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Ok, what's next?



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Funny report thanks and nice progress. Just. keep. going.
    I have a feeling everyone out running, training and racing in this warm soupy weather, will see shiny new PBs this autumn when it cools down and thins out a bit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Great report. Sorry it turned out not to be a pb but still it was a brilliant time and a great race!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    No pb?! SAKE! but yes, you still ran fantastically well, it's a post knee PB / Race Series 10k PB, whichever one you like, or both!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Lovely to bump into yourself and P as ever. Well done to both of you on excellent performances! Focus on the performance, never mind the PBs. They will come. Controlling the race and performance is key. I'm beginning to learn that and not worry about what my PBs are these days.

    I'm with you on the water in the cups business!

    It's great to see you back in such good form after a rough couple of years with the knee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    You're making some come back A, that on is not very far away at all :) some racing out of you in that muggy heat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Oh noes a 3.5 recap here we come.

    July 23-29

    Monday - rest. I think this was the extremely muggy and humid day? It was gross out from what I remember and was glad to have the rest day. Felt good after the race. We went to pilates and she did it outside on the grass which was nice.

    Tuesday then I think I was still minding the calf and told not to go back to the club yet so was given '5 miles easy + 2x (20,30,40 sec hard with 1 min rec)'

    I spent most of the 5 miles in tempo zone when it should have been more in Z2 Moderate. Still working on this. Looks like I di a few loops of Fairview park on this one.

    The sets of 20/30/40 seconds I picked the worst possible area. I was nearly home so headed into Griffith park. The sets ended up being up and down the hills in there to the Botanic Avenue side so really not ideal. Paces well off on the second set. Anyway, I did it, sort of.

    6.1 miles for the evening.

    Wednesday July 25th I got up and ran to work as out for dinner this evening. Miles 1-3 were 9:30/9:21/9:18 and then I started to tire which is understandable so finally eased off and did the last two at 9:48 and 9:32. Took better care of watching the HR this time. All with a pinch of salt as not training by HR but want to give the body a chance of rest as I'm always running a tad too fast. Oh that's what happened. I started to feel my calf on mile 3 and then bumped into Laura AC on the bike going through Fairview park.

    5.12 miles @9:30

    Thursday then warm with a warm breeze. 5 easy with P.
    The right knee feeling tight and possibly quad too. Later found a tight spot above the knee so gave that a right poke to ease out. A few twinges from left calf but haven't done exercises all week.
    Dripping now it's so warm. Long day feeling tired and like I had all the wine last night, which I didn't.

    5.21 miles at 10:05

    Ah Friday - rest day. I might have gone out, no clue now. Yes we did. Not late but wrecked the following day.

    Saturday. Then didn't get out until after 4pm which would be unusual for me on a Saturday so presume was out Friday. I decided to try something different and it all worked out really well. I did a two mile warm-up to Tolka valley and used the parkrun route for the session. The route was perfect as the session was 1 mile at 8:00, 3 minutes, 3,2,1 @7:30 (45 sec recovery).
    The mile was lovely, went really well (7:53). Recovery 9:10. The 3 minute section was tough going. Just hit the part of the park with the up's and down's so struggle with this. Came in at 7:45. 2,1 minutes were then ok as 7:27 & 7:30.
    2 miles to home and 6.6 miles for the day and pleased with myself.

    Sunday was my first long run in weeks and I really enjoyed it. Myself nad P headed off in the morning and again went through Tolka Valley park, up through Ashtown, in around the Phoenix Park and then NCR home. I felt really good on this.
    10.21 miles @9:43.

    Weekly sum of 33.3 miles.

    July 30-August 5 (AUGUST!)

    Monday - pilates

    Tuesday '15 x (1 min @ 7.30ish effort / 1 min steady) 30 min continuous running. Mostly achieved.'

    Ah bless, Strava notes:

    Didn't do the club as thought the hamstring was odd on the bike.
    Started off well, dropped, picked it up, worrying about P who didn't appear back so once I spotted him pace recovered.
    Something different tonight anyway. Paces started too fast and tried not to shoot off and slow down.
    Should really stretch now.

    So yes, we headed up along the canal and I started off running well. P took an age to come back and I was worried about a gang of lads fixing a bike along the canal so stayed on a stretch near them. Pace faltered a bit as a result. Good work overall though.

    7.7 miles on a Tuesday evening.

    Wednesday then I ran into work. Weigh finally coming off. Run was ok. Too fast for a recovery run as 5.32 miles @9:08.

    Thursday - I ran home from work and it was absolutely desperate. I really didn't enjoy it. The humidity was gross, legs felt dead. I was extremely unhappy as my legs didn't feel like mine. Not fun. Standing at a gig the night before didn't help legs and then again for 90 minutes this morning. 5.12 miles @9:50.

    Ha ha, rest Friday.

    Saturday - I incorporated Fairview parkrun into the session as it was
    W-up, 2x1 mil @ 8 min pace, 2x800m ;7.45 (90 sec between each)

    A challenging enough session. the miles were 7:57//7:50. 800 7:40/7:36. The second set of 800m I was only getting in to and I ran out of parkrun so had to pass through the finish, wait on finishing token and then shoot off again. Top 3 F this morning and wasn't far off 1st. Time of 24:56.

    Went for breakfast with P who had done a session along the seafront and then a slow, moany plod home.

    8.4 miles for the morning.

    Sunday - LR with P. P is much better at watching and keeping HR easy so he was pacer this morning. Legs appreciated the easy effort and a great run. Looks like we went along the canal and back NCR with a bit in the park.

    11 miles at 9:56. HR Z2 for 64% so a big improvement.

    37.6 miles for the week.

    Week of August 6-12

    Monday - pilates.

    Tuesday - D was still off in the hills of Donegal so I decided it was time to be brave and head off to the club on my own. Got down as they were starting the dynamic warm-up.
    Time for a table as it's been too long :D

    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
      1 0.24 mi 01:43 6:56 /mi 124 bpm
      3 0.24 mi 01:38 6:36 /mi 166 bpm
      5 0.24 mi 01:41 6:52 /mi 171 bpm
      7 0.24 mi 01:43 7:10 /mi 177 bpm
      8 0.25 mi 02:56 11:41 /mi 157 bpm
      9 0.24 mi 01:49 7:29 /mi 173 bpm
     11 0.25 mi 01:42 6:47 /mi 171 bpm
     13 0.25 mi 01:43 6:53 /mi 174 bpm
     15 0.25 mi 01:44 6:57 /mi 175 bpm
     16 0.24 mi 03:05 12:31 /mi 158 bpm
     17 0.25 mi 01:49 7:10 /mi 173 bpm
     19 0.24 mi 01:42 6:51 /mi 170 bpm
     21 0.24 mi 01:43 6:54 /mi 174 bpm
     23 0.24 mi 01:37 6:31 /mi 178 bpm
     24 0.24 mi 02:51 11:37 /mi 164 bpm

    A session of:
    3*(4*400) 45/30/15 recovery lap on inside of track on grass. Did with Fiona. Pain last set in side but kept going. Tough but good.
    Haven't been to the club in ages. Only two of us doing this and I was the stronger one so led most. 15 seconds goes quick. The first lap after recovery the slowest but great overall.

    11 miles for the night with the up and back. Session was 3.8 miles on the track.

    Wednesday August 8th - Legs were tired and feeling tight so headed along the seafront with P to ease them out. Briefly foam rolled and stretched hamstrings at home to ease aches.

    Thursday is now a 6 rather than 5 mile run and P had the same so this time we headed up towards Killester and then back via the seafront. Nice and easy run at 9:52. Hamstrings still tight and a note of a massage would be lovely but all ok as still here.

    Friday rest day then.

    Saturday - oh I'm so pleased with this. It was my hen weekend and I spent Friday night with my Sister on the South side. Didn't sleep a wink but got up and ran down to Bushy parkrun. Absolutely delighted like you wouldn't believe to have finally broken sub 23 and finish in FIRST FEMALE position in a time of 22:46. Thrilled. What a way to start a day.

    Sunday then, had a rest after a super day out and went for brunch. Got home in the afternoon and togged out for my LR. All went very well. Felt grand and very happy to have completed an 11 mile LR post-hen @9:15. Was getting faster closer to home. I went up the seafront and back via Killester. Hadn't been to St Anne's in weeks.

    Weekly mileage of 39.4.

    So, all going very well on the running front. A few woes but nothing major.

    Dress fitting Saturday week so back on healthy eating plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Sub-23 and first female on your hen weekend :):) super well done A, brilliant.

    Oh dress fitting, that means the big day is drawing very close.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    I guess the parkrun was a dress rehearsal for being the leading lady on the big day! :)

    Well done on getting both runs in on your hen weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Fair going that on a hen weekend, great job on the sub 23 and first lady home!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Week of Aug 13-19. Mileage 40.2 miles.

    Monday - Yes, pilates. Was tired. Took the day off after my hen and I was absolutely wrecked. The most I managed was to do a food shop. Wouldn't call that the most productive day. Was flattened.

    Tuesday - Another desperate sleep. Woke up with a sore throat. Felt horrendeous all morning. Went to the chemist on lunch and got Benelyin cold and flu. Not a night for a session so opted for an easy run to see how I went. I was ok. Ran 5.3 miles @9:30. I had the session set up and thought I would kick in to it but better to stick to an easy run rather than compromise immune system. Met a fellow sailor on Griffith Avenue and had a big chat. A non-taxing run.

    Wednesday - Right thought I would give it a go as felt better, must have had a good sleep. The session was: 'A sweaty but successful session. 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 mins @ 7.30 pace (90 sec rec)

    Happy with that. Not a crosswind as I thought up the seafront as head-on on the way back.
    Humid rather than sweated dose.
    Bumped into Denis too on my too fast cool down. '

    Very surprised how well that well. All paces were ok. 8.1 miles for the evening.

    Thursday - P ended up working late so I headed up Griffith Avenue and bumped into Ososlo so tagged on with her for 3 miles. We had met in McGrattans after DCM 2014 as she was our wonderful mentor. Great to actually run with her and have a proper chat. I may have accidentally gone too fast as both on a recovery run but they say keep runs at a conversational pace so really on target here :D

    Friday - rest.

    Saturday - horrendous. Warm-up to Fairview park and it was very slow. I realised during the week that if I ran or participated in a parkrun a week I get to hit 50 for pacer Saturday at the end of Sept so the chase is on. Number 44 at Fairview today and that's really the only reason I kept running. Have I mentioned it was awful? I felt desperate. I thought I was getting sick again. P met me at the start after I had done a 15 minute segment, with a walking stop, and I already looked done.
    Strava has:
    'Saturday warm up,15 min @ 8.00 (4 min jog) 5x3 min @ 7.45min pace (90 rec sec float between)

    Absolutely awful, all of it. Zero energy. Walked up the hill 4 times. Really tough going. Not sure if due to early morning or lingering dose but I really didn't enjoy any of that. Took a break during the 15 minutes to walk the hill and better after that.
    Aim was to complete as best as I could and do parkrun as closing in on 50.
    Time was 00:26:46.Congratulations on completing your 44th parkrun.'

    I kept going as Annapr and BG were volunterring and as it is 3 laps there was no avoiding them. They helped and told me not to quit. I wasn't fit to talk to Anna at the finish so went off on a short cool-down and then headed back.
    7.02 miles @8:44
    I was actually surprised that I managed to hit most of the 5*3. Told afterwards it was extremely humid.

    Myself and P went for breakfast and then a slow plod home and that was the best run of the day.

    I took it v easy then on the sofa for the day as a big party later and I didn't want to be sick so rested.

    Sunday - horrendeous hangover, absolutely brutal. A brilliant party but oh did I die the next day.

    We set off just before 2 and headed up to St Anne's. It was still humid. The first half was ok, well as best it can be with a banging headache. The second half I had to stop for a few breaks. It wasn't desperate and I wanted to complete it all but I wouldn't call it enjoyable either. The seafront was flat but the wind was tiring.

    Glad to be home and have a magnum and have 12 miles done @9:57. Strava was kind enough to advise me it was a massive relative effort of 241? I'm surprised the watch wasn't telling me to see a DR. 58 minutes in Z1, 62 in Z2.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Catching up on this log... Eating, drinking, parties, dress fitting and some running! Nice one :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Killerz wrote: »
    Catching up on this log... Eating, drinking, parties, dress fitting and some running! Nice one :)

    parkrun countdown to the feather boa too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Training log for August 20-26

    Monday - Had zero interest in Pilates, just not motivated for it so opted for a weekly food shop, nice dinner and relaxed.

    Tuesday - With the dose from last week I was told to take it easy tonight so was given a plan of 6 miles. Completed of course 6.11 @9:33. Bit reluctant to go out but all went ok.

    Wednesday - Still reluctant. L picked up I was tired and knew before I did so another easy run. It was a lovely evening, went up the canal as P was doing his session along here. 5 miles @9:37. Nice and easy.

    Thursday - Another 6 miles on the plan. Met up with P and we headed along the coast to Sandymount. Two massive rain showers, I hid in the foyer for one as P huddled under a tree, sorry again xx.

    This was a super run though. Legs really coming back. 6.34 miles @9:45 on lunch.

    Friday - rest day.

    Session Saturday @ St Anne's. I was late up to the Park so only managed a short warm-up before I set off. I had wanted to complete one set before parkrun started.

    Session was:
    Saturday warm up,15 min ;8.00 (4 min jog) 10 min @7.45

    What I actually did was, W-Up, 15 minutes pre-parkrun at 9:07 for .86 of a mile.

    The 15 minutes I hit the pace nearly straight away so knew I would be in trouble. Went off around the start of the parkrun course and into a breeze. Took a loo break and back into it and then it was much easier. Covered 1.86 miles @ 8:01/4 (not sure).

    I then had 4 minute jog but they were all finished the briefing and starting to line up so I stood until we were set off. I then ran for 2 minute and skipped to the next section.

    This was much easier to control and maintain. St Anne's is a very busy parkrun. Covered the 10 minutes at a faster than planned pace of 7:36, not 7:45 but moving well.

    The cooldown didn't really work as I was going well now and decided for overall parkrun stats to finish sub 25. Turns out I was well ahead of that and even finished ahead of D who was pacing 24, oops. The pace wasn't pushed and felt good but did do the last near 12 minutes at 8:02 for 1 mile and 7:07 for the last .55. Hoping Luke was still off strava but of course he wasn't.

    Finished 18th F in a time of 23:52 for my 45th parkrun.

    5.84 @8:01.

    Went off and did a proper cooldown with BG wandering through the fabulous park. Another 1.3 so 7.2 for the morning.

    Breakfast and then a very busy day on the sofa.

    Sunday - LR. Annapr was incredibly good and met me up in St Anne's. I ran up for the hour beforehand and covered about 6 miles. Went off for a few with Anna and she was incredibly good and then waited for me to finish. Woke up to rain but missed most of it. 12.21 miles @9:34.

    Got home and noticed year to date I had ran 999.10 miles. Absolutely delighted with that. Never thought I would see the day. I'm incredibly proud and so grateful to Luke for a years great training. Also to those who I have ran with.

    36.8 miles then for the week.

    999.10 YTD :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,297 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Well done A, super week and great mileage for the year :)

    How do you find the LR the day after a session - i guess when you have a coach it's intentional? Have you a goal race at the moment?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    ariana` wrote: »
    Well done A, super week and great mileage for the year :)

    How do you find the LR the day after a session - i guess when you have a coach it's intentional? Have you a goal race at the moment?


    Thanks very much.

    Doing the Frank Duffy 10 mile on Sunday. It was always my favourite race and distance in the race series. New course though but hope it goes well.

    After that next Wed I'm taking it easy around the GT5K Docklands 2018

    The main race and challenge at the minute is the Charleville HM, otherwise known as the pre-Wedding smackdown between myself and P. Both currently under the excellent guidance of Luke.

    My HM PB is from the DCM HM in 2015 where I did 1:43 and am still very proud of that. If I got near it or even better beat it I'd be thrilled.

    Then getting married soon after.


    Oh, and your question.

    I currently have Monday and Friday off each week. Sessions Tuesday and Saturday. I'm normally ok on the Sunday as legs aren't too tired at all. The session on the Saturday would be more tempo rather than intervals so I'm ok on Sunday and not achy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I’ll PM you my new address for the invite!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Oh look, a squirrel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Weekly, sort of, training log.

    August 27-Sept 2. SEPTEMBER?

    Monday - Was convinced we'd be having an easy night and P would be broken from his stag but no he was all set for pilates so off we went. Roast chicken will have to wait.

    Tuesday - Club session or L's workout.

    I had decided to go to the club as the weather was good and to get used to it with the abandonment of D before Winter sets in. I couldn't figure out how to set up L's session anyway so it was the easier option.

    Off I set after 6 and ran easy to the club. Took a moment on Clonliffe road when I knew I had passed 1,000 miles for the year. Very proud of this.

    Watched the HR on this and kept it easy. 3.66 miles @ 9:12, AVG HR 142. All felt good. Late for the dynamic warm-up and did two strides.

    Club 3*800 (90)/3*600 (75)/3*300(60 walking)

    This I did mostly on my own. Forgot to set the watch to intervals so started it late on the first 800. Caught up and overtook two girls and then there was a big gap to the next group. It stayed like this as I wasn't skipping out on my recoveries. I had one girl nearly for one of the 600 but lost her again.

    I have to say it was tough but I did very well. There was a fine breeze on the home straight and didn't think I would complete all but stuck with it. Another warm evening.

    I was a bit generous with my walking time to get to the 300 start. More than a minute but less than 1:26 (for one anyway). The others were 1:07 and 1.

    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
      1 0.47 mi 03:21 7:01 /mi 121 bpm
      3 0.49 mi 03:18 6:39 /mi 148 bpm
      5 0.49 mi 03:16 6:36 /mi 167 bpm
      7 0.37 mi 02:24 6:27 /mi 175 bpm
      9 0.36 mi 02:28 6:42 /mi 175 bpm
     11 0.37 mi 02:30 6:44 /mi 174 bpm
     13 0.18 mi 01:10 6:11 /mi 165 bpm
     15 0.19 mi 01:09 6:03 /mi 167 bpm
     17 0.18 mi 01:08 6:06 /mi 170 bpm

    Avg HR 161, 3.46 miles.

    I watched Singer slog it around the track a few more times and went through the park and over the Eastlink with him. I didn't realise his bus stop was so close so I was left for dead, bit dramatic but anyway. Found my way over the hill and back to Eastwall to run home. Another 3.61 mkiles @9:48 this time with AVG HR 155.

    Wednesday - I felt great all day. No bother until I headed out in the evening to run and then I was all moany and sore. Decided to actually not head down the canal with P who was doing his session but curled along up to Griffith Avenue and back home via Cremore for a real recovery run of 5.2 miles @ 9:50. Wasn't roasting either so a nice run. Avg HR 147.

    Ended up on an impromptu dinner date out. Really lovely.

    Thursday - Said dinner left me a bit tired today, that and the wine. Was brave and got through the day. 6 mile easy then up the seafront and back down and around Griffith, was tired on this but kept going. 6.1 miles @9:42, AVG HR 142.

    Friday - rest.

    Saturday - Fairview tailwalker to give me parkrun 46.

    Sunday - Frank Duffy 10 mile on the old Fingal 10km course on a hot morning. I got a PB, a real one this time. Last raced this in 2015 and finished then extremely happy in 1:17:51. In 2018 on a new course I finished in 1:16:32. I suppose more will follow but for the minute.

    33.2 miles for the week.
    1,056 YTD.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,297 ✭✭✭ariana`

    aquinn wrote: »


    Thanks very much.

    Doing the Frank Duffy 10 mile on Sunday. It was always my favourite race and distance in the race series. New course though but hope it goes well.

    After that next Wed I'm taking it easy around the GT5K Docklands 2018

    The main race and challenge at the minute is the Charleville HM, otherwise known as the pre-Wedding smackdown between myself and P. Both currently under the excellent guidance of Luke.

    My HM PB is from the DCM HM in 2015 where I did 1:43 and am still very proud of that. If I got near it or even better beat it I'd be thrilled.

    Then getting married soon after.


    Oh, and your question.

    I currently have Monday and Friday off each week. Sessions Tuesday and Saturday. I'm normally ok on the Sunday as legs aren't too tired at all. The session on the Saturday would be more tempo rather than intervals so I'm ok on Sunday and not achy.

    Congrats on the 10m PB! The training is really paying off. Your PBs are times i can only dream of - I'd be very proud of a 1:43 HM too, that's a super time. Best of luck in GT5k tomorrow evening ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    That's fantastic A! really fantastic! the pocket rocket is back with a massive bang :). Am really delighted that you've put the knee behind you and the rest of the PBs will start falling like dominos now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Congrats on the PB!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Previous PB and Frank Duffy 10 mile history.

    Year Chip time Cat Place in category
    2013 01:24:47 F35 93
    2014 01:19:12 F35 66
    2015 01:17:51 F35 43
    2016 Stood in the rain for 3 hours marshalling with Anna
    2017 01:36:13 F40 197 Participated with Anna. First big event running post ACL
    2018 01:16:32 F40 16

    Looking at that history now has made me incredibly happy.

    To be honest up until this moment I wasn't all that happy with my achievement, I don't know why. I suppose I was left feeling that I could have done better and was afraid of pushing. I had so many images of walking the last bit/collapsing over the line/falling and doing knee on the line. All negative thoughts. I didn't have the confidence to push and relied on the watch and dialed it back regularly as a result. I couldn't listen to D's advice and let him do the work and stick with him. I have finally come to realise that this is lack of racing experience and I suppose confidence in myself and that will return. This is a big moment. I got an actual F*cking PB. My first since Jan 2016. DEADLY!

    Ok so. Sunday morning the alarm went off after 7 and we eventually got up. Had toast and a quick and most unusual bowel movement. Another one followed which would have me worrying normally but all good. Not feeling lighter yet anyway :)

    Dressed and collected D who had a miraculous recovery. I didn't give out to him as he sheepishly climbed into the car fully expecting it. As it turned out he would be a perfect pacer for the pair of us.

    I was advised to start off at 7:45 pace and push on from there.

    Parked in Woodies, great tip. Bumped into AMK and started to stroll to the start. The day seemed ok so far but it was to be warm. I had decided to trust in the course and water stations and hope I wouldn't regret it.

    Did a fairly ploddy and pathetic warm-up. Found the portaloos in the finish area and then went through the corrals looking for a good spot.

    We were off timely enough. I was extremely grateful to Singer and his course overview, especially the first turn off the main street to the left.

    I didn't like this part at all. Not a good start as the sun was out already and it was very busy. A lot of dodging around people. Kept seeing and loosing D & P. Turns out I was able to create a route for them through the crowd.

    First mile 7:26. Oh.

    I tried to ease off and must have had D alongside now and P behind. We continued along the dual carriageway and again dodging people. Made up much more time than I had expected and worried when mile two came in a 7:20. D says we're back on target?

    Mile 3. I don't know. In the country now. Breathing doing better and more relaxed than the first two miles anyway. The sun is out and it is warm. Eased back as real fear of not actually making the finish. Sputtered water into and over me when we came to the water station. Glad of the chance to cooldown. Mile 3 7:30

    D was running extremely comfortably. I think I kept dropping back but then any chance to ease by people and I took it so caught up with him a few times. Mile 4 7:24

    Mile 5 and I wasn't happy at all, same with 6. My knee had been swollen up until this. I was grumpy and moany. The ground and surface I didn't enjoy. We maybe were around the motorbike here which was already exposed into the sun. 7:44/7:48. Becoming a lot more watch reliant. I wanted to keep sub - 8 miles but didn't have the confidence to just keep running and forget about the watch. I did purposely ease off mile 5, was that the incline? I wanted to stop and wait for P.

    Mile 7 - suck it up. 30 minutes max. A parkrun to go. I could feel my calf starting to hurt. I was worrying about D doing his back in and if P was still with us and ok. Hormones have a lot answering to do. Mile 7 7:41. D telling me to keep the distance with blue top in front.

    Mile 8 - spluttered water into me. Threw most on to me and into mouth. D was brilliant as went ahead and got water and handed it back. P eased by around here. HUH. There was me worrying and he was gone. Unreal :-)

    Tried to ignore the watch and stick with Denis. Visions of falling up the little incline before the finish. Mile 9 7:38. D telling me to stick to the racing line.

    There was a guy with a camera, put on a brave face and raised arm. Turned another corner and tried to keep it going. Straight road, people out cheering. D telling me stick to the line, push on 800 m to go. Ok two laps of the track. I did this on Tuesday, picked it up. Again when told 400 m to go so dug in. Passed a sign with 400 m to go, HUH. Poor D encouraging me to empty the tank and take 3 people as I went. I did pick up the pace however. I knew my race was long and to really dig in as mile markers had been out by .1. Really pushed and passed apparently a few on the finish. What mostly got me going was that they were more IMO recreational runners so I put the work in here. Crossed the line and didn't collapse/puke/dry wretch. All ok. A PB. 1:16::33 on the watch.

    Denis was incredibly good. I found it a tough race. I'm still not sure of the course. I used to loved the 10 mile distance but just not used to racing.

    Miles 1-4 on strava have Threshold pace. 5-9 Tempo. 10 Threshold and finally for 0.12 pace of 6:32 Anaerobic. More delighted that I could actually dig in and really go for the line.

    10.12 miles @7:34 1:16:33 on the watch.

    Most of this obviously is a blur. I don't really know. I do know that P bet me by 22 seconds. Denis crossed the line and his back didn't cave. I was worried it would when I hugged him.

    The finish area was a really great set-up. Thank to all volunteers for these events and I did thank them. Not the normal lovely pinky top.

    Met Singer and a few from St Anne's around here. Ate a beautiful apple. All the visions I had of lying flat on my back with legs raised didn't happen.

    I met a friend who is an amazing runner and did it in 56 something. Not natural like.

    The 3 of us did a very achy/monay plod to the car and home.

    Can't believe now Charleville is less than 3 weeks away, mad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    aquinn wrote: »
    All the visions I had of lying flat on my back with legs raised didn't happen.

    Not your wedding night yet.......

    Well done on the PB A, hugely deserved!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Not your wedding night yet.......

    Well done on the PB A, hugely deserved!!

    Public places and the like B it is no longer acceptable, for us anyway but each to their own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    aquinn wrote: »

    Can't believe now Charleville is less than 3 weeks away, mad.

    18 days!
    Not sure I'll make it now :(

    Well done on the 10 mile PB! Good report considering it was a blur

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    18 days!
    Not sure I'll make it now :(

    Well done on the 10 mile PB! Good report considering it was a blur

    I know my legs felt dead and didn't enjoy it. That and the heat of course.

    I thought you were doing ok now recovery wise. You wouldn't still do it but not race or the distance is too much?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    aquinn wrote: »
    I know my legs felt dead and didn't enjoy it. That and the heat of course.

    I thought you were doing ok now recovery wise. You wouldn't still do it but not race or the distance is too much?

    Recovering, not recovered. Still want to do it as its only a short drive away. Certainly not race or go after a time. Finishing will depend on recovery progress. I'll try 10 miles this weekend and see how that goes

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Congrats on the PB! It is really well deserved. Delighted to read about it.

    (I also miss the pinky tops. They match my watch perfectly ;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Congrats again. Brilliant race. Fair play to you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Congrats there A, that was great result and fairplay for keeping the hammer in right through to the end. You should take confidence on what you’ve achieved in your comeback and getting faster/stronger all the time. Keep up the good work.
