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Keen to see what the future may hold!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Morn 12th May

    25m x 20 off 40 sec; coming in at between 20-23 sec

    25m x 16(kick) 10 sec rest; coming in on average 30 sec

    800m TT 14min 46sec; 1:49/100m

    50m x 10 25m kick/25m FS; off 1min 10sec, coming in @ 55sec-60sec

    Cool Down 200m

    Happy with my first swim session in 10 days. Just looking back I noticed that I have improved my 800m TT time by 33 sec, that was recorded on 3rd Feb. So pretty happy with that, I really hope to make my 3 coached sessions per week as well as an open water swim per week for the next 7/8 weeks. I actually really think I will bring my times down more, it feels as if I am n the verge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds 12th May Easy 14.5k Run

    My GF has her second ever race on sunday, the sportsworld 8k so i decided to do 7k with her this eve for support. So I first did 7.5k on my own, did the 7.5 in 32mins 30sec and then did the other 7. Both nice and easy, still find these longer runs painful enough but its all about the endurance. Total time 1hr 16mins 32sec.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Excellent result in Velvet El director.
    That is some schedule alright for the next 7 weeks. Be cute, don't get injuried or run down.
    I see your in Cyprus same time as me. I'll talk to my contacts over there and get a nice 10k race arranged :D
    If you are into the early mornings that is the best time for an nice calm OW swim.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Excellent result in Velvet El director.
    That is some schedule alright for the next 7 weeks. Be cute, don't get injuried or run down.
    I see your in Cyprus same time as me. I'll talk to my contacts over there and get a nice 10k race arranged :D
    If you are into the early mornings that is the best time for an nice calm OW swim.;)

    Thanks Abhainn, I really enjoyed the race.

    Funny you should mention that Abhainn, I was feeling that I was coming down or getting run down. This morn confirmed it, sore,raw throat, coughing up flem etc.... so had to cancel the planned bike this morning. The rest of me feels fine so I don't know what to do now re the rest of my weeks training....should I go to the track session tonight or not??

    That's cool re Cyprus! I am very interested in running/swimming while out there. I will be starting to turn my mind to going long for my half ire on 22nd Aug so nice long swims and nice long easy runs. The morning time was when I planeed to do this alright, it'll be kinda hot at that time of year! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Long easy runs with Abhainn in 90 degree heat :eek::eek::eek:

    Have you seen his times, I wouldnt even be able to keep up with him on the bike

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Just read Abhain's log......amm what was I thinking!

    I know when one is training hard that their immune system is on a knife edge that is why during the winter I took some vit C + Zinc, manuka honey and udo's super 8 probiotic capsules. This served me well throughout the winter. Thing is it is pretty expensive to keep stocked up. I thought now that it has got a little warmer that maybe I could forego. Alas I now think it was a bad idea, so down to the health store and I am stocked up again. Fingers crossed that this will help keep me in good health for the summer too!

    Gave the track a miss this eve, going to go to bed early and try and make swim training in the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Friday Morn 14th May

    5x100m FS Easy, concentrating on stroke, stroke count 19-21/25m

    10x50m Kick, coming in at 1min03sec - 1min12sec

    20x50m Pull, breathe alternate sides for first 10 (every 3rd stroke)
    breathe left side last 10.

    500m Cool Down

    Nice easy session, throat still red raw and affecting my breathing.
    Coach made me breathe alternate sides and my left side (normally I breathe on right side). Reason for this, on sunday in the sea the waves were hitting me from the right side so I swallowed gallons of water! Need to be more flexible with my breathing.

    So decided that so long as it isn't wet/damp tomor morning I'm going to head to Wexford and do the Mount Leinster Challenge. 100 K with some nasty climbs, it isn't a race so I will be doing it a steady pace. Here is a link to the race if interested.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Nice easy session, throat still red raw and affecting my breathing.

    This is how the dose I have / had started ... wear your HRM tomorrow on the bike if you head to wexford ... if its a little higher than normal Id take a day or two off training and drink a load of ginger/honey tea cause a full infection is in the post - and the last thing you'll need before valentia or any other racing is a spell on the dreaded antibiotics.

    Never had the pleasure but by all accounts the Mount Leinster challenge is a great early sportif ... just watch the race weight at the cake stops ;) they're legendary at that event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    ElD interested makes a point. I generally know what my recovery heart rate is. For example if I do a steady bike I expected my hr to drop below 100 1 minute after I dismount. A tough run session and I expect it to be under 110 in 2 minutes while walking. Generally if it doesn't drop to within 10 beats of these I know I'm not 100% (I've made plenty of mistakes to understand the importance of this!!)

    Last year I had a head cold the week before Valentia. I convinced myself it was above the neck, dosed up on the usuals and then did Valentia in which was easily the coldest and wettest conditions of the year. A few days later... chest infection! I was probably 80% when I did Athy a couple of weeks later and I had an awful race.

    Even though I was in good physical shape for Kilkee, the combination of the lingering illness and training/racing through May left me tired for Kilkee. I needed weeks to recover.

    The main thing that strikes me about your plan up to Athlone is the intensity, a race almost every week and 1-2 club running session a week (assuming you don't hold back much running with the quick lads).

    So I would echo interested advice and play it safe until you are 100%. Think longer term than the next immediate race ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    So I would echo interested advice and play it safe until you are 100%. Think longer term than the next immediate race ;)

    Although Id shy away from commenting about peoples training plans (since everyones different, have different amount of time available and have different goals) the invaluable lesson Ive learned (often the hard way) is that its all the about risk/reward ratio.

    Do I risk doing an aquathlon on a cold night in May in Louth when Im already sick ? of course I do 'cause Im generally pretty poor at following my own advice and want to have some fun with events this year.

    Do I risk doing a 100km session on the bike in wexford with climbs and inevitably cool descents a week before a B-race when I already have a head cold / sore throat and have put together a fairly heavy training plan to qualify for a European event ... probably not.

    Risk v reward baby ;) The decision is yours.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Lads I really thank ye for ye're sound advice and taking such an interest. The fact is before coming home today to read this I very reluctantly decided to call a halt to the weekend activities before they even began. So no OW swim this eve, no cycle tomor and no 8k race on Sunday.

    This is definitely the thing I have most difficulty dealing with-being sick/injured. I really have to learn to cope with it better. All the advice you lads have been giving me-I know is right and I'd advice others in the exact same way. But then there's this other side of me....pure stubborn and thick headed, it's also probably the same side of me that makes me able to dig deep in a race when I have too.

    Anyway, to avoid being a hypocrite I decided on the way back from the gym to called it a weekend. Hypocrite? Because I always advice my students to listen to their coaches/teachers as they advice you they talk from experience and I always said that I would take on board sound advice, listen and be smart. Reading ye're comments has really reassured me and I can let go of the guilt. Gotta think with the head not the heart....this time.

    So thanks again lads ye've help return my mind to a more peaceful state. Also please interested I would love to hear your comments on my plan, it is very flexible. Shotgun I have been reconsidering my plan especially the running and I will be making changes rest assured.

    Actually gonna order a domino's pizza, haven't had one since christmas, and I'm starting my annual Rocky season tonight :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    strength Maintenance Session

    So its back to once a week now for strength training, less weight more reps.

    Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room then. This is actually where I do my best thinking. As per post above I decided to take the weekend off until I clear this thing I have.

    Also it was my first day as a member in the NAC :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    Also it was my first day as a member in the NAC :)
    Get to change in the nice changing rooms now.
    Enjoy the pizza and the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Hope you enjoyed the pizza! :)

    Smart call regarding the weekend events. It will stand to you in the long run. How you feeling now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Bummer. At the doctors today, he tells me I have a lung infection, he said he doesn't like to call it pneumonia but that's what it is. A week of antibiotics, no work for the week and def no triathlon on Saturday. It's his opinion that I would collaspe if I attemped it, he said I'd underpreform for sure. Although I ultimately will have final say on whether I do it or not it doesn't seem likely.

    As you can imagine I am very dissapointed but the positive is that it's still almost 7 weeks till athlone so I will just re-group, get better and draw up a new plan when I can, I am goin to keep the bigger picture in mind.

    So that's it for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Bummer. At the doctors today, he tells me I have a lung infection, he said he doesn't like to call it pneumonia but that's what it is. A week of antibiotics, no work for the week and def no triathlon on Saturday. It's his opinion that I would collaspe if I attemped it, he said I'd underpreform for sure. Although I ultimately will have final say on whether I do it or not it doesn't seem likely.

    As you can imagine I am very dissapointed but the positive is that it's still almost 7 weeks till athlone so I will just re-group, get better and draw up a new plan when I can, I am goin to keep the bigger picture in mind.

    So that's it for now.

    Dude, im very very sorry to hear that news. Take the pills and the advice and you'll be back stronger. Get yourself over that infection completely and trust in the base work you've done to date when you do start back. You've done so much good work to date that you can avoid the trap of playing catchup and just focus on the quality work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    ****e ElD, play it by feel man. Sorry to hear about that. Get through the course of antbios safely anyway and see how you feel on thursday. Athlone is 7 weeks away and you are in great shape (trust it) so dont fret, plenty of time. If you miss a week the plan is still good you know, just avoid going too deep too soon.

    Meanwhile lots of core and sleep :) Hope you get better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    THanks guys, I am going to remain upbeat, Im usually very positive in life, just my way and as u said Interested I will and do trust in the base work already done. It's ashame but worse things could happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    No way man that's cat. Sorry to hear that. What a crap time to get the infection, but it would be worse later! As the lads say you have great training done and you will be back up to speed very quickly when you get over the infection. Get well soon dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well I have spent a week wallowing in self pity, tough week to be honest. You all know this feeling i'm sure. You are used to training hard, being active and feeling invincible almost-then all of a sudden you can do nothing. I feel like I have lost all my fitness, although I know this isn't true from a little experiment I ran last year.

    It's 12:30 now so I know the race is on in Valentia and good luck to all! Remember my first log back in Feb I talked about a mate of mine being the carrot on the stick for me? Well I had penciled in this day to take him down....that'll just have to wait for now.

    I took this week to reflect. Read back through my log. I can see big improvements especially my running. But I also noticed that the last 6 weeks have NOT gone the way I would have liked. And those 6 weeks feel sooo long ago. The positive I can take from that is...I have 6 week to go to Athlone so plenty of time to right things.

    The things that I am not happy with the last 6 weeks are:

    1) I said I would up the swimming from 2 sessions to 3 and one open water. This has not happened even once yet. I wouldn't mind but I have shown flashes of great form and progression.

    2) I had expected Weds evening training races to bring me along in a big way. These were key sessions for me and in 6 weeks I only made 1 (the 800m track race). Now most of these were just unfortunate but still, it didn't happen for whatever reason. The training races include duathlons/aquathons/track runs/club cycle races. I was hoping that they would get me competive and used to a high race intensity.

    Anyway thats in the past now and starting tomorrow morning I am going to start putting it right. IMO this is a crucial week for me. By the end of it I want to be fully of confidence once again, confidence in my lungs mainly! So for that reason I think it is very important to set out this week in some detail.

    Sunday A very easy, light 4 k jog to ease me back into training.

    Monday Morn Up early Monday morning and do an easy swim session concentrating soley on stroke.
    Monday Eve Then if I feel like it an easy spin on the turbo that evening, no intervals.

    Tuesday Morn Some core work in the gym
    Tuesday Eve Back to running club but no intervals just an easy 10-15km.

    Weds Swim session, again easy concentrate on stroke.

    Thurs Morn A very much 'maybe' session, easy 34k spin
    Thurs Eve Hope to be able to join in the track session, some intensity.

    Friday Morn A full swim session with intervals

    Sat My home city tri, Galway tri3 series in my old University.

    So What I hope is that by the end of the week I feel strong again, right now I feel pretty weak, the antibiotics were very strong. Best case senario on Sunday I feel delighted and confident that I am back to myself and I have 5 weeks to eat, sleep and breathe triathlon so that in Athlone I will be primed for a PB.

    Note: I aim to make my three swims sessions this week for the first time-a major goal for me this week!

    My spirits were really lifted yesterday when I got an e mail detailing our racing kit for the Euro's. The tri suit will be a bit controversial I feel but I love it. Think I will also get the track suit and tee shirt, especially nice for any triathlons I do abroad in the future. Here is the link for the tri gear, what do ye think?

    So PMA this week and softly softly is the order of the week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Must say hello to you in Dangan I am down for the tri3 as well, although I will do it at the start as I doubt I will be anywhere near you after that.

    Those tri suits are nice, a lot of the Irish stuff can be too green for my liking, it doesnt suit our pale skin. Although if I ever had a chance to wear anything like that I think I would like the full title Ireland rather than IRL

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well Cat I will be lucky to even be on the start line on Sat morn but I will be there racing or not so we'll def have to make a acquaintance!

    Ya totally agree with re the suits, I like the fact that it isn't overly green, different. I think countries are only allowed the country code, your name and some sponsor names on the suits but I am pretty sure it must be the country code.

    I am telling you that anybody that is willing to be committed and work hard (as you do) can make that irish team. Make sure to do enough NS races and then apply.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    That gear is really nice. I'm liking the cycling gear aswell.
    The tri suit is much nicer than the all green yoke.

    Good luck with the week ahead. Hopefully you'll be full of beans this time next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Totally agree re the suits and thanks very much Nomadic, I am feeling much better today :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Started back this morning with an easy 4k jog. As expected I felt sluggish, left ankle, right knee and lower back all a little sore but by the end of the jog I didn't feel any niggles. A positve. I concentrated on form/stride. After I felt a little weak, it was very hot indeed. So the first step taken and one thing plainly obvious-it will almost certainly be two full weeks before I am back feeling as strong and fast as I was, so Athy will see me in full health all goin well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Legs felt like I had done a half marathon this morning, was sweating in bed again, feverish and very tired also back to work today. So listened to the body, no training what so ever today. Hoping this is just a blimp. Tomorrow I will try again, swim in the NAC nice easy stroke work and hopefully a short jog in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Legs felt like I had done a half marathon this morning, was sweating in bed again, feverish and very tired also back to work today. So listened to the body, no training what so ever today. Hoping this is just a blimp. Tomorrow I will try again, swim in the NAC nice easy stroke work and hopefully a short jog in the evening.

    Hey chief - bear in mind Im no doctor ... but Ive had this before ... its the antibiotics still in your blood imho. Again, up to yourself, but take your time coming back ... resting up rather than running this evening might help you in the long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Morn 25th May

    Warm Up 500m 300 FS/100 Pull/100 Fins

    500m Pull

    500m Fins

    1000m FS

    Cool Down 200m

    No stopwatch and no watching of the clock here. Just another part of re-intergration week. Struggled so much during this session, hope it's out of my system now. Really felt lung capacity was affected negatively. But then, all of a sudden, I had a Rocky II moment!

    I am trying to change to bilateral breathing. So that's all I did until the last 500m of the 1000m FS set, breathing every 3rd stroke. Then for the last 500m I switched back to what I am comfortable doing-breathing every 2nd Stoke! All of a sudden I was flying! Much like Rocky learning to fight right handed and swiching back to southpaw in the last rond of Rocky II! It was the element of surprise, however I don't think I will use the tactic in swimming. Everybody would b out of the water when I decide to switch and catch everybody off guards! The only surprised people would be the last remaning spectors wondering about my safety as last man in the water ;)

    anyway sorry bout the tangent! If I had to rate how fit I feel I would say 60% and confidence 50%. So still very much softly softly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    interested wrote: »
    Hey chief - bear in mind Im no doctor ... but Ive had this before ... its the antibiotics still in your blood imho. Again, up to yourself, but take your time coming back ... resting up rather than running this evening might help you in the long run.

    You are right interested. Talking to two teachers this morning that had pneumonia and both warned me about training while recovering. So I have decided to leave the run this evening and quite possibly just do no more training for the week, in prep for Athy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    You are right interested. Talking to two teachers this morning that had pneumonia and both warned me about training while recovering. So I have decided to leave the run this evening and quite possibly just do no more training for the week, in prep for Athy.

    check the web for juice recipes ... I know theres some natural things you can do to build yourself back up and help flush the system of the antibiotics ... keep stretching, do some core work .... plot the come back ;)
