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Insanity Workout: Anyone try it?



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    Don't want this thread to descend into a white bread, brown bread, no bread farce but I agree with the above comments. I only gave up bread, the spuds, pasta, rice and breakfast cereals for a few weeks but it made a huge difference. More of a difference then giving up chocolate or booze, that's for sure.

    I eat rice a bit now and the odd potato and probably more bread than I should but the pasta is long gone and porridge is the only cereal on the menu these days

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,427 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    I eat potatoes a fair bit but don't touch bread or pasta. Only brekfeast cereal i'd have is porridge. Need to cut back on the potatoes and replace them with vegetables.

    As for Insanity, still doing it 4-5 times a week but energy levels are pretty low at the moment, find myself having to take a few extra breathers, still complete everything but not at the same intensity as previously. Might need a break for a few days from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    Went back to basics and started insanity again, back at weeks 1.

    5 days in and I've lost 2.5kg of post holiday baggage. So back down to 90KG. Hoping to get down to 85kg this time by the end of it.

    Gotta juggle rugby training twice a week but reckon I can still do 4 of 6 weekly workouts and the recovery workout is the one I will skip

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,427 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    My body is in it bits at the moment, between soccer, gym and insanity i'm pretty stiff and tired. Going away for the weekend so by Tuesday i'm hoping i'll feel refreshed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    Hi All, havent updated this thread in a while, unfortunately had a bereavement close to me which knocked me for six and Insanity was the last thing on my mind to be honest, now the dust has relatively settled im going to knuckle down and try get back in to it. Ive been eating and drinking terrible lately due to the above and feel very sluggish and chubby but thats all over with now and im ready to get back on track. Ive also convinced the missus to give it a go this time around as she has been the same the last few weeks so the two of us are going to give it a go now

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  • Registered Users Posts: 463 ✭✭niceoneted

    Sorry to hear of your loss Allybhoy. Nothing like insanity to get you back on track. I managed to make it to week 6 so had my recovery week last week. It went well. I found this morning tough and I am tired but sticking with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    Sorry to hear that Allybhoy. T'was awfully quiet in here the last week or two.

    Don't be surprised if you find first few nights back tougher than you remember. The main thing is to get a couple of workouts under your belt even if it takes longer than normal or with more rest periods.

    Having a partner will help too. It shouldn't feel as repeatative as before hopefully. Let us know how u get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    Cheers guys.

    Done it last night, and 2ndrow was right, i found it much tougher than before, Herself done it with me after she done her bootcamp and she is sore this morning but she actually really enjoyed it and was well able for most of it. She does bootcamp Mon-Weds 6-7 so it might be a bit much for her on those days but she said she is going to try keep going. Was pretty funny actually our 3 year old came running in whilst we were in the middle of it screaming crying at 11pm because she didnt know what all the banging and jumping around was when she woke up, when she realised we were only exercising she wanted to join in but she was quickly tucked back up in bed..much to her annoyance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 463 ✭✭niceoneted

    Lots of push up stuff and side push ups in today's workout. I'm not very good at them at all. I never sweated as much in my lift even doing a marathon! Floor was soaking. I'm wrecked now and stretched out on the couch!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    allybhoy wrote: »
    Cheers guys.

    Was pretty funny actually our 3 year old came running in whilst we were in the middle of it screaming crying at 11pm because she didnt know what all the banging and jumping around was when she woke up, when she realised we were only exercising she wanted to join in but she was quickly tucked back up in bed..much to her annoyance!

    Ha. I can totally relate to that. My 4 year old loves joining in too. I even got her her own yoga mat. She joins in on the jumping jacks and other jumps.... For about 3 mins, then she gets board and goes back to colouring.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    niceoneted wrote: »
    Lots of push up stuff and side push ups in today's workout. I'm not very good at them at all. I never sweated as much in my lift even doing a marathon! Floor was soaking. I'm wrecked now and stretched out on the couch!

    Are you on the max interval workouts now... what week are you on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 flagnoflag

    I think anything called 'insanity workout' should be avoided at all costs. The other folks on here are right about nutrition- it is key, it is about 80 percent with exercise and sleep and stress the others. Please look up pat divilly's 21 day jumpstart, it's amazing. book is 15 euro in easons, He is also online. on facebook i THINK. I am in no way connected just myself husband and 2 sisters have all done the programme and I mean wow results for the first time in our lives. Without any insanity. good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 463 ✭✭niceoneted

    Yeah 2nd row on the max weeks. The first of those 4 weeks. Just two days in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭A Greedy Algorithm

    I started this yesterday. I train alot and enjoy mixing things up so i decided to give this a try.

    Today was the first proper workout after the fit test. God damn its tough. I've never sweated so much in my life - although this might be the current heat that's in it and doing a workout in a small room.

    I do a lot of HIIT training as it is and run, cycle and play a few sports so my general fitness isn't bad, but this is a real different type of workout. I'm trying to see if i can just do this every morning and still fit in soccer etc a few evening a week - i don't want to over train or burn myself out.

    I'm really looking forward to the rest of the program - if i stick it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,427 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    flagnoflag wrote: »
    I think anything called 'insanity workout' should be avoided at all costs. The other folks on here are right about nutrition- it is key, it is about 80 percent with exercise and sleep and stress the others. Please look up pat divilly's 21 day jumpstart, it's amazing. book is 15 euro in easons, He is also online. on facebook i THINK. I am in no way connected just myself husband and 2 sisters have all done the programme and I mean wow results for the first time in our lives. Without any insanity. good luck

    Insanity has made me really fit, i've also lost considerable body fat and have toned up a fair bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭Rossin

    21 day jumpstart is not going to have me any fitter on a football pitch unfortunately

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    I know 2 or 3 people who did the Pat Divilly stuff and they speak very highly of it and they got great results. The one thing that struck me though is that none of them are following it 6, 9 or 12 months later but maybe thats just the few people I happen to know.

    Any, "weight loss is 80% diet/nutrition" is no major epiphany. Anyone with even basic knowledge of heath, fitness and exercise knows unless you have a calorie deficit diet then your not going to loose any weight no matter how much insanity or other exercise you do.

    I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us are into insanity for the cardio effects and the overall improvements to our body shape, weight loss is secondary .. well for me it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,709 ✭✭✭2nd Row Donkey

    I started this yesterday. I train alot and enjoy mixing things up so i decided to give this a try.

    Today was the first proper workout after the fit test. God damn its tough. I've never sweated so much in my life - although this might be the current heat that's in it and doing a workout in a small room.

    I do a lot of HIIT training as it is and run, cycle and play a few sports so my general fitness isn't bad, but this is a real different type of workout. I'm trying to see if i can just do this every morning and still fit in soccer etc a few evening a week - i don't want to over train or burn myself out.

    I'm really looking forward to the rest of the program - if i stick it!

    You should be fine if you have a big gap (8 hours plus) between morning workouts and football in the evenings. Depends on how much the football takes out of you too. Just make sure you do absolutely nothing on rest days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    I know 2 or 3 people who did the Pat Divilly stuff and they speak very highly of it and they got great results. The one thing that struck me though is that none of them are following it 6, 9 or 12 months later but maybe thats just the few people I happen to know.

    Any, "weight loss is 80% diet/nutrition" is no major epiphany. Anyone with even basic knowledge of heath, fitness and exercise knows unless you have a calorie deficit diet then your not going to loose any weight no matter how much insanity or other exercise you do.

    I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us are into insanity for the cardio effects and the overall improvements to our body shape, weight loss is secondary .. well for me it is.

    Exactly, Diet first, exercise second, if you dont get the first one right then no point in doing the second, your wasting your time. Diet changes should be lifestyle changes as opposed to crash diets like paleo etc etc as you will put it straight back on once you come off your diet, I know, ive been that soldier.. Now im trying to slowly loose the fat and to this end Insanity is helping.

    Anyhoo, done the dvd again last night, herself chickened out as she was wrecked after her bootcamp, my calves are like granite today and ive to play football later, I already know tonights video will be a serious struggle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    Another update.

    Been going through the videos every day, havent missed one now since i started back and have been going the gym every second day aswell, however im shattered today and have football after work so i know tonight will be a killer. Herself has been doing a good few aswell with me and its much easier when there is somebody doing them with you. Im also finding the 3 main videos a little bit repetitive if im honest, Pure Cardio, P&R and Plyometrics. Im beginning to regret going back two weeks so herself could start with me but ill stick with it. Im also noticing a slight change in bodyshape, definitely toning up around the midrift and legs which is spurring me on.

    Also, funny update about my little one coming in. She goes to her Nanny's every day, the day after the incident above, her Nanna asked her why she was so tired and did she sleep well. She turns around and tells her "No, My mammy and daddy woke me up late last night, I heard a lot of banging and noise and was frightened"
    Nanna:- "Why, what was happenning?"
    - "they said they were doing their excercises and sent me back to bed"

    Needless to say I got an earful when i collected her that night and had to do a lot of explaining!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,427 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    Do you really need to be doing Insanity the same day as you're doing football? Missing one day like that isn't going to halt your progress. In fact you'll probably benefit from the break. Doing 6 days straight of insanity is designed that it's the only type of exercise you are doing. There's no way you should be doing 6 days a week of insanity while playing football too

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    siblers wrote: »
    Do you really need to be doing Insanity the same day as you're doing football? Missing one day like that isn't going to halt your progress. In fact you'll probably benefit from the break. Doing 6 days straight of insanity is designed that it's the only type of exercise you are doing. There's no way you should be doing 6 days a week of insanity while playing football too

    Yeh i couldnt physically do it last night when i got in, I was shattered. Going to do last nights video tonight isntead and take yesterday as my rest day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 463 ✭✭niceoneted

    After 44 days I'm taking a break from it. I'm so frustrated with it. Been tracking my calories and all ok there. Used my fitness pal. Really handy that scanning stuff too. I'm going to start back running for August and then start back at insanity in sept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭A Greedy Algorithm

    Started this 2 weeks ago. I play sports and also hit the gym and cycle so i am trying to fit in maybe 4 sessions a week if possible.

    I love it. I sweat more than i ever have in my life (even in a sauna). I came back from a rest day and did pure cardio this evening - the rest day is a great help and i felt terrific after it.

    I'm looking forward to month 2 if only to see how much tougher it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    Started this 2 weeks ago. I play sports and also hit the gym and cycle so i am trying to fit in maybe 4 sessions a week if possible.

    I love it. I sweat more than i ever have in my life (even in a sauna). I came back from a rest day and did pure cardio this evening - the rest day is a great help and i felt terrific after it.

    I'm looking forward to month 2 if only to see how much tougher it is.

    I swapped weds and Thursday this week, done Plyometrics last night, I still struggle with the second half of that workout, Basketballs are grand, Level 1 drills are tough but doable, but when it comes to the ski-abs followed by in-and-out abs i just cant finish any sets of either of them without taking lots of little rests. I can do about 5 of each exercise in a row before i have to take 5 seconds break then i get back in to it and have to take a break again, they arent getting any easier. Find them really sore on the legs. Anyone else experience this? My missus struggles aswell, but she also struggles with the level 1 drills and although i find them tough i can finish them without any breaks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,945 ✭✭✭SuprSi

    I find those two very tough as well, though on my shoulders more so that my legs. I can level 1 drills without any breaks but it doesn't leave me with much to give in my upper body.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,473 ✭✭✭Roddy23

    I'd be the same SuperSi - the shoulders feel it more than anything else. My only consolation is that even the lads on the dvd's find it tough doing the in out's and the ski ab's as most of them are out on their feet after the level 1 drills.

    Back onto week2 of the first month again, took it easy for a few weeks as was working like a loon and didn't have much time for insanity on top of that. I think consistency is the key more than anything, as I can do it for 2-3 weeks easily enough but then if something come's up it can take a knock for a few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,576 ✭✭✭atilladehun

    niceoneted wrote: »
    After 44 days I'm taking a break from it. I'm so frustrated with it. Been tracking my calories and all ok there. Used my fitness pal. Really handy that scanning stuff too. I'm going to start back running for August and then start back at insanity in sept.


    I haven't done it this summer unlike the previous two. I sprained my ankle at the start of the summer so couldn't do it. I just focused on body weight stuff. Body shape has improved like never before, cardio is terrible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 756 ✭✭✭Rega

    Hi all. i've been following this thread for a while. About time I posted.

    I'm on week 5 of Insanity, the recovery week.

    Found the first week very tough as I was coming into it after having a lazy few months exercise wise. Week 2 was better and 3 and 4 were fine. I was watching my diet very well and using the myfitnesspal app to track calories. Lost a bit of weight (not loads) but really felt it in my clothes which are much looser. Also noticed I'm getting much stronger in my upper body as I barely could do a few pushups at the start but I'm doing much better now.

    Week 5, the recovery week, is really nice. The workout will still make you sweat but it's not as extreme. I love seeing Akil in the front row stopping half way through a few exercises. Makes me feel great about my efforts! I made the mistake of going out for a run Monday night as I thought the workout wasn't as intense but I was very tired the day after. Now I'm taking Sean T's advice and letting my body rest for the week.

    Unfortunately my diet's been poor this week. I think it's because I know the next 4 weeks are going to be tough so I'm treating this week like a holiday. I've put back on two pounds but I'm not too fussed as I'll get rid of it next week when I knuckle back down.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,427 ✭✭✭✭siblers

    For all of ye about to embark on month 2, it's hell :pac: :D
