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Ok, what's next?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Enjoy the Half in Cork, definitely the right decision. Happy running:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best Sunday A, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Unthought Known

    Good luck on Sunday A.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Oh no. I really should have written this a week ago when I was on a high. Memory now could be a bit shocking trying to remember it all.

    Even on the Monday P was talking about the final bridge and mile and I had no idea what he was talking about. Zero memories of it. We walked around Cork on the Monday after breakfast and he showed me a bridge which I had never seen but then the final stretch of road I remember. That's very narrow, full of speed bumps so then I remembered the final mile.

    So anyway. Cork HM June 2018.

    As most of you know I'm sure I signed up for the full in Feb 2016 and was training to run it that year. Last day of a ski trip I fell and ruptured my ACL. Zero running until Jan 2017 when I started a walk to run program.

    Confidence after the operation took the biggest knock. I had to be shown how to do simple tasks like how to get on and off a bike. I felt about 90 asking the gym staff how do I get into the pool, they kindly pointed out there were steps. Phew. Massive and long rehab after the operation. I completely unestimated it.

    The Cork organiser is really amazing. I knew I wouldn't be fit to run it in 2017 so I got another deferral for this year.

    I retuned to the club in July 2017 and started to slowly build more running in.

    I asked for assistance from L late last year as I didn't think I would have a the confidence in myself and the knee to follow a program.

    L was fantastic, so patient with all my questions and always there to help.

    Training was going really well, I was having a great time. Sessions with a difference, I seem to prefer progression runs.

    I then got a dose on May 1st that lasted for the month. All training and running got wiped out and had to run by HR to watch myself. Made the correct decision that I wasn't able for the full so switched the the HM. P and Anna were also doing it.

    Up until the week of I hadn't a clue of an aim except sub 2.

    I went for a very painful treatment with L on the Wednesday before. The advice was run easy for the first 5 miles about 9 minute miles and see from there as the weather had to be taken into consideration and not underestimated. He told me that even though I hadn't done a session in 6 weeks the training is still there. The body remembers.

    The 3 of us were all very relaxed the morning of. We had arrived to Cork the night before and all staying in the Metropole. The hotel was fantastic for embracing the event as they had maps and directions to the start and little packs for everyone. Really impressed.

    As we were having our breakfast we saw the marathon runners start on the far side of the quays and spotted yaboya and FBOT.

    We headed downstairs to cheer them on and then went off to get ready. A few worrying trips to the toilet so was concerned about my insides.

    Sleep the night before wasn't great. The room was roasting and then the traffic was very busy outside.

    An easy walk to the start, we'll call this our warm-up.

    The weather had me concerned all week as it was to be very humid. I was constantly checking for straw like pee colour.

    The start was a bit odd as people were queueing one way for the toilets and the other to start.

    It was already really warm and the start was at 10:15. I couldn't put myself into short shorts (I have an awful fear of them). I wore my Crusaders vest for the first time in years.

    We positioned ourselves between 1:50 and 2:00 pacers. The 2:00 pacer was brilliant for instructions and obstacles coming up but we didn't hear him for very long. I had the watch on HR at the start but quickly switched it to lap times as I knew with the heat the HR data would freak me out.

    We started off as per instructions to run easy and see how we felt. Anna was within eye contact for the first few miles but gradually drifted away by the first relay point. Mrs Mc and Murph were here for a cheer which was super. I thought merging with the marathon and relay would be hectic but all calm and smooth.

    The volunteers were superb. There was ample water on the course and in very handy little bottles. The sponges were AMAZING. Really superb.

    I have to say I had a great time. It is a tough course and the heat was challenging but I was good and strong throughout. The locals were great for supporting but they preferred the Cork clubs so a few times I threw my arms in a circle and demand they cheer the randomners. It always worked.

    The hills were certainly there but never for long. There is a lot of corners on the course.

    The last two miles were the toughest and we had kept an eye on how far the mile marks were out from the watch. The finish was tough going but myself and P crossed the line in the same time and once I finished dry-retching we were able to hug.

    Not much details on the race as I can't remember to be honest. A brilliant event. Someone did advise about mile 7 that was the last of the hills. There is a massive downhill before the last relay point and I was afraid the legs would give.

    P was fantastic and it was amazing to run it together. He describes it as chasing me around Cork. We were very proud of ourselves last week for the performance as it was good and steady. According to me the only people who would have passed us were relay members.

    Stairs were certainly felt on the Monday and Tuesday.

    Final time 1:54:03. Splits to follow once this posts.

    Charleville next now to beat P and get a PB hopefully. Operation lose the fat has commenced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,297 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Super report and what an amazing performance! After a long period of rehab and then being sick, you did well to make the start line and yet you got a brilliant time as well, very impressive. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Sounds like super fun :) congrats on your longest race since the ACL!!! and best of luck with the next stage of training! You're flying :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Really delighted how this went for you A, you've shown incredible determination to come back from a tough break. What a come back too :) Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Brilliant stuff, delighted for you. Great report and splits :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Great to read your report and so glad you had an enjoyable experience down here. Great comeback after that injury. Having been through it too I remember the learning to walk again thing. I found it hard to believe I did that much damage when I first got the diagnosis.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Thanks all very much for best wishes and support.

    An event I would highly recommend. Would love to get to do the full there one day.

    Lovely t-shirt too. So snazzy.

    After the Cork HM Monday was definitely a rest day. Tuesday could still feel it on the stairs but went out with P and di 4 miles easy. A few aches and tight calves but all ok. One bra welt from the half.

    Wednesday was beautiful weather and we went out and drank all the wine and beer.

    Thursday - ugh but was very brave and made it through the day ok and went out for an evening run on my own and did 4.62 miles. Around the corner from the house a lady was carrying a swan to the vets. She was as calm and he was as good as gold. I don't know if she had drugged him or what. It was incredible. The swan was minded by a local for 90 minutes until she arrived, I think from the Wildlife trust. They took him to the vets to make sure he was ok. Aren't people just amazing. Wow. I think swans are incredible but I wouldn't be brave enough to carry one. Incredible.

    Friday we went out in the afternoon and ran 3.1 miles. It was very sweaty and hot so took it easy. Updated HR ranges based on 184 HR from recent St Anne's blowout. Max in Cork was 180, use that? RHR over 7 days 42.

    Saturday - we decided on a bit of parkrun tourism so we headed to Porterstown. L said do 6*60 at 5km with 90 second recovery.
    We did a lap of the park as a wam-up. Turns out this was the course. A few drags on the way around and the really hot weather continued and not a lot of cover in the park.
    We took it easy on the first lap. On the second the we added in the 6*60 seconds. They were tough. Tried to hit the 5km pace of the last 5km so about 7:28. This brought us to just before the finish. I was dry retching by the end but we did it. It was tough.
    Description from the morning 'Hot morning. Warm-up. Porterstown parkrun. 6*60 at 5km with 90 second recovery from second lap. Tough.

    Tough going as very warm. Friendly parkrun. 5 km pace from last St Anne's blowout 7:28. 38th overall this morning in 25:32.'

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP Elev HR
      5 0.15 mi 01:02 6:40 /mi 7:02 /mi -17 ft 169 bpm
      7 0.13 mi 01:01 7:40 /mi 7:28 /mi 11 ft 169 bpm
      9 0.13 mi 01:00 7:20 /mi 7:29 /mi -5 ft 175 bpm
     11 0.13 mi 01:00 7:22 /mi 7:37 /mi -17 ft 173 bpm
     13 0.13 mi 01:00 7:15 /mi 6:57 /mi 14 ft 174 bpm
     15 0.13 mi 01:00 7:31 /mi 7:08 /mi 14 ft 179 bpm

    A great parkrun and fair play to the core team. They had a table set up for tea/coffee/water and cake and ask for donations. Really impressed. Good for them.

    Plod to the car (.2 mile) and home for the day.

    Suday June 10th. Got up early and did a run up to St Anne's as Annapr was RD so we were volunterring. 8.1 miles before Juniors and then was warm-up leader. Another hot one and a welt from the top. They are sore!
    'Morning Run to Juniors. Started off too fast as under pressure and then couldn't ease back.
    Glad to get it done before heat rises. Another hot morning.'

    Avg pace 9:16.

    Told to take it easy this week so 24.1 miles for the week.

    June 11-17 Back into training.
    That weight I was to lose isn't going very well. I weighed myself on Sunday, ok I cheated, after the LR. By Wednesday morning I was 3lbs heavier, THREE. WTF. HUH. Think I have now weighted myself daily since and it wasn't a blip in the reading as the weight is still registering as well over what I should be. Some diet plan, sake.

    Monday - rest.

    Tuesday - A session! Was v nervous going out and doing this as hadn't done one in two months. Decided to do it on lunch. Warm yet again of course.
    Warm up, 1 mile @ 8.30, 3 min jog, 4,3,2,1 min @ 7.30 (90 sec recovery),CD.

    That all went really well. I ran down to Ringsend park and did the sets around one side of it and around by the ring road we'll call it and back in again. tough but delighted with the result.

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP Elev HR
      3 1.00 mi 08:28 8:28 /mi 8:28 /mi 2 ft 159 bpm
      5 0.52 mi 04:00 7:38 /mi 7:35 /mi 1 ft 171 bpm
      7 0.40 mi 03:00 7:25 /mi 7:26 /mi -12 ft 174 bpm
      9 0.27 mi 02:00 7:24 /mi 7:15 /mi 4 ft 175 bpm
     11 0.13 mi 01:00 7:12 /mi 7:11 /mi 3 ft 174 bpm

    More of an extended lunch break as covered 6 miles in total but sure thrilled.

    Wednesday - Plan was 5 miles easy. Ran in the evening and did 5.21 @9:25. All ok. Tight neck the last few days. A nice few knots. Still warm but first drops of rain in a long time.

    Thursday - We both had 5 miles easy on the plan so we drove down to the Phoenix park and did the run on trails. It was extremely enjoyable. Really beautiful evening as Storm Hector had blown through the night and morning. Lovely, fresh breeze in the park. A few ankle turns on the trails but we loved this. Super to do. I was very tired starting off and running didn't feel natural but all ok.

    Friday- Resting.

    Saturday - Arthur's Way 5km. This was a pop-up race out near home so I wanted to support. A family had lost their baby two years ago and all funds were to go to the Friends of the Coombe. 354 participants so well supported. My first pop-up race and fair play to them. I had high hopes for this. Was told to give it a good lash.

    It starts on the GAA pitch and goes up the canal to Lyons Estate, runs through it and back the canal so a great route. Still a windy evening and the wind was into us on all the final mile.

    The did a group warm-up and then pre-race briefing. A lady who lost her Daugher spoke to us all beforehand. It was in tears for their loss. The event was well supportered by locals so a real community spirit.

    Countdown and we were off.

    I wasn't sounding too great at the start as was breathing heavily. Checked the watch when we were still on the pitch and was running at 6:42 so eased off. A climb up the humpback bridge and down the canal. P, with his massive hangover, came alongside so this spurred me on the move faster.
    First mile then overall went well. As did the second. I was steady anyway. A drag up the next canal bridge and into Lyons. Hit the wind here and I was running alongside another guy. We kept trading place but I finally got by him.
    I checked the watch along the canal when my stomach and insides started to hurt. Just under a mile left. I though I hadn't eased off all that much but pace was showing as 7:52 so a big drop-off. Up over the canal again and I got the legs moving for the final push. Was well able for the line and really pushed as took a guy just before it.
    Still very disappointed with the last mile as looking at the HR data and effort was steady.

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP Elev HR
      1 1.00 mi 07:17 7:17 /mi 7:11 /mi 11 ft 164 bpm
      2 1.00 mi 07:21 7:21 /mi 7:24 /mi -20 ft 178 bpm
      3 1.00 mi 07:51 7:51 /mi 7:46 /mi 18 ft 178 bpm
      4 0.18 mi 01:10 6:21 /mi 6:25 /mi -12 ft 181 bpm

    No pukiness even at the finish after all that.

    For entry of a €10. Plently of food and freshments at the finish and a prize to the first 100 across the line of a water bottle fair play to them. Time 23:40 and 6th Age Category.

    Turns out I knew the RD.

    Sunday - A very busy day hosting brunch and then a mass in the afternoon and lunch. Tired all day but got out at 6:30 and did our 8 mile run. Decided to run along the canal to the Phoenix park and in through the park to home.

    The canal was tough with the incline and wind.

    I got a fright with lads on a bike as was very imtimidated by them. Other than that a great run.

    I've a pain in my knee and tight hip today so getting eased out tomorrow.

    First week back on plan and 29.2 miles done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Bra welts, glad that I'm not the only one to suffer them :) The worst bit is that you don't even notice them until you get in the shower and then :eek::eek::eek:

    You're making steady progress A, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Bra welts, glad that I'm not the only one to suffer them :) The worst bit is that you don't even notice them until you get in the shower and then :eek::eek::eek:

    You're making steady progress A, well done.

    OUCH nothing worse! I found wearing the cheap pennies one's underneath my sports bra stop that happening!

    Got a new fancy one which claims to not cause chaffing whenever I am running more than 5k again I will let you know if it is true :D

    Aquinn hope the knee and hip are ok :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I find coating myself in Bodyglide prevents it. I now use it for new shoes or if wearing high heels that have potential to cut my ankles and prevents that too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Bra welts, glad that I'm not the only one to suffer them :) The worst bit is that you don't even notice them until you get in the shower and then :eek::eek::eek:

    You're making steady progress A, well done.

    Cheers S. I have to catch up on all your amazing wins and adventures of late.

    Oh yeah, the pain in the shower.

    I tried moisturiser on the one on my arm recently. Like something out of fear factor, the pain!
    Baby75 wrote: »
    OUCH nothing worse! I found wearing the cheap pennies one's underneath my sports bra stop that happening!

    Got a new fancy one which claims to not cause chaffing whenever I am running more than 5k again I will let you know if it is true :D

    Aquinn hope the knee and hip are ok :)

    I use the shock absorbers but think the extra few pounds have put pressure on the bra and hence the welt.

    Woes easing but getting seen to today.
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    I find coating myself in Bodyglide prevents it. I now use it for new shoes or if wearing high heels that have potential to cut my ankles and prevents that too!

    I bought what I thought should be amazing new anti-chafing gel before Cork. It isn't amazing as hoped so back to bodyglide.

    I have to actually start wearing heels again as I have only worn them once since the Operation over two years ago. Have to get my little legs and knees used to them so I don't look ridiculous on our Wedding day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Yahoo, two week update here we go!

    Week of June 18-24

    Hard to believe we're half way through the year.

    Monday - rest day as we all know.

    Tuesday - club day.
    For the first time in months myself and Murph ran over to the club. I was hoping he would bail on me in the afternoon but was glad of the company and to return to the club again.

    After a 3.4 mile run down I didn't need to do any more laps. Another roasting evening. It was much cooler on lunch. I had cycled to the Dr and Chiropractor (who is the same person) and got my pelvis re-aligned and he clicked the pain in my neck so felt much better.

    It was cool enough on lunch but was like a furnace in the evening.

    Anyway back to the track. Strides, even did some with Paulie like for 5 metres.

    The session was really tough going. I remember thinking it was crueller than Cork. The humidity was insane. One half of the track roasting and then the home stretch really bloody windy. Fierce session described as

    'Cruel in the heat 3 (4*400)45/30/15. 2 minutes between sets

    Very cruel with the heat on one half of the track and awful wind on the other.
    Happy to have survived. Led out most. Felt strong and fit so must have sweated out the weight. Looks fairly consistent.'

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP HR
      1 0.24 mi 01:41 6:45 /mi 6:41 /mi 142 bpm
      3 0.24 mi 01:39 6:46 /mi 6:37 /mi 165 bpm
      5 0.24 mi 01:40 6:54 /mi 6:20 /mi 173 bpm
      7 0.24 mi 01:49 7:31 /mi 7:14 /mi 179 bpm
      9 0.24 mi 01:46 7:15 /mi 6:58 /mi 167 bpm
     11 0.24 mi 01:44 7:06 /mi 6:54 /mi 172 bpm
     13 0.24 mi 01:47 7:17 /mi 7:07 /mi 176 bpm
     15 0.24 mi 01:46 7:20 /mi 7:01 /mi 179 bpm
     17 0.24 mi 01:46 7:16 /mi 7:05 /mi 168 bpm
     19 0.24 mi 01:45 7:04 /mi 6:33 /mi 173 bpm
     21 0.24 mi 01:46 7:09 /mi 7:01 /mi 176 bpm
     23 0.24 mi 01:43 6:55 /mi 6:53 /mi 181 bpm

    In total it gave me 3.1m for 23:03. Would take that minus 4 seconds at a 5km race at the minute.

    A tough night and then another run to get home. 10.2 miles in total.

    Wednesday was something new. I hadn't ran with my colleague in a long time and we decided to head out to Sandymount. Ended up running on the beach. A lovely run. He stopped to stretched and I went on to Martello tower and collected him on the way back. Really enjoyable. 5.12 miles @ 9:47

    Thursday - Strava has 'Morning Run - to the desk! Stunning morning as sunshine and a breeze at times.

    Backpack painfully rubbing against neck. That's going to hurt now.'

    5.21 miles @9:25

    Friday - I have my rest day back again which was ideal as drove to Donegal.

    Saturday - slept surprisingly well which I wouldn't normally do up in Donegal as visiting Granny.

    Annapr and Murph were also up for the weekend so they collected me and we did Dungloe parkrun. A run I really enjoyed. I had the watch set up for a session but mostly ignored and abandoned it as it is a 3 lap route and I passed two women who I thought were first so I skipped though all the session recoveries and kept running. With a lap to go I came across a lady and a dog and decided they must be on lap two. Couldn't catch them in the end. Turned out was beaten not only by them, and they had stopped for a dip in the river, but also by a 12 year old girl. HUH. 3rd F but still thrilled. Really enjoyed it.

    Sunday - LR back in Dublin. Set off early and slowly as worried about the heat. Found as much shade as we could, was running with P. Found the magical Ellenfield park which thankfully had a toilet I could use. Tapas the night before is not ideal LR food. 10.31 miles in 9:42.

    Total for the week 35.8 miles and hopefully L is still talking to me after Saturday.

    June 25-July 1.

    Monday - yes, rest day.

    Tuesday - I have the next week off. I volunterred at the Docklands registeration for the morning. D did the afternoon shift so I ran to the club on my own. Went well, was slightly nervous.

    The session was 12*400. I am good and consistent at pacing these. Recovery was 30 seconds as it was absolutely roasting again. Better than last week with the humidity. I did a fair few at the start on my own as usual group wasn't around but I wasn't skipping my recovery just to run with others. I picked up a newbie for the last half or so which was great as it pushes me to keep going and not give up. All went well. I used to do these around 1:30 so hopefully the slower and steadier ones are better for me and will stand to me. A new max HR of 185 anyway for the night.

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP HR
      1 0.24 mi 01:44 6:59 /mi 6:50 /mi 108 bpm
      3 0.24 mi 01:40 6:42 /mi 6:40 /mi 154 bpm
      5 0.24 mi 01:42 6:54 /mi 6:48 /mi 170 bpm
      7 0.24 mi 01:43 7:02 /mi 6:49 /mi 172 bpm
      9 0.23 mi 01:45 7:22 /mi 6:59 /mi 172 bpm
     11 0.24 mi 01:45 7:05 /mi 6:59 /mi 174 bpm
     13 0.24 mi 01:43 7:05 /mi 6:56 /mi 174 bpm
     15 0.24 mi 01:43 7:07 /mi 6:59 /mi 175 bpm
     17 0.24 mi 01:45 7:10 /mi 6:53 /mi 175 bpm
     19 0.24 mi 01:44 7:02 /mi 6:28 /mi 175 bpm
     21 0.24 mi 01:41 6:59 /mi 6:36 /mi 176 bpm
     23 0.23 mi 01:38 6:52 /mi 6:17 /mi 178 bpm

    Slightly short on the last one I see.

    Left B on the Quays and continued home with D. 10.2 miles tonight.

    Wednesday - I thought I might get the run done in the morning but after going out for about 2 minutes it was too warm and I was too tight for time so went home again. Completed the run in the evening and spent it desperately seeking shade :D, roasting but happy to have it done. 10:05 for 5.1 miles.

    Thursday - Made sure I did my early run first thing, early on a week off was 8:12AM. Went well as did yesterday's route in reverse. Griffith Avenue is amazing for shade. I love the Avenue anyway but especially when it is this warm.

    Volunterred at the Docklands on Thursday, was roaring at Central Bank. What a hot evening. P got a PB, fair play in that heat. V impressed. I'm going to have to up my game to beat him in Charleville.

    Friday - yep, rest.

    Saturday - The session I was to do last week. All went well, except it was all off-target and too fast but at least I did it.

    Saturday 1 mile @ 8.30, 3 min jog, 4x2 min @ 7.30 (90sec recovery).

    What I actually did was a mile warm-up up the Avenue in St Anne's. The start is very busy so I let it ease and started the session.

    1st mile not at 8:30 but more 8:20 and HR 150.

    3 minutes I obeyed.

    Then the 2 minute sections were 7:17/7:31/7:15 and had to skip the majority of the recovery before the last set as I was running out of room on the avenue so did that in 6:57. I need more disipline at times.

    Cooldown with P and D and then breakfast in the cafe that is manic in Summer.

    Sunday morning LR. P had a progression run so I started with him but let him off after 3 miles. My splits were fairly random after that but a good run. Ran down to the Phoenix park, a few trails for shade, down Chesterfield and home via the canal. Covered more than required of 10.51 miles in 9:32.

    All grand except one very stiff calf, v weird. Feels solid.

    A weekly total of 36.3 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Monday - rest day. Was going to start pilates but will start tonight instead.

    Tueday - D was off on his holidays so it was up to me to solo run up and back to the club. I did an accidential progression run to the club. I was worried about my calf on faster track stuff as it felt very tight and sore. Strides were ok.

    The session I hadn't done previously. It was 4* 600/400/200 with 75/60 and 2 minutes between sets.

    I did really well on this. The heat was still mad.

    Lap Distance Time Pace GAP HR
      1 0.37 mi 02:38 6:58 /mi 6:56 /mi 133 bpm
      3 0.24 mi 01:40 6:53 /mi 6:42 /mi 133 bpm
      5 0.12 mi 45s 6:07 /mi 5:48 /mi 140 bpm
      7 0.38 mi 02:34 6:45 /mi 6:40 /mi 147 bpm
      9 0.24 mi 01:37 6:35 /mi 6:34 /mi 143 bpm
     11 0.12 mi 44s 5:57 /mi 5:50 /mi 146 bpm
     13 0.38 mi 02:35 6:45 /mi 6:41 /mi 150 bpm
     15 0.24 mi 01:40 6:55 /mi 6:29 /mi 171 bpm
     17 0.12 mi 45s 6:03 /mi 5:55 /mi 174 bpm
     19 0.37 mi 02:34 6:48 /mi 6:40 /mi 171 bpm
     21 0.24 mi 01:40 6:41 /mi 6:16 /mi 173 bpm
     23 0.12 mi 44s 5:50 /mi 5:02 /mi 167 bpm

    I did well to hang on to the faster girls so pleased with that. Disgusted Garmin tells me it was only 321 calories. HUH.

    Plodded home and so 10.3 miles for the night.

    Celebrated getting our marriage licence with bubbles with dinner.

    Wednesday - P had his own session on Tuesday night so the pair of of set off for a recovery run on Wednesday evening. There was a lot of ouchy, moans starting off but all eassed and we felt better for it. 5 @9:57

    Thursday - Much better and more bouncy. Ran home from work before going to Summer party. 5.2 @9:13

    Friday - rest, well hungover and tired but made it.

    Saturday morning session was Saturday Warm up1 mile @ 8.30, 800@ 8.00, 1 mile @ 8.30, 800@ 8.00 all continuous running, Cooldown.
    We headed over to Tolka Valley parkrun this morning.

    P took me on another magical mystery tour and we ended up going along the Tolka and up a very, very steep climb over to the parkrun start. I was apprenshive doing this as felt tired on the warm-up.
    All went well. Hit paces ok. It is very exposed and I had forgotten it is a very up and down route. A small number there this morning. The return leg of the big loop had the light breeze behind us and straight into the blistering sunshine.
    1 miles @8:23
    800m @ 7:50
    1 mile @ 8:26
    800m @7:54.

    Run home again to give us 6.7 miles.

    Sunday - P was up and gone early for his run and I waited on Anna and D. We drove to the park and myself and Anna eventually set off. Anna is a trail expert and it is what we needed this morning as it was yet again insanely hot. We took little breaks in the shade as it was tough going. On one of the climbs up by the Wellington monument my calf started to really hurt. We eased off but by the time we got to the North Road Anna needed a break. I continuned on to the Ashtown gate and ran the canal home. The canal thankfully wasn't as hot and exposed as last week as clould cover was extremely welcoming.

    Arrived home completely sweaty. 10.21 miles @9:57. Couldn't keep HR easy.

    Tired after that. A good week though with 37.6 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Congrats on the recovery and return to running you're going well.

    I'm obviously a dirty auld man coz I've read your last few posts and all I can remember is bra welts and ladies covering themselves in bodyglide 🀣

    Surprised Tang hasn't been all over this!


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Surprised Tang hasn't been all over this!


    Not a dirty old man like you!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Congrats on the recovery and return to running you're going well.

    I'm obviously a dirty auld man coz I've read your last few posts and all I can remember is bra welts and ladies covering themselves in bodyglide ��

    Surprised Tang hasn't been all over this!


    There you are!

    Great to see a return to running from yourself. Mind yourself and heed advice.

    Thanks very much. Yes all going well.

    Just have to beat P in the Charleville smackdown now.

    Tang is obviously affected by the heat so musn't have the energy to comment.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Ok so the pain in my calf had me very worried so I went to the physio on Monday 9th. I have a slight tear in my calf but not to give up the running just yet. Do strenght exercises and run easy every second day. He said do 3 miles.

    Monday night then I finally made Pilates. It was a stunning evening and so she took the class outside. Really enjoyable class, nice and relaxing.

    Tuesday - no club then but rested. The physio had dry needled the calf so told to run on Wednesday. I headed off instead and covered the usual Tuesday distance on my feet by doing a cycle. Through the Phoenix Park and up the canal and back. It was only on Wednesday I was reading about gouriers terrorsing people along the canal. A nice easy 11 mile cycle on a super evening.

    Wednesday then - allowed run 3 miles. Set off with P and ran up to Griffith Avenue, back around to Mobhi road and exactly 3 miles. Needed a dinner ingredient so ran up and around to Harts Corner and so did 4 in the end. The calf felt like a slight pinch or tightness but on a normal week I wouldn't be worried. No pain anyway which was important. 9:27 avg for the run.

    Thursday - physio exercises and sitting on the sofa.

    Friday - Calf tester part 2. All good. A slight pinch but nothing major. Maybe the 5th mile was a bit much. An enjoyable run. Not desperately warm for a change. No pain anyway. 5.12 miles @9:26

    Saturday - very busy day with make-up trials, eye appointments and staying overnight with friends. Did physio exercies hopefully but not convinced.

    Sunday - Drive from West Wicklow to Clontarf for my first sail of the year as the regatta was on and the old crew got back together. The first day of rain in months and zero wind meant we missed the start and so lobbed around in the water for hours. Got going for a bit and then got a tow back to the moorings so not the most exciting sail in history but good to get out.

    Got home and set off with P and ran on the flat back up to Clontarf. Calf felt absolutely perfect anyway. 5.1 miles @ 9:38.

    So a big step back week but would rather than then further injure myself. 14.3 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nicely managed week with that calf niggle. I'm in the same boat as you (excuse the pun!) except its the hamstring. Similar approach, step back week with super easy running, cross training and lots of TLC. Starting to feel better 4 days later.

    Just still be careful building it back up (as the other lads have said). Especially if you intend to plan one of those interval sessions and pretty tables this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Nicely managed week with that calf niggle. I'm in the same boat as you (excuse the pun!) except its the hamstring. Similar approach, step back week with super easy running, cross training and lots of TLC. Starting to feel better 4 days later.

    Just still be careful building it back up (as the other lads have said). Especially if you intend to plan one of those interval sessions and pretty tables this week!

    A boat, do you want to buy a boat? :D

    I have an entry for the South Dublin 10km on Sunday. Hoping to run 3 easy days this week and then try to do it at steady pace on Sunday but to err on the side of caution as like that I don't want to make it worse.

    I went back to the physio on Monday and was limping after it as he dry needled it again.

    It was ok running last night but I had more pressing issues to be worrying about at the same time. We'll call it digestive issues. Traumatised when I got home.

    Thanks for the input.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Glad the calf is doing well! Hope that continues for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Glad you managed to stay out of the water the other day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I hope that calf heals quickly:) you are managing it very well

    I am doing the 10k on Sunday as well no chasing PB for me I have to take it very easy a few of us will be there from last year novices group so might see you and will say hello

    I hope you are fully recovered from your run! So not fun when that happens

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Glad the calf is doing well! Hope that continues for you.

    Thanks very much. All ok so far. Was worried it was Achilles' related as it was fairly painful when running.
    Murph_D wrote: »
    Glad you managed to stay out of the water the other day!

    Well it was so calm you'd have to be fairly useless to end up in the water and would be seriously considering your sailing membership. In saying that I'm sure I could have managed a few capsizes in the laser. Still for sale, the boys would LOVE that!
    Baby75 wrote: »
    I hope that calf heals quickly:) you are managing it very well

    I am doing the 10k on Sunday as well no chasing PB for me I have to take it very easy a few of us will be there from last year novices group so might see you and will say hello

    I hope you are fully recovered from your run! So not fun when that happens

    Oh great, who is organising flapjacks and how do I find ye?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Here I am to report a PB for the first time since Jan 2016.


    After lunch :D

    Edited as not a PB as it turns out.

    A post ACL one and race series but that's not the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    The work involved.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Right, week of July 16-22. Still very warm.

    Monday - pilates. Physio visit on lunch. I don't think he understands me as a runner as he said I could do the 10km and get through the 5 imles as could run them ok the previous week but then I may have to walk. Little does he know! I was limping for the rest of the day the dry needling was so sore.

    Tuesday - 5.4 really unpleasant miles I don't want to talk about.

    Wednesday - I went for a cycle. Up the Quays which was actually ok as I was worrying about them. Through the Phoenix Park and back home via NCR. 11.4 miles which was lovely, and mostly to work off the hot chocolate.

    Thursday - 5.1 miles easy. No trauma like Tuesday anyway and calf feels ok. Another beautiful evening. Went out with P and did loops of Fairview park.

    Friday - more resting and did exercies, hopefully.

    Saturday - up early for 2 miles with P around the block. Very busy day then and another 16,000 steps added in.

    Sunday - South Dubin 10km.

    A new one for the race series.

    My last race series 10km was Fingal 2015. I think then I did 47:46 so that was my PB.
    Actually I was wrong. It's not a PB. SOB.

    I had completely forgotten I had done the K club 10km in 2015 and did it in 46:36 as it turns out so Feck. NONE PB. DAMN.

    FFS, just checked Fingal then too and that was 47:04 so at least I bet that.

    Sigh, bubble burst.

    Anyway. HUH to the South Dublin 10km.

    Left in plenty of time as we didn't want to be stuck in traffic for the new event like the carnage of the HM last year.

    Google took us to the wrong business park but after looping around found the real site.

    Plenty of parking and decided, unwisely, to leave water in the car as it was to be on the course.

    Portaloo queue and went then for a warm-up with P. Starting to get a lot warmer now.

    Easy to get into the pens and met Redrunner and another friend from St Anne's. Both started close by.

    I was advised to start off at 7:50 for the first two miles and to go from there.

    Busy start and weaving as people in the wrong spot as is the norm.

    P went off steadier and I was surprised half a mile in to see the pace at 7:30. I was feeling ok and tried to ease off so I wouldn't blow up. First mile beeped then at 7:29. I was as surprised as any.

    Mile two I was looking forward to the water as it was warm. I think we were still on a straight oh yes and then we we turned into the park my Parents were there cheering. They said they would be out but I didn't think I'd actually see them. Of course said hi and asked has they seen P. Turns out they missed him.

    Into the Park and looking forward to the water stop that I thought was to be at about 2.5 miles, 4km? It wasn't. Not as we left the park either.

    Someone annoying around here with a flapping bib. Mile two at 7:29 and doing ok. Mile 3 then took us to the far side of the park and surprised at 7:22 for the lap.

    I had lap on the whole time and not overall pace and time.

    Mile 4, really warm now and dying for water. Head telling me what if the water never arrived or I had missed the station. Easing off and hoping for water. Through the village, WATER, bloody cups. Grabbed one, slurped, threw on neck and slurrped some more. Much better.

    Watching km signs and counting down how much was left. Lap of 7:27.

    Spotted P ahead which I had expected.

    Turned the corner and onto the canal. I wasn't sure what to expect here and was it like the canal with the climbs up the locks. One club runner chatting away to a team carrie member. Would pass and get passed along here. A few others around me. A gap, lone runner, and then P in another group. I didn't want to leave the group and die in the middle ground. Kept telling myself just keep going, ease off and just finish.

    A really hard two miles along here. Mile 5 7:45/ mile 6 7:44. Hating racing and thinking of switching to a track, this is far too long.

    Off the canal and a climb. FFS. Hard now as you can hear the finish.

    Down a main road and turn again into the business park. Didn't want to lash ahead and falter. Images of collapsing across the line and busting knee again. No dry wretching or pukiness here. Couldn't tell you who I passed here, if any. Maybe, who knows.

    Across the line and saw, well what I thought was a PB for the last day, my time. Thrilled. Caught P who was very surprised I was so close.

    I had wanted sub 48 anyway. 47 B goal and A goal 46 something.

    P for his first 10km did 46:55 which is brilliant. I was 8 seconds behind in 47:03.

    Hard going as very warm. Dispappointed now I didn't get a PB but I ran well.
