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Here goes...again!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Mmmm maybe I was wrong about yesterday's spin class- my legs were very tired today. Actually every part of me was wrecked today. I had planned a run after I walked the dog this morning but just couldnt bring myself to do it. My legs were very heavy. After lunch I headed off to the pool with Mr.Bally8 and worked on my breathing technique for the front crawl. It seems to have greatly improved - didnt really swallow any water at all. BUT I had a much bigger problem today- my legs and arms just felt totally dead in the water. They were like lead and I just couldnt get myself to liven up at all. I had horrible aches in my quads that really hurt. Managed 27lengths- 675 metres and called it a day:(

    Had a nap before dinner- I was totally zapped. Got a bit of energy back after my fajitas but it was still a struggle to get myself out the door to turbo class. Delighted I dragged my lazy ass out- it was a great session. I had a puddle on the ground under me the sweat was just pouring off my face. Brilliant. I found it much tougher than last week, he did push us harder but I think my aching quads might have been a factor too.

    Starting to really really want my own turbo:)- my wish list is getting longer and longer all the time!

    We are off to Liverpool for a weekend of drunken debauchery, over-indulgence, soccer and shopping. Think the break is coming at a perfect time- I need a few days off all this training I think. Im wrecked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭MarySamsonite

    Bally8 wrote: »
    I dragged my lazy ass out

    :eek: from one of the most active people on these logs!!!
    Bally8 wrote: »
    We are off to Liverpool for a weekend of drunken debauchery, over-indulgence, soccer and shopping.

    Well deserved, Bally8. Enjoy :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Nice to meet you wednesday. Hope to see you next week :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Wow page 5! Training logs are very busy.

    Since I last posted I feel like I've put on a stone in weight and lost all my fitness. Liverpool was great. I would totally recommed it as a place to go for shopping, eating and drinking. So I had 3 full days off from exercising. That was a shock to my system as these days I rarely take even a day off.

    I had planned to run on Sunday but was too hungover and tired to get out once I came home and spend the entire day on the couch instead. Circuit training on Monday night was a killer. 90 mins of pushing every part of our bodies to the limit. Sweated all the crap out of my body :D

    Tuesday was another rest day:eek:. It was Mr.Bally8's birthday and we went out to the Texas Steakhouse for dinner. I nearly had to be rolled out of there!

    Back on track with eating and exercise from yesterday after weighing in 2lbs up in 5 days!! Swimming with my students in the morning. 26 lengths of the 20m pool followed by some races with one of the girls and a few goes of doing the splits:). My job can be interesting to say the least. I went to Meta's spin class in JJB after work. Really enjoyable class. He is excellent at explaining stuff and motivating you to push etc. Looking forward to next week already.

    Also meta I think you're mad- teaching all those classes before running the Marathon on Monday!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thursday 27th Oct
    When we got our dog last year I was looking forward to being able to run with him. Big problem though- every time I tried to run beside him, he would take it as a signal to attack me:eek: He would jump up and try to rip my arm off and even knocked me to the ground once! So running was put on the back burner and for the last year I have gotten used to just walking at top speed after him as he dragged me along.

    Today I decided that as he is older and maybe a little bit more mature I would give running with him a go again. Delighted to say we managed to go on a run/walk for about 40 minutes and he didnt maul me- woohoo:D. I think he might end up helping me getting faster- I had to run at top speed to keep up with him and not have the lead pulled from my hand.

    Came back from that crazy run/walk, put the dog to bed and went back out for a short slow run on my own. My arch was niggly from running too fast with the dog but it was never painful so I just ran through it. 2.52 miles in 26 mins.

    Turbo class in the evening. I was the only woman there with 15 really fit men and I was embarrassed by my flubbery belly and purple face. Im not going to let stuff like that stop me doing things though. I love this turbo class, I think its really going to give me strength in my legs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Friday 28th Oct
    27.1 km cycle in 1:14:30. Feel much stronger on the bike these days so Im starting to rethink my target times for the North Tipp Sprint next year.

    When I decided to take up training for this triathlon I looked at possible times for each section which I could realistically aim for. My swimming was so poor a few weeks ago that I thought I wouldnt be able to do the 30 lengths in 30 minutes. Even with my lessons and lots of trips to the pool I still think I will be lucky to do it in 30 minutes. Next the bike- a few weeks ago I was thinking if I could do 20k under an hour I would be happy. Now Im thinking it will take me less than 50 minutes so thats great. As for the run, I thought it would take me about 35 minutes. Im still recovering from the injury so no improvements in time since then but maybe I will get faster over the next few months once I recover and might do it in about 33 mins.

    So my target time in September was 2hrs 10 mins (including transitions)
    Now Im revising it to 1hr 57 mins. As my training continues I will look at how Im going and hopefully my goal time will be much quicker than that by the time the race comes around in April.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 29th Oct
    Club cycle this morning in the howling wind. Boy it was tough. Only 5 of us showed up, much to the annoyance of the organiser. He said he will cancel these Saturday morning spins if it doesnt pick up next week. I really hope he doesnt as I think these sessions are making me much stronger and confident on the bike.

    Anyway todays cycle was a huge struggle for me. My legs were feeling totally dead again and I struggled at times to keep up. I could only take my turn at the front for a few minutes before I had to slip back, I couldnt take the wind. Even though I enjoyed today it did knock my confidence a bit as I felt I was holding the others up all the time. 35kms in total. Not sure of time cos my garmin was playing up.

    There is a club swim session this afternoon where they are giving tips on stroke and technique. I know it will be a great session and would stand to me but I've decided to give it a miss:o. I think this is the first session in weeks that I've cried off but Im just too tired now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Ive had a lump in my throat all day thinking of everyone in Dublin and wishing I was there too. Amazing results for so many people on here- Im mighty impressed.

    I had a very lazy day myself, spent hours watching the coverage on TV then managed to go walk the dog with Mr.Bally8.

    I finally got clip in pedals and bike shoes on Saturday but was too scared to try them out until this afternoon. Cycled around the house a few times, scared to death. Found it easier to clip in than I had expected. After a few circuits of the house with successful clip ins and outs I shouted to my husband 'this is easy I think Im ready to go out on the road', then promptly fell off! :o Scuffed my right knee and hand. Quickly decided Im not ready for the road but got back on the bike and did a few more laps of the house. Will try again tomorrow. Did 25 mins on the treadmill after, 2.42 miles everything working well, no niggles except a sore calf from the bike falling on it:)

    I was planning to go to circuit training but MrBally8 was out on Civil Defence duty so the dog was going to be left on his own and he was freaking out from the fireworks. I couldnt leave him, he was whimpering like a baby and wanted cuddles all the time:)

    October Totals:

    Walks: 15
    Runs: 7 Distance: 18.61 (slowly slowly coming back)
    Cycles: 6 Distance: 225.36kms
    Swims: 10(including 3 lessons in which I didnt try to figure out distance and 3 work sessions of just messing with the students) Distance: 3120 metres
    Turbo Classes: 3
    Circuit Training: 4
    Spin Classes: 2
    47 sessions in 26 days with 5 rest days (3 were my trip to Liverpool)
    35.5hours for the month

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Tuesday 1st Nov
    AM: 575m swim. Still very disillusioned with swimming at the moment. Im finding it tough to get the hang of the front crawl. Well Im doing it and not swallowing half the pool but I find it so hard to catch my breath that I have to stop after each length. Brutal!

    PM: Turbo class with the tri club. A different guy calling the set. The warm up was longer and easier and the main set shorter but much harder than my usual Thursday night class. Clip in tri shoes made a big difference for the one legged stuff. 1hr 10 mins total. My face is still red from the effort:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 5th Nov
    Nothing done since Tuesday:eek: so really needed to fit a few good sessions in over this weekend. Was working late on Wednesday so missed Meta's Spin class, was bummed about that but decided to a least get run in on the treadmill when I got home. But then I got stuck in roadworks so it took me 95 minutes to get home and by then I was so hungry and fed up I ditched the treadmill for dinner and the couch. Went to Dublin after work on Thursday and wasnt home until late last night so no time to exercise until today.

    I should have gone to the tri club group cycle but to be honest I chickened out because I was terrified of my new clip in shoes. I didnt have a chance to practice cycling in them all week and hadnt been out on the road since I got them so decided my first cycle would be a short one near home, not a 30 miler one miles away in a big group of fast cyclists.

    Headed off with MrBally8 on his brand new Claud Butler bike which he got yesterday. Both of us terrified clip in shoe virgins:) The first few miles were the scariest I have ever experienced on a bike. I hated it. I just felt so out of control and kept thinking of what it would be like if I fell off. We stopped to assess the situation after 5 miles and decided the only way to feel more confident was to keep cycling. And so we did. 16.66 stop/start kms in total. No falls, no embarrassing moments and some confidence built- not bad at all.

    After lunch I headed out to the garage for a 45 minute run on the treadmill. 4.37 miles with no niggles or pain- woohoo the longest I've ran since I got injured during the Nenagh 4 mile race 15 weeks ago! Felt great and fit, like I could have kept going for ever.

    Next was a trip to the pool. It was very busy and I kept having to battle to keep a straight line as people kept getting in and swimming right beside or on top of me. Annoying but good practice for when I do races and there are lots of people swimming around me and the water is choppy. I decided to take it easy as I've recently been very disillusioned with the whole swimming thing. The front crawl is depressing me. So I went with a one length front crawl, one length breast stroke, 30 second rest plan. It worked very well for me, I felt comfortable and was able to focus on what I can do, not on what I cant. 40 lengths in total- 1000m my longest swim ever:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Sunday 6th Nov
    Lovely day for a cycle. 31.15kms from Portroe to Nenagh, Puckane, Ballycommon to Portroe with MrBally8. Another confidence builder in the cleets. 11 minutes quicker than the last time we did this route together.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Monday 7th Nov
    1hr 40min circuit training class. Very tough and enjoyable as usual. Arch is very sore now, hope I didnt damage it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 298 ✭✭earnyourturns

    Have just logged back into after months (if not a year) away from it. Holy moley you're a MACHINE these days Bally8!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Great work Bally8, keep it up

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Have just logged back into after months (if not a year) away from it. Holy moley you're a MACHINE these days Bally8!!

    Great to see you back earnyourturns, I've missed your entertaining running stories. Are you doing much these days or is it all skiing? Im really missing running these days so I had to find something else to fill my time:D now the tri training is taking over my life!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Tuesday 8th Nov
    Group turbo tonight. I have to say I think this session was the toughest exercise session of any type I've ever had in my life! At different times I thought I was going to cry, puke or die it was so tough. I was melting by the end of the warm up- you could actually see the steam rising. We then went into the main set which was done in a tough gear. 30 seconds hard, 30 recovery, 1min of each, 90 seconds of each then 2 mins then 2mins 30 seconds and then back down to 30 seconds. Each hard bit had 5 seconds out of the saddle at the start and 10 at the end. By the 2 minute bit I was wrecked, I thought my legs wouldnt keep going and I was crawling. Everyone around me was flying it. Still Im proud that I kept pushing and didnt give up. My chain got caught at one stage and I was happy to get that extra 15 seconds break! After it was over I could barely speak or walk and I was all stupid like no air was getting to my brain! Cant wait till we do it in a few weeks when I hope I'll be fitter and do that same session without thinking Im going to die:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Wed 9th Nov
    Swimming this morning at work. The girls were in a chatty mood so I didnt get much done at all. It's my job to supervise them and encourage them so I cant keep going off trying to do lengths really. Managed 320m practicing my breathing in the front crawl.

    Walked the crazy dog when I got home from work. He hadnt been walked in 2 days so he was full of pent up energy. I was dragged down the road behind him and for some reason he wanted to run after every car that passed us. Gave up after 20 minutes and headed home as my arms were being pulled out of their sockets.

    Quick change of clothes and onto the treadmill for a short run. 3.1 miles in 31 minutes. Felt good and strong, like I could have ran much more. God I love running! I've missed it so much. Physio tomorrow, Im hoping he tells me I can run more often and start increasing the distance soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thursday 10th Nov
    Lovely day for a nice long walk with the dog and Mr.Bally8 followed by a very hilly short cycle. I can really see the difference with the clip in shoes, makes hills much easier. 12.5 kms in 40 mins. Turbo class this evening. It wasnt as difficult as Tuesday (thank god) but still a great workout.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Rest day today. I'm not following any kind of plan, just fitting in as many sessions as possible in the week. I'm aware of the fact I'm doing a lot more these days than ever before so decided to give myself a day off today. It's amazing how guilty I feel for not doing anything other than walking the dog today. Have a huge cloud of guilt hanging over me all day- what's going on with me!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 12th Nov
    Group cycle with the tri club this morning. Very tough at times. We came out by my house and up the huge hill that I've been avoiding since I've started cycling. Delighted to say I made it the whole way up without dying. Two people had to stop it was so bad. Chuffed with myself:). First time in cleats on a group cycle. Glad to say I had no hairy incidents even though I was very nervous at times. 50.15kms in 2hrs 4 mins.

    Back into Nenagh after lunch for some stroke work with the guys from the club. I was actually sick with nerves when I was driving in. When I got to the car park I even thought about turning around and going back home. I was just so self conscious about how poor my swimming is. These guys are winning triathlons across Ireland and I can barely swim a length. Delighted I fought through the fear though. It was a great session. Very useful. It's amazing how much you can pick up in a coached session. I have to work on keeping my feet high er in the water and kicking from my hip not my knee. I also have a lot of work to do on raising my elbows out of the water not my hand. Used the flippers for the first time- wow it felt like a rocket had been attached to my feet!! :oLots and lots of room for improvement though.... Did about 450m in total.

    45 minute walk with the dog when I got back. What a lovely day to be out and about.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Sunday 13th Nov
    Plan for today was a long walk with the dog followed by a 4.5 mile run. What actually happened was a different story. Dog/horse was in crazy mode leaving the house so I knew this was going to be a tough one. A few yards down the road we came up to a guy and his dog and I thought phew Tyson is actually being calm and not pulling my arm off to get to the dog. The relief was short-lived though as he promptly jumped up on the man and grabbed a roll he was eating out of his hand and wolfed it down :o I was mortified!!

    After apologising profusely I carried on down the road but by now Tyson was in all out crazy mode. He was dragging the arm off me and jumping towards every car that passed. The road was particularly busy so there was a constant flow of traffic. When a car with a boat trailer passed the dog went across in front of me and tried to jump at the trailer but there was another car right behind it and it had to slam on its breaks not to hit us. The lead is really short so I can control him but when he puts his mind to it I really haven't the strength to stop him running. Decided I was fed up after 10 minutes and turned for home. Then another boat trailer passed and the dog went full force trying to follow it. Knocked me to the ground and I hit my arm a whack off tarmac trying not to lose the lead. Slipped out of my hand though and the dog went running off down the road. A camper van was coming up the road after me and had to stop while I got myself back up and ran down the road to catch the bloody dog. I was so mad at him and dragged him back home.

    I was so fed up of it all that I just ate 5 biscuits and decided I cant be arsed running today.

    Agghhh rant over!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Bally8 you are doing some savage training on the bike and good on you with the swimming. As for the dog :eek::eek: that did not sound like fun at all. Hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Just some slight bruising from the fall thank god. So I had no excuse but to keep on training

    This week so far:
    Monday 14th Nov- 2 hour circuit training. It was so tough. I find the circuits handy enough now but its the crazy stuff he has us all doing in between that is the killer. Great fun and great value for a fiver!
    Tuesday 15th Nov - Nothing today as I had to drive to Cork and back after work. Wrecked from 6 hours in the car today.
    Wednesday 16th Nov - The pool in Nenagh is closed for 2 weeks so I was looking forward to my usual swim at work in Shannon. Just my luck today- the leisure centre pool was closed from 8 - 6. I had to take the girls walking instead. Wow they are so unfit. I had to nearly drag them along after me. 50 minutes walk and they are fit for nothing for the rest of the day. Worrying reflection on the state of our teenagers today.
    I went to the leisure centre in Ennis after work. It was very busy so I had to keep dodging people while trying to practice my kick and elbow raising drills. Still I managed 650m and was glad to get in done in the short time I had. I was too late passing JJB on the way home to go to Meta's spin class. It's a tricky system to get into the class you have to sign up about 45 mins before it. I can very rarely be there that early. Ran 2.55 miles on the treadmill when I got home to compensate for no spinning.
    Thursday 17th Nov - 1 hour turbo class with tri club. Sweat like a pig but didnt find it as tough as all the other sessions. I dont think its a sign Im getting stronger, I just think he went easier on us tonight:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    If you ever want to go on a wednesday let me know, il PM you my number and you can text me. Il stick your name on the list so you dont have to get there til 6.

    Anyway, going well on the training front!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    If you ever want to go on a wednesday let me know, il PM you my number and you can text me. Il stick your name on the list so you dont have to get there til 6.

    That's brilliant, thanks a mill meta. I cant make next wed but I intend to be there every other wed after that till Christmas at least. You are a life saver thanks:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Friday 18th Nov
    Had planned to run on the road because I've been doing all my running on the treadmill recently. Mr.Bally8 has been walking the dog all week as I wanted nothing more to do with him after the fall. Still he is very cute and was all depressed about being housebound cos of the rain so I decided to give him a chance and take him on a short walk. Instead it turned into one of our longest yet and was getting dark by the time we got home. Im glad to say he was much better behaved. I still had my arms pulled out of their sockets but he was much calmer and so I have forgiven him :D

    Too late for me to run on the road though (how convenient;)) so I took the soft option again and ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill. 2.6 miles covered. A slight niggle in the arch but I'm not concerned. Just delighted to be able to run again:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Saturday 19th Nov
    54.15 km cycle in 2:09 with the tri group. Tough going with the need to constantly peddle in order to keep up with them. Nice to get a chance to chat to everyone as the lead turned over a lot today.

    70 minute walk with the dog when I got back. On the couch now for the evening. Happy days:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Sunday 20th Nov
    16km hilly cycle around Portroe. Took 46 minutes
    Quick change then on to treadmill for a 46 minute run. Covered 4.7miles. Very happy with that:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Busy week with work= lazy week with training:o

    Monday - 1hr 45 min circuit training
    Tuesday - Group turbo training - very sweat tough session.
    Wednesday - Swim at work, legs felt heavy and stiff.
    Thursday and Friday - 2 extra days work - woohoo for my bank balance! No time or energy to go to turbo or run.
    Saturday - 65km cycle with tri group in 2hrs 25mins. My longest ever cycle. Pace was very fast throughout. Delighted to have climbed the horror of a hill in Portroe for the second time. Made it the whole way up - this time 2 people had to get off and walk its that long and steep. Group split in 2 for the last few miles. A faster group going a few extra miles and the rest could head back to the cars at a slower pace. I chose to go with the faster group:eek:. Really tough going but I was proud that I could still talk and cycle at a pace of 30k per hour +
    10 minutes from Nenagh though I was spent and the more seasoned cyclists took off at an even faster pace. I was left with one of the tri guys hanging back to mind me and one other new guy. Lucky really as it meant that I had less people to witness my very embarrassing slow motion fall about 200m from the car park:D Managed to come down at a mini roundabout due to hesitation 'will I clip out? Will I stay in?' The 'oh sh1t Im going over' Then shouts of 'sh1t, sh1t, sh1t' and down I went in front of a jeep. All the cars stopped with shock of seeing me fall I think and the boys came back and proceeded to wet themselves laughing at me!!

    Sunday- Just a long walk with the hubby and Tyson.

    Next week I plan to get back on track and stop slacking with the sessions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Oh god bally8 those clip in pedal things just sound awful:eek: but I did have a little giggle at how you described it. I think a fall has happened to everyone I know who cycle with the clip ins. Have you decided on a tri event for next year ?
