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But its cold outside



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Wednesday 4th July - South O Hanlon 5km

    Went to this race just hoping to improve on my Bohermeen time of 24.01 from a month ago, when legs were tired and i knew i could do better. Did the 5m race on Sat in the park and legs were tired at that so wasn't too sure.

    Anyway finally got to meet LOTS of Boardsies and it was great to put names and faces to usernames....

    Arrived in lots of time(unusually for me) no problem with parking and registeration, collected lovely teeshirt, headed back to the car to drop off the bits and bobs and then meet up with the gang, and jogged up to the start 1km away, that was all the warmup i did.

    Race started no problems and away i went, knew it was too fast but though ah lets see what happens,:rolleyes: everyone had mentioned the hill after the first 1k, but no one had mentioned the one up over the railway, so first hill done and dusted and feelign ok, kept going!!
    mile 1- 7.26,:D
    next mile had two hills which i found testing but ok, (my hills in training obviously are standing to me):D, as we rounded the bend at the church i was feeling comfortable and my sister was there and had little bottles of water, i took one, had a swig and then passed it around, it came back to me and i had another swig.
    second mile slower at 7.57 but with the hills that was grand and i had hoped the first mile was quick enough that if i started to stall nearer the end i had a bit banked, coming down the hill at 2.5 my legs just took off and i decided to go with it as far i could, i passed the water station, delighted i didn't have to slow down to grap a water, although the guy running beside me decided to empty his cup of water into my left show...very refreshing...not:(
    at this stage we were back to where we had started so i just kept the pace going.....i managed to pass quite a few people, and mile 3 came in at 7.17, with the last .13 of a mile at 7.05.
    Overall 3.13m in 23.34 avg 7.32/183 Garmin time, chip time 23.42..can't understand why they give you a chip if its going to be gun time:(.

    Anyway i was delighted with my run, new PB and i wasn't completely wrecked at the end.:D

    Plan is to take at least a month of racing and concentrate on the marathon training and see if i tackle my sub 50 for 10k sometime in Aug,i'll miss the Race series 10k in Swords, but there are a few in the North East in August and if not, next race is the Frank Duffy 10m in the park....

    MTD: 16.12m
    YTD: 531.02m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Well done mrs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Great running Anne especially as you had an hour run in the legs from Tuesday night. Bohermeen is one of the fastest courses around so if you are running faster especially after racing on Saturdau it shows huge improvement. Keep it going plenty more to come

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Well done. The sub 50 10k is a shoe in - you just have to find one to race! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭sunflowerRo

    Mighty race Anne. You got your splits the right way around. I started too fast and got slower and slower.
    As Emer says you'll smash your 10k time next time you race one.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Great run yesterday Anne, congrats. I reckon the chatting during the warm-up stood to you well :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Well done Anne super running the last few weeks. All that training is paying off for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thurdsay 5th July - Week 2, Run 3 - 6m @ 10.11/152

    legs are very heavy & tight today and its my own fault...i must remember to give my mouth a rest after the races and do my stretches:o

    went out for the 6m run which was suppose to be easy pace 9.27 - 9.57, but was over 10min for each mile, but decide not to push it and just go with what was comfortable, so it ended up at my LSR pace

    Very warm out this evening and a lovely cool breeze in parts, especially in tyhe shade. I started taking a small bottle of water with me on the runs as it can get very hot some of the days!!!
    Ended up with a headache again last night so will have to see if i can take anything before the race to avoid it happening

    MTD: 22.12m
    YTD: 537.02m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    well done anne on the 5k you are flying it. Sorry i couldn't get out and cheer you all on. I would have been well up for the chats after. catch up soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Nules10 wrote: »
    well done anne on the 5k you are flying it. Sorry i couldn't get out and cheer you all on. I would have been well up for the chats after. catch up soon.

    Ah Nules, it was a lovely evening...9.40pm before my mouth ran out of batteries and i left for home:o.....there were people i haven't seen in years there so i was chatting to everyone!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Congrats on the 5k pb, and good luck with the marathon training

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,356 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Congrats Anne, great running & training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Woohoo!! Well done, delighted for you! Great time, my legs are feeling weak looking at your mile times! Hope you had some well deserved Miller in celebration!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    madon wrote: »
    Woohoo!! Well done, delighted for you! Great time, my legs are feeling weak looking at your mile times! Hope you had some well deserved Miller in celebration!

    Thanks Madon, you know me too well:o, OH had a few chilling in the fridge for me when i got home:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Younganne wrote: »
    Thanks Madon, you know me too well:o, OH had a few chilling in the fridge for me when i got home:D

    :D Has to be done! Well deserved too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Congrats on a super run Anne... keep up the good work, you're flying now

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Saturday 7th June - 1.16m warm up, 10 x 30 sec hills with 1m recovery, 2.01m cool down - Total 4.25m

    I had a busy schedule for the weekend with travelling on both days to 2 differents family parties/reunions.

    So headed out to do my hills at about 9.45 and the sun was shining:D, did the warm up nice and handy at avg 10.11/159, and got to my hill. the hill is completely covered in by trees so it was lovely and cool.

    I set up a quick interval session for 30 secs run followed by 60secs rest and off i went. The first one felf fine and it came in at 7.58 slightly out side range - as 5K/5m pace is 7.33/7.54...handy that i had just raced both distances with in the week:D

    The next ones the effort and pace felt the same but according to the Garmin the times come is as 10.06, 10.29, 11.32, 9.59, 10.31, 9.33, 10.09, 11.14, 9.40, for the life of me i don't remember crawling a few of these but thats what the stats say:eek::eek::eek: anyway at the time, the effort was the there and the workout was done!!!

    Cooldown was 2.01 and I would have loved to go for a bit more but there was a Pavlova in the oven and I had to get home...but when i got there it was out and cooling...i could have done another mile or two!!!:rolleyes:

    Sunday, I wasn't as organised, we had further to travel and the kids really needed baths (holding down supervision for the younger 2, they both hate baths)!!! and there were bits of housework that couldn't be left for another minute...all this was done in my running clothes but then there just wasn't any time left!!!!:eek:

    MTD: 26.37m
    YTD: 541.27m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭pistol_75

    the hill is completely covered in by trees so it was lovely and cool.

    The next ones the effort and pace felt the same but according to the Garmin the times come is as 10.06, 10.29, 11.32, 9.59, 10.31, 9.33, 10.09, 11.14, 9.40, for the life of me i don't remember crawling a few of these but thats what the stats say:eek::eek::eek: anyway at the time, the effort was the there and the workout was done!!

    If the hill was covered by trees thia probably affected your signal and threw your pace all over the place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Week 3 - plan

    |Rest|6 mile easy|Session 1*|6m easy|15 min recovery|Progression*|1 hr 45 easy

    Session 1-1 mile warm up, 10x30 sec hills @ 5k-5m effort jog back down recovery, 1 mile cooldown

    Progression - 1 mile warm up, 3 miles steady, 2 miles @ MP, 1 mile at HMP, 1 mile cooldown

    Today - 6m easy - in 57.41 @ 9.37/157.

    my new easy pace going by my 5k race time from last week is 9.17 - 9.47
    so this sat on the lower end of the range which is great...felt nice & comfortable too, around a few hills in the Phoenix park too, so very happy with the run!!
    9.35/148, 9.23/162, 9.41/158, 9.34/153, 9.41/161, 9.47/161,

    this was the same route as last Thursday but it was definitely much more comfortable and a lot cooler.....obviously the 2 days rest did me legs gud!!!!;)

    MTD: 32.37m
    YTD: 547.27m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    pistol_75 wrote: »
    If the hill was covered by trees thia probably affected your signal and threw your pace all over the place.

    Hi Pistol, ye i was thinking that but didn't want to be making excuses...Thanks;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Week 3 - run 2
    Wednesday 11th July - 1m WU, drills, 4 x 3mins, 1m cooldown

    Back to Meath Running group for this, with one thing and another i hadn't been there for 4 weeks so it was good to get back to the gang.....3 laps into the warm up and the heavens opened and it was pretty much rain torrential hail for the entire hr.
    Did the mile warm up 9.20 avg pace, and seeing as we were all wet decided to keep going. Loads of different drills x 4 reps of each to get the legs warmed up and then we did 4 x 3mins with varying rest periods in between
    3.03min @ 6.54 with 1.40 rest,
    3.01min @ 6.46 with 2.00 rest,
    3.01min @ 7.08 with 2.00 rest,(this one was run with eyes closed against the hail for alots of it:eek:)
    3.00min @ 6.25 with 1.40 rest
    1m cooldown @9.43

    The 3mins for each rep was run at a fast but comfortable pace and i was very surprised to see the stats after as i certainly didn't feel like i was going faster than 5k pace. I was at the back of the lead group each time and just concentrated on staying there and not falling behind...but we were spread over 80m by the end!!!
    Not sure if this was the entire original plan but it was called a halt to as we were so wet and it wasn't stopping!!! Few stretches and off home!!
    Sun was shining within 10mins of us finishing:rolleyes:
    overall (not including drills) 4.07 @ 9.29

    Week 3 - Run 4
    Thursday 12th July - 6.20m @ 9.24/159
    Headed off down the main road at home for this and the plan was for 6m easy pace is 9.17 - 9.47 so well within this and a few times i tried to slow it down to come in on the slower end of the pace, but no legs weren't having it...ot was a comfortable run. The rain came in the last half mile but it was a lovel cooling mist:rolleyes:

    9.32/159, 9.13/160, 9.18/157, 9.28/159, 9.26/160, 9.25/161,(.20) 9.23/175(up long gradual slope)

    Week 3 - Run 5
    Friday 13th July:eek: - Plan was 15min Recovery run.
    this 15min Recovery has been on the plan for the previous 2 weeks but i didn't do them as i thought it was too much hassel to bring the gear to work for 15min and then i didn't manage to get out when i got home in the evenings even thought it was only 15min:eek: anyhow, i confessed to Ecoli and he explained the thinking behind then, which is always useful to know why something is on the plan.

    So this morning after pottering around, hanging washing, feeding kids, usual things, i set off with the Mutt who was delighted to be allowed come with me for a change and headed for the hills in a lovely slow relaxed pace..hadn't checked what recovery pace was so jsut went with the flow...i was keeping an eye on the HR and didn't want it to go over 145ish, but a few of the hills pushed it up to 150 but overall it was a lovely slow and relaxing run.....
    1.60m @11.10/139 - never had an avg HR so low:D i'm sure the avg pace is well outside my recovery pace, must check it and see!!!
    The mutt "Lady" wasn't too happy with such a short run!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Good stuff Anne. I find it hard to do those recovery runs also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Great session Wednesday Anne, very impressive numbers there!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Younganne wrote: »
    1.60m @11.10/139 - never had an avg HR so low:D i'm sure the avg pace is well outside my recovery pace, must check it and see!!!
    The mutt "Lady" wasn't too happy with such a short run!!!

    Dont worry about that the slower the better with these one's trust me if you don't believe me have a look at my run yesterday in comparison to my other runs in terms of pace:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Ecoil, the legs were great today for the progression run, never tired or felt heavy at all:D

    Week 3 - Run 5
    Saturday 14th July - 9.33m @9.26.161
    I had to drop my car for a service so decided i'd run home the long way and kill 2 birds with the one stone:p
    The first 2 miles were really difficult as i felt very warm, breathing was all over the place and i wasn't going too hard, but there were a few lonh slopes:o
    Got to 2.22m and it just all came right!!:D
    I had to pull back the steady run a few times and them speed it up again so the pace was all over the place(for all the run)...the MP miles were ok, but i hadn't worked out my paces properly before hand but i had a idea in my head. The HMP were the most enjoyable part of the run and the cool down was difficult as i liked the HMP pace...

    Any i'm delighted to have it done and dusted and all before noon!! And its lashing here now!!!!

    I had set this up as a session so the stats are
    1m - 10.16/156,
    3m - 9.41/162,
    2m - 9.04/161,
    2m - 8.42/161
    1.33 - 9.55/161


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Nice going. Love the idea of that progression run and just seeing it now. I've been trying to stay out of ecoli's DCM 11 log so I wouldn't be tempted to try anything :D. Damn you for posting it but keeping doing it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Nice one anne. Did it myself this morning and i had to say i enjoyed the change of pace. I was all over the place for the steady run too and was glad to move on to MP. Only pace i was sure of was the HMP, due to the fact i have tried it so many times :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    shazkea wrote: »
    Nice going. Love the idea of that progression run and just seeing it now. I've been trying to stay out of ecoli's DCM 11 log so I wouldn't be tempted to try anything :D. Damn you for posting it but keeping doing it!

    Ha ha, just come back to us:rolleyes: Someone ;) just pointed out 2 me that i did an extra 1 m @ HMP, but i didn't realise i had set it up wrong and when i checked out the weeks schedule i had 8m on sat in my head and couldn't figure out how is was 9m last night when i was putting it into the Garmin:o...anyhoo i enjoyed it so not too worried!!!! need a Maths teacher!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Younganne wrote: »
    Ha ha, just come back to us:rolleyes: Someone ;) just pointed out 2 me that i did an extra 1 m @ HMP, but i didn't realise i had set it up wrong and when i checked out the weeks schedule i had 8m on sat in my head and couldn't figure out how is was 9m last night when i was putting it into the Garmin:o...anyhoo i enjoyed it so not too worried!!!! need a Maths teacher!!!

    Show off ;);):D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Nules10 wrote: »
    Show off ;);):D

