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Keen to see what the future may hold!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    pgibbo wrote: »
    All sounding very positive. Fair play. Nice to see the rewards from the hard work. What are you using to measure your power?

    It sure is p, thanks. My turbo trainer came with a little unit that u mount on the handle bars, it measures, time, distance, speed, cadence and watts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well that was one of the worst ideas I've ever had! And on the week of a half marathon!

    Got absolutely wasted Tues night in true irish paddys night way! It reminds me why i don't drink much anymore. Was wasted all day Weds, awful waste of a day. Was supposed to go back running with the club on Thurs but decided to spend the evening with the GF, i had to try and make up for leaving her in the pub Tues night (apparently i just bolted from the pub at 2 and went home :o)

    Any way back in the pool this morn, been a bad two weeks for the swimming. My swimming fitness has suffered for sure. Anyway I am back on track now.

    Swimming Session

    Warm Up 400 m

    250m Drill with the fins

    500m Kick At least it i good news here, my ave time for a 50m kick is down to 1 min 10 sec.

    cool Down 400m

    5 km Run

    Done at my target pace for tomorrow's race, target pace being 4min 30sec per km.

    I am confident(ish) that i can keep this pace up fr tomor's half mar. If I do, it will mean a time of 1hr 35min, which would mean an awful lot to me. Running was my worst discipline last year and i have really work hard over the winter on it, breaking a few milestones along the way. It would also but this terrible week behind me and all would be forgotten! So i will be really digging deep and I just hope I am not found wanting! Hopefully Tues night won't have done too much damage :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well this one was an important one for me. 6 months ago in the Dublin half i got it all wrong, i went out way too fast. This time it was controlled from start to finish, my first run that went according to plan perfectly. Even though Dublin half went horribly wrong it was still a PB, yesterday i knocked 12 mins or so off it!

    Place 158 out of 970
    Time 1hr 32min 45sec

    1st half time 47min 50sec
    2nd half time 45min 44sec

    Ok, final week of base 2 so gotta make it a good/tough one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well done on the pb.. great running :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Very well done, that's a good negative split there. That half would make for a very good marathon time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks lads, no interest yet in a full marathon though!

    Monday Eve

    Was still sore after Sat (quads) so just did an easy 1,500m swim, took 29min30sec.

    Tues Morn

    Max strength session no. 9 of 12

    Tues Eve

    Club Running

    Warm Up 3.5km

    753m 2min34sec
    748m 2min36sec
    745m 2min33sec
    752m 2min32sec

    Cool Down 3.5k

    Still feeling very sore after Saturday but good session none the less

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Couldn't get up for swimming again this morning! What's happening me? I know that i am not getting to bed early enough for a 5.30 start. Anyway, Friday i have to get up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Well done on your PB at the weekend.

    As for getting out of bed - there must be something in the air these days. Struggling aswell myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks P, i am getting out of bed tomorrow morn i promise!!!:rolleyes:

    Thurs Morn

    Max Training Session No. 10 of 12

    Thurs Eve

    Club Running Session

    Warm Up 3.5km

    1 min hard/1min easy X 10

    Tough session, myself and 2 other lads really pushed it! Great session.

    Cool-Down 3.5km

    Raining hard tonight, must be 2 months since i trained in the rain! Wasn't at all bad once i got into it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ok got up this morn, and man o man was it tough!

    Coached Swim Session

    Warm Up 200m x 4 decreasing

    Kick 100m x 2

    50m x 40 50m x 20 FS;50m x 10 kick; 50m x 10 FS
    The FS were off 1 min/target pace 48 sec
    The kicks off 1:45/target pace 1:15
    Hit my target for the first 8 of the first 20 FS,
    Hit my target for all kick set
    The last FS set was so tough, hit the first three targets
    after that i crumbled and the last was a 1min05sec.
    technique and form out the window!

    Ok, so that is it for Base 2. Overall there has been a big progression in the running, not so sure about the cycling, next months TT's will tell the tale there. The swimming is a slow burner, at least coach is happy that i am getting the technique right, just need to maintain it at race pace when getting tired.

    High Points: My 9th place finish in Predator Duathlon and my 92 min half marathon.
    Low Points: My mad night/day on the beer! And my lack of motivation to get out of bed the last 10 days or so for training (prob linked to the drinking session!)

    So where am i in terms of training objectives:

    1) Do a 20k TT in under 32 mins - Maybe possible, with new bike and wheels, but not in a triathlon

    2) Feel stronger climbing hills by May - Truth is - i already do

    3) Run a 90 min half marathon - Bang on target, will attemp this in Sept, please no injuries! :o

    4) Run a 45 min 10k in a triathlon I fel this may happen in Athy

    And my season goals:

    1) Obtain 650 points-Top 20 in Age Groups
    2) Finish in the top 30% in Hell of the West 2010
    3) Finish in the top 30% in the Euro Champs Age

    Well only time will tell but i am keeping positive! :)

    Ok, last day of school before Easter break, inspectors in to me today :o and of to Poland with the GF till Tuesday (made sure there is a pool n the hotel!)

    Peace out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well back from Poland since late tuesday night, couldn't believe the weather here!

    Monday Morn

    Did an easy 6 k along the Wisla river in Krakow, did 3 easy and then tried to pick it up for 2, could only manage a 4 min/km pace :confused: just hoping that it was the zywiec beer that was holding me back!

    Wednesday Morn

    Back in Ireland, so decided to do good tough swim session. Unfortunatley it was cut short by about 30 middled women doing a aqua aerobics class! You don't mess with them!

    For what it's worth.....

    Warm Up 400m (200 with fins/200 without)

    7 x 100m Range was between 1:45 - 2 min. Felt so slow and sluggish.

    2 x 50m kick This is where the lanes were taken up :mad:

    This morning - Thursday

    Swim Session

    Warm Up 400m (200 with fins/200 without)

    7 x 100m

    1. 1:53
    2. 1:53
    3. 1:46
    4. 1:45
    5. 1:46
    6. 1:44
    7. 1:38

    Glad to see that i am getting the hang of descending sets (for the most part!). My stroke is getting better for sure and my stoke count is finally getting below 20 stokes per 25m.

    10 x 50m kick

    1. 1:20
    2. 1:14
    3. 1:13
    4. 1:13
    5. 1:12
    6. 1:12
    7. 1:14
    8. 1:14
    9. 1:14
    10. 1:14

    No improvement here but i will stick at it religiously for the next 5 weeks, 10 x 50m every session!

    4 x 200m

    1. 3:46
    2. 3:40
    3. 3:43
    4. 3:42

    Right shoulder got really sore here but i battled on and was haapy with times. Think the pain came from my stoke falling apart as i got tried.

    I didn't work on "off times" i just took enough time to get my breath between sets....just to help me ease back into it.

    This Evening - Thursday

    Club run session

    Warm Up 3.5 k

    10 x 200m Ranged between 31 sec and 34sec.

    Cool Down 3.5 k

    Not being pushed hard enough in this group anymore, i am starting to coast a little, hoping to be bumped up to the elite runners for good soon.

    Naas duathlon at 11 am tomorrow morn, looking forward to my 2nd duathlon of the year, hoping beyond hope for a sub 60min....looking t previous times this may be just asking too much of myself.

    Base 3 starting next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Hope the duathlon went well and the weather was better than it is here in the west!

    Solid swimming above. Fair play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well the day didn't start well as I only got about 4 hours sleep, just a little anxious I guess, even though I was only treating this as a training session but if I am being honest, there was a personal grudge element to this one with someone else!

    Anyway, what an awful day! Wet, freezing and serious head wind! I arrived in plenty of time, 9:40am, race at 11am. I have decided that this session I will arrive in plenty of time at races and get well warmed up. My running coach explained the importance of that to us at training the night before, so I will take it serious anymore.......I didn't get in a warm up after all that by the way :o I was changing my wheels to the deep rim ones I got lately (although I wasn't sure this was the right move with the strong winds but have better grip than my others in the wet!), I had trouble changing the back wheel, then figured out the problem and then I had to change my brake pads to carbon pads, all this took me 40 mins and by the time I had got into my gear it was race brief time. So not the relaxed, prep I had hoped for and no warm up.

    The first run was tough as I didn't warm up and my heart rate shot straight up to 176bpm. After about 500m my race number fell off, I had to make a snap decision-go back get it or leave it? I decided to go back for it for fear of disqualification, someone ran by and shouted to forget about it and keep going, too late I had turned around, as I did I saw someone pick it up. He gave it to me and I thanked him and then noticed that the belt was bust! So I ended up throwing it away. A few places lost. So it took me 11 mins 41 sec for the 3.2 km run; ave HB/max HB 172/176; % of Max Ave/Max 93%/97%;
    So that put me in 21st position after the run.

    Well I still haven't practiced my transitions so it is still a case of cycling shoes first and run to mount line and then clip in, all of which took me 1 min 12 sec. So much room for improvement here.

    On to the road and bang...the wind hits. Coupled with the wet road and rain it really did nothing for my nerves (still shakey after my falls earlier this year), anyway "head down man and do your best". The first 10 k was tough, I didn't feel at all good. Turned around and got a new lease of life! With the wind at my back I put the boot down and in a big burst I took out 6 lads, despite not being able to get the chain back onto the big cog :mad: so for 10 at least I was in the small cog. So the 20k (almost exact) it took me 37 min 27 sec; ave HB/max HB 168/176; % of Max Ave/Max 91%/95%; So that put me in 15th position coming off the bike.

    T2, come to complete stop, clip off, run, off with cycle shoes, on with runners and off in 1 min 08 sec - ridiculous.

    Second run was very hard to get into, just not used of race pace yet. Got into my stride after 2 k (1st k - 4 mins/2nd k 4:07/3rd k 3:55) About 3/4 passed me but I also passed 2/3. No results as of yet but i am thinking 17th/8th. So second run 13 min 36 sec (3.38k); ave HB/max HB 170/176; % of Max Ave/Max 92%/95%.

    Toatal time 1hr05min02sec. (won my personal grudge match by over 2mins by the way)

    So happy with that truth be told. Really had to dig deep on occasions but worth it for the end result.

    The good: I still have room for improvement. I am still doing my base training after all and will keep that up until May. Then the higher intensity training will kick in and i am sure i will see more improvement there.

    The bad: Transitions, bike not working properly (big cog), bad prep on the morning, race belt.

    I have actually been roped back into playing the last couple of soccer games for my local soccer club, played with those lads for 11 years so it was hard to say no. They have two games left and need 4 points to win the league and have an bit of an injury crises. So after my race home I went and soccer training 8pm to 10pm! I was a wreck last night but happy and satisfied after my day :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey El Director nice result given the incidents! I'd say you lost maybe a minute or more not having the big ring at your disposal for a tailwind! Your running is strong though and passing people on the second run is alien to me so kudos on that!

    Really you should have your bike fully prepared before any event. The amount of fast guys I see pumping up tyres and adjusting things is crazy given their prowess. Yes the bike needs a final check before racking but all the main stuff should be done. Best make your decision about wheels the night before or before you leave the house in the morning. Changing wheels and brake pads instead of warming up not only has you starting cold but messes with your mental preparation too. I'm speaking form experience of getting it all wrong of course ;) The duatlons are the place to iron out all this stuff though.

    Have you tried leaving the shoes on the bike with elastic bands?

    I'm thinking at the rate you are progressing you will be giving Bambaata and I serious run for our money and with school holidays in the summer you may be leaving us behind! One to watch. Keep up the good work :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks MCOS, wise words indeed and believe me I will take them on board. So important to listen to others, learn from their experiences as well as my own.

    My running has only came on since last Oct, i just made the decision that this year it won't let me down. Last year in olympic distance races I was dying, dragging my feet in the run, people passing me by with ease. Not this year. I think between the commitment to club training, mountain running and my long run per week I am getting there.

    You are very right re getting my bike ready the night before. It was so stressful I can tell you. The thing is, and my GF said this too, I am usually so meticulous when it comes to training and other aspects in my life. Anyway from now on it will be a well prepared Director that takes to the start line. The mental prep is so important too.

    I have never tried the shoes on the bike, I will though, I have to! it would save me maybe a minute in a triathlon. I just decided to train hard first then practice things like that. As you say duathlons are the place to try and learn, so my next duathlon (May 5th, I think) I will try it. First I must practice.

    As regards giving you and Bambaata a run for ye're money...well one can only hope! It won't be for a lack of trying! Can't wait now for the start of the season. Thanks again for your comments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    At home this weekend in the county of Galway, got up early and went for a nice easy 50k spin (despite having a soccer match in the afternoon, I knew I would be a sub anyway). Sun was shinning and the roads were dry, a bit of wind but nothing major. Concentrated on keeping the cadence at an average of 90rpm.

    Distance 48 k; Time 1 hr 42min; Ave Speed/Max Speed 28km/hr/59km/hr; Ave HB/Max HB 140/166; Ave Cadence/Max Cadence 90rpm/117rpm.

    All in all a mst enjoyable cycle

    Drew the soccer so playin the team in second for the league next sunday. Off to meet the lads from home now for a few quite ones.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Well done in Naas. Good to see that with a little bit better prep you could go better. The training is really paying off. No doubt you're making good use of the Easter holidays too. :cool:

    One word of caution though, be careful with the soccer. Last thing you need now is a bang or something stupid from training or a match. If you played for 11 years you're probably wise to it anyway. :)

    Who are you playing for? Good luck on trying to win the league.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks P! Well the first week of easter was an easy week (feel all the better for it too) and this week I will be gone to england for 2 days thurs and friday, so won't get as much as i'd like done.

    Ya i am very aware of the dangers of the soccer, injuries was a major factor when deciding to give it up! The manager knows the story and won't play me unless badly needed. Training tonight so i will be minding myself...on the plus side they say some cross training can be of great benefit!

    I play for Ballymoe FC in the Roscommon and District league as does a whole host of Galway teams.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Morn 6th April

    Turbo Session No 29 Repeated this workout as I haven't done a turbo session since 15th of March! Still I have been getting out. Actually felt really really good in this session, my rest/easy week has left me fresh and not sluggish it would appear.

    Time 1 hour; Cadence Ave/Max 98rpm/176rpm; Watt Ave/Max 207/367

    Tues Eve

    Soccer Training Well with PGibbo's advice in my mind I took to the training pitch.....went over on my right ankle :( but thankfully it seems fine, I know I'm playin with fire but fingers crossed.

    Well this is supposed to be the start of Base week 3 but I have to be honest with myself, this week is a bit of a write off. Have to go to England Thurs morn early and not back till Sat, so I won't be able to train as I would have liked. Anyway, starting next week for 4 weeks here are my plans, this will bring me right up to first triathlon of the season (can't wait!)


    I will be upping the swimming to 3 coached sessions per week.

    Concentrating on:

    1) Keeping my technique for as long as I can
    2) Getting my swim fitness up to strach
    3) Getting a higher stroke rate (working the arms a little faster)


    I will continue with one turbo session on Mondays but I will up it to an hour and a half or 2 hours.
    There will be club TT's every Weds night so I hope to make as many as I can.
    On Saturdays I will keep up the long spin with the club


    Tuesday evenings with the club we will be working speed/speed endurance
    Thursday evenings with the club we will be going to the track for the summer for some speed work.
    Fridays I will continue my long run.


    I was due to stop the maximum weight sessions next week but I am finding them so beneficial that I will continue them for the next four weeks and then cut it back to once a week for maintenance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,091 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Good log El Director! Well done in Naas. Had you not had those issues you would have been right up with me!! It was a horrible day. I did my warmup in the car via the the heater on rather than getting into the rain :P might not have been the ideal way to do it but at least i felt warm at the start.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    thanks Bambaata! have you got a training log? i am sure it would make for interesting reading....or do you prefer to keep your secrets to yourself!

    Ya Naas could have been better but it's too early to be peaking! Duathlons are very useful for putting things right. How did you do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Swim Session

    This is the repeat of the test I did on the 21st of Feb, here is a reminder of how that went:

    7 X 200m Test (As suggested in Triathlon 220)

    Warm-Up 300m freestyle
    100m Pull

    200m 3min 47sec,
    200m 3min 48sec,
    200m 3min 49sec,
    200m 3min 45sec,
    200m 3min 54sec,
    200m 3min 55sec,
    200m 3min 55sec,

    Cool-Down 50m back crawl.

    Here is Todays

    Warm - up 300m freestyle
    100m Pull

    200m 3min 39sec
    200m 3min 33sec
    200m 3min 36sec
    200m 3min 32sec
    200m 3min 30sec
    200m 3min 27sec
    200m 3min 26sec

    Cool - Down 50m back crawl

    Conclusion Delighted with the progress. Wasn't looking forward to doing this but got stuck anyway. What really struck me is that I was going faster yet I felt less wrecked! This would lead me to believe that I am becoming more efficient as a swimmer.....this makes me happy :)

    If I can keep this pace up for 750m/1,500m (in the pool) then I would be very very happy indeed, Hoping that I would then go even faster in open water.

    Off for an easy (very easy, ankle still a bit sore from last night) 5k with the GF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Jaysus, I should have said nothing about the soccer. Hope the ankle is alright.

    Well done on the swim improvements. All sounding very positive. Fair play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,091 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    thanks Bambaata! have you got a training log? i am sure it would make for interesting reading....or do you prefer to keep your secrets to yourself!

    Ya Naas could have been better but it's too early to be peaking! Duathlons are very useful for putting things right. How did you do?

    No i don't im afraid. I promised one late last year but never got around to it. As much as i like constructive criticism id be shot to pieces with my training practices lol. Maybe some day. Ive written an opening statement about 3 or 4 times but never hit that submit button!!

    Naas went well for me despite feeling terrible the whole way. Finished 8th in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Last week was a false dawn really for base 3 but I knew that once I heard I had to go to England for two days.

    Yesterday we lost the league title fight, 3 - 2, this would have seriously depressed me before but as I wasn't really involved this year all I could think about is getting into the pool this morning at 5.30. Soccer isn't over just yet and I have promised my services till the end of April.

    Monday Morning 12 April

    5 x 100m Descending Set

    100m 1 min 46 sec
    100m 1 min 42 sec
    100m 1 min 40 sec
    100m 1 min 38 sec
    100m 1 min 34 sec

    Stroke count is down to an ave of 20. Would love to get it down to 17 (per 25m)

    1,500m TT

    Time 28 min 52 sec; Ave stroke 25; Pace 115sec/100m

    Very pleased with this time, think it would transfer nicely to a wetsuit open water swim. Wasn't exactly pushing it either, about 70-75%.

    Feeling very fresh this morn, the easy 2 weeks really seem to have done me point peaking too early in the season!

    20km TT on TT bike after school (yes back to school today!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Repeated the 20k TT of 6/7 weeks ago, here is a reminder of how that went.

    20K TT

    Warm-Up 4K 100+ RPM Spinning

    20K TT 38min 23sec

    Cool-Down 5K 100+ RPM Spinning

    Well as you can see I'm a long way off my target of a 32 min 20k. At least I know now where i stand. I will repeat this TT in 6 weeks time.

    And todays.

    20K TT

    Warm - Up 4K 100+ RPM Spinning

    20K TT 35 min 59 sec; HB Ave/Max 153/174; Speed Ave/Max 33.3km/hr/47.8km/hr

    Cool - Down 5K 100+ RPM Spinning

    Nice bit of improvement here. The park wasn't as busy as the last day and the weather was perfect! Hilly enough course, must put up a link with the course. Still a long way from my 32min goal but I will keep having a go at it. My bike training hasn't been smart at all yet, there is tonnes of room for improvement so that is a positive.

    PS Not sure if any of you guys know but.....I forgot to change my carbon brake pads to normal one (as I wasn't using my racing wheels I probably should have really changed them). Does this mistake ruin the carbon pads?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weight Training

    Max strength sesion 11.

    Felt good this morn. Have to miss my club running session this eve as I have a course to attend. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well went home for a soccer match last night sacrificing the first of the summer leagues TT (cycling). Well what a disaster, 2 hours home and the game was called off after 38 mins due to floodlight failure :mad: Didn't get back to Dublin till 12. Anyway got up at 6.30 this morning.

    Strength Training

    Max training session no 12.

    Was only meant to do 12 of these session but I have decided to extend that for another 3 weeks. Really feel it is benefitting me loads! After that I will decrease the weights and do it only once a week.

    First track session of the year coming up this evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thurs Evening 15th April

    Track Session

    Warm Up 3.2 km

    4 x 200m/300m

    1) 200m - 34sec/300m - 55sec
    2) 200m - 35sec/300m - 54sec
    3) 200m - 34sec/300m - 54sec
    4) 200m - 35sec/300m - 54sec

    Cool Down 3.2km

    Really enjoyed the first track session of the year. As I said before, I feel I am begining to run within myself in this group. The next group is a massive step but it is probably what I need to do to keep up the improvements.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    10 x 75m 25-kick/25-one arm/25-FS

    4 x 25m MAX

    1) 16.3 sec
    2) 16.3 sec
    3) 16.3 sec
    4) 16.4 sec

    50m easy back crawl

    5 x 400m

    1) 7:08
    2) 7:23
    3) 7:34
    4) 7:39
    5) 7:56

    1 x 200m 3:37

    Some what of a break through session this morning. Coach was almost stuck for words during my 100's, saying that my FS was "perfect", nice and tight and compact with a nice even kick and stroke. He just wished one of the other coaches were there to see it!

    Then it fell to sh!t! Haha! Well the first 400 was good but my lack of swim fitness meant I lost focus and started to lose my form. Brought it back together for my last 200 though.

    So I now know what it feels like to do a good FS and how it feels when I am losing it. Found that my kick was very important here, it "anchored" me and stopped me twisting too much. I actually felt the last 200 told the story. I was only at 60% yet my time was fast(ish). So less effort, better time....more efficient and that was my aim from the start. I know most people say to forget about the kick but I now feel it is very important, and a nice constant flutter kick will leave me with a lower HR and less time in the water and therefore should be fresher on the bike/run, I think the legs are well able for it.

    Soccer match tonight, my first 90 mins since Oct.
