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But its cold outside



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭BobMac104

    thats a great thing to see. I couldnt run 3km this time last year never mind when i was three!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Tuesday 29th May - 5.06m in 49.01 @ 9.42/157

    Went our with my training partner for this. Very cloudy, no sunshine but still warm but with a lovely cooling breeze.

    We started off nice and easy and after 2.6m we decided to do 1 m at HM pace just for the fun of it (i was thinking about P&D's first run in the marathon plan and was half thinking of doing a trail run of the first weeks plan) but will have to see when i can do that
    anyhow we did the mile at a nice pace of 8.38 but we are very uneven runners, going too fast trying to pull it back, getting fast again...but we will practice at trying to get the correct pace and maintaining it :eek: (i hope)

    10.02/145, 10.09/156, (.66m) 10.13/155, 8.38/170, 9.33/159, m(.40)9.49/161

    Totals biggrin.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Wednesday - 30th May - Meath Running Group
    plan was warmup, stretches & drills, 2 x 2min, 1 x 2.30 mins x twice with 90 recovery, stretches, 1m cool down

    So it was a very humid evening for this, car was showing 20 degrees when i arrived, but the weather, good or bad, never stops me:D

    anyway warm up was nice and relaxed as were the stretches and drills (i hate most of the drills):eek:

    then we went for the intervals...the first one i felt like i had gone too fast and that i was going to struggle with the rest of them, by the 5th one i really though about not finishing them, but there's a bit of stubborness in me :o so i kept going but at 90% instead of 95% and turns out that i enjoyed them.

    When i was looking at the times after, i realised that no2 was the fastest split but it didn't feel like it was, the 2.30 min i went slower as i feared i wouldn't be able to finish them. Some of the recoveries were longer than others as there is quite a big group of us and it was taking longer and longer to get everyone back to the start line to go again.

    I love running in the group as it helps to pull you along more than if you were doing them on your own!!:D
    I know some of you have been saying that for quite a while now;)

    1m warm - up - 9.42/144
    2.03.85 mins = .33m @ 6.10/159 (best pace 5.42) with 73 sec recovery
    1.59.85 mins = .33m @ 6.03/176 (best pace 5.34) with 93 sec recovery
    2.31.50 mins = .38m @6.40/178 (best pace 5.51) with 130sec recovery
    2.01.43 mins = .32m @6.23/172 (best pace 5.49) with 103 sec recovery
    2.02.10mins = .31m @ 6.36/177 (best pace 5.50) with 90 sec recovery
    2.31.82 mins = .38m @ 6.38/179 (best pace 5.47) with 5.40min recovery & stretching
    1m cooldown 9.32/169

    Total 4.52m

    Thurday 31st May - 5.55m in 53.09 @ 9.35/155

    Went out in the drizzly rain for this but it wasn't long before i had to shred the light jacket and tie it around me. It was again very humid but i took it nice and handy and enjoyed the run. The right hamstring was a bit tight coming in at the end so have to get "rolling" this evening:)


    Totals biggrin.gif
    WTD: 15.13m
    MTD: 84.40m
    YTD: 430.72m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Month | Total
    January |51.87(2 weeks off sick)
    February| 84.37 |
    March | 110.73
    April | 100.29
    May | 84.40 (10 days off sick)
    Overall| 431.66

    I wouldn't think i had 400 total miles for the whole of last year :rolleyes:
    I seem to be .94m short on my log......must investigate, they could become crucial for the 1000m challenge
    I can't believe tomorrow is the 1st June...already!!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭sunflowerRo

    Hey Anne, were you in the park for your run today? I was going to send you a message earlier...was on a half day but by time i got home and changed it was after 1.30 by the time i got up there so i'm sure you were probably finishing up by then. There was a great buzz up there today with Bloom on I thought,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Hey Anne, were you in the park for your run today? I was going to send you a message earlier...was on a half day but by time i got home and changed it was after 1.30 by the time i got up there so i'm sure you were probably finishing up by then. There was a great buzz up there today with Bloom on I thought,

    ye Sunflower Ro i was out running by 12.40, i'll pm you my mobile no and any day you know you'll be running and want to meet up let me know by 12 and i can take a later lunch its pretty flexible at work or I can go after work, if i don't have to get home for some activities with the kids......

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Younganne wrote: »
    (i hate most of the drills):eek:

    If the drills are the thing you hate about the sessions you are not pushing yourself hard enough in the intervals :D. Ah the drills aren't so bad when everybody else is doing them. Would look a bit strange doing them on your own though :)

    You going to attempt this sub 2:09 'marathon' next week?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    beeduybe wrote: »
    If the drills are the thing you hate about the sessions you are not pushing yourself hard enough in the intervals :D. Ah the drills aren't so bad when everybody else is doing them. Would look a bit strange doing them on your own though :)

    You going to attempt this sub 2:09 'marathon' next week?

    Yep, i'll be there, its the nearest i'll ever get to having Marathon and 2.09 in the same sentence...;) we have to be there by 6.45...hope i don't drop the baton:o

    Intervals i don't mind, I push myself for them alright...
    the drills :eek:, I just don't like them, they hurt me in lots of different places they shouldn't hurt!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Friday 1st June - Fitness Bleep Test:eek: 3.5m cool down

    The gym instructor was running these all week so i decided to give it a lash... so at 2pm today i went to do my first "bleep test". Silly me i forgot to start the Garmin, so i have no data, just that my HR reached 194, which is close enough to the highest i've recorded in a race (198)

    We were doing the 15m version and i started off nice and easy. There were 7 of us doing it (5 lads & 2 gals) so i used them as a guide..

    we'll it started off all fine but soon i was panting!!:eek:
    I need to practice the art of "turning", i'm obviously not agile enough....

    Anyway i made it to 204 "bleeps" and then i baled!!!! 2 people were out before me and 1 guy was left on his own and he completed it:D
    I think next time i'll do a bit of a warm up!!!!

    I think i need to find out a bit more about the version of the test she was using as seemingly it can give an indication of VO2 max, but i'm not sure.

    Anyway instead of heading straigh to the shower, i decided seeing as i was in the gear and "warmed up", i'd do a cool down 3.51m in 35.00 @ 9.59/157


    WTD: 18.64m
    MTD: 3.51m
    YTD: 434.23m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Sat 2nd June - 5.7m in 51.53 @ 9.06/167 Garmin

    Plan: 1 m warm up, 2 x 12min @ HMP(8.30) with 2mins recovery between, 1m cooldown

    I set this up in the Garmin Training as an Advance workout and it was great..i didn't have to keep checking time etc...i will definielty be using this function again:D..i felt like a proper runner using it too:o
    The only problem is my beeps on the Garmin are very low and they can be missed.....
    anyway started the warmup and very soon the HR was high, the pace was slow and i had the feeling it was going to be a tough one. (thankfully this didn't ring through) I didn't get out early enough and had to be back to the OH off to work so it was very close to breakfast:eek:

    Anyway the beeps went to signal end of warmup mile so off i was beeping again fairly quickly telling me to slow down i was a 7.57 pace instead of 8.30, so the first 12mins was very uneven in pace...this is something i have to work on because in the P&D marathon plan its stresses that you should keep evenly paced runs to get the full benefit:eek:

    The second 12 mins was much more evenly paced and I have to say i enjoy this run immensely and could have gone on and done more...(i bet i won't be saying that in a few weeks time):rolleyes:

    anyway stats are

    warmup mile = 9.47/152
    12mins @ HMP = 1.41m @8.32/173, with 2min recovery
    12mins @ HMP = 1.42m @ 8.26/173 with 2min recovery
    cooldown, 1.5m @9.25/169

    I'm very happy with the overall workout.:cool:

    Im not sure if i will get a LSR in tomorrow, local GAA club holding a fundraising cycle event, 20k, 40k, & 80K and i'll be helping out somewhere at if thats the case i will do either a LSR on Monday or test run on the first LT run on P&D marathon plan, 2m warm up, 4m @HPM, 2m cool down!!:confused:


    WTD: 24.34m

    MTD: 9.21m
    YTD: 439.93m

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    The Meath Running group set up a fun challenge for last night. The aim was to beat John Treacys Irish marathon time of 2:09:56, by running a relay marathon on the track. There were 21 runners who all had to run 200m x 10 times giving a total of 105.5 laps. Runner no 21 had to run 11 times.

    No 21 started off the first 200m and passed the baton to no 1 (me), I sprinted for all I was worth for 200m, passed the baton to no 3 and so on until we had completed the challenge. We had 10min approx between each run but this just flew by and before we knew it we were off running again.

    We did it in 2:04:43,:D which was great but it was a lot tougher that any of us thought it would be. Two of the runners had completed marathons over the weekend, one in Cork(2.58) and one in Newry (3.47) so they started to feel it in the legs too. I think everyone was surprised as how tough it got but we had a bit of craic!!

    My legs were like jelly during and after the first 200m and because I was running so hard I felt sick and this stayed with me until rep no 5 where I started to feel a bit better, but by rep 8 I was in trouble again. I had eaten a banana at 6pm in the car on the way home from work and it was fighting with me the whole evening to come back up…but I won that battle…just:o

    Any way it was a tough but fun challenge and beeduybe also took part in it!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    What a great way to get some quality intervals in!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    The world record will be our next target. Those Kenyans better watch out :D There are some photos on the MRG Facebook page if you haven't seen them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Well done Anne, that sounded like fun AND a challenge!

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭sunflowerRo

    Well done Anne. Sounds like a great bit of craic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thanks guys it was great fun, until i tried to get up next morning.....sore from the tip of my shoulders to the tips of my toes...i feel worse that when i did the full 26.2m myself!!

    i have sore neck, shoulders, stomach, back, legs, hamstrings are in bits and sore ankles:o..i suppose with sprinting i was using muscles i don't usually use and i have to say when i was running i felt like i was over exaggerating all my movements like in a cartoon, :oiykwim....
    anyway i didn't get out for a recovery run since as i have my sinus infection back and a dicky stomach since.(a problem with fridge temp and coleslaw :mad:)

    I did a bit of foamrolling this morning and its a little bit better.

    I will go for a little trot in the morning to see how the hamstrings are and if they are not good i'll have to forget about Bohermeen 5k race tomorrow evening!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    9th June Bohermeen 5k -3.16m @ 7.37/188
    Decided I would give this a go and if the legs were too bad just to jog it. Legs were still very tight and the hamstrings were still sore when I got there. I was talking to a few others who did the marathon challenge and they all were stiff and sore so I was glad it just wasn’t me iykwim!!:o
    I did a short half mile warm-up & a few stretches and headed up the road for the start. There was the usual shuffling at the start line and next thing the gun goes off, followed by a wait wait wait:eek::eek:...A false start!! I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it was no fun for the guys up on the front line.
    Second time was more successful and off we went. I got into a good rhythm and even thought the legs were very tight, I just kept telling myself that as they warm up more it will improve. After the first km the sweat was rolling off my face and the sun was beaming down on us, beautiful evening for a run, not so great for a race!!!!

    I had a glance at the watch and it was showing 6.xx and this was way too fast for me, but funnily it didn’t feel too fast so I just said to myself keep going as its comfortable. I had been using the Garmin for intervals last week and I had no total time showing anywhere so I had no idea of the time, which probably wasn’t a bad thing. There was a "nice little" hill around 2k and it took a bit more out of me that it should have, and I slowed down a bit, glancing at the pace it was just under 8 so I felt if I could keep it under 8 it would be a good run. The legs weren’t as tight and I knew when we took the next bend that there was a big long straight stretch of almost 1km so I settled in an worked way at keeping it steady….
    4km came and usually this is where I would start increasing the pace, I tried but the legs wouldn’t obey:eek:, the tightness was back and then I started to get a stitch…..something I’ve never had before and the mind keep saying just stop and walk :mad:…and it’s the first time I listened for a second and then thought it’s almost over, just keep going!!!
    I felt like I was running at 12min pace but I wasn’t, round the final bend and less that half a km to go, but no the legs still wouldn’t oblige so I just kept plugging away. Turned into the track and was heading for the finish line when a girl went to pass me…we had a right royal battle to the line, but I would not let her pass, so in the end I had my sprint finish!!!:D

    I have to say it’s the worst I have ever felt when running and in doing a race, but I think it was an important battle with my head to keep going. The chip time was 24.01 :D which is a PB, previous PB was 25.38 but I have only run 2 x 5k races .I definitely think I could get nearer 23.30, but that will have to wait for another day!!
    Hamstrings are much better since the run thankfully, but there’s a lot going on and I got very little running done last week so need to get back into this week. I suppose the marathon fun challenge took more out of me that I imagined it would and affected the rest of the weeks running…. I’ll head out today and do a recovery run and then take it from there…

    m1 = 7.24 @ 182bpm
    m2 = 7.53 @ 190bpm
    m3 = 7.39 @ 192bpm
    .16 = 7.08 @ 193bpm

    WTD: 5.66:eek:
    MTD: 14.87m
    YTD: 445.59m

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭sunflowerRo

    Anne those splits are brilliant. I'd be chuffed with those myself. All your racing and speed sessions are really standing to you. Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Great job Saturday night Anne, it was very warm out there. Sorry I missed ye, will definitely see ye in Dunshaughlin in a couple of weeks. Maria entered in the end!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    neilc wrote: »
    Great job Saturday night Anne, it was very warm out there. Sorry I missed ye, will definitely see ye in Dunshaughlin in a couple of weeks. Maria entered in the end!!

    Good woman Maria, i hope they had a good night Saturday night.
    Ye see you in Dunshaughlin, my sub 50 attempt:eek:...should hopefully do it...
    you'll be fine for your sub 40, it was very hot saturday night and you have been doing great mileage, my long runs have been non existent for the past 5/6 weeks so its even putting P&D in jeopardy....if i can't get a 10m in this weekend i'll have to rethink the plans!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Monday 11th June - 3.35m in 32.56 @ 9.50/160

    Legs still tired and sore so decided i'd do a short run at lunch and the legs are fine now:)...very tight on stretching but i'll get them sorted in the next few days
    The back of the knee is pulling a little bit but as soon as the running gear/runners went on, it was fine!!!
    I was very tempted to go further as its such a lovely day..but common sense took over!!!
    I started chatting to a fellow runner who was tapping along at my pace and ended up doing the final 1 or so with him...

    I actually asked him was he a boardsie:eek:, thought he might be one of the guys of the Novice thread...he's not but i still talked to him!!!;)
    and it meant that i didn't do my usual speeding up coming to the end,
    until i left him and did the last half mile on my own!!!

    Totals :D
    WTD: 3.35m

    MTD: 18.22m
    YTD: 448.94m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    Younganne wrote: »
    I have to say it’s the worst I have ever felt when running

    You, young lady, were not running, you were RACING :eek:

    Great performance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    congrats on the PB anne especially when you weren't feeling well up to it. You are well on for that sub50 next week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Well done the fact that you can run a PB on a bad day shows you are in great shape and there is plenty more to come

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Delighted for you Anne- thats a super time well done:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Well done on the PB Anne I'm delighted for you. sounds like you worked hard for it. Sub 50 will be no problem to you in Dunshaughlin, keep up the good work:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thanks Guys...slowly coming around!!!! I have sports massage booked for tomorrow night so hopefully back to "normal" soon!!!;)

    mileage is a bit low for the past few weeks..P & D is looking like it will be out of my range in 2 weeks...33 m in the first week coming from very little in the last few weeks..screams injury at me......I might have to build up the mileage and then tackle the P & D 12 week plan!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on that PB! Love how you got mile 3 split down, excellent work. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Well done on the PB Anne and well done for digging in and sprinting to the finish. The sub 50 in Dunshaughlin is looking good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done on that PB! Love how you got mile 3 split down, excellent work. :)

    Thanks DD, but it was just the way it worked out..i had no idea what way it was going or even how the splits were working it was flying running by the seat of my pants!!!:o
    jcsmum wrote: »
    Well done on the PB Anne and well done for digging in and sprinting to the finish. The sub 50 in Dunshaughlin is looking good.

    Pure stubborness:D heres hoping the legs recover in time for Dunshaughlin..
    I just had a sports massage and the hams and quads were very tight before it but on getting the massage he discovered a hugh knot in my calf which was leading me to having a pain in the back of my was so bad that he couldn't work it out completely as it might lead to injury!!! So ice, ice and more ice, and another day or so of running:eek:
