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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Congrats on the pb A great work all set for Charleville.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Fantastic to see all the hard work & dedication paying off and you are back better than ever. Well done A.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Yay, Nice PB in the FD10 A! Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Thanks all very much. Delighted with the result.

    Ok, a full 3 weeks to catch up on.

    Post Frank Duffy and week of Sept 3-9.

    After Frank I had a busy day on the sofa napping and eating.

    Monday - rest/and or pilates, can't remember.

    Tuesday - Easy run with P, tight calves but all ok. 6.11 miles @9:39.

    Wednesday - Work were looking for runners so I signed up a few weeks ago. I have volunteered for the club at this for the last two years so it was time to run it with and for work. So the GT 5km. P got signed up as a last minute entrant as someone pulled out. We did an easy warm-up and then as we had both raced on Sunday were going to take it easy going around. It lashed, like absolutely lashed as we were waiting for the start. The roads were flooded. I was worried about hitting a massive pothole. Off we went at the back of the 3rd wave I would say as we were taking it easy. We ended up doing it at a fair effort and pace but all felt good. I did cross the line before P and then we were both given the same time, sake! For once it measured as long. I enjoyed it. A lot of really stupid people though out on the course and jumping curbs or cutting straight through so I gave a few roars, especially when my heels got clipped.

    Cycled home as it was getting dark. 25:10 at an effort of 8:03/8:10/7:39/1:17. Two new t-shirts now too. Also not the start at steady pace strategy and work from there as advised by Luke.

    Thursday - Turns out I ran to work. I did a stop at the NS on Griffith Avenue as I badly needed the toilet. I was very grateful to whoever let me in. The rest of the run was lovely and calm after that. 6.12 miles @9:39.

    Friday - rest day.

    Saturday - up and off I went to Tolka Valley parkrun. Parkrun 47. Session of:
    warm up,10 min @ 7.40 pace, 3 min, 4,3,2,1 min @ 7.30 pace (90 rec) 10 min @ 8 min pace

    Summary '
    24:25.Congratulations on completing your 47th parkrun and your 3rd at Tolka Valley parkrun today. You finished in 12th place and were the 3rd female out of a field of 39 parkrunners and you came 1st in your age category.
    I was off pace for the first 10 minutes, found it hard but then did add a massive hill. Not sure how it finished. Break for briefing and then into 3 minutes.
    The 4/3/2/1 went well. A lot easier to hit and hold. Help from Peter volunteering telling me times as I passed him 3 times.
    The last 10 minutes were faster but a lot easier.
    Cool down on the way home. I think then it all went well?
    Dress fitting next now.
    Very wet but rain cleared as I went out. Warm.'
    8.8 miles for the morning. A girl did try to take me on the line so pushed the last bit of parkrun. Flew through the finish for the token and then finished off the segment. Went back to thank and apologise to the volunteers after but I wasn't the first person ever to do this to them so they knew what was happening.

    Sunday - up to St Anne's to volunteer at Junior parkrun as Annapr was RD. Turns out D needed to do 10 miles so off we set up the seafront and then up the hill of Howth via Sutton! Hadn't done that since the Fat Turkey last year. It is some hill. V windy then on the way back. D finished at 10 and I then bumped into BG but only had her for a bit. Happy to have finished off the full run as I was really tiring. 13.11 @9:25.
    38.4 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Week Sept 10-16

    Monday my calf felt a bit tight so thought I would be proactive and get it looked it.

    I booked a last minute physio appointment at 4:30 in the afternoon.

    The physio said I was ok doing bridges and calf raises but that since the race was Sunday week he would dry needle it.

    Hips were also tight so he did some painful treatment on them. The hips were a joy compared to the calf. OMFG does it hurt.

    I limped off the table and left, I did pay for this torture, limped by his next appointment and told him to avoid the needling. Physio was informed how sore that was. I couldn't put my foot on the ground or straighten my leg.

    Had a careful and sore cycle home. We met the celebrant that night and I was still very bad and so she was worried.

    Tuesday I was no better. I wore tights thinking they would be good for the calf. Don't think they were at all. Still in pain on Tuesday so no running. It turns out as soon as I took the tights off the calf was much better. Live and learn.

    Wednesday arrived and I did a nice run to work. Took it easy. All ok 3.31 miles @9:33, still a bit tight according to Strava.

    Thursday - Just over 6 miles at 9:42. HUH.

    A run that started off ok, turned angry and ended tired.
    Two self entitled little sh*ts and their attitude annoyed me at the start of the Stiles road so HR and pace increased. I expected more from Clontarf.
    Legs not feeling amazing in what feels like an extra taper week since the physio broke my run schedule.

    Friday arrived and I decided to do tomorrow's session today. It was a lovely evening. I wanted to enjoy parkrun in the morning and not incorporate a session.

    Off I set along the seafront and had to take off outer layer on the first section as it started off cool but warmed up easy enough. Wind behind me on the way up to the Wooden bridge so was aware of that.
    Session of:
    10 min @ 8 min pace, 5 min @ 7.40 pace, 10 min @ 8 min pace (continuous).
    All felt great and very happy with that.
    Nailed it :-)

    Over 1,100 miles for the year on this run.

    Saturday parkrun tourism with Anna/D and P over to Corkagh. A warm-up with Anna, taking it easy and then we did the parkrun together. A really enjoyable course. Plenty of volunteers which you would need as I wouldn't' remember the course and easy to cut if not manned. A big crowd from Waterstown warriors. Lovely local apples at the finish and then cool-down with P. Vegan breakfast but free coffee.

    5.5 miles for the morning on a lovely morning.

    As we approached the finish myself and Anna decided to take the lady with the dog, then 3 warriors were ahead so Anna said go. I bounded along and overtook them and had a great run for the line that was incredibly enjoyable. Their team mates gave them great cheers which spurred me on. One tried to keep up but didn't. I had a great time. Like doing strides.

    Time of 28:55 for parkrun 48.

    Sunday - we were overnight in Roscommon. Had a big rest and then went out on the rolling hills with P in the afternoon. It was a glorious day and we did a super run. Last one before the big day, Charleville. 11.21 miles @9:26. Really enjoyable.

    33.6 for the week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    The big week. Charleville International Half Marathon.

    Sept 17-23

    Monday - rest. Not even pilates.

    Tuesday - I spent more time working up and putting this into the watch then I did doing it. I thought it would be a lot longer. Wind every direction so I don't think I had an advantage. Went well.

    Tuesday warm up, 3 min @ 7.30, 5 min @ 8.00, 2 min @ 7.30, 4 min @ 8.00 pace, 1 min ;7.30 (2 min rec's).
    Confused as to wind direction as it was everywhere yet not troublesome?
    5 @ 8 minute first section downhill as impossible to cross the road.
    I thought I would be out for hours with that but all very manageable and quick session.
    Knee tight all day and just did an almighty crack. Something tight either in knee, thigh or quad.
    Wednesday - Weather warning in effect so got the bus and walked to work. I then stayed in work until the storm had passed and carefully ran home in it. A lot of big branches down on Griffith Avenue and in Griffith park. 6.08 @ 9:22
    Thursday - Manky cycle home. Was soaked through. Had a shower and like a mad person changed into run gear and went out. I swear this was my favourite run all year. It was super.

    Winter arrived quickly. Manky weather but a great run.
    Bounced along. A true sign I'm back. Really enjoyable. About 8 degrees cooler than yesterday. Running in the dark avoiding branches from yesterday. Still a desperate footpath along Griffith Avenue but a great run.
    5.25 miles @9:06
    Friday - yes, rest day.
    Saturday - Shakeout and parkrun tourism with P in Malahide. I did it twice in 2013 so the route may have changed? Not sure but took it nice and easy. Number 49 30:29.
    Sunday - 2:10 PB to finish Charleville 62nd F and in 1:41:07. DELIGHTED.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    aquinn wrote: »
    The big week. Charleville International Half Marathon.

    Sunday - 2:10 PB to finish Charleville 62nd F and in 1:41:07. DELIGHTED.

    Brilliant!!! Well done A

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Poor abandoned log.

    Nearly a month now and no Charleville race report.

    Brief summary so.

    The weather was looking like a storm was due in the days coming up to Sunday, Sept 23rd.

    We headed down on Saturday after doing Malahide parkrun on the Saturday. I had done Malahide in 2013 twice and hadn't been back since. Great to do.

    The traffic was ok on the way down and hit the hotel about 5:30, a lovely place to stay with great staff.

    Myself, P and Annapr walked down to collect our race numbers in the GAA hall. They weren't kidding about the small t-shirt sizes. Same make as Cork yet a size bigger, nice top.

    Walk back, rest and dinner.

    Slept well, oddly. Big breakfast, I ate everything.

    The weather on the morning was superb, really lovely.

    Myself, P and Murph did a slow jog to the start and were nice and early. No bag drop for us. Briefly tried the portaloo queue but it was too long so did a lovely detour to a lane pre-race.

    A few strides, everything felt awful. Lined up too far forward, it was very busy and we had approached it from the startline back. Very low-key start and we were off. Everyone surged forward.

    A downhill section which I controlled as knew I would get caught up in it. Murph came alongside and had a chat about how far forward I was, I know!

    Kept watching my pace and even though P and myself were close at the start suddenly he came alongside and I also thought the 1:40 balloons were ahead and they weren't. Oops.

    Kept dialling back the pace as like FD fear of blowing up and going too fast after not listening to L's instructions. They were start off at FD pace, 7:45 and ease into it.

    P was in great form and taking, I stayed quiet. The 1:40 balloons were still just ahead. I could feel my left calf starting to pinch so didn't want any damage done so about the two mile mark I eased off and told P to continue.

    Two lads came up behind and they were having a great chat. It kept me focused on staying ahead of them. 1st water stop was great and grabbed a small bottle of water, super to have as the morning was warming up.

    The lads were chatting away and I started to join in as it was a great distraction. They were talking about the new WR from Berlin marathon. I saw a head twitch in front of me and I thought it was diego_b, turns out it was and he realised it was me as I introduced myself to the lads.

    They continued on past me and mile 4 I was doing well.

    Mile 5 - 7 I slowed as found it tough coming into Kilmallock. I knew I had started well so just needed to keep going and not fall apart. Running under the historic arches in Kilmallock was cool. On the far side of the village they had a split mat, I passed this in 50:34 according to the results.

    Into mile 8 and I felt much better as the pace improved here, it was getting warm. I passed a few here or used them as motivation to keep moving. I found the surface hard on my legs and finding shade as it was getting warm.

    Mile 9/10/11 I was still slowing. I had skipped the second water station but took from the third as we went back on the main road. Some tool stopped solid at the stop and I had to suddenly go around him. Was trading places with an Athenry man along this stretch. I remember the mile 10 beeped at 1:16:43 and was delighted as FD time had me finish in 1:16:32. I knew I had a PB so just had to keep going. I have bad eyesight and knew the humpback bridge was coming but tried not to focus on how bad the climb was. It was ok. Mile 11 might have beeped here.

    The last section coming back to the town and knowing the uphill was coming was a challenge. I got a right roar from Annapr and the boys who nearly missed me as I was hiding behind someone. I could see the balloons ahead and didn't want to see how bad the hill was and were the f*ecking turn was into the school. They finally turned so I kept pushing. Not sure what sprint I had for the end but oh so delighted to finish. 13 miles on the watch beeped at 1:40 I think it was.

    Finished in 1:41:07 and absolutely delighted. Previous PB was from the Dublin Half in 2015 and I think it was 1:43:17 so a PB of 2:10.


    Lap Pace  HR
    1 7:27 /mi 145 bpm
    2 7:36 /mi 164 bpm
    3 7:34 /mi 167 bpm
    4 7:31 /mi 168 bpm
    5 7:41 /mi 169 bpm
    6 7:47 /mi 170 bpm
    7 7:40 /mi 169 bpm
    8 7:36 /mi 168 bpm
    9 7:53 /mi 168 bpm
    10 7:52 /mi 169 bpm
    11 7:54 /mi 170 bpm
    12 7:45 /mi 172 bpm
    13 7:35 /mi 178 bpm
    14 6:51 /mi 185 bpm

    A really great race and delighted with that result. I ran my own race and glad I let the pacers go.

    Fantastic to meet Swash and diego_b after.

    Slow, achy plod back to the hotel with P and Murph.

    The hotel were super and let us use the facilities after so had a brief swim and use the jacuzzi and hit the road for a fancy overnight in Kilkenny.

    Did I mention I was 62nd F? 15th in Age Category. 536 OF 1276.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    aquinn wrote: »

    Lap Pace  HR
    12 7:45 /mi 172 bpm
    13 7:35 /mi 178 bpm
    14 6:51 /mi 185 bpm

    Love this.. way to bring it home in the red zone!
    Well done on the PB.. the report was worth waiting for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Sept 17-23 36.7 miles with the HM.

    Sept 24-30 - taking it easy week with 18.7 miles.

    Monday - rest day. Exploring and wandering around the beautiful city of Kilkenny. It was a glorious day. Maybe a bit stiff moving but mostly ok?

    Tuesday - Conflicts with above as the run has me as an evening run with P, ouch!

    I ease out when I walk and I walked a lot today. Knees and calves sore running. Right calf in particular. V easy recovery run. Nice night, fresh wind. It can only get better now.
    5.04 miles @9:38
    Wednesday -
    Lunch Run with P. Very warm. Feeling better but still achy. We did a few loops around Ringsend park. 5.15 miles @9:10

    Thursday - Turns out I ran to work and the weather was glorioius. 4.36 miles @9:07

    Friday - rest day.

    Saturday - pacer Saturday at St Anne's for my 50th parkrun and 5th Birthday for St Anne's parkun. The weather was amazing. Wore my red feather boa with pride. Dropped the baloon early on but retrieved it. A good pace group today going for 29 minutes. A super morning and enjoyable as always. Killerz stepping down and annual awards, such a beautiful place with amazing people. Perfect pacing to finish in 28:55, I know most unusual. P gave me markers to try to align to km. I am going to have to learn km for pacing as it is more easy to keep on top and then adjust the pace, I will admit this. Anna a great help of course as she can actually work km.

    Sunday, no LR? Unusual. I know there was a dinner and drinks the night before but not like us.

    18.7 miles for the week.

    Oct 1-7 - OUR WEDDING WEEK. 10.4 miles!
    Did an easy run on Tuesday and then ran as Husband and Wife on Sunday. We had an incredible day.

    Oct 8-14 26.5 miles for the week running and a 28 mile cycle.
    Over to the West of Ireland for a few nights away. Two nights in Ballina which was superb.
    Tuesday - the rain was persistent all day. Got a break in the afternoon so we ran along the River Moy into Ballina and out the far side to Beeleek Castle. I needed the loo so went in for a nose, an amazing place. 6.2 miles @ 9:20

    Wednesday - like mad people hit the Ballna AC running track. What a fantastic facility for the locals. A super track. P had decided on the session. I led off the first 400 far too fast. Spent the rest of them trying to keep up with him.

    5 * 400 in 1:26/1:36/1:33/1:37/1:35

    5.1 miles @9:21 with WU and CD.

    Back for amazing breakfast and a torture treatment of a deep tissue massage. She wasn't joking when she said it wasn't going to be relaxing. The pain she caused my back. Bloody hell. Legs oddly were grand.

    Thursday and absolutely incredibe day and truly wonderful experience to cycle 28 miles on the Western Greenway, wow.

    Friday - rest and storm Callum.

    Saturday - again, like mad people up in desperate weather to run Westport parkrun. In fairness I had booked the week around this to ensure we did parkrun tourism.

    It was a very wet morning. The route is super as downhill to the Quay, back up, loop and back towards the Quay so you have two 180 turns.

    The surface wasn't ideal as leaves and slippy surface. I ended up starting too fast as I thought myself and P were doing a steady run and he shot off. First mile then in 7:01. I eased off as knew I couldn't keep this up. Second mile in 7:19 and really feeling the climb back, dying for the loo! Third mile then I realised I might be first F. Kept going but it was hard. many thoughts of just walking but thankfully kept going and sucked it up. Saw at the turning point that I did have another lady on my heels which pushed me on. Dropped off to 7:24 second mile and dying for the finish. Finished in 1st F position, 14th overall and for my best time in years of 22:18. My last best time was on August 11th to finish in 22:46 so delighted with that, especially since wine and dinner the night before are not ideal prep, well the wine. Thrilled.

    Got to meet Sailsong but didn't do coffee and biscuits afterwards as was soaked through.

    P did incredibly well to finish 4 spots ahead of me with perfect splits and a minute in the difference to finish in 21:18, incredible.

    Sunday - back home, yay!
    A completely different day with amazing blue skies and sunshine. We had a wonderful run up the canal, down North road and up Chestefield and then back NCR. 9.3 miles @ 9:17.

    26.5 miles for the week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    You were definitely flying it there in Charleville there for sure, and that stats as highlighted above really show it. Well done again on the pb.
    Big congrats to you and P on your wedding and every happiness (both running and non running) to you both for the future. Enjoying your parkrun achievements as well around the big day/honeymoon, no slacking....nice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Weekly update, the novelty!

    Getting back into the routine.

    Monday - rest. Day off work I think so being a good wife cleaning and then resting.

    Tuesday - P wanted to go the club, yahoo.
    Ran down, pace a little pushed as a bit late and wanted to get there early/on time. Late so missed dynamic warm-up so did the strides. 3.84 miles @9:02

    The session was a new one for me. 5 * 600 with 200 active recovery and 400 with 75 seconds off.

    P was put into lane 4 and I went to the back of lane 3 and no one from the usual group was there. I didn't know anyone. Started off with a group who were chatting so moved ahead of them as this annoys me. I was then left for dead between groups but did well with my own pace and recoveries.

    I was consistent enough so pleased with that.

    Lap Distance Time HR
      1 0.37 mi 02:25 132 bpm
      3 0.25 mi 01:41 179 bpm
      5 0.37 mi 02:25 177 bpm
      7 0.25 mi 01:42 180 bpm
      9 0.37 mi 02:32 178 bpm
     11 0.25 mi 01:44 180 bpm
     13 0.37 mi 02:31 177 bpm
     15 0.24 mi 01:42 180 bpm
     17 0.36 mi 02:32 177 bpm
     19 0.25 mi 01:42 181 bpm

    I was annoyed afterwards that I should be running with people of a similar standard so will line up better in future. I surprised myself on Thursday by getting over my hump and checking the paces I should be running at. According to Jack D on my Charleville time I was fairly bang on with my paces, he has me doing intervals at 600 @ 02:35 400 @ 01:43.

    Slow plod home. P was fairly shell-shocked. He did extremely well and gave himself less recovery time as got caught out with the group. V proud.

    11.1 miles for the evening.

    Wednesday - breaking in new runners. Yet another pair of Brooks Glycerin from Amazon. A beautiful Autumn evening. 5.36 miles @10:12 with P.

    Thursday - It was an amazing day. Beautiful cold day with glorious sunshine. Was really looking forward to a run. Didn't get out until dark and then P freaked me out with a massive HR spike so the run was split into two as I stopped my first one to time his pulse. 1.29 miles @10:13. Second worrying and fretting 4.76 @ 10:10. P was fine after a watch re-boot.

    Friday - rest.

    Saturday we had grand plans to head off and do parkrun tourism but horrifically hungover and didn't want to drive so hung on for dear life until the pain passed. No run.

    Sunday - As we're signed up to do the short course in Run the Line we decided to get up and do a Howth loop. Annapr advised getting up early to do it as it gets busy.

    We parked, P briefly checked the map for the Bog of Frogs loop and off we went. By 0:58 I was wrecked. Hard going. Settled on a better surface. I had only done this once before and that was on a Boardsie meet-up years ago.

    Everyone on this was extremely friendly and nice. I had found people the previous week in the park to be extremely rude after all the friendliness in Mayo the previous week. Locals and tourists out walking. We looped down to the Bailey and back up and around. I found this tough and was very careful and had trail runners on. P was like a mountain goat bounding along, no bother to him.

    7.6 miles @ 11:18.

    30.2 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    aquinn wrote: »
    P was fine after a watch re-boot.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Week 22-28 October.

    Monday - broken from Howth trails. Felt bruised all along sides of body, sore and achy.

    Tuesday - Still feeling bruised and sore myself and P headed off down to the club under a beautiful evening sky. 3.42 @9:38

    Missed most of the dynamic warm-up and then did the strides.

    Session of: 12*400 with 45 seconds off.

    Yahoo, 400's.

    I did this mostly solo yet again. This was my fastest set of 400 in a long time. Most rest 45 seconds but some slightly longer as I had to give the group ahead a whoosh to get moving again.
    At the back of a group who I tended to catch with 100m to go. Same spot where I could feel Howth trail run in my legs. Tough session that got slower but happy with that effort. Was doing well up until the last 3, they were hard!
    V windy track tonight

    Lap Distance Time Pace
    1 0.24 mi 01:32 6:10 /mi
    3 0.26 mi 01:36 6:10 /mi
    5 0.25 mi 01:34 6:14 /mi
    7 0.25 mi 01:35 6:21 /mi
    9 0.24 mi 01:36 6:26 /mi
    11 0.24 mi 01:35 6:22 /mi
    13 0.24 mi 01:37 6:30 /mi
    15 0.24 mi 01:38 6:38 /mi
    17 0.24 mi 01:38 6:38 /mi
    19 0.24 mi 01:39 6:45 /mi
    21 0.24 mi 01:39 6:46 /mi
    23 0.24 mi 01:34 6:22 /mi

    A slow and longer plod home than usual as dropped a clubmate to just beyond Spencer Dock, we then ran along Sherrif St and narrowly missed getting pelted by eggs, litle f*ckers. 3.72 @ 10.21 so 11.1 miles for the evening.

    P was less shell-shocked this week and did extremely well.

    Wednesday - a recovery run up and around Griffith Avenue and through Fairview. 5.11 @ 10.21.

    Thursday - A flatter run this evening up to Clontarf and down St Lawrence road and back home.

    A beautiful evening. Fairly mild so even wore short shorts, unheard of. I swear the knee was swelling and twitching in horror.

    Really good run as feeling good and strong.

    Friday - rest day. I have decided as I can run on the knee but it still isn't fully there that I'm going to join a gym. Spent the day dithering between Northwood and Flyefit and with no decision made on the gym, yet.

    Saturday - St Anne's parkun incorporating warm up, 1 mile @ 8.00, 3 min, 3,2,1 min@ 7.30 pace (45 sec rec)

    Myself and P had an identical session and so this went very well for us both. A busy morning at St Anne's as also pacer Saturday, a cold one too but beautiful.

    We had done a warm-up before parkrun and got going again before settling into the session.

    1 mile @ 7:55 felt great.
    3 min recovery at 9:33
    Then for the 3/2/1 they were 7:19/7:29/6:58 (bit fast but started under tree cover so watch said it was too slow)

    Finished parkrun 52 in 25:15.

    Breakfast in a mental Olives cafe and surprisingly the food was hot and we didn't wait hours.

    Cold then so did a slow plod back to the car.

    6.4 miles for the day.

    Sunday - DCM supporting day and LR 10.2 miles @ 9:05. A few fast miles in there as we wanted to get the park for the leaders. Full review here. A long and exhausting day.

    We made the park and got to see the pointy end of the race which incredible. Delighted to see Mick doing so well. Some of the elites had already fallen off at this point and we were on Chesterfield so about the 4 mile mark.

    With the 4 waves it is so weird as it gets so busy, and especially in the pacing groups and then at the end of the wave a very few random runners and then the next wave comes through again like a train. We stayed there until about 10:45 and were frozen. We cheered, roared, recorded. Gave encouragement. Missed a lot of people and some called us out so we cheered on nearly everyone really here.

    We then shuffled off to our next stop and were frozen so good to get running again.

    We landed next at Inchicore as you all climbed up to South Circular road. We were very helpful here letting people know if they had landed the water bottle in the bin or not. Saw more people we knew here and again saw the 4 hour pacers pass.

    Limped off again in the cold and headed up the hill and stopped again just at the Luas bridge in Rialto. Down the canal then and along and used the facilities in the Portobello and then went along out to Miltown.

    We were here again for ages and saw people we had previously missed which was great.

    Along then to mile 25 and delighted to find more friends here. We stood in the sunshine here which was nice. I started moving bottles out of the runners way as didn't want anyone to go flying at this point. I also had to ask people to get off the road as they were in the way. A few people crying here which is heart wrenching.

    Cold and hungry now so headed into the finish.

    38.1 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Week Oct 29-Nov 4.

    The quickest year ever!

    Monday, wrecked like I ran DCM. Relaxing day. Made my first lasagna, v proud.

    Tuesday - To the club with the newest recruit, P.

    Easy run down to give us 3.4 miles @9:32

    Strides of course.

    Session of:
    8*600 with 200 active recovery. Solo again!

    Was wrecked all day so pleased with that.

    On my own again but did well. Wanted to bail and glad I didn't. Calf started to hurt on right about halfway. Started to walk a few meters then for the initial recovery so I wouldn't bail so happy overall. A cold but non-blustery evening on the track.

    Not my favourite session in the world. I just didn't want a repeat of last week where I kept getting slower. Focused on the last few hundred meters to gain speed.
    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
    1 0.36 mi 02:25 6:36 /mi 137 bpm
    2 0.13 mi 01:26 10:29 /mi 152 bpm
    3 0.37 mi 02:33 6:47 /mi 174 bpm
    4 0.13 mi 01:27 10:29 /mi 172 bpm
    5 0.37 mi 02:34 6:53 /mi 177 bpm
    6 0.13 mi 01:30 11:09 /mi 178 bpm
    7 0.36 mi 02:36 7:05 /mi 176 bpm
    8 0.13 mi 01:35 11:25 /mi 171 bpm
    9 0.37 mi 02:37 7:01 /mi 174 bpm
    10 0.13 mi 01:33 11:13 /mi 167 bpm
    11 0.37 mi 02:35 6:56 /mi 176 bpm
    12 0.13 mi 01:35 11:32 /mi 172 bpm
    13 0.36 mi 02:36 7:06 /mi 176 bpm
    14 0.13 mi 01:35 11:28 /mi 173 bpm
    15 0.37 mi 02:30 6:46 /mi 177 bpm
    16 0.01 mi 17s 23:52 /mi 183 bpm

    Happy with that.

    Long way home to drop a clubmate safely up the Quays.

    11.9 miles for the night.

    Halloween. I cycled in but wasn't doing that to get home. Stayed late to wait for P and ran up to his office to both get home safely. Plan was 5 miles but did 5.8 easy @9:51. 123.1 miles for October. 1,300 for the year.

    Thursday - 1st Nov. To balance out yesterday I did 4.5 to work this morning as it was to be 5 miles. A beautiful morning to be out and about. A bit fast for easy running as @9:08.

    Friday - rest day!

    Saturday, yes. Session day. Decided to get up to Poppintree parkrun Birthday celebrations with P as we had near identical sessions.

    1 mile @ 8.00, 3 min, 2x2 min@ 7.30 pace (60 sec rec), 1 mile @ 8 pace 2 min , 3x1 min @ 7.30 (60 sec)
    Ran up to Poppintree parkrun to celebrate their 4th Birthday. 00:24:27.
    Windy and warm today. All went well as was worried.
    Desperate weigh-in so will tackle that next week.
    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
    3 1.00 mi 07:58 7:58 /mi 164 bpm
    4 0.26 mi 02:23 8:55 /mi 144 bpm recover
    5 0.26 mi 02:00 7:28 /mi 170 bpm
    6 0.10 mi 01:00 9:38 /mi 170 bpm recover
    7 0.27 mi 02:00 7:22 /mi 173 bpm
    8 0.11 mi 01:00 8:53 /mi 168 bpm recover
    9 1.00 mi 07:50 7:50 /mi 171 bpm
    10 0.24 mi 02:00 8:07 /mi 170 bpm recover
    11 0.13 mi 01:00 7:40 /mi 174 bpm
    12 0.11 mi 01:00 8:33 /mi 175 bpm recover
    13 0.13 mi 01:00 7:25 /mi 179 bpm
    14 0.11 mi 01:00 8:42 /mi 180 bpm recover
    15 0.15 mi 01:00 6:37 /mi 180 bpm Oops
    16 0.13 mi 01:00 7:16 /mi 180 bpm eh
    7.8 miles for the morning.

    We then had 2 other Birthday's to celebrate today so a busy being sociable.
    Sunday - lie-in and then off we went to the Phoenix park for trails and paths. It was to be 10 miles but misjudged and we did 11. The park was absolutely spectacular. Incredible colours. The deer were extremely sociable today.

    11.04 @9:27

    A big week then of 41.2 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Nov 5-11.

    Monday - joined Flyefit roaming so I can use close to work and home. Went over on lunch and tried to remember as much of the physio routine as possible to start strengthening knee and legs again. The pain of doing lunges and weights! I ran over and back so did a mile on a Monday v easy at 9:58

    Tuesday - Step-back week with Run the Line this weekend. Myself and P had 6 miles on the plan. I think I was in charge of the route so we headed along Clonliffe road, along by Fairview, up St Lawrence road and back along Copeland Avenue and Griffith Avenue.

    Lots of aches and woes from the gym. Quads in bits. Lots of moan and ouches starting off.

    6.13 @ 9:45

    Wednesday - ran to work. It was very, very wet so decided better to run rather than be miserable cycling. Turns out my backpack isn't waterproof so was glad I had back-up tights. Not sure what was on the plan but I ran 4.64 miles @ 9:24.

    On lunch then I did another mile v easy over and back to the gym for a half an hour pilates class that was lovely. I really enjoyed it.

    Ah, I had received my plan when I arrived in work so that's why the mileage was random earlier. I was to do 5 miles with 6*100 m strides @ 5km pace. I then did these after pilates, just as my quads were feeling better. Like a nutjob up and back by heavy traffic. Not 5km pace but strides done.

    5:49 (wind assisted)/7:12/6:29/6:55/6:00/6:21

    Thursday - evening run in the rain with P, looks like P was in charge of the route. Easy running @9:42 for just over 5 miles.

    Friday - P's Birthday. Desperate weather. Was worried cycling home but the rain was so bad cars were patient and gave way as most roads were flooded and zero visibility. Was very relieved the wind had abated.

    Saturday - Run the line.
    I had always heard great things about this race so we signed up in August for the short course. We were collected at 9 by Murph_D who already had Anna, denis_b and FBOT in the car. Quick journey down and we got a box of heroes and celebrations for car pooling effort.

    It was a wet and cold morning. There was to be no rain but all forecasts were wrong. Only a quick hello to Nop/HSR and Neady and they were off on the long course.

    Ate a muffin/collected tops when registered, did the usual fashion show to ensure I had correctly selected the right size. Use of the portaloo. Back to the car to add base layer and number. Decided to keep outer layer on as it was still raining. The aim of this was to get around. I thought I would be running with Annapr. We all lined up at the back and once we were off I didn't see her again until I roared her across the finish.

    Off we started uphill just before 11:15. It was busy but ok. Not sure what lies ahead so just moved at comfortable pace. We hit a path and then up and over a steel bridge and up along the side of the forest before heading in. A few stops with turnstiles but in no rush here anyway. P was around here as was Mrs Killerz and Mr Neady.

    The second mile we came to a standstill. It was very steep and hurt like hell on calves and quads. Very busy here but all we could do was walk up it anyway. Soldered on and hit the bog at the top. I didn't realise the 3rd mile was downhill until I saw P's splits as he flew along here. I was a lot more cautious along here. Got passed by a few and even two dogs. The girl in front had this sort of swaying run which was weird. I went over on a stone and could feel the bad knee twist so I was very cautious. We were on a dry/stoney bit here and there was lots of jumping gaps. One girl at the top, Fairycastle I believe, had a bad fall but had support around her. She looked a bit shook. The mountain rescue were on the way up to her as I went down. All support from them on the course was super. I was delighted to hit the water and jelly station as needed both. Gave jelly baby to Mr Neady and as we were on a proper path here I was back really running. We were then directed back into the forest I think and another steep downhill that I walked down and chatted to my new friend in front and Kie behind. No heroics. Briefly glimpsed at the view which was superb.

    Some of the climbs were tough but once on proper paths it was great to open up and run. The last mile and a half really made it for me as after the last climb we were back on trail and I absolutely flew down through the forest and to the finish. This was incredible.

    My watch told me that evening I had climbed 147 flights of stairs.

    Lap Distance Time Pace HR
    2 1.00 mi 13:07 13:07 /mi 159 bpm
    3 1.00 mi 19:33 19:33 /mi 127 bpm
    4 1.00 mi 10:56 10:56 /mi 151 bpm
    5 1.00 mi 11:59 11:59 /mi 160 bpm
    6 1.00 mi 15:31 15:31 /mi 153 bpm
    7 1.00 mi 12:05 12:05 /mi 165 bpm
    8 1.00 mi 07:43 7:43 /mi 172 bpm
    9 0.57 mi 03:41 6:27 /mi 179 bpm

    Coffee and chats at the end. Forced Annapr into the medical tent for attention as she had fallen.

    All back to the car and changed and started on the heroes. Lovely lunch in Stepaside and not home until 4. A great day. Fair play to all involved.

    Sunday - A big rest and beautiful morning so we headed out for a 3 mile shakeout. One sore ankle when I turn it brought a pain along the leg. Took it easy, actually 3.03 @9:32 so faster than I would have expected but we did have a nice downhill.

    29.2 miles for the week. Even if I had wanted to add the extra mile I don't think I could have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Well done last Saturday. It gave me great joy to see you flying down the hill at the end, knowing the challenges you faced through injury some time back. Keep on trucking :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    What you do to yourself, I see from JB5k thread your injured?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Killerz wrote: »
    Well done last Saturday. It gave me great joy to see you flying down the hill at the end, knowing the challenges you faced through injury some time back. Keep on trucking :)

    Thanks very much J, I have to say I surprised myself with the speed and confidence I came down the hill.
    OOnegative wrote: »
    What you do to yourself, I see from JB5k thread your injured?


    No need to panic as I'm not injured but on doctors orders not to run until next Wednesday as I got my eyes lasered on Tuesday. I will walk/jog it with Anna and the boys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Nov 12-18

    Monday - rest

    Tuesday - looks like myself and P headed to the club. He wasn't sure he would go earlier but thanks to amazing compeed plasters his heel was ok. 3.41 miles @ 9:44 so nice and easy.

    I had forgotten to charge my watch so went out with my mate to get around as I didn't want to lash off and then have the watch die on me so stuck with a training partner to keep me consistent.

    An enjoyable and very good session of

    4 * 600/400/200 off 75/60/90
    Most impressed the watch lasted.
    Stuck with friend this week and not lash off. A great session, I did like it. Legs could feel the 3rd 600 but happy with that. A lesser effort than of late but great
    Paces were good looking back
    600 of 2:31/2:32/2:35/2:35
    400 1:39/1:40/1:40/1:36
    200 44/46/44/39

    With the massive table:
    Lap Distance Time Pace  HR
    1 0.06 mi 21s 5:52 /mi 122 bpm Strides
    2 0.08 mi 38s 7:42 /mi 150 bpm
    3 0.06 mi 21s 5:31 /mi 161 bpm Strides
    4 0.07 mi 37s 8:09 /mi 164 bpm
    5 0.37 mi 02:31 6:38 /mi 141 bpm 600
    6 0.02 mi 01:15 1:00:13 /mi 140 bpm
    7 0.24 mi 01:39 6:38 /mi 161 bpm 400
    8 0.01 mi 59s 1:00:49 /mi 165 bpm
    9 0.12 mi 44s 6:01 /mi 160 bpm 200
    10 0.02 mi 01:30 1:07:52 /mi 152 bpm
    11 0.37 mi 02:32 6:42 /mi 172 bpm 600
    12 0.01 mi 59s 1:08:52 /mi 154 bpm
    13 0.25 mi 01:40 6:41 /mi 173 bpm 400
    14 0.02 mi 49s 35:43 /mi 177 bpm
    15 0.12 mi 46s 6:25 /mi 165 bpm 200
    16 0.03 mi 01:41 53:02 /mi 149 bpm
    17 0.37 mi 02:35 6:53 /mi 173 bpm 600
    18 0.01 mi 01:15 1:26:03 /mi
    19 0.24 mi 01:40 6:46 /mi 172 bpm 400
    20 0.01 mi 01:00 1:10:11 /mi 177 bpm
    21 0.11 mi 44s 6:17 /mi 166 bpm 200
    22 0.02 mi 01:44 1:05:52 /mi 140 bpm
    23 0.37 mi 02:35 6:51 /mi 174 bpm 600
    24 0.01 mi 01:15 1:24:12 /mi 181 bpm
    25 0.24 mi 01:36 6:30 /mi 174 bpm 400
    26 0.01 mi 01:00 1:12:43 /mi 181 bpm
    27 0.12 mi 39s 5:26 /mi 170 bpm 200
    28 0.01 mi 30s 29:33 /mi 184 bpm

    Plod home. Got a stitch and bad posture about half a mile from home so tired.

    Most impressed the watch lasted. High HR. 50 hours recovery!? 3.77 miles @9:57
    10.6 miles for the evening.

    Wednesday morning I ran to work. Not the most enjoyable run as moans as follows:

    Tired 6, very thirsty and no water. Bad sleep as lower back is tight. HR started off lovely and easy for two miles and then shot up.
    Nearly at the Wedding weight I wanted to be anyway.
    6.03 miles @9:33

    Thursday - 5 miles on the plan and I had booked into the Dublin Sports Clinic for an assessment. I had joined Flyefit in the hope of using the one near work or close to home to use the Winter to make me a better and more amazing runner, also to get back to building up the knee. As a result I had a one mile run up and back on lunch. The assessment went well, some facility. Got a plan to work on for 4 weeks. Do it twice a week and go back in 4 weeks to see how I'm getting on.
    After work then I got home and went for a 3.3 mile run which was lovely, so nice to have a short run at night.

    Friday = rest. Was told I would be sore from yesterday, can't remember.

    Saturday - we had wanted to incorporate our session into parkrun but Fairview were calling out for volunteers so I put us down. They then only needed one of us on the morning but we still both ended up volunteering. Lovely morning and the park looked super. A really friendly crew.
    Afterwards we then had to head off and do our session which was near identical. Wasn't looking forward to it but off we went. We ran from Fairview down to Ringsend park. Glad we stayed in there and didn't venture to Seán Moore as it would have been fairly windy.
    We ran 1.8 miles to the park. The session was

    Saturday warm up, 4,2x3, 3x2, 4x1 min on/off (start at 8.00 pace working down to 7.20 pace) recovery is 90 sec per rep cooldown
    Session done after volunteering as Fairview were short.
    Would have preferred during parkrun but it went well. Was tired on the warm-up. Some paces well off I'm sure, we'll blame the tree cover.
    Volunteer credit 39.
    Massive table no:2
    Lap Distance Time Pace  HR
    1 1.00 mi 09:44 9:44 /mi 138 bpm
    2 0.83 mi 08:00 9:34 /mi 150 bpm
    3 0.51 mi 04:00 7:46 /mi 161 bpm
    4 0.16 mi 01:30 9:17 /mi 167 bpm
    5 0.38 mi 03:00 7:49 /mi 171 bpm
    6 0.15 mi 01:30 9:48 /mi 163 bpm
    7 0.38 mi 03:00 7:44 /mi 172 bpm
    8 0.16 mi 01:30 9:04 /mi 170 bpm
    9 0.26 mi 02:00 7:29 /mi 174 bpm
    10 0.15 mi 01:30 9:31 /mi 167 bpm
    11 0.26 mi 02:00 7:31 /mi 175 bpm
    12 0.15 mi 01:30 9:42 /mi 164 bpm
    13 0.26 mi 02:00 7:30 /mi 176 bpm
    14 0.16 mi 01:30 8:59 /mi 172 bpm
    15 0.13 mi 01:00 7:20 /mi 175 bpm
    16 0.15 mi 01:30 9:46 /mi 167 bpm
    17 0.13 mi 01:00 7:16 /mi 175 bpm
    18 0.14 mi 01:30 10:17 /mi 169 bpm
    19 0.14 mi 01:00 6:52 /mi 174 bpm
    20 0.12 mi 01:30 11:45 /mi 160 bpm
    21 0.14 mi 01:00 7:04 /mi 170 bpm
    22 0.11 mi 01:30 12:44 /mi 155 bpm
    23 1.00 mi 09:19 9:19 /mi 151 bpm
    24 1.00 mi 09:16 9:16 /mi 157 bpm
    25 0.04 mi 24s 10:07 /mi 142 bpm

    Run back for breakfast in Fairview. All went very well in the end.

    Sunday - solo LR as Ireland had a momentous win against NZ and P needed to rest in the morning.

    It was a beautiful morning. I headed along Tolka Valley park and along the canal by Ashtown to the M50. I made the mistake of doing the canal from Ashtown to Phibsboro and it was very exposed and windy but a great morning. Tight back and hip flexors so uncomfortable start. Need to loosen out.
    10.11 miles @ 9:25

    A fabulous 40.2 miles for the week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    I might as well keep going so.

    Nov 19-25

    Monday - rest

    Tuesday - Myself and P went off and did a 6 mile run, ok so it was 6.54 miles @9:38.

    Evening Run with P. Executive decision not to run tonight. Needed a step back as tired.
    Very wet and cold day. I thought the run would be desperate but it was nice. One heavy shower after we started. A good run.
    Wednesday - morning run to work on another very wet morning.
    Morning Run in the rain. It is a very wet morning. Over 1,400 miles for the year.
    Used facilities at petrol station en route. I was v grateful. Off to order a backpack cover from the RSA.
    5.1 miles @9:08

    Thursday evening and myself and P went out for a run. Covered just over 5 miles @ 9:22. A desperate headache all day wouldn't clear.

    Friday - annual bonding trip so travelling to London.

    Saturday - great hopes and dreams to do Hampstead Heath parkrun. Hampstead Heath is absolutely massive and unfortunately I ended up on the West side of the heath and not the East side. I finally found a volunteer after much searching. A very nice man so I slotted in around 24 minute runners according to him. I did two laps and enjoyed it. Tough going though as hilly. No finishing token or time since I didn't do the full thing. Ran back a bit of the way with a parkrunner. 10.1 miles for the morning @ 9:03. I did maybe 2 and a bit miles of parkrun so these paces were 8:11/8:22/7:58 as a dog was chasing me to the finish and getting lots of support that I used to speed up.

    Sunday - no run but a lot of walking.

    27 miles for the week.

    Nov 26-Dec 2

    I ran Monday as knew I would be out of action from Tuesday evening. A beautiful evening so did it after getting home and really enjoyed it. 5.31 @ 9:28.

    Tuesday morning run to work Another very wet morning. I hadn't realised a storm was coming. It all got very unpleasant around Alfie Byrne road and near the Point as the wind and rain were horrible on my face and felt like hailstones. For once I agree with the watch status that was unproductive as 5.06 miles @9:23 but high HR with the effort of battling the wind at times.
    Tuesday afternoon I got my eyes lasered and it was only when they had given me the valium I was told no exercise for two weeks. The procedure is incredible, really brilliant. Healing well hopefully.

    Saturday I walked JB with Anna and C. There is no bribing that child, over 41 minutes for the 5km.

    Weekly total 10.3 miles.
    On a running sabbatical since but heading out shortly to see how I'm doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Maybe you have already bought a cover for the rucksack, but if not, I would recommend a dry bag instead. I am assuming that you are getting a cover to help protect contents of your rucksack from the rain and wind. Dry Bag beats Cover every time.

    Hope the valium lasts for your 2 week recovery!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    denis b wrote: »
    Maybe you have already bought a cover for the rucksack, but if not, I would recommend a dry bag instead. I am assuming that you are getting a cover to help protect contents of your rucksack from the rain and wind. Dry Bag beats Cover every time.

    Hope the valium lasts for your 2 week recovery!!!

    Ah cool, great suggestion. thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    aquinn wrote: »

    Saturday I walked JB with Anna and C. There is no bribing that child, over 41 minutes for the 5km.

    Just to be clear, that refers to C, not me. I'm open to being bribed :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Would you recommend the assessment in DSC? Is the idea that they give you a programme to strengthen any areas they identify that need work? I never knew they did that kind of thing, always figured you had to sign up for training there too. Hope you don't mind me asking but I saw you mention it on Strava a while ago and was curious!
    Glad to hear the lasering went well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    denis b wrote: »
    Maybe you have already bought a cover for the rucksack, but if not, I would recommend a dry bag instead. I am assuming that you are getting a cover to help protect contents of your rucksack from the rain and wind. Dry Bag beats Cover every time.

    Hope the valium lasts for your 2 week recovery!!!

    +1 to this, I bought one for the bike earlier in the year, it's well worth the spend and no faffing about with putting on/taking covers off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    eyrie wrote: »
    Would you recommend the assessment in DSC? Is the idea that they give you a programme to strengthen any areas they identify that need work? I never knew they did that kind of thing, always figured you had to sign up for training there too. Hope you don't mind me asking but I saw you mention it on Strava a while ago and was curious!
    Glad to hear the lasering went well :)


    Yes, I found her great. Handier for work than going back to SSC where I had the surgery.

    She is a runner herself for UCD.

    The facility there is super. She watched my form and then gave me a program to do for 4 weeks, twice a week. It takes 30 minutes to do. Go back and then to see improvement after 4 weeks and then build on the program.

    She said my lateral movement needs work, so I can run in a straight line ok but have to build up areas of weakness that will improve me overall.

    It has been a busy few weeks since so today is actually the first day I'm going to the gym to do it so hope I remember now.

    She did write it all down with explanations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Brilliant, thanks! Very interesting to hear about that, sounds like something I could definitely do with myself. Good luck with it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Dec 3 - 9 8.1 miles.

    Running sabbatical was fully embraced but I finally went for a run on lunch with a colleague on Thursday 6th December. 4 easy miles around D1/D4. All easy and felt good. Party then in the evening.

    Friday I really wasn't feeling like a responsible adult and had a horror hangover. P had a session to do in the evening so I joined him for his warm-up and so did 4 miles @9:30. It was good to run and feel normal again.

    Total for the week 8.1 miles as we I then spent the weekend in Bath on my first international rugby tour with P. It was hard work, I couldn't do that regularly.

    Dec 10-16. Regular training mostly resumed.

    Monday due to be off as normal but I finally ran over and back to the gym, a mile in total, to start the program given to me by Dublin Sports Clinic. It went mostly well. 6 exercises to be completed in a circuit 3 times.

    Tuesday - easy running on my own as not ready for a club session after the break.

    Keeping it easy. Lovely evening, unusually warm.
    Harsh watch has me as unproductive, better than detraining.
    A smack of a branch not good for healing eye. Keeping effort easy and watching HR. A regression run but that doesn't matter as I got out. Hamstrings feel yesterday's gym effort.
    6.41 miles @9:58.

    Wednesday - day off doing jobs so unusual to get to run in daylight. I headed up to Albert College park as I hadn't been in months. Was given a light introduction to speed. Fecking hell.

    Fartlek, Jesus! Tough on a full bladder.
    Fartlek 1 mile warm up, 2x( 20,30,40, 50 sec hard 1 min easy), 1 mile cool down
    NO paces just run by feel on this one and ease your way into it while trying to stay controlled
    Added longer warm-up and cool down. One 30 second must have been stuck under a tree.
    Both 50 seconds were on the incline. Tough going for what seems like a short time.
    Managed to miss the massive rain shower at least. Hamstrings still feeling Monday gym.
    Less than ideal weigh in. Honeymoon booked so with Christmas this must improve.

    3 0.04 mi 20s 7:08 /mi 162 bpm
    5 0.06 mi 30s 7:16 /mi 168 bpm
    7 0.10 mi 40s 6:28 /mi 179 bpm
    9 0.13 mi 50s 6:18 /mi 177 bpm
    11 0.05 mi 20s 6:40 /mi 170 bpm
    13 0.04 mi 30s 10:49 /mi 170 bpm
    15 0.09 mi 40s 7:04 /mi 175 bpm
    17 0.11 mi 50s 7:17 /mi 176 bpm

    Thursday - 5 miles easy to work. Very windy morning. Ran in with P.
    V02 Max dropped again. Still unproductive at 46 now.
    Scared of Saturday session.

    Friday - rest. No objections.

    Saturday - session day and storm Deirdre due. St Anne's in fairness to them went ahead. Park on the Sybill Hill end of the park and ran up the avenue for the warm-up. I realised that I had set up the session and forgot to transfer it to the watch. P had the same session so I was at his mercy then for a pacer.

    Saturday warm up, 5x3 min @ 7.20 recovery is 90, 3 min jog, 5x20 sec hard (40 sec rec) cooldown

    4 0.42 mi 03:03 7:15 /mi 158 bpm
    6 0.41 mi 02:59 7:16 /mi 179 bpm
    8 0.41 mi 02:59 7:08 /mi 181 bpm
    10 0.41 mi 03:03 7:21 /mi 182 bpm
    12 0.42 mi 03:02 7:12 /mi 183 bpm
    16 0.05 mi 20s 6:30 /mi 173 bpm
    18 0.05 mi 22s 6:26 /mi 181 bpm
    20 0.05 mi 20s 5:46 /mi 175 bpm
    22 0.06 mi 22s 5:31 /mi 174 bpm
    24 0.05 mi 20s 5:46 /mi 170 bpm

    The storm hadn't fully arrived but the wind was making a show. I found the paces tough but not desperate. Breathing wasn't so amazing. The 4th 3 minute was the hardest as the wind was in a very unfavourable direction for us. Glad that it was done. No time for coffee or breakfast as had to head off. Very grateful to RD FBOT and his team of volunteeers out there this morning.

    6.3 miles for the morning. My 54th parkrun and 25th at St Anne's. Finished in 24:03.

    Sunday - Not feeling so amazing after a party and late night. Had 10 miles to do and didn't get out until late afternoon so it was dark. Frist long run since November 24th.

    Evening run with P after a late night and lazy day. Lovely evening and nice to change the route.
    Longest run since Nov 24th. Fitness and weight not great so good to get done. Left calf feeling tight.
    10.20 miles @10:10.
    34.2 miles for the week.

    1,471 miles for the year, a record.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Oooooo 1,509 miles so far for the year, yet I still can't believe we're on Christmas Eve.

    Happy Christmas to all.
