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A Slow Journey to Faster Times



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Who knows, the timing might even be right for a Ferris B comeback. :)

    Would be nice way to come back alright but unfortunately even if he is back on the marathon trail his BQ will have elapsed :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Tuesday 20th January - 60 minutes Easy (including 8 x 100m Strides)
    6m @ 8:16p/m average (135bpm avg), 1m @ 6:12p/m average (165bpm avg), 0.53m cd

    I realised today that my working hours tomorrow don't really suit a Steady session, and I'm not sure if I want to do it on Thursday being so close to the race. With that in mind I decided to throw some strides into tonight's run, just in case I don't get around to anything other than easy running before Sunday. Not much else to report. Very cold out there, but I definitely wasn't feeling it after the strides!


    Mile 1 - 7:48
    Mile 2 - 8:04
    Mile 3 - 8:06
    Mile 4 - 8:19
    Mile 5 - 8:20
    Mile 6 - 8:22
    Mile 7 - 6:12
    0.53 - 4:51

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Thursday 22nd January - 60 minutes Easy (including 1m @ Raheny 5m pace)
    6m @ 8:24p/m average (135bpm avg), 1m @ 5:43p/m average (166bpm avg), 0.41m cd (136bpm avg)

    I was at a bit of loss over what to do tonight. Going into last weekend I was bouncing, confident I was ready for an assault on sub 29 in Raheny. However, a rough weekend, some postponed runs and an unplanned rest day had me feeling a little less optimistic. I was toying with the idea of doing a Steady session, but I knew it wouldn't have any positive impact on Sunday's performance and could well damage it. I didn't want to leave my race out there this evening, but equally wanted some assurance that I'm not being unrealistic about my target at the weekend. I set off after 9pm, still not knowing what I was going to do. My first mile felt pretty effortless and reminded me how beneficial a rest day can be (planned or otherwise). I've been feeling fatigued all week and the day off really seems to have freshened me up. I came across some dangerous surfaces after that and needed to be careful, slowing right down where necessary to avoid an unnecessary fall. I made up my mind about halfway through the run that I'd do what I've listed above. This would prove I could hold the required 5 mile speed, but not tax me enough to affect my race in a negative way. The race pace mile wasn't easy, but it was nowhere near as difficult as I was expecting. I feel if I had to choose one way or the other, I'd definitely back myself to go sub 29. Bring it on!


    Mile 1 - 8:04
    Mile 2 - 8:22
    Mile 3 - 8:32
    Mile 4 - 7:55
    Mile 5 - 8:39
    Mile 6 - 8:50
    Mile 7 - 5:43
    0.41 - 3:56

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Best of luck. You'll be grand :) See you after, hopefully less than five minutes after :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Best of luck. You'll be grand :) See you after, hopefully less than five minutes after :D

    Best of luck to you too.
    Five minutes after?? The women's winner normally beats me in these races :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Best of luck to you too.
    Five minutes after?? The women's winner normally beats me in these races :)
    Gonna keep my head below the radar on this one ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Best of luck with the sub29 attempt. I'll be stewarding so will keep an eye out for you. I owe you a good shout out !;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Best of luck with the sub29 attempt. I'll be stewarding so will keep an eye out for you. I owe you a good shout out !;)

    If you see me and I don't look like I'm about to die, tell me to get the finger out and try harder ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Nice confidence boosting 7th mile there. Best of luck on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    outforarun wrote: »
    Nice confidence boosting 7th mile there. Best of luck on Sunday.

    Thanks D.
    Are you racing yourself?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Thanks D.
    Are you racing yourself?

    Down in Cork this Sunday so nope. But even if I was in Dublin I'm a slave to the plan at the moment, no races on the immediate horizon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Friday 23rd January - 40 minutes Easy
    5m @ 8:01p/m average (132bpm avg)

    Just a little run to shake out the legs as I won't get anything done tomorrow. Felt great!


    Mile 1 - 7:58
    Mile 2 - 7:48
    Mile 3 - 8:00
    Mile 4 - 8:19
    Mile 5 - 7:59

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Good luck tomorrow in case I don't see you beforehand.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Best of luck tomorrow - give it socks!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Best of luck tomorrow man. Nail it ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Don't fcuk it up ;) good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    Go get it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,447 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    All the best, P. You've got this. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    My phone is sh*t and I haven't had any internet since yesterday on the laptop so I'll have to catch up with everyone else tomorrow.

    Quick summary of today's race. The sub 29 was never on. I held pace for about 3/4 of a mile before I started slowing. Really ground it out after that and clung on for a sub 30 on the watch (29:55). A 3/4/5 second pb depending on official times and at least two seconds quicker than AMK last June :P.
    Felt I paced it well (5:54, 5:54, 6:05, 5:57, 5:57), but I'm just not where I can be fitness wise at the moment. I'll definitely p*ss all over that time when I am. Great race as always even if the start is a bit narrow.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    I ran this race in 2013, but had to miss it last year as it just didn't fit into my training with a marathon to run four weeks later. I was delighted to be lining up again yesterday.


    Training has been in and out lately. I've had a couple of solid weeks, some not so solid, promising results in my 2400m test in mid-December, but also a heavy Christmas in between along with a rough weekend last week. I didn't really know what to expect tbh, so I decided to aim high and shoot for sub 29.

    The Race

    Loads of familiar boards faces were present pre-race yesterday. Too many to mention in fact :pac:. Lined up at the start with FBOT01 & WithCheesePlease about 15-20 minutes early, bringing back fond memories of Berlin last September :). Also met Wubble Wubble for the first time. After a bit of a build up from the commentators we were eventually under way just about on time.

    Mile 1 (5:54)

    As usual there were plenty who started in front of me who shouldn't have. I will never understand this mentality. Can't do anything for your confidence having people streaming by you from the start. I remember how I felt in Mile 23/24 in Seville when it was happening to me and it's not a good feeling. I decided not to look at the watch until I had some sort of control over what pace I could move at, rather than while I was being hindered by slower runners. One idiot in particular I felt should have been disqualified. Not only did he start too far up the field, but he had a massive pair of headphones on which seemed to make him completely oblivious to his surroundings. He drifted right as I passed him on All Saints Road almost putting a guy who was coming behind him on the other side straight into a parked car. Disgraceful & dangerous! Anyway, I remember passing FBOT01 along here hoping (but not entirely confident) that I wouldn't see him again until the finish. I glanced at the watch and saw 5:49 showing as my mile pace. Almost bang on. When we hit the slight uphill onto the Howth Road my pace dropped slightly but I was happy enough to see that mile out below six minutes.

    Mile 2 (5:54)

    More out in the open during this mile, the pace slowed to above six minutes and although I pushed on and overtook a few people, it was a fair effort just to get it back sub 6. I was really starting to struggle already and knew this was going to be a painful experience. Spotted Ferris B in the crowd and gave him a shout (Isn't it supposed the be the other way around? :p) I managed to hold the same pace as the first mile, but it was much harder.

    Mile 3 (6:05)

    Aaaah! I'm dying out here. Got hit by a hidden headwind in this mile. Absolutely knocked the stuffing out of me. The watch was showing 6:28 pace at one stage, but I managed to haul it back considerably without quite getting to sub 6. I knew now that a sub 30/new PB would be a big ask, especially with that killer hill in the final mile. However I convinced myself that toughing out a such a time in my current state could do nothing but positive things for my mentality in future races. It couldn't be possible to be in this much pain again.

    Mile 4 (5:57)

    A very welcome downhill in this mile as we moved along Mount Prospect Avenue onto the coastline. I let the hill take me and my pace accelerated into the low 5:40's for a minute or two. I knew sub 29 was unachievable now, but the decline allowed me to relax slightly without slipping above sub 30 pace. I knew all too well I'd need any reserves I had left for the killer hill coming up at the start of mile 5.

    Mile 5 (5:57)

    The early part of this mile nearly finished me. I got a shout out from both Red Runner & Ferris B here, but I don't know if I even made eye contact (Sorry lads!) I certainly didn't respond verbally. I also heard Mr Stew roaring encouragement and think I saw menscemo jogging back down the hill to offer support too. As I got to the top of the hill the watch was reading 6:11 pace. I still had about 1km to go and I was almost dead on my feet. I felt if FBOT01 had come alongside me at that moment, I would have just let him go ahead without a fight. I was completely spent. 6:11 wasn't going to be good enough for a sub 30, but 30:xx was respectable right? I couldn't move any faster. But then we took the left turn and you could hear the commentators over the PA system. I started to smell the finish line. I miraculously began to speed up on what had been completely dead legs a few seconds earlier. One by one, I started to pick off anyone within a reasonable distance in front of me. As we moved up the road parallel with the finish line, but in the opposite direction I was in the clear of the mini group. I vowed not to let anyone pass me on the run in. However, a guy in a purple shirt had other ideas and pulled one of my own moves on me as we hit the final bend. He flew past me on the outside, took the inside line and was 6-7 yards ahead before I had any chance to respond. I chased him to the line, but I couldn't get him back. My focus on him had taken my mind of the unbelievable pain I'd been in two minutes earlier though, and I crossed the line arms aloft knowing I had gone sub 30.

    Official Time: 29:51


    FBOT01 was over the line almost directly behind me and although his watch read 30:00, we were confident he had broken the arbitrary barrier. Official times later confirmed this. I'm certain he'll smash the sub 3 barrier in the marathon next time out too. Met & chatted with another few boardsies before heading back home and devouring the monster goodie bag. Special mention to both Killerz & Dubgal72 who absolutely annihalated their pre-race targets. Super, super running.


    Although I had set myself an original target of sub 29, I'm not downbeat at all about this result and actually really happy with my new PB. I feel when I get back into a consistent run of training that I can take a chunk of this time, possibly in Terenure where I normally run 4minute+ PB's :D.
    In the meantime I have the Enniscorthy 10k on the 8th February, while if I'm feeling good during the week I may decide on a jaunt down to Trim next Sunday for their new 10 miler. Nothing like racing. Puts manners on you and finds you out for how good you are. I'll be back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭Calvin Johnson

    Great effort - well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Well done on the PB, might see you in Trim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    great running - good to get a PB. Setting yourself up nicely for a good year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Great race report and didn't realise your 'disappointing' run was a PB. I'm putting away the violins and bringing out the pom poms :D See you in Enniscorthy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭Pacing Mule

    Congrats on the PB and for toughing it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Great run and report as always........actually thought I might catch you in final run in but that guy in the purple was my obvious downfall. Your determination to try catch him meant your pace picked up big time and when I came around the last bend the gap had opened more than I could close.

    Did you see your photo on Irish Runner FB page (attached)? You don't look under too much pressure. Is that the guy beside you in the purple T-shirt that passed you in the run in? He looks to be eyeing you up for size even then and that's almost 2 mile out.

    BTW you are not kidding anyone. Everybody around here knows that there is no way you would have let me go if I had managed to catch you;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Great run and report as always........actually thought I might catch you in final run in but that guy in the purple was my obvious downfall. Your determination to try catch him meant your pace picked up big time and when I came around the last bend the gap had opened more than I could close.

    Did you see your photo on Irish Runner FB page (attached)? You don't look under too much pressure. Is that the guy beside you in the purple T-shirt that passed you in the run in? He looks to be eyeing you up for size even then and that's almost 2 mile out.

    BTW you are not kidding anyone. Everybody around here knows that there is no way you would have let me go if I had managed to catch you;)

    Haha :pac:
    Looks can be deceiving. I was f*cked!
    Yeah I think that's the same guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    You looked comfortable both times I saw you. Well done on toughing it out when it maybe wasn't your day. You still secured the PB so kudos there.

    That pic on fb is great. Looks like you're leading.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 542 ✭✭✭Netwerk Errer

    Well done on the PB lad! Great start to the year.
