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3:30 or bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Wednesday, 29th Feb - 13.5km Tempo run
    Started off this run not sure what I was going to do but as the first km passed I found myself going quicker so I thought why not make this into a tempo run as I hadn't done one in quite a while. The data was decent but probably not quite optimal for a correctly structured tempo run, anyways here it is:
    Time = 1:07:47
    Distance = 13.5km
    Av Pace = 5.01min/km
    Av HR = 139bpm

    Ran this without following the Garmin closely at all and simply pushed it by feel without going too fast. I eased off a bit between km8 and km10 before pushing it again to the finish. I also thought the AvHR would be higher but was pleasantly surprised. Overall a good session but I know I have to improve my tempo time over the next few months.

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

    A good February but would have preferred a day or two less rest days though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Nice sessions but maybe just be wary of doing them back to back. I normally do mine with 2 easy days in between, Tue/Fri and once you have Conn out of the way you'll have plenty of time for faster work and a good summer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Ya, I was thinking as much when deciding to start the tempo yesterday. I'll be sure to give a bit of rest in between in future but it was just the way the rest of the week will fall that I shoehorned it in there. I don't expect it to happen again very often/at all (hopefully!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Thursday, 1st Mar - 6.5km Recovery run
    It was late when I got out for this run so truncated the usual 8km to 6.5km at a nice easy pace. Hovered around just shy of the 6:00/km pace.

    Friday, 2nd Mar - 50.0km Very long and slow LSR
    I wasn't able to get out for the Howth to Bray run this morning so I brought the big run forward to Friday instead. Met with Philip in the Park for a 1pm start. We went in the direction of Howth via fairview and the Coast road. 500m into our run we thought maybe the t-shirt only choice might be a bit cool but pushed on regardless. However, once we reached the Coast Rd there was a strong breeze coming in off the coast and it was freexing compared the ambient temp. This led to about 10km of very unpleasant running but we kept saying that it was sure to be good mental toughness for Connemara:rolleyes:.
    Once we hit Sutton it calmed down a little but then we had to go up the 4.5km hill and a climb of 123m. This we managed pretty well. We turned off road and down the old tramway route into the back of Howth Village. Some parts here were so steep that it was much worse than climbing the hill.

    After stopping off for some chocolate and a isotonic drink we continued on back via Sutton, Kilbarrack and Coolock to Santry. At this point I was beginning to suffer from hunger a little and could feel the HR climbing. We stopped off here for another isotonic drink and a bt more chocolate which seemed to pep me up nicely. We then continued on towards the Park via DCU, Phibsboro and Cabra. The last fewkms were beginning to get a little tougher but we both agreed that if we had to we could probably have done another 10km so that would have brought us up to just shy of Connemara distance. If I feel the same on the big day itself I'll be pretty happy.

    The chocolate of choice was Cadbury's caramel which was nice and easy to take on board. We had some cola flavoured Nuun in water which looked disgusting to drink. I think that may have biased us but it didn't seem as nice as the lemon/lime we had for Donadea.

    So, that's all the big training out of the way now and am happy enough with it. I will drop back a little in distance next weekend so I guess in essence it's start of taper time now...:) So, roll on 1.5 times the associated madness!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Saturday, 3rd Mar - 4.5km Recovery run
    A nice easy recovery run to keep the legs ticking over. Took this one very gently.

    Sunday, 4th & Monday, 5th Mar - Rest Days
    :eek: First couplet of rest days this year! Sunday I kinda didn't have time and then Monday I was plain lazy!!

    Tuesday, 6th Mar - 7.3km Recovery Run
    This run was all about getting out and back at it! It's amazing that after two rest days and I felt like crap for this run!! I had about 5 different niggles at me and an issue I had with the back right of my right knee moved itself to the front left of the same knee...?? I had intended on going for about 10km but felt so crap I took a short cut home. Not good at all! Motivation was very low! On the flip side though the Arsenal performance managed to get me a lot happier...we almost pulled off the most unlikely of comebacks but alas they just ran out of steam...:(

    Wednesday, 7th Mar - 15.3km Interval Session with 5 x 600m @ 5km Pace
    After the last few days I needed some kind of focus so opted for the same interval session as last week. I racked up about 4.5km before beginning these which took place on 'up & downs' along Griffith Avenue between Swords Rd and Ballymun Rd. Intervals 1, 3 & 5 were done with the wind and slightly downhill and I felt quite comfortable for all these. Intervals 2 & 4 were done in the opposite direction and were tough as hell. Data as follows:
    Interval #|Distance|Time|Pace|Recovery Time

    So, it looks like a decent improvement already over last week's session. 5 sec/km faster pace albeit maybe not quite as consistent (Mainly due to the wind). The evenings are bright enough now that I think i will start calling into the Park on the way home to do the interval sessions any more. Too much risk of injury with dark, broken footpaths, people walking their dogs and cars turning at junctions...much more straightforward in the Park!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Thursday, 8th Mar - 11.0km Recovery Run with 6 x 100m Strides
    Nice easy recovery run where I threw in 6 x 100m - 200m strides. Nothing really to report on this run apart from it being a nice evening for it!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Friday, 9th Mar - 27.6km LSR Run #1 of 2
    Went for a typical b2b run in the park today but never really enjoyed it. Was pretty windy out there and nothing gets under my skin on a run more than windy conditions!:cool:
    Eventually managed to get over 27km done but disappointing to do that distance and look upon it as a fail somehow!!

    Saturday, 10th Mar - Rest Day
    The rest days are becoming all too common these days and it's not a good sign! I went to a gig last night (Scroobius Pip in the Button Factory) and overdid the beers slightly so that I was feeling like crap and bailed on LSR #2 today. Knackered all day and was even falling asleep during the Ire v Sco match!

    Sunday, 10th Mar - 30.4km LSR Run #2 of 2
    I woke this morning and felt much more refreshed so contacted Phil to meet him for a LSR in the Curragh for a change. He lives near Naas so we'd been thinking about doing a run in the Curragh for a while. My first time there and it was a great alternative to the Park. We managed to do the 30km without retracing our steps once which made the time go much faster. The grass was very short thanks to the sheep roaming freely and there was a nice spring in the surface so hopefully will make it down for more LSRs over the course of the year. Felt much happier with todays run.

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭The_Boy_Wonder

    Two solid long runs there all the same. Best to split the long runs with pints i find! Guinness being good for you and all that (I'm a slave to marketing!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Happy Birthday! ;)

    So what are the big plans for the next 3 weeks?!

    I need to see what everyone else is up to so I can pikey their plans! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Monday, 12th Mar - 6.5km Recovery Run
    Easy recovery runto loosen out the legs after yesterday. Slight niggle appearing in my right groin. I'm thinking it's either associated with the faster sessions I introduced the past couple of weeks or else the LSR yesterday on mainly grass terrain where the softer/uneven ground might have caused the issues.:confused:

    Tuesday, 13th Mar - 12.7km Interval Session with 5 x 600m @ 5km Pace

    Another interval session this evening. Felt pretty good during the warm-up so was expecting to be a little further improved on last weeks similar session. About halfway during the second interval though a recent niggle in my right groin and the LSR on Sunday combined to slow me down a little bit. Still ended up being not that far off last week. Data:
    Interval #|Distance|Time|Pace|Recovery Time

    Wednesday, 14th Mar - 7.5km Tempo Run
    Went out pretty late this evening as I got caught watching the Chelsea extra time. It was ideal running conditions out there so I naturally fell into a nice tempo. The plan was an easy run but as I was feeling good I decided to roll with it and make it a bit of a tempo run. Av Pace was 4:53/km for 7.5km with an Av HR of 142bpm so it didn't take too mch effort either thankfully.:)

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Great to see you yesterday, how did the run go for you? how is the niggly knee? How did Phil get on?
    Masterstew and I had a great run, fantastic day for it.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Marthastew wrote: »
    Great to see you yesterday, how did the run go for you? how is the niggly knee? How did Phil get on?
    Masterstew and I had a great run, fantastic day for it.:)

    Hi MS,
    The run went very well indeed. I finished in 20:33 which was a PB for me. I had a decent race vs Claralara over the last couple of kms but she had too much for me on the last 300m!
    So, hopefully I am well on the way to a sub 20min 5km this summer, and with a bit of speedwork who knows how far down the 19:xx I'll end up at?:)
    Your young fella did a great time, fair play to him!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Thursday, 15th Mar - 15.5km Easy Run
    Kept this at a handy pace. Did it in the PP on the way home from work but for some reason the map/route is not showing up in Garmin Connect:confused:
    Nothing much to report apart from a bit of a niggle around my right knee which I expect is as a result of the heavy mileage over the past few weeks. Hopefully it will have totally gone by April 1st!

    Friday, 16th Mar - Rest Day

    Saturday, 17th Mar - 9.1km Recovery Run
    Slow run into Town to collect the car. Debated going via the main streets to check out the Paddy's Day shenanigans but when the side streets were full of drunks I decided instead to remain under the radar and keep away from the revellers!!

    Sunday, 18th Mar -
    Run #1 - 5.0km St. Patrick's 5k Race
    I heard great things about this race in the past and it's always nice to run in the City Centre so I had this booked for the past couple of months. Over the past few weeks I have started to introduce the intervals so that I can bring a bit of momentum with me to the faster stuff post Connemara. There was also one eye on todays race in that general plan. PB by 25 seconds in a time of 20:33 so very happy with that! Detailed report to follow in the next post. I also did a couple of km as a warm up.

    Run #2 - 5.7km Recovery Run
    Decided to head to the park and do a little extra after the race but by the time I started I wasn't too happy so did almost 6km before returning to the car and heading home.

    Monday, 19th Mar - 9.2km Easy Run
    Went for a few beers last night and used this as an easy run to collect the car today. Felt decent and thought about going further but felt that would just be junk miles and called it at 9km.

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

    So, over the 1,000km mark for the year already! Hope the rest of the year goes as well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    St. Patrick's 5km Race Report.
    I felt the race deserved a few dedicated lines rather than being chucked in with Easy & Recovery training runs...!
    Firstly, well done to the organisers - everything went perfectly, even the weather! I parked on Mount St. due to traffic restrictions but that worked out well as it allowed a little warm-up jog to the Mansion House to collect the number, etc. There I met Philip and his family (his wife Edel was running today also but they dropped off the twins with the Aunt!!). Phil produced a photo of the twins meeting Eamon Coughlan - something I'm sure they might appreciate more in years to come and the chocolate mikados are well forgotten! We met Marthastew and her youngest fella here. He was to go on and record a sub 25min time - fair play to him as he's still very young (Useless with children's ages!!).
    We went for a quick 1km warm up before the race started and it was at this point we ran into Digger and Claralara. After chatting for a few mins we continued onto race start and waited for the off which was pretty prompt at 12:01 by my watch.

    Km1 was all about settling into a comfortable rhythm. My loose plan was to go at 4:20 for the first km and then 4:10 for the remainder, with a sprint finish in order to finish sub 21mins. I was wary of going too fast for the initial parts but the Garmin was showing 4:00/km lap pace yet I was feeling ok so I just went with it. I was wary from my intervals though where I struggled to do 5 consistent 600m reps at this pace! Sure enough I hit the marker with 4:00 on my watch.

    Km 2 meant ticking over at the same pace. I was prepared to ease off a little if I started to struggle but things went smoothly as I passed the second marker on 8mins.

    Km3 was where I began to feel the effort. The Garmin was telling me I was slowing down a bit and as I tried to maintain the earlier pace I started to feel it. I kept at my desired effort which meant a split of 4:11. I began to wonder would this be the start of me going backwards...Around this point Claralara passed my shoulder. Neither of us said a word as we weren't daft enough to waste any little bit of oxygen!

    Km4 mainly consisted of myself and CL pacing each other. I was very relieved that this was the case because I was just beginning to feel a bit lazy when she arrived so she kept me honest for the Adelaide Rd./Earslfort Terrace/Leeson St. section. This managed to get me back to a 4:09 split. All was not doomed!

    Km5's arrival meant I knew I could loosen out the legs and go for it a bit quicker knowing that I was close enough now to struggle through anything that I'd bring on myself! Even so, as we got closer to the finish CL upped the pace to a level I couldn't stick with so I ran the final 300m or so solo. Just before the line I managed to catch a girl that had been 10m ahead of me for most of the last 2km. This little sprint helped me home in a time of 20:33 - a 25sec improvement on Rathfarnham last September. I was hoping to beat that time today but didn't really expect a 25 sec dent so I was very happy with the morning's work!

    Chatted to CL and Digger after the race and both were happy with their times, even if Digger had been given a close shave to being chicked by CL. Philip managed a 19:19 so all roads lead to 18:xx in his next 5km I'd safely say!

    I'm really looking forward to doing the speedwork over the summer now and improving the PB again. I should definitely hit 19:xx at some stage and maybe even get close to 18:xx myself if everything goes well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Tuesday, 20th Mar - 14.5km General Aerobic Run
    I decided to do a General Aerobic Run this evening as I didn't want to go to fast yet after the 5k at the weekend but I didn't want to go too far either as I'm in taper! Therefore I decided to try and keep the HR between 139 and 145, towards the upper end of my GA range. I wasn't sure how quickly I was meant to run this at though so after building up to the HR zone over the first couple of kms I used the first km @ target HR to gauge the speed. This turned out to be in and around 5min k's much to my surprise. I half expected me to drop off this pace if my HR got any more excited but that's pretty much where it stayed over the next 12km for an avHR of 142bpm. I was very pleased with this as the run felt challenging but not too tough.

    My question now is:
    Should I be pushing it harder in training once the Ultra is out of the way? i.e. Should I train for 3hrs20mins in training and if I come up short in Cork I could still be sub 3hrs30mins??

    One thing is for sure - I will watch my LSRs with MP portions with more interest over the next few weeks to gauge my performance over the long runs.

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    belcarra wrote: »
    [ This turned out to be in and around 5min k's much to my surprise. I half expected me to drop off this pace if my HR got any more excited but that's pretty much where it stayed over the next 12km for an avHR of 142bpm. I was very pleased with this as the run felt challenging but not too tough.

    My question now is:
    Should I be pushing it harder in training once the Ultra is out of the way? i.e. Should I train for 3hrs20mins in training and if I come up short in Cork I could still be sub 3hrs30mins??

    One thing is for sure - I will watch my LSRs with MP portions with more interest over the next few weeks to gauge my performance over the long runs.

    Interesting topic for sure, a lot of it goes back to that thread a few months ago with Larry Brent. Don't get too stuck on what your marathon HR should be. Remember when LB was trying to convince us we could maintain a higher HR for the marathon? I had pretty much decided that 154 was my marathon av HR, based on two previous but I held an average of 159 in Blackpool and it felt a hell of a lot easier than the 154 I held in Barcelona for my previous PB. I think LB was right; the more aerobically developed you are the higher an Av HR you can hold for longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Interesting topic for sure, a lot of it goes back to that thread a few months ago with Larry Brent. Don't get too stuck on what your marathon HR should be. Remember when LB was trying to convince us we could maintain a higher HR for the marathon? I had pretty much decided that 154 was my marathon av HR, based on two previous but I held an average of 159 in Blackpool and it felt a hell of a lot easier than the 154 I held in Barcelona for my previous PB. I think LB was right; the more aerobically developed you are the higher an Av HR you can hold for longer.

    Good point there Meno. I had forgotten about LB's comments to a degree...must go back and take another look! Also, Tunguska et al's comments on the mental block a person self-imposes come into play here as well.
    It's a delicate balancing act to get the optimal race set-up but definitely better off a little conservative than a little reckless! This will be where the MP sessions will come in handy so that if I do 15 miles @ 5:00/km then at that stage I may start thinking about pushing the pace for the next MP session...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    belcarra wrote: »
    Should I be pushing it harder in training once the Ultra is out of the way? i.e. Should I train for 3hrs20mins in training and if I come up short in Cork I could still be sub 3hrs30mins??

    We're both targeting <3:30 but while you've been clocking up thousands of miles, I've probably been focusing more on short distance tempos and intervals. I've only done two runs greater than HM distance. My mileage is only starting to increase now (but it won't get to your level). I kinda envy the amount of miles you have in your legs to be honest. I'm nervous that maybe I haven't done enough. Curious to see how both of us do on LSR/PMPs over the next weeks.

    Should you train for 3:20 and hope not to come up short? I've done two marathons to date and came up short in both (3:51 while aiming for 3:45, and 3:41 while aiming for 3:30). Coming up short translated as hitting the wall, and it was a particularly big wall last year. In both marathons I trained for the time I wanted not for a time 10 minutes faster. I don't know maybe if I had trained for 10 minutes faster I might have hit my goal target.

    This time again I'm training for 3:30 not 3:20. I'm just really nervous that if I start out too fast then I'll be hitting that wall again, something I really really do not want to happen.

    Of course there's a difference between training for a 3:20 then racing for 3:30, and training for 3:20 and racing for 3:20. The former sounds less risky.

    I am by no means an expert and I struggle to follow the discussions you've had with menoscemo and co. I just think 'coming-up short' in a marathon can be a nasty experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Wednesday, 21st Mar - 7.4km Recovery Run
    Short easy recovery run this evening. I felt really good on this run and just about kept myself back from going too fast for what was required. Hopefully this might be as a result of the taper kicking in and the fact that it's been at least ten days since a really long LSR!!
    Long may it continue!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    outforarun wrote: »
    We're both targeting <3:30 but while you've been clocking up thousands of miles, I've probably been focusing more on short distance tempos and intervals. I've only done two runs greater than HM distance. My mileage is only starting to increase now (but it won't get to your level). I kinda envy the amount of miles you have in your legs to be honest. I'm nervous that maybe I haven't done enough. Curious to see how both of us do on LSR/PMPs over the next weeks.
    Should you train for 3:20 and hope not to come up short? I've done two marathons to date and came up short in both (3:51 while aiming for 3:45, and 3:41 while aiming for 3:30). Coming up short translated as hitting the wall, and it was a particularly big wall last year. In both marathons I trained for the time I wanted not for a time 10 minutes faster. I don't know maybe if I had trained for 10 minutes faster I might have hit my goal target.
    This time again I'm training for 3:30 not 3:20. I'm just really nervous that if I start out too fast then I'll be hitting that wall again, something I really really do not want to happen.

    Of course there's a difference between training for a 3:20 then racing for 3:30, and training for 3:20 and racing for 3:20. The former sounds less risky.

    I am by no means an expert and I struggle to follow the discussions you've had with menoscemo and co. I just think 'coming-up short' in a marathon can be a nasty experience.

    Yip, it’ll be very interesting indeed to see where our paths cross given that we have taken it from the extreme opposites to target the same goal. If we get similar times then I may be just a little peeved that you managed it on such less mileage:p
    I think I have loads of endurance built up now so it’s a matter of building up my pace during these LSRs as so far they have been at a reasonably easy effort. This is where the real reward will come I reckon!

    I am undecided yet but I think I may train for 3:20 regardless and fine tune my actual marathon pace a week or two before Cork (Settle on a realistic target which could still well be 3:20…?)

    I struggle to keep up with the conversation myself as well sometimes! Sometimes though it’s best to simply clear the head of everything, put on the runners and RUN!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Thursday, 22nd Mar - 9.0km Fatlek Run
    Felt pretty good again on this run tonight but I couldn't resist upping the pace for a few bursts. 700m downhill to work on leg turnover rate, 450m uphill to see what all the fuss is about hill-running(!) and then 500m on the flat just for the hell of it!

    Because of the high mileage associated with my training this year, I recently did a medical check-up to be sure everything was behaving properly! I got the results back yesterday which gave the all clear for the essentials but did highlight that i have an iron deficiency. Apparently my score of 13.0 is too low for the acceptable range of 13.8-18.0 for men. So, not too big a deal as I'm not that far outside it and I haven't really noticed any of the symptoms that I'm aware of (Any issues with fatigue would surely be helped by going to bed before 2am as was the case last night:rolleyes:!!).

    I seem to recall RainbowKirby and Claralara having a much tougher time regarding the symptoms last year where they were both out of running action for some weeks. Anywho, I have been put on a course of 'Galfer' iron supplements as well as Folic Acid and VitC for the next month.
    I'd love it if by fixing this iron issue I managed to get any kind of associated bounce in fitness like Claralara did - I'd be a shoo-in for 3:30 in Cork then!!:D

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    belcarra wrote: »

    I seem to recall RainbowKirby and Claralara having a much tougher time regarding the symptoms last year where they were both out of running action for some weeks. Anywho, I have been put on a course of 'Galfer' iron supplements as well as Folic Acid and VitC for the next month.
    I'd love it if by fixing this iron issue I managed to get any kind of associated bounce in fitness like Claralara did - I'd be a shoo-in for 3:30 in Cork then!!:D

    Yours doesn't seem as serious (RK was 9ish and CL was down as low as 7 I think) but low Iron seems to be common for runners. Aparently repeated foot striking off the ground can reduce Iron count :confused:

    I tried ferrograd c on both their recommendations for a while. It didn't seem to have any effect either positive or negative for me, but then I guess my Iron must have been normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Yours doesn't seem as serious (RK was 9ish and CL was down as low as 7 I think) but low Iron seems to be common for runners. Aparently repeated foot striking off the ground can reduce Iron count :confused:

    I tried ferrograd c on both their recommendations for a while. It didn't seem to have any effect either positive or negative for me, but then I guess my Iron must have been normal.

    Ya, pretty sure the two ladies got a much worse version than I have (I don't really have anything tbh apart from a piece of paper saying so!!)

    Glad I have the matter raised now though so at least I should avoid any associated issues for the lead-in to Cork in June.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Friday, 23rd Mar - 12.8km Steady Run
    Most of my Fridays up til this week meant going for a LSR in the Park before it got dark but given that I am in taper there was no need for a LSR today. Instead so, I lounged around for the afternoon and wouldn't you know it it was bloody 8:20 before I got my act together and headed out!

    The run ended up being pretty enjoyable. I've gotten into a bit of a habit of taking the first mile easy and then just going with the downhill at DCU all the way to Griffith Ave. This raised speed sets me up nicely meaning that I seem to inevitably go that bit faster for the rest of my run without really noticing it.

    Saturday, 24th Mar - 20.8km Progression Run
    My last decent effort before Connemara! I went for a few pints last night so the run had to finish beside the pub where my car was parked. I managed to shoehorn a few extra miles by a very circuitous route which resulted in 300m shy of target distance but it was good enough for a week before the main event! After 2/3km I was really not feeling the love but I slowly got into it and by 8km I was in a nice groove. I began speeding up a little at this stage and once I hit the Coast Rd I was tipping along nicely. I managed to zone in and around 5min/km pace on the latter half of the run as I thought for the first time about maintaining this speed (Or a little faster) for twice the distance in Cork. I think at the moment I could probably do it. I will change over from predominantly HR monitoring to pace monitoring from now on so as it should allow me to be more specific in my training (Now that the endurance base has been well and truly built!). I may target my training at 3:20 marathon time to see how it feels but 3:30 will still be the time to beat!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Sunday, 25th Mar - Rest Day

    Monday, 26th Mar - 11.8km Recovery Run
    Nice easy recovery run where I kept the pace really low. I started at dusk though so within 10 mins the temp had dropped from a lovely warm evening to a nippy night! Legs feel in good nick thankfully!

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Tuesday, 27th Mar - 8.0km Recovery Run
    Nothing exciting about this run - simply an exercise in keeping the legs ticking over. For some reason I never got into the usual flow/rhythm during this run...I think it may have had to do with the humid weather. Here's hoping the promised cooler weather arrives for Sunday!

    Wednesday, 28th Mar - Rest Day
    Decided to take another rest day today, after all it is taper time!

    Thinking I might join the 6:00hr train...will I regret it??:confused:

    Month|No. of Runs|Kms Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭The_Boy_Wonder

    Good luck at the weekend.
    Would you regret not going for 6 hours, more than going for it and coming up short?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Good luck at the weekend.
    Would you regret not going for 6 hours, more than going for it and coming up short?
    I think you are right! Sure, it's only just over 63km - what could go wrong?!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    belcarra wrote: »
    I think you are right! Sure, it's only just over 63km - what could go wrong?!!

    What could possibly go wrong?:D

    I'm delighted you're joining the 6 hour bus, it'll be great fun.
    I think I'm being a little optimistic with that goal but it's worth a try.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    1,096km since New Year, that's a basis for anything you want:p. 6hr target is not unreasonable with the base you have built up and as you say - what could go wrong? Even weather forecast is OK.

    Fear of failing is probably the only reason not to go for it. If I were you - go for it!!!

    Advice provided without guarantee or warranty - terms and conditions apply:)
