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Anglo Staff Member Commits Suicide - Sean Fitzpatrick still laughing



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 525 ✭✭✭Copper23

    It's a terrible thing to happen but all this stuff is definitely not linked.

    On top of that, the guy clearly had other problems. I get abuse at my job all the time, anyone I know would probably attest to the same. We don't all hang ourselves or something.

    If a guy is gonna take his own life then there are much bigger problems and pegging it on other agendas or witch hunts just to suit your own agenda isn't exactly worthy of much respect in itself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,487 ✭✭✭aDeener

    jetsonx wrote: »
    A very tragic story of an Anglo customer service representative who committed suicide recently due to the abuse he endured from the public while working there.

    While, other people like Fitzpatrick just laughing.
    I find it quite sick.

    op would make a superb tabloid "journalist"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,639 ✭✭✭SHOVELLER

    Appallingly sad. RIP.

    Apparently there were a couple of incidents of people spitting at Anglo staff. They are just as much scum as Fitzpatrick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,556 ✭✭✭✭AckwelFoley

    People that abuse and spit at the staff that simply work at the bank are not scum.

    They are more to be pitied - having the IQ of a small rodent cant be easy

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    seamus wrote: »
    To be fair, this isn't Sean Fitzpatrick's fault.

    It's the fault of the morons who have been/are giving ordinary staff members abuse because of who they're working for.

    Standing outside abusing people going in and out of the building? Animals. They're to blame for this guy's death.
    Amen, brother seamus.
    latenia wrote: »
    Obviously I feel sorry for the man's family but he was part of a criminal organisation that has stolen 10s of thousands of euros fom each of us and he benefitted financially from this. Getting called cunts or being spat at is a very small price for what has been done to the country, no matter what level of the organisation they work at.
    kylith wrote: »
    Funnily enough, I do. There was a time in the past that I contemplated it myself. I have friends who were preparing to do it. I know people who have found the bodies. I lived for a while in fear that I would come home and find my manic depressive housemate hanging from the bannister.

    Luckily, when I was thinking about it I realised what it would do to my parents to find me, and my siblings to live with the guilt that they should somehow have known and done something, and the fact that the people I would be killing myself to escape from wouldn't actually give a **** that I was dead.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There is always a better option.

    I'll thank you not to assume what I have a clue about.
    --Kaiser-- wrote: »
    This tbh.
    If his job was the reason his mental health degraded then he should have just quit. Of course I'm sure it wasn't as simple as that, but you can't really blame Sean Fitzpatrick nor the angry customers.
    Three really ****ing retarded posts right there.
    I'll address latenia first.

    I was in the supermarket yesterday. My shopping came to €35 or thereabouts. I paid with my laser card. The first transaction was rejected. I knew straight away that the €35 was gone from my bank account and that I won't see it for another week.

    I was fairly pissed off about this and started complaining to my friend. "stupid ****ing thing. It's always doing this. Another ****ing week before I see that money. This is bull****" or words to that effect.
    The young girl behind the counter looked shocked and started apologising.
    Knowing that it wasn't her fault, I apologised for my outburst, explained that I knew it wasn't her fault, but that of the machine. I told her I was sorry if I upset her (she was new).

    That's the difference between you and me. While you're quite happy to blame Stephen Doyle for making a living from someone elses mistake, I can tell the difference between a mistake made by a cashier and a flaw in a system.

    Stephen Doyle did not make a mistake. He had a job. He kept that job in order to look after his family. Unfortunately people with a similar mindset to yours took their grievances out on a man who had absolutely nothing to do with colossal mistakes made by his employers.

    I'd like to see some pictures of Stephen Doyle in the newspapers, just so those who gave him unwarranted abuse can see his face, remember giving him that abuse and see the consequences of their actions.

    I'd imagine these are the same people who ring their ISP and throw abuse at the customer service rep when their internet goes down (or any other service using call centres).

    More on you later, latenia.

    Kylith; You quite obviously have no idea about suicidal tendencies outside of the fact that there is a thrash band of that name.

    In your post there you come across as one of those smarmy people who give up smoking and go around telling others that they should quit, and how bad it is for your health etc.

    I'd wager that a vast majority of the population has contemplated suicide at some point in their lives. The problem is that nobody talks about it.
    The fear, and the three posts above prove this, is that you will be ridiculed in some way for feeling suicidal, or that you will just be told to STFU and cop on to yourself. This is no way to talk to someone who is suicidal.

    --Kaiser--; this is just more bs.
    Stephen Doyle may have had underlying issues, but taking the blame away from people who threw unwarranted abuse at him because the likes of Sean Fitzpatrick made huge mistakes is wrong. Something pushed him over the edge, and I'd wager that it was the constant stream of abuse that caused it.

    Folks lets not resort to any further personal abuse. If you disagree with the poster argue with the points they make.
    Personal abuse will earn you a ban as has already happened with a number of posts here.

    It's not easy.
    That my friend is about cute hoorism, sure how did you do it Seanie and isn't terrible that they are coming after you after all the good work that you've done. It's about a sickness that has festered in this country since its foundation, we got rid of the British but we have kept the school tie system and the old boys club that they have managed to shrug off.
    FF are our defacto monarchy, and most of the country seems to be happy with this.
    Unfortunately we have a democratic monarchy, and you can't teach those voters who are unwilling to be taught.

    Fair cop and I'll take it under advisement but I'm am probably going to keep it. I intend no disrespect though to the man or his family.

    Edit post > go advanced > untick the "Show signature" box.
    I don't doubt that the abuse towards him was a contributing factor, that **** would affect anyone. The people that spat and hurled insults at him are mindless idiots, but that doesn't change the fact that those idiots have been feeding on the trash spouted by newspapers, and base their opinions of others on what is said in the rags. I bet if you search the Tribune's site for the word "bankers" that many of the results will be for articles shining "bankers" in a negative light.

    They, and all the other papers only want to sell a story, be it by generalising and lambasting "bankers" or blaming the public for a bankers suicide. Where's the mention in that article about the hate filled media who have caused some idiots to react in this way against the banking sector as a whole? The greedy fcuking twats don't care about the man.. how long will it take for them to revert back to their wholesale hatred towards "bankers"?
    The hate filled media. The hate filled general public. The hate filled posters in AH. There's very little difference between all three.

    The media didn't go in and spit at Stephen Doyle. It was people who were ****ed over by the directors of Anglo Irish bank who did that. They did it because of their own greed. They took their own frustration out on a family man who had absolutely nothing to do with the economic state of this country.

    They were comeplete ****ing cowards & bullies, and no better than the directors of Anglo Irish, or FF for that matter.

    Stephen Doyle did not deserve this abuse.

    Now back to latenia.
    Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their life. There's a gramatically incorrect sentence. Another example of a mistake.

    At some point in your life, you will think back to the comments you made in this thread, and you will realise that you made a mistake.
    At the start of this year I made the mistake of resigning as a mod of AH in a manner that ensured I will never be allowed to moderate this forum ever again. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I regret it now.

    In saying that, I would like to show one of the good decisions made during my tenure as an AH mod.
    I will also show one of the poorly made decisions.

    Here's the good one:

    Here's the poor one:

    Actions shown there courtesy of the below post from 18 months ago.
    Terry wrote: »
    click on the blue thingy to see the full post in context.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    The poor man! :(

    I worked as an office lackey in AIB when I was in my early 20s - I apologise for being part of a criminal organisation that stole from all of you and for profiting from it, rest assured my head is hanging in shame...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,871 ✭✭✭Corsendonk

    I use to know a few that worked in customer services. You couldn't pay me enough to do the job. They say you shouldn't do Customer Services on the phones for longer than 6 months or you will top yourself or flip and try to murder the customer.

    Some customers are the nicest people in the world until you give them a phone to bitch on, and they always mention they know the boss or their going to ring Joe Duffy and want an immediate response. Then they phone up the next week to bitch about something else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    I work in customer service and tbh, for me, water off a duck's back - some people are able for the work, even enjoy it. But that still doesn't give customers a right to act the **** - and as someone pointed out on this thread, it tends to be those who haven't been wronged by the company and are actually at fault themselves that are the most obnoxious. Some people aren't able for the work at all, but so what? They have the right to come into work every day without feeling physically sick and eventually having to quit and go on the dole in order to save their health.

    No matter how annoyed I am - and I was furious at UPC a couple of years ago - I would be mortified at myself if I was so nasty to a CS advisor as to upset them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,939 ✭✭✭mardybumbum

    Agree with URL 100%. Absolutely no way of knowing why he took his life.
    It makes for an interesting story so I can see why a journalist would spin it that way.
    Sensationalist media.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭LarrytheLantern


    Very sad indeed.

    People are arsewipes, especially angry ones.

    @Latenia I sure hope 'n pray that none of your loved ones ever suffers depression that could result in them doing anything harmful to themselves, as if they do I have no doubt you will feel pretty shight having written what you have. I pray you never experience such grief.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Post No. 126 excellent, well said Terry.

    Reading the actually article was almost spine chilling, may the poor lad R.I.P.
    Note how it mentioned senior management eventually moved him from the role he was in. I ask myself why weren't the 8astards in senior management, in there doing the job that was dumped on him and the ordinary foot soldiers?

    Then you have the spineless, gob$hites from the public who attack the soft target. Brainless twits spitting at people who had no control or influence over Seany and his ilk. It's a pity they weren't as passionate about seeking out the geovernment representatives, who fostered Seany and his criminal behaviour.

    How Irish though, this all is really. I've seen it in restaurants, where a young waiter/waitress is working their ass off. A certain customer or table is giving them a torrid time, embarrassing them and when the manager arrives it's usually... ''Ah sure everything thing is grand now.''
    It's this bullying of the juniors and putting the cap in hand when the 'brass' arrives that sickens me.

    Does it come from our colonial past? This fear of confrontation, to put it simply - chicken sh1tisim. ''Oh I'm glad I got that off my chest.''. Well aren't you great, but did you really get it off your chest? Or did you just bully and lash out at the nearest soft target - Irish style!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Dudess wrote: »
    I worked as an office lackey in AIB when I was in my early 20s - I apologise for being part of a criminal organisation that stole from all of you and for profiting from it, rest assured my head is hanging in shame...

    Dudess - you owe no one an apology, your former organisastion was run and managed in a criminal fashion, by criminals. That does not make you and the many decent employees working there criminals. You can lift your head up again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Ah I know, I was being sarky - to try and illustrate the ludicrousness of that earlier post. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,456 ✭✭✭Jev/N

    If you disagree with the poster argue with the points they make.

    I would but unfortunately the poster makes an outlandish and sickeningly naive set of remarks and then proceeds to withdraw from the discussion

    And michael999999 should be ashamed for having neck to thank such a virulent post :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭El Siglo

    I'm probably repeating what someone else has posted here but anyway, I'll go on. To be honest, we don't know what was going through Stephen's head for a long time that it would drive him to commit suicide. It's easy to say that it was the people abusing him but there has to be some other underlying thing that we don't (and never will) know about. Suicide isn't an easy thing and it's not the easy way out, and if a chap can leave behind a wife and two young children then there has to have been something bad that drove him to suicide.

    The situation with Anglo, the Government and economy etc... is that it's like a war and as Bertrand Russell once said; "War doesn't determine who's right - only who's left."

  • Registered Users Posts: 765 ✭✭✭useless

    ILA wrote: »

    Obviously, at least he stayed around and is cooperating with the relevant authorities, unlike Brendan Drumm and Co. who scampered off to the far corners of the earth like current and future generations have been condemned to do.

    Brendan Drumm is the head of the Heath Service Executive. He's still around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 852 ✭✭✭moonpurple

    sean fitzpatrick says he is on 188 a month?

    he has moved many millions around the world for years?

    does he get to walk into a swiss bank in geneva like jason bourne and give the number
    and get access to a silver box in a quiet room too??

    full of cash and what else...suggestions please

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭jetsonx

    What is really tragic about this case is that Stephen Doyle is one person in Anglo who obviously took their job seriously.While those in the higher echelons of the bank like Fitzpatrick and his sidekick David Drumm who acted recklessly show no shame or any sense of responsibility for their actions.

    Sean Fitzpatrick laughing as he exited the court shows the utter contempt he has for the Irish public.

    Craebear wrote: »
    If someone shot this guy, they'd be a national hero.

    So true.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,087 ✭✭✭Clanket

    useless wrote: »
    Brendan Drumm is the head of the Heath Service Executive. He's still around.

    David Drumm = old CEO of Anglo,

    Brendan Drumm = Head of the HSE

  • Registered Users Posts: 437 ✭✭Robert McGrath

    Can anyone tell me why this was considered sufficiently newsworthy to make the front page of a national newspaper?

    Exactly how is the public interest being served by the publication of the details of the suicide of a private citizen with no previous public profile?

    How do his family feel about it being made public?

    Seems the Tribune is running with tabloid stories to match its new format. I for one am considering never buying the paper again. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find an Irish Sunday paper with a sense of human decency.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,932 ✭✭✭hinault

    It is a tragic case.

    But like others have said, no one can know the reason why someone takes their own life.
    Granted working in a high stress position and having to listen to complaints all day cannot be pleasant but we cannot say for certain that situation compelled the young man in question to take his own life.

    It is a tragic story and both the victim and his wife and children have my sincere sympathy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,918 ✭✭✭✭orourkeda

    Nobody can condone the behaviour of Anglo Irish Bank or Sean Fitzpatrick but for a member of the public to go into a bank branch and spit in the face of a staff member is the lowest of the low in my view.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,399 ✭✭✭✭r3nu4l

    I've been AFK but thought I'd add to this thread tonight.

    I knew Stephen Doyle very well when he was a teenager. We were in the same scout unit together. He was a great kid back then, a fun-loving guy just like any other. I can't imagine what would have made him do this but obviously he was under a lot of pressure.

    RIP Stephen, sorry you felt that was the only way out. :(
    Loopy wrote: »
    This is such a tragic story.
    I knew of the family and he was a gentleman. I can only imagine the pressure the poor guy was under. His poor little girls will never know their Dad.
    Indeed, instead, all they will know is that the ignorance of the mob directing anger at the wrong people helped drive their father to suicide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,447 ✭✭✭barney4001

    Dos money laundering charges not apply to senators, bankers and property developers as well as solicitors,transfering your assets to your wife or sons and daughters to avoid your debts is surely money laundering,a law for the haves,but not for the have nots, what i have is my wifes what she has is mine this should surely apply all

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,024 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    barney4001 wrote: »
    Dos money laundering charges not apply to senators, bankers and property developers as well as solicitors,transfering your assets to your wife or sons and daughters to avoid your debts is surely money laundering,a law for the haves,but not for the have nots, what i have is my wifes what she has is mine this should surely apply all

    It does apply to everyone, and there are time-scales involved. I think that any assets transferred during the two years leading up to bankruptcy are scrutinised.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 852 ✭✭✭moonpurple

    sean fitzpatrick is not laughing this morning though

    on this golf course you are expected to keep it brisk and serious at 130 euros green fees

    just take your shot and keep moving,

    play throughs are not a feature of the game in spain

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Backard_Pell

    Anglo Irish Bank, help cahnnel €1.6 billion out of the country from 2007 during which Sean Fitzpatirck was in charge... the department of finance was aware of these activities at the time. The money was deposited into 4,000 different bank accounts in Austria... there is not one mention of this in any of the papers nor any othe the Irish news channels.
    Meanwhile, Sean Fitzpatrick appears on the front of the daily paper, smirking as he enters court, greeted by a bunch of parasite barristers... Stephen Doyle was far from his mind.... heres the link, be sure to read it

    This amounts to nothing more than giovernment endorsed embezzlement

    *It is easy to contort a story by a misrepresenting photograph of a smiling man... I know. What Sean Fitzpatrick owes Anglo should not be the subject of the nations wrath... its all the other money that was channeled out of Ireland through the bank while he was in charge, endorsed by our government.... and no amount of spin can cover this up

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,260 ✭✭✭jdivision

    Anglo Irish Bank, help cahnnel €1.6 billion out of the country from 2007 during which Sean Fitzpatirck was in charge... the department of finance was aware of these activities at the time. The money was deposited into 4,000 different bank accounts in Austria... there is not one mention of this in any of the papers nor any othe the Irish news channels.

    The link is taken from a newspaper?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭Backard_Pell

    jdivision wrote: »
    The link is taken from a newspaper?

    no, the link is taken from a more reliable source than a newspaper... the papers are gagged in Ireland, they wouldn't be allowed to print any of this for fear of law suit, particularly due to the magnitude of the implications... give it a while, it might appear in the English Mail on Sunday before long... they were the ones to first report the Ivor Callely phone receipts scandal..
    There are several links within that thread which are from newspaper articles, you have to sift through the whole article... if you were to read nothing else this year, read this

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    no, the link is taken from a more reliable source than a newspaper...

    No, the link is to a post that links to a newspaper, namely the Sunday Business Post.
