stunning really.
    Saturday Taupo Parkrun Beautiful Parkrun along the shores of Lake Taupo. I had high podium hopes for this looking at last weeks results. All the fast people turned up today with the same idea. An 8am start and really warm. Started off too fast in the rush so spent the first mile easing off. Slowed then the second mile and brought it back for the third. A good effort as dry-wretching on the volunteers at the finish so I gave it a good go. 7:31/7:40/7:20/6:25. End result 22nd, 5th F and 1AG in a time of 23:32. Top Irish finisher though.
    Sunday Nothing Trans-Alpine train from Christchurch to Greymouth. Amazing!
    22.5 for the week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Back to my own style as I seem to have broken P's formatting.

    Feb 11 - 17 - 19.1 miles for the week.

    Monday - After arriving in Greymounth on Sunday we picked up our hire car and had read an article on the train about the amazing drive from Greymount up to Westport we stayed here Sunday night. A funny little town as very quiet at night but booming by day. Some art Deco buildings which are cool. Rivers and mountains. Stayed in a lovely motel with homemade shortbread. Something off with my knee the last few days. Quad might be tight and pulling at it. Did an easy run through the forest and through the town of Westport 3.17 @ 9:28.
    They were right in the article, the drive up and scenery was superb. Really beautiful.

    Tuesday - Drove from Westport to Hokitika. Swimming and walking today so no running.

    Wednesday - Decided to stay again in Hoki but moved accomodation. Before doing so we did a flat local route our hosts had recommended. Morning Run with P, on and off road. Lovely and flat, except for the massive camber on road corners. Like a Milka ad with the cattle admiring us and the amazing hills behind. P was busy admiring his future steak too. Nice to run on the flat and everything felt good. 5.04 miles @ 9:05

    Thursday - Driving down to Hari Hari and Franz Joseph. A very wet day.

    Friday - P states we walked around lake Matheson so will go with that.

    Saturday - Wanaka parkrun. What a location!

    Stayed with P this week. Tough course but enjoyed the run. Some scenery. Wow. 8th overall, 4thF. Still top Irish finisher after a great spurt to the line. I won a spot prize!

    Official time 24:33. Ran this with P and a guy from Dunedin who was running the HM as part a relay team for the Challenge Wanaka triathlon that day. P and himself did most of the chatting. I found it challenging enough since it was a minute slower than last week. We'll call it a steady effort. 7:50/7:56/8:13 with a 600 m climb to the finish I think it was. Ouch. 4.7 miles for the morning.

    Sunday - Over to Fiordland National park now for two nights so we can see Milford Sound. Did a run down to Lake Mistletoe and on to mouth of Eglinton River at Lake Te Anau. Amazing scenery when we reached the lake. Bloody tough. Undulating is a real New Zealand word as you hear it daily. The route was far from easy. A lovely start to the lake, through lovely and bouncy forest then out to the River. What scenery, incredible. 6.24 @ 9:06.
