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DCM 2013: Mentored Novices Thread......Take 2



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    Good news from me. I felt better last 2 days and after seeing my new physio this evening and getting a massage, I did a 4K run without stopping in 24:07. Physio encouraged me to do it but I don't think he meant me to go quiet that far.

    I'm still feeling a bit of pain and real discomfort and how I'll feel tomorrow will be the acid test. No bulging disc problem causing it all, just a really tight joint in my lumber spine.

    Never thought I'd be so thrilled to do such a short run again. It's my first in 20 days so I'm probably about 6 weeks behind where I would have been without the injury. I hope my fitness doesn't take too much work to get back where I was.

    Fingers crossed I can do the same run again tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Savage running ahnowbrowncow! Congrats:)

    Well done on 1st run back LaoisMan, delighted the injury wasnt as serious as you feared... Take it handy building your distance back up!

    Today was cross training day for me so headed out on the bike, 21km in an hr which is quite close to the time the elite men went through the 1/2way mark during the London marathon, frick'n machines!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Hehe aye. I think of that on the bike sometimes if I'm just going along. There are guys who run this fast...

    I was a bit tender after my first 40k on the bike yesterday. Was an easy 5k for me tonight and then some squats/lunges which I want to get back into. Forgot to switch the garmin back from bike also. ffs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Brilliant run ahnowbrowncow. There were toilets at the bag drop btw.Just to the right opposite the entrance to the bag drop hall.

    I ran a sub 40 in my dreams once:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭greenb

    Having sought (and recieved) some good advice here last week on running with a sinus infection, I finally decided to get out for an easy run on Friday.

    Headed out on my usual 6 mile route and was fine....just a little breathing difficulty due to congestion, but otherwise felt ok. I was without Garmin(I'm usually a slave to it), as I just wanted to run easy and see how I felt. Thought I was doing about 10 min/m as that's my LSR pace.

    Shocked when I got back and checked watch....I had completed the 6 miles in under 54 mins! Two things struck me, 1) I really thought I was going a lot slower than pace judgement without Garmin is obviously seriously flawed! and 2) I felt much better than I normally would running 6 at that pace (faster than my predicted half marathon pace). Could it be that my enforced 2 week rest through illness had actually had the effect of a taper (I was running avg 30 miles per week up to stopping with longest run of 14 the week before). If so, I'm now a firm believer in the benefits that tapering can bring!

    Did another 10m lsr on Sunday, felt fine, so I'm back to normal this week!:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,111 ✭✭✭rob w

    Dont know if anyone is interested in entering this event or not but thought I would post it here anyway!

    I have just got an email with a discount code to reduce the price from 31.50 to 25. Just enter teamerfit when your registering to receive the discount, (its case sensitive too). Not sure if ill be doing it myself as Ive exams starting the next day, but Ill see!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Stuck my LSR in this morning 13k - 1:19. Lovely weather. First time running with a small handheld bottle. Fine though as used to have an ipod in hand. Now off to Newcastle for a stag to undo all the good work!

    Enjoy the long weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭MazzR

    Hi,havent been on here for a while. Well done on sub 40 10k's and all those other mad stuff!!!:eek: Well, I have been training away and got 15 miles in last week which I know isn't a lot for most of you but I'm very happy with that. Then, this week I was sick monday,went out tuesday and did 5 miles, couldnt go wednesday and was sick again yesterday!! (A lot of stomach problems which are being investigated) Apart from anything else, I'm not liking how this sickness is interfering with this.. I'll go again this evening now with the club and hope for 4 miles. I'm slow, but at the moment,speed isn't really bothering me,trying to get the miles in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Milknosugar

    Im going to have a go at th emarley park parkrun in the morning - one of the lads form the tennis club has challenged me to beat his time from last week - 28 mins. I think its doable!
    Ive also signed up to do that 10k in the phoenix park next sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭npresto

    Hello everyone.

    I followed the Novice Thread last year for DCM 2012 and glad to be back.

    Onto the questions:

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)


    5k: 22:07 - Mar-13 - Parkrun
    10k: 46:46 - Apr-13 - Samung Run Dublin @ Night 10k
    1/2 Mar: 1:56:26 - Oct-12 - Half distance in DCM 2012
    Marathon: 4:00:14 - Oct-12 - DCM 2012

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training?


    How much training do you currently do? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant

    I try to run 100k per month so approx 25km per week

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time?

    I missed out on sub 4hr in DCM 2012 by 15 secs but collapsed after crossing the finish line.
    3hr 59min is my dream time but I'm not bothered about sub 4 this year. I just don't want to collapse at the end.
    I want to be able to walk from the finish line, collect my medal and avoid spending an hour in a medical tent

    How many days a week can you train?


    Why are you running this marathon?

    Unfinished business!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭greenb

    Hi npresto

    Fair play to you for looking after "unfinished business". That time you did last year was a head wrecker! Hope you can exorcise the demons this year...and I'm sure you will.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭npresto

    greenb wrote: »
    Hi npresto

    Fair play to you for looking after "unfinisthenhed business". That time you did last year was a head wrecker! Hope you can exorcise the demons this year...and I'm sure you will.

    Looking back at my training last year, I ran my LSRs too fast. I'm going to run them a lot slower this time. More time and miles in the legs this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭greenb

    npresto wrote: »
    Looking back at my training last year, I ran my LSRs too fast. I'm going to run them a lot slower this time. More time and miles in the legs this year.

    Think I'm probably close to the level you were at last year and am also hoping to go for a sub 4. (Although that may be a bit optimistic). Would be interested to know what pace you did your lsrs last what you now consider was too fast. And what pace you will do them this year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    MazzR wrote: »
    Hi,havent been on here for a while. Well done on sub 40 10k's and all those other mad stuff!!!:eek: Well, I have been training away and got 15 miles in last week which I know isn't a lot for most of you but I'm very happy with that. Then, this week I was sick monday,went out tuesday and did 5 miles, couldnt go wednesday and was sick again yesterday!! (A lot of stomach problems which are being investigated) Apart from anything else, I'm not liking how this sickness is interfering with this.. I'll go again this evening now with the club and hope for 4 miles. I'm slow, but at the moment,speed isn't really bothering me,trying to get the miles in.

    Hope your feeling better mazzR, hate being sick... 15miles is great, you'll be more than ready when the plan starts! And don't worry I'm slow too:)

    It's a lovely evening for a run but have ran the last 4days & plan to do my LSR tomorrow so probably better off leaving it... Off for a cycle instead!

  • Registered Users Posts: 532 ✭✭✭jmcc99_98

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)


    5k: 22:51- May 1st 2013 - Midland Road Lague
    10k: 48:23 - June 2012 - Helium Festival 10k
    1/2 Mar: 1:56:16 - April 7th 2013 - Connemara Half Marathon

    Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training?


    How much training do you currently do? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant

    22-25km per week

    What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time?

    Sub 4 would be a dream time. More realistic is 4:20

    How many days a week can you train?


    Why are you running this marathon?

    Has been the pivotal challenge since I started running two years ago to lose weight - a lot of weight!

    Im looking forward to following this thread. Unfortunately I am battling with an underlying groin injury that comes and goes with absolutely no pattern, could run 20k and have no pain, then could do a short 4k and be in agony. I think I will be training through it and using anti inflammatory drugs if needs be.

    At the moment I think I have a decent base to start from i.e. Connemarathon Half a few weeks ago and still putting in the miles in training.

    I really really REALLY hope I manage to get to DCM injury free and get to compete, I am pretty sure I will put in the training, once I stay injury free I will be happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    10 miles done this evening- a midget in my right eye, an emergency pitstop over a farm gate, & a numb left foot:eek: All in all an "enjoyable" run!

    22miles in the runners & 51miles on the bike this week:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭Laois_Man

    I ran 18 miles this week. Delighted with that cos until last Monday, I hadn't completed any kind successful run since getting injured on April 9th and this time last week I thought I'd be lucky to run anything.

    I'm still in some discomfort though. And it's been a hard slog cos the body isn't fully back into it yet. Gonna aim for similar milage in the next week and then hopefully, all being well, start upping things slowly again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭martyboy48

    Better start posting here more regularly :)
    Ok, so, 52 kms :P clocked this week.
    Signed up to tag rugby in work 2 weeks ago. 2 evenings a week, nothing serious, just beginners. Although I have noticed my competitive streak start to come through :) Now, I know some might tell me I shouldn't do such stuff ie risk injury ect so here is my reasoning for doing it.

    1. Socially- I'm a fairly quiet lad, and although I love a beer, I need a fairly heafty push to get me out on the beer. I believe you need to have a bit of a social life to after putting all this effort into running :D

    2. Strength- adding a bit more strength/robustness especially around the knee/ankle areas may be beneficial. Running seems to be a very "forward and back" movement where the tag may bring a small bit of lateral movement. *Disclaimer This is only my opinion. Do not take this as solid good advice.*

    3. Variety- Something a little different :) I cycle a bit to but nothing serious...

    So far, the first 2 tag sessions I found very tough(utilising different muscles more) and my runs after the tag suffered from it. Last week there was an improvement though which is promising :)

    Also you should note when it comes down to start of official "marathon training plan" all other sports will end(tag and soccer) but will keep a bit of cycling....

    So, have any of you good peeps any other sporting interests at any level??

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    martyboy48 wrote: »
    Better start posting here more regularly :)
    Ok, so, 52 kms :P clocked this week.
    Signed up to tag rugby in work 2 weeks ago. 2 evenings a week, nothing serious, just beginners. Although I have noticed my competitive streak start to come through :) Now, I know some might tell me I shouldn't do such stuff ie risk injury ect so here is my reasoning for doing it.

    1. Socially- I'm a fairly quiet lad, and although I love a beer, I need a fairly heafty push to get me out on the beer. I believe you need to have a bit of a social life to after putting all this effort into running :D

    2. Strength- adding a bit more strength/robustness especially around the knee/ankle areas may be beneficial. Running seems to be a very "forward and back" movement where the tag may bring a small bit of lateral movement. *Disclaimer This is only my opinion. Do not take this as solid good advice.*

    3. Variety- Something a little different :) I cycle a bit to but nothing serious...

    So far, the first 2 tag sessions I found very tough(utilising different muscles more) and my runs after the tag suffered from it. Last week there was an improvement though which is promising :)

    Also you should note when it comes down to start of official "marathon training plan" all other sports will end(tag and soccer) but will keep a bit of cycling....

    So, have any of you good peeps any other sporting interests at any level??

    Fairplay Martyboy... some nice mileage there, Im finding this thread great so far with keeping me on track!

    Was never really into team sports, mainly because Im useless at them! Id say tag rugby would be great for general fitness and as you said a nice social aspect attached to it aswell!

    Im cycling a bit aswell, planning on doing the ring of Kerry cycle at the start of July, not really getting in as much training here as a probably should, Im hoping the running will help at bit here... priorities and all that:)

    I do a bit of waterskiing/wakeboarding in the summer but doubt that counts as cross training!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,565 ✭✭✭ahnowbrowncow

    You all seem to be getting a lot of miles and kilometres ran, fair play marty with 52 kms this week.

    I haven't been doing too much running the last 3 months because I play football and soccer and it's tough to get running in between the training and matches. Looking at my garmin calender I only ran 40km in February, 46km in March and 78km in April.

    I won't get much done in May either so I'm hoping to start upping the mileage in June for the Dublin race series

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,305 ✭✭✭scheister

    Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    Have done small about but mostly only in the last year
    Dublin Race series 2012
    5 mile 48:58
    10mile 1:41:00
    Dublin Half Marahton 2:22:04

    Kildare Half marathon 2012 2:41:50
    couple of 5km races PB 26:29
    •Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training ? (No problem if you do)

    •How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.

    - at the moment doing 2 8.5km (5:15 pace) and one 17km (5:45 pace) a week. would consider myself to have a decent fitness level but could improve alot

    •What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time ?

    - Dublin marathon: complete the DCM in under 4 hours

    •How many days a week can you train ?

    - 2-3 days a week

    •Why are you running this marathon ?

    - My mother ran a few half's and never ran the full due to a stroke and as a result no longer can run so want to do it for her.
    - Want to be able to prove to myself that i can do it.
    • Reservations.
    been unable to do keep concentration doing longer distances as i have a tendency to get bored easily. also if i get a summer job or a real job that it i will get in the way and prevent me from training

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭MazzR

    So,last week was a write off for me because I was sick on and off all week. Back to it again this week,starting this evening with a club session. I'm getting very nervous already about the training plan, will I be able for it or not...I'm hoping against hope i'll be ok,like when I have a plan written in front of me,it usually seems to work out. i'd love to be able to do the Dublin race series but most see to be on a sunday and I'd never be back to Clonmel for work by that evening!:(
    I'll see...

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭npresto

    greenb wrote: »
    Think I'm probably close to the level you were at last year and am also hoping to go for a sub 4. (Although that may be a bit optimistic). Would be interested to know what pace you did your lsrs last what you now consider was too fast. And what pace you will do them this year?

    All my LSRs for last year are listed in the table below.

    Date Dist(km) Time Avg Pace
    07-Jul 11.76 1:11:55 06:07
    14-Jul 8.38 0:50:48 06:04
    21-Jul 15.32 1:29:25 05:50
    28-Jul 16.52 1:36:09 05:49
    04-Aug 12.32 1:10:44 05:45
    11-Aug 20.45 2:06:38 06:12
    18-Aug 22.56 2:14:08 05:57
    25-Aug 17.31 1:44:52 06:04
    01-Sep 25.04 2:37:09 06:17
    08-Sep 22.29 2:18:27 06:13
    15-Sep 21.35 1:58:56 05:34
    23-Sep 29.29 2:50:49 05:50
    29-Sep 22.73 2:08:16 05:39
    06-Oct 32.19 3:06:35 05:48
    14-Oct 20.22 1:52:06 05:33
    21-Oct 12.94 1:10:23 05:25
    Overall Avg Pace 05:53

    Marathon time
    29-Oct 42.45 4:00:14 05:40

    You can see my overall average pace was 5m53secs/km but should have been PMP+ (30 to 90 secs) i.e. 5:40+(30s-90s) = 6:10/km - 7:10/km

    I also ran slightly longer than Marathon distance so should have factored a second faster for PMP i.e. 5:39/km instead of 5:40/km for a sub 4 hr marathon.

    I plan to run my LSRs this year at about 6:20/km to 6:30/km

    I ran none of last years LSRs at this pace :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,565 ✭✭✭ahnowbrowncow

    npresto wrote: »
    All my LSRs for last year are listed in the table below.

    You can see my overall average pace was 5m53secs/km but should have been PMP+ (30 to 90 secs) i.e. 5:40+(30s-90s) = 6:10/km - 7:10/km

    I also ran slightly longer than Marathon distance so should have factored a second faster for PMP i.e. 5:39/km instead of 5:40/km for a sub 4 hr marathon.

    I plan to run my LSRs this year at about 6:20/km to 6:30/km

    I ran none of last years LSRs at this pace :(

    I'm far from an expert so take my opinion with a pinch of salt. Thought I better add that in :)

    I'm going to disagree with you in that I don't think your LSRs should be run slower than last year.

    You did the samsung 10k recently in 46:46 so your 10k pace is 4:40 min/km. Add about 1 min to that for your LSR pace and that leaves you at 5:40 or 5:50, exactly what you did last year so I think it was spot on.

    The fitter you get the more your 10k and your LSR pace will come down by so you could quite possibly be doing your LSRs @ 5:20/5:30 pace by the time DCM comes around.

    Your LCRs are supposed to be easy but not ridiculously easy which I think you would be doing if you started doing them @ 6:30 pace.

    Anyway I just thought I'd reply because I think you're well able to go sub 4 hours this year and I don't think slower, less effective training will help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,439 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    I'm far from an expert so take my opinion with a pinch of salt. Thought I better add that in :)

    Well McMillan IS an expert and if you plug in that 10k time you get a predicted marathon of 3:40 and a LSR training pace of 5:13 - 6:00.

    Of course your 10k time might have been based on 10k training as opposed to marathon training but obviously the potential is there.

    Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭npresto

    murphd77 wrote: »
    Well McMillan IS an expert and if you plug in that 10k time you get a predicted marathon of 3:40 and a LSR training pace of 5:13 - 6:00.

    Of course your 10k time might have been based on 10k training as opposed to marathon training but obviously the potential is there.

    Best of luck with it.

    Not sure what to do now.

    I've more miles in the legs heading into DCM-13 training and I improved my 5k and 10k PBs this year so I think I'm in better shape and a lot wiser having run last year's DCM but I just want to finish it this year comfortably and not go through the hell I suffered in the last 4 miles last year.

    My dilemma is deciding what pace to pick for my LSRs: slower or the same pace as last year?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭career_move

    npresto wrote: »
    Not sure what to do now.

    I've more miles in the legs heading into DCM-13 training and I improved my 5k and 10k PBs this year so I think I'm in better shape and a lot wiser having run last year's DCM but I just want to finish it this year comfortably and not go through the hell I suffered in the last 4 miles last year.

    My dilemma is deciding what pace to pick for my LSRs: slower or the same pace as last year?
    I would do them at the same pace as last year.

    As you have pointed out it was too fast for the level you were at back then but you have improved heaps and to run the lsr any slower now would be a regression

    It does highlight the advantage of having a recent race result to work your training paces from so thanks for that :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Picked up a new pair of trainers yesterday after a 10k run. Had the current pair since I started last August and both wanted a new pair and wanted to see if new analysis would help me pick up what might be a more suitable pair which might help with the multiple niggles on the left leg. Asics GT-2000 is what I went for in the end after trying on a pair of Brooks and Saucony. Took a half size smaller also. Looking forward to giving them a run out for a 5k this evening.

    Currently sitting in work rolling the ball end of an IKEA shoehorn over the left side of my foot. As you do like!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Milknosugar

    Fab running by you in Limerick C_M. Congrats.

    I did the Marley Parkrun on Sat. I was hoping my competitive spirit would get me to beat the 28min time target I was given. I set out far too fast though and struggled with my breathing really quickly. I had to stop to do up my shoelaces and let my friend off with a "I'll catch up". I eventually got the pace right after having to walk for a few seconds a couple of times. i had a bit of a stitch too - I had breakfast far too close to the race. Once Id reached 4 km I speeded up and sprint finished it with a time of 31:32. Happy enough to be fair - its a PB of 3 mins. I think I have one speed only and its slow!! Im just not comfortable with running faster.
    I had played tennis on friday night and felt the impact on my shins. Yesterday i ran 10k in 1hr 10mins and it was a serious struggle with the heat. Today at work Im feeling the beginnings of shin splints that I was plagued with last summer. Ill rest a couple of days, do 5km on thurs and see how the 10k race goes on sunday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 103 ✭✭ronan1986

    •Have you raced before? If so what are your PBs? (Date and distance please!)
    Nope. Have done Gaelforce West, but that's a bit different. Never competed in purely a running race.
    My Gaelforce West time was 6hr 42 (I think), but Im blaming the bike on that one.

    •Do you still need to take walk breaks in your training ? (No problem if you do)
    - No. Well on very rare occasions.

    •How much training do you currently do ? Distances, how many days a week, cross training - whatever you think is relevant to your current fitness level.
    - 3 days running a week, 3 days gym work. (yeah, 6 days a week :o!
    - My distances are at the moment 1 5km, 1 7.5 km and 1 10.5km.
    - Times 23mins, 36mins and 48 mins respectively (estimated).

    •What do you want to achieve? Dream finishing time and realistic finishing time ?
    - To finish the race and to be strong doing it. Id love sub 4hrs 15 for a first time go.

    •How many days a week can you train ?
    - For running 3 at the moment, but as the weeks go bye I plan on dedicating more time to running and less to the gym.
    So 3, progressing to 4 or 5.

    •Why are you running this marathon ?
    - The Challenge.
