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The Windy Road to Nowhere



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Got going nicely in March. Mileage not especially high, but a couple of very good long runs that were very comfortable at sub-3 pace for long periods. Session or two on the track to develop a bit more leg speed were good, and no injury or sickness problems. First couple of weeks of April should be good for a bit more mileage, hopefully a race or two, before tapering for a couple of weeks for Limerick in May.

    Month 2014|Runs|Av Speed|Mileage|Month 2015|Runs|Av Speed|Mileage

    Mileage Year to Date: 306

    Got to start dragging that mileage up if I want to get anywhere close to 2,000 miles for the year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Thurs 2nd April: 4 miles in 29 mins

    Didn't get a chance to get out today so eventually just went with the treadmill this evening. Progressive effort to stave off the boredom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Fri 3rd April: 4 miles at 7:15 avg pace

    Easy paced run around the block. Nothing special or interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Clontibret 10k Race Report

    Went up to Clontibret in Monaghan today for my first race since last November. Wanted to race hard, and if there was a reasonably good course, go for a time in the 36:xx range. When I got up, the weather was getting a bit warm, and chatting to a couple of the organisers up there, was informed that it was a very challenging course. Did a bit of a warmup, spotted a runner from NER who'd always be ahead of me, along with a couple of other likely looking lads, so thought I could be in the mix for 3rd.

    Anyway, race got going, and found myself in 7th early on, with the NER runner blazing a trail out on his own. First km was a bit fast, at 3:30, before starting climbing a bit. Got myself into 6th, not far behind the lad in 5th. The second km was done in 4:00 flat. Slow, but I was working hard. Course was really challenging over the next while, some very rough hills. I caught up with two lads in front of me, one of whom actually had stopped and was walking up one of the roughest hills. It took me something like 19:45 to cover the 5k from 3-7k, which was really bloody disheartening, I was covering my 5k splits in the Frankfurt marathon in that!!

    Anyway, at 7k, I was now more or less stronger than the other runners around me, recovered much better than them from the hills, and dropped the pace down to 3:35-3:45 per km until the end. I worked my way up to 4th, with the lads behind having nothing left to go with me. With 2k to go, I was about 30 seconds behind 2nd and 3rd, and worked hard to see could I catch up with them. I ran out of road really, so didn't manage to catch them up. Finished 4th in 38:05.

    I'd mixed feeling after the race. I was happy with how I actually raced, tactically I managed to make my moves at the right time, and hammered home very strongly in the last 2km, feeling like I'd plenty of running left in me. However, the time was poor. I'd like to think that there was at least 1:30 worth of time given the difficulty of the course, so a time of 36:3x would be achievable right now on a decent course. Anyway, good to get the first race of the year in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sun 5th April: 6 miles in 39:35 (6:36 avg pace)

    I headed up to Monaghan for a couple of days there. Convinced my sister to come with me and the kids to the track around the training pitches at our local GAA grounds. I'd walked around the track before, never ran, but it's a hell of a facility, and with the kids in tow, it was a great way of getting in a bit of a session.
    I started off nice and easy for the first mile, the young ones showing a serious bit of speed and stamina for their age (particularly impressed with my 4 year old son, having previously written him off as a track fairy in waiting!!!) When the kids started playing some sort of pirates and sea rescue game, I left them in the capable hands of my sister, and gradually moved on a bit.
    There was little in the way of a pace focus, just a reasonable degree of effort without busting myself. Ran home the mile or so on the road to cool down a bit. Fantastic facility, and brilliant to see so many people, of all ages, using it.

    Splits: 7:21, 6:36, 6:15, 6:17, 6:17, 6:49

    Mon 6th Apr: 10 miles in 65 minutes (6:30 avg pace)

    The youngest fell asleep around 7 yesterday evening for a snooze, and my good mother agreed to take my aspiring athletes/pirates out to the track again, so I took the opportunity of grabbing a few miles on a nice, challenging 10 mile loop out towards Bartitoppy Knockatallon, and Monaghan's version of a mountain at Sliabh Beagh. The route doesn't quite go up the mountain, but its a steady drag for the first five miles of this route, before a fast 5 miles home. I always enjoy this route, as you get a steady effort on the way out the road, before an opportunity to really stretch the legs out and work on speed on the way back in. Enjoyed this run hugely. Nice couple of days running to put Saturday's mediocre race to bed.

    Splits: 7:11, 6:46, 6:54, 6:46, 6:30, 6:14, 6:03, 6:08, 6:14, 6:12

    Tues 7th Apr: 5 miles in 37:30 (7:30 avg pace)

    I'd considered going out this morning for another run while up at home, but didn't want to leave my father looking after the kids as he had a few bits to do about the house, so decided to try and get on the treadmill at some stage. Jumped on the machine about 7, doing an easy-paced pyramid, starting at 12kmh, working up to 13.5, and back down to 13. Just logging miles on that one.

    Afraid I'll be stuck to treadmill only for the next couple of days. Mrs TPP on holidays, and its just not feasible to offload three kids onto non-family, so I'll just try and grab 40 minutes here and there if I can. Was toying with the idea of racing again this weekend, but think I should get another 20 mile long run in, make sure that I've the endurance side sorted. This better weather has me well motivated for the roads again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Sun 5th April: 6 miles in 39:35 (6:36 avg pace)

    I headed up to Monaghan for a couple of days there. Convinced my sister to come with me and the kids to the track around the training pitches at our local GAA grounds. I'd walked around the track before, never ran, but it's a hell of a facility, and with the kids in tow, it was a great way of getting in a bit of a session.
    I started off nice and easy for the first mile, the young ones showing a serious bit of speed and stamina for their age (particularly impressed with my 4 year old son, having previously written him off as a track fairy in waiting!!!) When the kids started playing some sort of pirates and sea rescue game, I left them in the capable hands of my sister, and gradually moved on a bit.
    There was little in the way of a pace focus, just a reasonable degree of effort without busting myself. Ran home the mile or so on the road to cool down a bit. Fantastic facility, and brilliant to see so many people, of all ages, using it.

    Where exactly is this A?
    I was up North myself this weekend and did 4 laps of the Tyrone GAA training pitches in Garvaghy - Some set-up up there too! Lovely views of the rolling countryside from it also.

    What are the plans for after the pacing job?
    Main goals for the Summer, etc?

    PS: I've still an umbrella waiting for you!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    My home place is a village callwd Scotstown, up in north County Monaghan, about 3 miles from Fermanagh border, 5 from Tyrone. The GAA setup is fantastic, club was very successful in 80s/90s, and forward thinking in terms of investing in training facilities. You enjoy your trip north? Must get that umbrella alright!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Weds 8th April: 6 miles in 41:30 and 3 miles in 20:45

    Got myself a couple of opportunities on the treadmill today. This morning's run started at 12kmh, worked all the way up to 16, increasing every minute by 0.1kmh. This evening, just grabbed a quick 3 miles at even enough pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Thurs 9th Apr: 7 miles at 6:55 pace and 4 miles at 7:30 pace

    Got a new pair of Brooks Ghosts in the post first thing this morning, so nothing for it only an early morning jaunt on the treadmill to try them out. Felt a bit clunky at first, but I suppose that's true of most new runners for the first few miles, but settled into them nicely. I'll wear them exclusively now for a bit to see how I feel about them, but with my fresh supplies of the late, great Mizuno Elixir now down to 2, I need to start looking at long term alternatives.
    Did this as a progressive run this morning, same as yesterday, only working up to 16.5. As a treadmill session, I'm liking this one, having something to do every minute breaks it down a bit, and from the point of view of training at various paces, its handy.

    This evening, it was either head straight for the dwindling supplies of Easter Eggs (I've given myself the task of finishing them all by tomorrow, in a supposed gesture of looking out for the best interests of my family's health), or do a few miles first. Didn't feel like doing much, so just settled on a handy 4 miles at easy pace. The chocolate tastes so much better now, so its a win-win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Fri 10th Apr: 3 miles in 22 minutes

    Just a handy one on the treadmill. Nothing interesting.

    Sat 11th Apr: 20 miles in 2:19 (6:57 pace)

    I wasn't sure when I'd get out for my long run, but when a window arose this morning, I grabbed it. Weather wasn't the best, cold and windy, but got myself going. Decided to wear the Ghosts for this to see how they'd feel. I was planning on about 13-14 miles at sub-3 pace. The wind direction and speed meant it might be too difficult to do the MP stuff at the very end, so was happy enough to do the faster miles early on. Stopped at the shop in Drogheda to pick up a drink, then headed on out the Boyne estuary towards Baltray and Termonfeckin. With the wind as it was, it was hard to keep the pace exactly right, but tried to keep it close enough to 6:45-50.

    Coming out of Termonfeckin, I wanted to keep the effort up, if not the pace. It was very hard running up the hill into a very strong wind, so 7:2x pace for a couple of miles was about the best I could get out of it. When I was done with the worst of the climbing, I got the pace back down again, and threw in another mile or two at 6:50 pace. In total, then 14 miles at 6:40-50 pace, 2 at 7:0x pace, 4 at 7:2x pace. Felt grand after this, the effort of running uphill into the wind was the tiring part, but it was a decent session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sun 12th Apr: 4 miles easy at 7:15

    Legs felt a bit tired after Saturday's long run, so just a bit of a shakeout on the road.

    I think I might have taken Monday off.

    Tues 14th Apr: 4 miles at 7:07 pace

    Again, just a quick scoot around the block. I didn't leave the house on this one until about 8:30, and it was still bright when I got back. Great to be able to get running outdoors now after the kids are all in bed. I've managed to do a lot of training on the treadmill over the winter months and would've been lost without it, but it'll be infinitely preferable now to run on the roads with daylight extending past 9 o'clock.

    Weds 15th Apr: 7.6 miles at 6:48 avg pace

    I'd only a window of about an hour to get in a run this evening, so decided on a speedier sort of effort. 5 miles of this were at about 6:30ish pace, then kept the effort steady on the way back up the hills.

    I'm not sure if I'll do another long run this weekend. Feel like I'm well set up for Limerick, so another long run won't really do anything for me. Won't do any harm either I suppose. Might keep it in the region of 17-18 miles if I do another long one. Alternatively, there's a 5k race up the road. Decisions, decisions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Fri 17th Apr: 4 miles in 7:15 avg pace

    Just a quick trip around the block, can't really remember it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Patsy Kelly 5k race report

    Hummed and haaed a bit about whether I'd go racing or not. Legs were feeling a bit heavy, and felt a bit of a cold coming on, but on the other side of things, feel like I've not raced anywhere near enough this past few months, and wanted to get a bit of race intensity in the legs. Decided at 5:30 therefore that we'd jump in the car and head down for Dundalk. Got registered, and did a mile warmup before heading for the start line.

    Great numbers from our club there, nice to support the local club races. Was chatting to a couple of lads I train with, so reckoned I'd try to run in and around 17:30, knowing I'd probably have to run maybe under this to stay with the lads. After a bit of a wait at the start, we got going. The first bit of this race is downhill, and as a result, its very tempting to start much too fast. I tried hard to keep control of myself for the first half mile, and when I hit the first 1k in 3:25, was happy enough that I had kept enough back and not overcooked it. From about 800-1,200m into the race, I must have passed about 25 people, and was gaining fast on people in front of me. I was happy with this. Nice to see Gary O'Hanlon at the side of the road cheering on runners, and lots of members of our own club, inc. PConn on photography duty. Moved off the road and into the Ice House Hill Park, clicking through the mile in 5:27. Fast, but not suicidal.

    On the narrow paths around the lake, I caught up with two lads. Instead of passing them on the path, which would have meant running wide around too many corners, I just sat with them, taking a small bit of a breather for a bit, then pushed on when I got an opportunity. 2nd mile was slower in 5:41, but I was feeling fresh. Clearing myself of the two I'd been sitting with, I spotted another group about 30 metres up the road from me, heading onto the Carrick Rd. I was feeling relatively strong with a km to go and chased down this group hard. Got ahead of them, and started on chasing down an African lady. With 400m to go, I was more or less out on my feet, but knew there wasn't going to be much wiggle room under 17:30, so kept working. 3rd mile clicked in 5:33, shout out from a few people in the club, and Mrs TPP and the three kids. Rounding the corner into the Clans GAA ground, I got swallowed up and spat out by somebody I'd thought I'd burned off, but no matter. Dipped under the gantry in 17:29 for 24th place.

    When I checked later, I realised that my PB was 17:28. Mrs TPP wondered why I hadn't tried a bit harder to run a PB. To be honest, 1) I didn't know, 2) It's not an especially important or even strong PB for me so didn't mind, and 3) No point busting myself in the last 500m of a 5k risking injury with a marathon coming up. I was happy enough with the time, there'll be much better 5k races at some point when I'm fresh and fully fit. Much better time than the 10k a fortnight ago, hopefully plenty more racing to come in the summer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Sun 19th Apr: Rest

    Mon 20th Apr: 7.5 miles at 7:15 pace

    Bit of a cold this couple of days, and after spending half the day at the zoo yesterday, decided to take the day off running.
    This evening, just did a handy enough paced loop. Beautiful weather, sunny weather. Didn't push the pace at all as don't want to get chesty.. Will play it by ear during the week, might ease back totally if this cold is hanging about

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Tues 21st-28th April: rest

    Weds 29th and Thurs 30th: 4 miles each night at 6:5x pace

    Was dosed a bit there for a week, so lay low, tried to get healthy.
    Did a tester indoors couple of nights ago, then out on the road yesterday to loosen up a bit.
    I nearly always have a bit of a speed wobble before marathons, so nothing new there. Weather forecast not great for Sunday, so I'll likely have to suffer a bit, but again, nothing new there. The long runs as akways, are the best guide to the marathon, and they've been bang on, with no issues. Looking forward to the job at hand, and a nice long weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    3:02:10 or so... Was keeping at 2:59:50 or so until a mile and a half to go, but was running entirely by myself, so eased off and jogged it in. Tough enough day at the office, but an interesting experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    3:02:10 or so... Was keeping at 2:59:50 or so until a mile and a half to go, but was running entirely by myself, so eased off and jogged it in. Tough enough day at the office, but an interesting experience.

    Very warm there in the second half. What happened your pacing partner?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Bulmers74 wrote: »
    Very warm there in the second half. What happened your pacing partner?

    Injury at about 23-24 miles, had to walk the last bit. Well done today

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Took a week off running there. Back out today in miserable wet and windy weather.

    Sun 5th May: 9.5 miles in 7:3x pace

    Nice handy run. My entire body feeling tired and sore after a couple hours working in the field yesterday moving rocks. Good core strength workout.

    I've been pretty annoyed all week with the way pacing the marathon played out for me last week. I pride myself on being good st pacing myself and steady strategy, and I just didn't take the race by the scruff of the neck. Anyway, time to put it behind me, but I'll do a better job next time. It's the first time in about 6 or 7 marathons I've gotten in wrong, so I was probably due a bad day.. Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Mon 11th May: 4.1 miles in 7:44 pace
    Slow handy one, was feeling very sore from working in the field. Arms and back in particular. I'll need to toughen up a bit from a core perspective; planning on cutting a decent bank of turf in a couple of weeks, which is tight work.

    Thurs 14th May: 7.75 miles in 6:32 pace

    Really enjoyed this run. For months, through injury and sickness initially, and then trying to protect myself from more of the same, I felt like I was constantly running too far within myself, not really pushing myself properly in training much. So, feeling healthy and fit, I hammered out this one, on a tough route.

    Fri 15th May: 4.1 miles in 7:10 pace, Sat 16th May: 4.1 miles in 7:19 pace

    Can't really remember these two.

    Sun 17th May: 10 miles in 66 mins

    Sunday seemed to get away on me a bit, as I ended up cleaning all the windows in the house, and not getting out, so ended up having to do this run on the treadmill late in the evening. Was feeling very fresh, so decided on a warmup mile, followed by progressive tempo, 1 mile at each pace from 14.1 up to 15.0, with the last half mile at 16.0kmh. Felt great and was more or less in cruise control.

    Mon 18th May: 7.6 miles in 7.30 pace
    I was doing an airport run at 5 am Monday, so when I was back at 6, decided there was little point in going back to bed. Weather was wet and cold, and I was a bit tired, but it was a good use of an hour.

    Tues 18th May: 4.1 miles at 6:59 avg pace

    Winter-like weather this evening, but nice to get out all the same. It's so much easier to get out running at this time of year, with the kids all in bed by 8:30ish, there's still plenty of light left.

    I'm hoping to keep up fairly consistent training for the next while, no reason why not. I'd be hoping to get weekly mileage up closer to 50 soon enough if possible. I haven't any immediate races planned, but will hopefully do a couple of shorter races at Graded Meets, probably the 3,000m at the Louth's, and throw in a 5k or 10k or two. I've my flights and hotel booked for Eindhoven in October, so all the windy roads lead to there eventually, with a likely half or two in August/September as tune-ups.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    I thought we were doing Cologne together???!!!

    Heart-broken now, so I am. Jilted.

    The fact that I'm almost certainly not doing Cologne is besides the point.

    Eindhoven you say..............

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Itziger wrote: »
    I thought we were doing Cologne together???!!!

    Heart-broken now, so I am. Jilted.

    The fact that I'm almost certainly not doing Cologne is besides the point.

    Eindhoven you say..............

    Oh yeah, I picked Eindhoven for some reason over Cologne, can't remember why u changed my mind on it.. Eindhoven is very close to you is it? I'm flying home the night if the race so it would be a more sensible couple of drinks after I'm sure!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Oh yeah, I picked Eindhoven for some reason over Cologne, can't remember why u changed my mind on it.. Eindhoven is very close to you is it? I'm flying home the night if the race so it would be a more sensible couple of drinks after I'm sure!!

    Eindhoven isn't that close. Cologne would be better but I think I'll put my eggs in the New York basket this autumn. Best of luck.

    Catch up with ya some other year. Dublin, London, Frankfurt...... Maybe evn Luxembourg!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Itziger wrote: »
    Eindhoven isn't that close. Cologne would be better but I think I'll put my eggs in the New York basket this autumn. Best of luck.

    Catch up with ya some other year. Dublin, London, Frankfurt...... Maybe evn Luxembourg!

    For sure, I'm intrigued by Luxembourg with the night time finish. Will likely give it a look at some stage. Cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Fri 22nd May: 7.6 miles at 6:56 pace
    I ran down to the local school at 9:00 to vote, then raced the daylight to get home. Nice run.

    Sat 23rd May: 5 miles (I think) in 29 minutes

    I was up in Monaghan Saturday afternoon, and had no Garmin with me. I went out to the track at our local GAA grounds again, I think the lap is .71 of a mile, and I did 7 of them. Picked up the pace as I went, pushing hard through the gears in the last couple.

    Sun 24th May: Off/Sponsored Walk/run/lifting the kids/mowing the lawn/normal life

    Mon 25th May: 13.1 miles in 1:27:40

    This was on the treadmill. And, strangely, I really enjoyed it. Threw Guns 'n Roses Greatest Hits on the phone, turned up the volume and kept it interesting by doing a progressive tempo after a one mile warmup. A mile at every 0.1km from 14 - 15.2, and a fast last mile. I'd prefer to be out on the road obviously, but a decent enough longish run after not getting a proper long one over the weekend.

    Thinking about doing the Star of the Sea 5k race tomorrow evening. I'm lacking race sharpness, but no point hiding waiting to get sharp, need to get out there a bit more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    13 miles on a treadmill, in the summer, that's dedicated/crazy! I'd nearly prefer to not be running, nearly :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    13 miles on a treadmill, in the summer, that's dedicated/crazy! I'd nearly prefer to not be running, nearly :)


    Yeah, I need help!! Mrs TPP was away with 2 of the kids, and despite our oldest being very sensible, still not old enough to leave home alone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Fair play in getting that run in.

    When I was home alone with one of the kids I'd call in favours from all directions to get someone to take the kids for an hour or two so that I'd get out for a run.

    Would you not be concerned that your gait might be affected by running so long on the treadmill and cause niggles/injury?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Luckily, I never really have injury issues, and have never found the treadmill an issue in that respect. I wear a flatter, firmer shoe on it to compensate for the bounce, which seems to work well.

    I'm content enough training on it to keep the favours for other times like nights away or a few days away.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Ridiculous amount of time since I've updated the log.

    28/05/15 - 4.1 miles at 7:30 pace
    29/05/15 - 4.1 miles at 7:20 pace
    3/6/15 - 7.6 miles at 7:14 pace
    4/06/15 - 7.6 miles at 7.32 pace
    5/06/15 - 7.6 miles at 7:25 pace
    6/06/15 - 4.1 miles at 6:49 pace
    7/06/15 - 8.5 miles at 6:33 pace
    8/06/15 - 4.1 miles at 7:09 pace
    9/06/15 - 7.5 miles at 7:21 pace
    10/06/15 - 4.1 miles at 6:50 pace
    11/06/15 - 7.5 miles at 7:15 pace
    12/06/15 - 4.1 miles at 7:30 pace
    13/06/15 - 5.1 miles at 6:46 pace
    14/06/15 - 9.6 miles at 6:50 pace
    15/06/15 - 4.1 miles at 7:45 pace
    16/06/15 - 7.5 miles at 7:09 pace
    17/06/15 - 7.6 miles at 7:24 pace

    I've gotten into the good habit of running before school every morning this past couple of weeks. Its a good way of getting the mileage in early in the day, leaving the evenings free, as I was just finding it hard to consistently get the mileage I'd want after kids went to bed. Downside is that the body is a bit groggy running before 7 in the morning, and I'm not really getting any real quality in those runs. However, I've been using the weekend medium-long runs to put in a small bit of faster running. Another 10 days and we'll be on school holidays, so I'd hope to keep the good trend going into July and August.

    I'm desperately short on racing this year, but for a number of reasons, I'm just not really motivated by racing at the moment. I'm having a bit of a stepback in overall commitment to running recently, but I'm not getting hung up on it, its only a pastime, lots of other things going on lately.

    Anyway, I'll try and keep the log going a bit better going forward, it has served to act as a good motivational tool for me the past couple of years, I think I need to get some sort of a spark back.
