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Pilonidal sinus



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 Bumblebee Man

    Just had my surgery on Friday. The doctor said it went fine. Hooked up to a vacuum dressing with a pump I've to carry with me. The dressing's to be changed twice a week and they reckon it'll be 4-6 weeks of healing. Gonna be a long few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Rosielocks

    Hi folks,
    So glad I found this thread, it's weirdly comforting to know there's so many people out there who have been through the same ordeal! The only thing is, it doesn't seem to be updated too regularly and I desperately need some urgent advice from you guys, so I'm praying someone will notice this! Here's the craic (I'm going to include all the gory background info, so this may be quite long, sorry):

    My whole drama began about four years ago. One evening (after sitting up doing last minute uni work for about 48 hours) I got a terrible pain - I'm sure you all know the one - and by 3am that night I ended up ringing the doctor on call because I honestly thought I wouldn't last til the morning. It was that bad! I went to see them first thing the next morning and they didn't have a clue what was wrong, just told me it was an internal infection, doesd me up on painkillers and anitbiotics and sent me on my way. That seemed to do the trick, and at that stage I was blissfully unaware of abceses, sinuses or anything of the like. I'd never even hear of them. You know where I'm going with this...

    Then, about a year later, one beautiful summer's day, the pain came back. This time I was able to ride it out for a day or two before it got so bad I went to the doctors. It was a different doc this time and again they had no idea and ended up it telling me it was a rare (and very painful) form of muscle strain unique to women. Since I still had never even heard of a pilonidal sinus, I took his word it and went on my way once again. I even went home and googled what he said it was, and the symptoms seemed quite similar. My other half was away that weekend, and I have no hesitation in saying it was the worst few days of my life. On the Saturday I went back to the doctor's and again saw a different one. I told that one about what the other one had said it was so he didn't even examine me, instead just said 'yeah, that's very painful alright' and gave me a pain relieving injection that lasted just about until the end of that afternoon. By the Sunday I was throwing up and hallucinating and by the time my boyfriend came back on the Monday he found me in agony and half out of it on the sofa and took me straight to the hospital. I had an emergency operation on an "ischiorectal abscess" that night and spent the next 9 days in a isolated room in hospital pumped full of antibiotics that were so strong they made my blood feel like it was on fire. Apparently the poison from the abscess had got into my system because it was left so long, so there's a cautionary tale for you all right there! Turns out because it wasn't in the usual place for this type of thing (and it was very deep) it was an easy mistake for the doctors to make.

    Right, that's the first half of the story, and here's where the ps comes into it. Following that intial op I had about two months of packing, and about a month or two after that with no bother at all. Then the area began to swell up, just like what's been described so many times here. Luckily, it wasn't an abscess this time but instead had developed into a sinus, meaning once it would swell to a certain size it would burst with all that yuckiness (better out than in, believe me!). The first time this happened I went straight back to the doctor's, yet again being seen by a different one. At least at this stage I knew what and where the problem was, but that didn't make that trip any better - the bloody man took a scapel to me without warning and hacked out it right there and then. The entire medical centre must've heard me screaming! Then he gave me more antibiotics and sent me on my way - again. I also needed packing for about a week or two after that incident.

    The next few times it flared up I was obviously aprehensive about going back to the doctors, and tired to ride it out for a while. It was becoming too regular though, and eventually I had to. It was at this point things began to change - I found a wonderful doctor who knew what he was at, and I've still with him I'm glad to say. He used to be a surgeon back in his home country and had only gone into general practice when he came to Ireland. He was the first one to think to even mention to me that it wasn't an ingrowing hair that was causing my bother too (I'd always just presumed it was, though no one else had said so) but rather it was the result of a really minor problem I have with my tailbone (it didn't form properly when I was a baby, basically I don't have one!). Apparently cartilidge was growing under my skin and causing the infections. Anyway, he arranged for me to have another op. I went on the waiting list and after about a year and a half of regular flare ups I had it last year, followed by about a month of packing.

    At first it seemed like that was it, I was free. But the day I felt that familiar first twinge I realised my optimism was unfounded. I tried to ignore it for a few months but eventually I had to go back to the doctor. He knew how much I didn't want to go through the whole op thing again, and I had just started a new job, so the first time he just gave me more antibiotics - although he was aprehensive about it and warned me that probably wouldn't cut it. They did work, though, but only for a while. When it came back - even worse this time - I went back and he put me on yet another waiting list for surgery.

    That was around January this year, which brings me up to my current predicament. At that stage it really was flaring up every week or too, and quite badly, and that continued for a few months. I've become well used to it, but it really was still affecting my quality of life and I've had to cut back on the decent painkilllers because I was taking them too bloody often for my own good. The thing is, at that stage I hadn't told my work about being on the waiting list because I thought I was only going to be working there until April, but they've since kept me on. The ps kept flaring up for a while in the months since then, but I still never mentioned it because I just presumed I'd be on the waiting list for at least a year and I thought I would be given plenty of notice from the hospital regarding when my op would be. Then about two months ago I got a phonecall from the hospital asking if I still needed the op - at that stage it hadn't flared up in around a month, but I was just expecting it to be back as usual any day - and I said yes. Then they asked if I would be able to go for it before September because they'd had some cancellations, and I told them I had two weeks off booked for the end of August but because work was so busy I probably wouldn't be able to do it any time other than that. They said they'd be in touch and when I didn't hear from them again I thought I was just put back on the really long waiting list because August didn't suit them.

    Then today I got a phone call - they have me down for this Monday coming! I'm literally back two days from my holidays, and to make things worse in the end I never told my bosses about it because I thought, when I hadn't heard from hospital, I was just back on the long waiting list. To make things even more complicated, my ps hasn't flared up at all really in the meantime, so I've been around four or five months free of the thing - which is highly unusual for me. In fact it's the longest I've gone without it since this whole fiasco began four years ago. There's been twinges, and slight little pains, but no swelling and no bursting.

    I'm going to go to my GP tomorrow to ask for his advice, but do any of you out there have any experiences of the things just going away by themselves? Please, please tell me yes! If not, what the hell am I going to do??? I honestly can't afford to take the time off work at the moment - it's mental right now - and I simply can't turn around to my boss and say I need at least another week or two off when I'm only back from a two week break. I've got some holidays left, but I've those booked for six weeks time when I've a family wedding in England which I really can't miss. Any advice at all would be very, very much appreciated here :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Hi Rosielocks,

    I am just after recovering from a PS open wound surgery. (back playing rugby and in the gym after two months after waht was apparently a very bad case)

    PM me if you want to discuss.

    I know 8 other people that have had it done too and none had it go by itself im afraid.

    My surgeon said my healing powers were quite amazing, so let me know if you want to know what I did during healing process. (wont go into details here)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭Smeggy

    Hi all,

    I've just been diagnosed with one of these pilonidal cysts and my doctor has referred me to the hospital for removal. The thing is I've had it for a long time but it only flares up maybe once every 6 months! I didn't even realise it was any way serious until my sister-in-law told me she had one removed few years back so I went straight to the doctor. Interestingly they say it mostly happens to men but from reading this thread it doesn't seem to be the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,769 ✭✭✭youngblood

    Went to my doc today to discuss this and advice was not surprising

    He said basically he's slow enough to recommend surgery, he's seen jobs
    done on peoples pilonidal sinus that he wish he had never sent for surgery.

    He, as many of you know, said, surgery is no assured fix of the problem.

    I was concerned about leaving it for so long and was worried that if I didnt do something about it now that it would be dangerous if left untreated. (i've had it for more than 6 years)

    In my case he said it was fine, and wouldnt be a problem considering it location and size

    I am one of those sufferers who's PS only flares up once/twice a year, the rest of the time it almost disappears and is unnoticeable

    He also said he wouldnt recommend me to go private and use my health insurance but to go public and get a consult and take it from there.

    Having read volumes of information over the years on this subject he kinda affirmed all my thoughts and reasoning. This is a second GP I've consulted on this and both had the same opinion as outlined above. I will go for the consult when ever I am called for the appointment so will keep this post updated when I hear.

    As normal, any advice appreciated

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,769 ✭✭✭youngblood

    Would you believe Im still waiting to be called?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all,
    Pretty sure I have a pilondial cyst. At the moment I would class it as uncomfortable and annoying rather than very painful. It does seem to be getting worse though. I am bathing in salt. I don't have a GP but will find one for an appointment after the long weekend. I have a lump kind between my buttocks and bottom of back is tender and warm. Sitting is sore after a few minutes. No sign of draining though- although I don't know where it should drain from?
    I am hoping some of you could advise me on how to talk to the GP. I haven't been to a doc in years. I will be on summer holidays in 2 weeks until Sept but won't be able to take any time off next year so should I insist on an operation (have VHI) to be carried out ASAP so I can heal over summer and won't have to have an emergency op next year? To anyone who has had an op, was it after months and years of suffering or did you just have it done so it wouldn't come back? Also,I have nobody at home who could possibly pack a wound, could I do it myself?

    Would appreciate any advice. Hope to get to doctor on Tuesday. Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭Miseryguts

    Has anyone had this surgery lately and what is the recovery like?

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭john kinsella

    Miseryguts wrote: »
    Has anyone had this surgery lately and what is the recovery like?

    I had mine done in 2012

    Send me a PM if you have any questions.

    Or if you go on to you will find loads of good info in their forum

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 MN1988

    I'm glad I found this thread. Had a breeze through some of the stories - great relief to know others can share their experiences.
    I haven't seen any recent posts though and I have a question.

    Mine came on about a week ago, doctor put me on anti-biotics but it seems to be getting worse and more infected. If I have to get surgery does anyone know the cost and where I can go around Dublin?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Babypanda

    Hi people,
    It's been a while since I posted, about 4years maybe. But today I just really feel the need to post and vent.
    So I'm about 2months after my third surgery and I know from experience that these nasty little buggers take time to heal! But this one just seems to be dragging out.
    When this one first came about, it snuck up on me from behind (literally)
    I didn't get any warning signs of a lump appearing on the skin or redness.
    This time I had lower back pain maybe for a week (but it was only in the mornings so I thought I just had to wee)
    But then one day out of no where my scar from my past two surgery's was swollen but the pain seemed to be lower even though the scar was swollen.
    Anyway my partner brought me to hospital the next day, sitting in a&e waiting to be seen and thinking the little boy next to me had farted, when the nurse calls me in I realise its my back and that it had built up so much and bust.
    I got kept in for surgery that night.
    Two months later in still getting it dressed doing all I should be doing but it just seems to be talking so long and I feel like I'm getting frustrated at everything.
    My partner is doing all he can for me but even I can tell he's starting to get sick of it too! Well that's what I think he think's. It just feels never ending today for some reason. I've not complained once since I have had the operation because people don't need to be listening to it. So when I've been asked I've said yes I'm fine thank you. But today I just needed a rant because I was sick of keeping it all in! Sorry to anyone that might take their time in reading this it's not that interesting. It's just a young woman feeling sorry for herself and needing to let off steam!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Gshock_123

    Hey, I had surgery the end of May 2017, had a PICO (VAC like) on for a few weeks, nearly 6 weeks post operation it was nearly healed, something happened and it opened again. PICO on again for awhile and same thing.. Been dressing it 3 times a week since. It has got so close to healing and something happens, usually I walk to much and then it opens a bit again. It's been 5 and a half months and seemed moreless healed two weeks ago but did too much walking and it opened a bit again. Any suggestions to help with healing or things to do? thanks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Berserker

    Gshock_123 wrote: »
    Hey, I had surgery the end of May 2017, had a PICO (VAC like) on for a few weeks, nearly 6 weeks post operation it was nearly healed, something happened and it opened again. PICO on again for awhile and same thing.. Been dressing it 3 times a week since. It has got so close to healing and something happens, usually I walk to much and then it opens a bit again. It's been 5 and a half months and seemed moreless healed two weeks ago but did too much walking and it opened a bit again. Any suggestions to help with healing or things to do? thanks.

    Can you explain what you mean by "it opens up a bit again"? Have you discussed this with your surgeon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Gshock_123

    Berserker wrote: »
    Can you explain what you mean by "it opens up a bit again"? Have you discussed this with your surgeon?

    I've got a few infections that set it back but when I seem to do too much walking it's like the wound breaks down and seems to open up more. Ya the surgeon has seen it a few times, they just tell me to keep dressing it and it'll be fine, it just takes time. It's fairly small at the minute and not that deep but seems to bleed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Berserker

    Gshock_123 wrote: »
    I've got a few infections that set it back but when I seem to do too much walking it's like the wound breaks down and seems to open up more. Ya the surgeon has seen it a few times, they just tell me to keep dressing it and it'll be fine, it just takes time. It's fairly small at the minute and not that deep but seems to bleed.

    Can't really offer you much in the line of advice above what you were told. Keep the area clean and change the dressing every day. I know that the cost adds up when you have to keep buying dressings for months on end but keeping a wound like that clean is the key. You are just going to have to tough it out, I'm afraid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 Melanieg081

    Just wondering how long people had pilonidal sinus for and how is they cope?

    I helped to cure flare ups in the following ways:
    Epson salt baths, keep area free of hair and keep dry. If flare up occurs treat with bentonite clay it takes out infection. If necessary slice an onion place a light gause on area and keep on over night. Very large boils/ infections need to go to A&E they will make a small drain incision, nevessary as antibiotic.s are too late

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 Melanieg081

    Gshock_123 wrote: »
    Hey, I had surgery the end of May 2017, had a PICO (VAC like) on for a few weeks, nearly 6 weeks post operation it was nearly healed, something happened and it opened again. PICO on again for awhile and same thing.. Been dressing it 3 times a week since. It has got so close to healing and something happens, usually I walk to much and then it opens a bit again. It's been 5 and a half months and seemed moreless healed two weeks ago but did too much walking and it opened a bit again. Any suggestions to help with healing or things to do? thanks.

    I helped to cure flare ups in the following ways:
    Epson salt baths, keep area free of hair and keep dry. If flare up occurs treat with bentonite clay it takes out infection. If necessary slice an onion place a light gause on area and keep on over night. Very large boils/ infections need to go to A&E they will make a small drain incision, nevessary as antibiotic.s are too late

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Pilonotfun

    Hi All,

    I have recently had my second dose of surgery (the first was many years ago) and want to share my experience to benefit others as I was lucky enough to fall into it and it really worked out. I didn't see any information on it at the time online and I really really recommend it. I think the procedure is new in Ireland.

    I was living down in Cork at the time so called into a local GP. I'd noticed the telltale sign of blood on my boxers, but to be honest about it, I kind of knew for years that there was something going on down there. That 'feeling' had come back.

    Anyway, the GP diagnosed it, and referred me to the local colorectal surgeon, a Mr Brian Barry, who is based in the Cork Clinic. Guess because its that general area, they deal with it. The previous surgeon who I'd gone to in Dublin had since retired. So I called up his office and made an appointment, nice fellow, ran me down my options, the success rates, long healing time etc. A depressing situation really as if you're reading this you know all too well. He explained about leaving the wound open, healing from inside out, weekly dressing, vacuum dressings etc. Having done a little bit of research online, I asked 'are there any alternatives'. He explained that there were, although he didn't know too much of the detail, there was a plastic surgeon (also based in the cork clinic) that could use her skin grafting skills to manipulate skin from around the area to seal up the wound. But I'd have to go and see her in order to find out the details, recovery rates etc. I thanked him and made an appointment with the plastic surgeon, a Ms Ann McKenna.

    Ms Ann McKenna, what can you say when someone so lovely saved you so much pain and time and discomfort. Honestly. So I met Ann in the Clinic, I'm an inquisitive fellow and I asked a bundle of questions. She took the time to explain the current thinking which I'll describe at the end of the post as best as I can remember as its been a few months now. She happened to have a gap/cancellation in between performing surgeries on kids, shes an actual saint, and could see me in a few days time - so I've no idea of waiting lists. The lovely Ann performed a 'Z-plasty flap reconstruction', which entailed digging the whole lot out (also another risk with the old surgery methods is that they might miss the pit, with the Z plasty you're practically guaranteed to get it - plus its biopsied to ensure that they did), then moving skin over from the side and sowing it all up. So instead of an open, painful, slow healing wound, you have a closed Z.
    (there was also a rectangular option that she decided against). The surgery was in the Bons down in Cork (luckily I had private health insurance so all it cost me was the GP fee and the excess on the surgery), the procedure required general anesthetic, and 2 or 3 nights in the hospital, can't recall which. I was back to my desk based job in about 9-10 days total, although I used a cushion for a while. Went back for a check-up 3 weeks later and was given the go ahead to go back to the gym etc (something about blood flow when muscle is re-arranged - Ann will explain if you're gunning to get back exercising).

    The only downside is, it got a little uncomfortable sitting down on long haul flight that I took a month later. At the same time, I was able to get a long haul flight 1 and a half months after the surgery. It feels like there is a lump there. Ann explained it as such: you're body is used to having a big hole there, now you have tissue, it'll take a while to get used to. And I am gradually getting used to it too. Also, there is a narly enough scar on your bum like Harry Potter's scar. I don't mind but perhaps others might.

    So, 100% would recommend. Ann really sorted me out. And she's lovely.

    Current thinking: Some hair follicles have numerous hairs, most of the hairs will stay inside the follicle. Sometimes in that moist, sweaty atmosphere that is your crack, an infection will set in. So the whole 'hair from your haircut falling down into your crack and borrowing in' - is BS. Also, shaving is bad. Can't remember about laser being good or not.
