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Pilonidal sinus



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,084 ✭✭✭dubtom

    Wow,didn't realise this was an actual disease. I had an operation two weeks to remove one from between my cheeks.I was referred by my doc to a+e,they took me in an operated that night. I've been attending the dressing clinic daily every day.I asked the nurse today how much longer did she think and she said probably a month:eek:needless to say that was a shock.They say the wound is very clean and tbh I haven't had any pain at all since the surgery,maybe a little tenderness sometimes which I think is more to do with how the dressing is applied.Funny thing is,I had a sinus at the base of back for years,very much as several posters described,it would flare up,burst and die down, but I hadn't had that in years.The nurse spotted it when doing my dressing and said I had track marks, she had a surgeon have a look and I have an appointment when my dressings are finished. I have to say though,given a choice of another operation I would decline. I've been out of work now for three weeks and reading this thread has me worried.I drive a taxi so sit all day,I was planning on going back next week and seeing how I got on, but hearing the difficulties some people have had has scared me,I certainly don't want to aggrivate it. I have to say though I've been lucky and have to applaud the staff in James Hospital who have really looked after me,especially little ellen,who does my dressing every day,she's a gem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 metoyou

    awww i had ellan too, shes a dote alright. had my surgery april last year, cleared up by end of june, a little too quick! but come middle of july, it had re-opened, so went back to surgeon and he recommended going to ellan, had her until middle august before my holiday, said id be back to see her, but didnt :S oops! lost track of time and didnt feel i had too!

    alls ok now, not completely healed STILL.. only slight tenderness when walking for too long. cant sit for long periods at a time, gets major uncomfortable. Am such a figiter now! have a chat with ellan and ask her if its worth while you going back to work. Ill bet she says no!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 50hertz

    I had one on the top of the cleft of my buttocks for years and I always thought it was a boil. After much procrastination I went to a doctor who referred me to Clane hospital. I had the surgery and was home the next day...I did have to dress the wound myself ( it was stitched). 3 weeks out of work and very awkward to sit or get comfartable at all. But I seem to be lucky as I have not had any symptoms since, this was 5 years ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭stantheman8

    Have been suffering with PS for the past 12 months.
    Initially my doctor told me that I might get away with a course of anti-biotics.
    I tried that (as a preferable option to surgery). It cleared but came back again just before Christmas. I had surgery in January and the surgeon stitched the wound. I was told by my consultant that it was ok to go back to work (office job) 10 days later but when I did it was agonising, ended up getting infected and I needed to go back in for follow up surgery.
    It's now 4.5 months since the initial surgery and it still hasn't cleared up. Went back to consultant again last week and he wants to bring me in for more surgery. That would be 3 operations in less than 5 months ...and 3 general anaesthetics.
    I'm really loosing confidence in the surgeon now and am wondering if he didn't get to the source the first 2 times, will going back in a 3rd time really make a mess of it and increase my recovery time even more. Also references to this being a "pain in the arse" especially for "a hairy gorilla" like me haven't done much for my confidence.
    Have gone for a 2nd opinion who said that the excision wasn't wide enough ....2nd doc has put me on antibiotics and a cream which I'm hoping will clear.
    If this doesn't work I really don't know where to go next. If I do need to go for surgery again, I REALLY want to get it right this time. Is there a recognised leader/expert in this? I've read that repeated infections and breakdowns can lead to cancer later in life.

    Sorry for the long post. It's been great (although more than a little scary!) to read posters experiences here .... I thought I was an exceptional case.

    I'm pretty physically exhausted and it's starting to wear me down emotionally so I'd really appreciate any advice people have here.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 metoyou

    woah i didnt know it could lead to cancer :eek: man thats scary... maybe thats something else.. i hope

    well from reading here and from what i was told before, during and after my surgery... stitching the wound after surgery is quite possibly the worst that can be done to it

    Stitching it heals it from outside in, which isnt ideal. if it heals alone, it does take alot more time obv, and depending on the size it can take longer. But it is the far better option when having this procedure because the wound heals from inside out itself with no help except from the packing keeping it clean. Tissue grows back thicker and this can help stop it happening again. dont hold me to that cause ive read that it can come back even after healing without stitching.

    id say keep looking around for opinions from docs or other surgeons.. but if your going for more surgery ask him not to stitch it. It will take some getting used to after the surgery.. as in how you can sit and lie etc.. you cant go back to work for AGES.. daily visits from health nurse is a pain but theyre nice enough and help as much as they can. Just keep looking around and see whats best for you.. Better to get rid of it proper than dealing with it for longer
    best of luck

    man that was long :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,444 ✭✭✭✭Alun

    I haven't got this myself (thank god) but there was someone on the program "Embarrassing Bodies" on Channel 4 recently who did. He'd had one not too successful operation, but the doctor he saw on the program recommended he first get the area treated by laser to remove as many hairs as possible and then go back for the op again. I've no idea how he fared long term, but short-term he seemed fairly happy. He was a bit of a "hairy gorilla" too IIRC.

    Might be worth looking into. If you're dark haired too, it's a bonus, as laser hair removal works best with dark hair.

    As for the cancer thing, any long-term chronic soft tissue inflammation if it goes on long enough (we're talking years really) can increase the chances of cancerous cells forming. A Pilonidal Sinus isn't unique in this regard.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 mishno5

    My son had his operation last August, was in hospital for a couple of weeks. He had the hoover dressing fitted. The hole was so big the nurses told me that they could have put their fist in it and you could see bone.
    When he came home he had a portable hoover dressing fitted so he could walk around. A nurse had to come everyday to change the dressing. The vac dressing was taken off in November the nurse still came everyday to dress the wound. She came every day until January this year when only a small hole about a inche was left. I dress this everyday but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. We've seen the plastic surgeon again and he has said if it hasn't healed by August my son is looking at another operation to plug the hole.
    I do recommed anyone who is suffering with this condition, long term, to try the hoover dressings. So far they seemed to have worked for my son . Good luck to everyone who's suffering with this condition my heart goes out to you. xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Like the rest of you i have just had this operation last week. Have had the condition on and off for eight yrs. first time i had antibiotics to treat it. When it flaired up a few weeks ago i thought it would pass. five days later i had to go to hosp as the pain was bad and no amount of neurofen was helpin me. Had the op on the monday morn after being admitted on the sun eve. All went well thankfully. Left the hosp on the tue afternoon. Need dressing changed everyday by public health nurse. Wound has been left open as they need to heal from the inside out. Il admit the first day they cleaned it was so sore. I nearly bit through the metal bars on the hosp bed. Everyday after that has been painless(honestly)hopin to go on to alternative days nxt week. Nurse said it was healing up well. Should be back to full health in a few months.

    I have been drinkin cubatan protein drink everyday as it aids in the regrowth of muscle and tissue in wounds. Tastes like crap but worth it if it heals the wound quicker. It is not the end of the world either. your mobility will be back in a few days( i was walking about two hrs after surgery)and you dont feel so bad about sitting on the couch all day doing nothing although no surfing, running or anything like that are out of the question for a few months is a pain in the leave that pun out for now.

    So to anyone in a similar situation i would say go get the surgery done if required and all will be better after a few months. Hope this helps folks


  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭dah

    I have had surgery 3 times in the last 5 years and sinus is back again. Sinus back for past 5 months without too much pain until the last week.

    I am deliberating whether worth going for 4th surgery or just to bare the pain when it pops itself up. For anyone gone through surgery and the subsequent 4 weeks recuperation will understand that my mindset of whether worthwhile going through it again.

    If anyone has any successful stories of multiple surgeries would be spot on.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,158 ✭✭✭frag420

    Like the rest of you i have just had this operation last week. Have had the condition on and off for eight yrs. first time i had antibiotics to treat it. When it flaired up a few weeks ago i thought it would pass. five days later i had to go to hosp as the pain was bad and no amount of neurofen was helpin me. Had the op on the monday morn after being admitted on the sun eve. All went well thankfully. Left the hosp on the tue afternoon. Need dressing changed everyday by public health nurse. Wound has been left open as they need to heal from the inside out. Il admit the first day they cleaned it was so sore. I nearly bit through the metal bars on the hosp bed. Everyday after that has been painless(honestly)hopin to go on to alternative days nxt week. Nurse said it was healing up well. Should be back to full health in a few months.

    I have been drinkin cubatan protein drink everyday as it aids in the regrowth of muscle and tissue in wounds. Tastes like crap but worth it if it heals the wound quicker. It is not the end of the world either. your mobility will be back in a few days( i was walking about two hrs after surgery)and you dont feel so bad about sitting on the couch all day doing nothing although no surfing, running or anything like that are out of the question for a few months is a pain in the leave that pun out for now.

    So to anyone in a similar situation i would say go get the surgery done if required and all will be better after a few months. Hope this helps folks



    Just realised my last post above went in as unreg. Anyways its been four weeks since the op. No more daily dressings thankfully. Still cant get in the sea for another week but happy i had the surgery as all is good now. Have final check up with surgeon in two weeks but frm talking to the nurse it should b all ok as the surgeon in sligo htat did it(dr cauldwell) did a great job on me. Apparently i heal very well too. must be all the milk i drink.

    Frag (A)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭dah

    frag420 wrote: »

    Just realised my last post above went in as unreg. Anyways its been four weeks since the op. No more daily dressings thankfully. Still cant get in the sea for another week but happy i had the surgery as all is good now. Have final check up with surgeon in two weeks but frm talking to the nurse it should b all ok as the surgeon in sligo htat did it(dr cauldwell) did a great job on me. Apparently i heal very well too. must be all the milk i drink.

    Frag (A)

    Great your making full recovery. Process from daily torment/ pain, to surgery, to boredom on hospital, to dressing changing is so hard to take. Its crazy amount of people who suffer from this sinus yet when you explain it to someone they dont realise what you have to go through. Looks like my condition is chronic, 3 surgeries and still an issue, ment to be 10% chance of reoccurence, 10% again and 10% again. Odds are clearly on a successful conclussion with yourself. Anyhow best of luck, enjoy the waves.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,892 ✭✭✭spank_inferno

    So for my 3rd time, my Pilonidal Sins has reared its ugly head again.

    First time I had the excised in Louglinstown hospital (st columchills)
    I dont think they did a great job and recovery took a long time.

    The 2nd time was 3.5 years ago, the waiting list was long enough that it was done in Marter Private through the National treatment purchase fund.

    This went much better and the care was far better and recovery was much quicker.

    My 3rd one has come with a thanksgiving trip to the in-laws in November on the horizon.

    So as I'm no expert on the health system. I'm wondering whats the quickets & cheapest way of getting it treated.?

    The pain is pretty intolerable and I cant even bend down(typing this standing up)

    Thanks guys!

    ** edit ** - I was speaking with beacon private and they priced the procedure at €1750 cash, so I'm wondering if this is a good price?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭thehamo

    Its kind of bitter sweet that I found this forum really!

    I have had this problem for years now and its in the past couple of years that it has been, wel.... secreating. Like some have said already, mine flairs up for about 2 days and then goes away, this happens about 3 times every 5 or 6 months or so. I went to the doctor and told her I have this lump on my coxyx and that i could feel it when I lay down etc, but she told me it was something totally different and there was nothing I could do about it! The pain is fairly bareable for me though I have to say, its noticable and can be uncomfortable, but I can easily deal with it.

    Im just hoping I dont have to go through the operation. My sister had one of these a few years back and she was in agony for days with the thing. Thats the last thing I need to be honest, with neither the money or the time to recover! but at least I know what it is!

  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭dah

    I was speaking with beacon private and they priced the procedure at €1750 cash, so I'm wondering if this is a good price?

    Presume you don't have Healthcare with VHI/Quinn/ Hibernian then? €1750 on the basis of Bills I've had showing how much VHI paid for my Pilonidol Surgery *3 in Bons Private is relatively cheap, providing that the figure is all in on nights stay and procedure.
    thehamo wrote: »
    Im just hoping I dont have to go through the operation. My sister had one of these a few years back and she was in agony for days with the thing. Thats the last thing I need to be honest, with neither the money or the time to recover! but at least I know what it is!
    Surgery is recommended but as for myself and many others you could be in the 10% that this procedure doesn't work out. Waiting list is poxy going public thanks to the HSE but if you have healthcare not long at all but 3-4 weeks recovery time eats into money if you don't get paid for leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,769 ✭✭✭youngblood

    Sorry to hijack this thread but hoping some of you guys can help me.
    Male guy, late 20's, who has had this thing for the last 8/9 years. It flares up bad every now and again. Often I forget its there till I see the markings left on my boxers where there is pus/blood.
    Have been to the doctor twice for anti-biotics etc. The antibiotics usually work but it comes back again. Surgery was/has been mentioned. Thing is, it's constantly there, always weeping slightly, sometimes more, sometimes less andto be honest is very embarrassing especially when you want to get intimate with someone-Anyone else find this?

    Now, I'm wonndering should I go and see about the surgery finally (lot of good and bad stories here)
    Where is best?
    Can anyone recommend any good clinics etc.

    If thats not allowed here, could you PM me.

    It really has started to get me down. I've thought about the laser option as something to do possibly before any surgery, but what Beautician is comfortable doing this sorta thing??

    Any help appreciated

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Hello all,

    I have just noticed this thread and decided to add my experience of PL S in the hope of someone benefiting. While I don't claim to have the answer to this recurring problem I have it controlled to such a degree that I can banish the pain/lump within 24 hours of it appearing. I have only speed read through the posts so I am presuming I won't be the first to mention the word SALT, good old fashioned sodium chloride.

    I first experienced this terrible discomfort in my early 20's, and not knowing what it was headed straight for the GP. Like many others it was located just at the tailbone, left side. The hasp of the ass if you will. GP recommended surgery and becuase the pain was so bad I jumped at the chance to be rid of the problem. Had the procedure done, docs seemed happy that they had dealt with it. That made me happy too, life goes back to normal for 18 months or so, then it rears its ugly head again. So I jump through the same hoops again, back to the same GP, back to the same hospital, only this time under a different surgeon. He told me that the original surgeon hadnt gotten all the offending hair out and he'd fix it. Who was I to question this.

    He didn't fix it, it re-appeared about 2 years after the second op and I was damned if I was going through the same rigmarole again. I did a little research and it turns out the PL S hates salt. I have a shot glass I use for the purpose. Everytime I feel the onset of pain (twice yearly average) I put half teaspoon of salt into the glass, fill it up with warm water and stir it up. Press and hold the glass around the spot, hold for a minute or so. If it starts to sting and hurt more it means you are doing it right. No pain no gain. Repeat few times daily if necessary but generally once is enough. It works without fail in my experience, providing instant relief and within 24 hours you can sit on whatever the hell you like!

    TO anyone who hasnt used this method I urge you to take control of your problem and do it. You'll be as surprised as I was. The less time and money you donate to GP's and pharmacists the better I reckon. We'll never be rid of the problem but we can tackle it as best we can without their intervention. Never did a health professional mention this method to me in my dealings with them. It's cheap, fast and effective and IMO the best option open to us. Ask me if you have any concerns or report back if you try it.

    If this is old news sorry the thread was to large to read in detail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    God, it seems to be becoming an epidemic. I thought I was alone. I developed one 3 years ago on the left cleft near the tailbone. In the days leading up I had been sitting a lot and putting pressure directly on that area so I assume that was a factor. It was pretty badly swollen but there was no pain at all. The doctor gave me a course of strong antibiotics and it seemed to disappear. It came back a few months later though and has been reoccurring on around a monthly basis since. The first few times I saw the doctor again but I just got more courses of antibiotics. Sometimes I would just leave it and it eventually burst and drained itself. One time when it didn't seem to be disappearing I saw the doctor who waited until it was ready to burst and lanced it. He suggested having surgery if it reoccurred but I read about the high rate of re-occurrence and decided since it wasn't painful there was no point inconveniencing myself. Still a major nuisance though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 50 ✭✭the_cat_is_back

    Hello all,

    I have just noticed this thread and decided to add my experience of PL S in the hope of someone benefiting. While I don't claim to have the answer to this recurring problem I have it controlled to such a degree that I can banish the pain/lump within 24 hours of it appearing. I have only speed read through the posts so I am presuming I won't be the first to mention the word SALT, good old fashioned sodium chloride.

    I first experienced this terrible discomfort in my early 20's, and not knowing what it was headed straight for the GP. Like many others it was located just at the tailbone, left side. The hasp of the ass if you will. GP recommended surgery and becuase the pain was so bad I jumped at the chance to be rid of the problem. Had the procedure done, docs seemed happy that they had dealt with it. That made me happy too, life goes back to normal for 18 months or so, then it rears its ugly head again. So I jump through the same hoops again, back to the same GP, back to the same hospital, only this time under a different surgeon. He told me that the original surgeon hadnt gotten all the offending hair out and he'd fix it. Who was I to question this.

    He didn't fix it, it re-appeared about 2 years after the second op and I was damned if I was going through the same rigmarole again. I did a little research and it turns out the PL S hates salt. I have a shot glass I use for the purpose. Everytime I feel the onset of pain (twice yearly average) I put half teaspoon of salt into the glass, fill it up with warm water and stir it up. Press and hold the glass around the spot, hold for a minute or so. If it starts to sting and hurt more it means you are doing it right. No pain no gain. Repeat few times daily if necessary but generally once is enough. It works without fail in my experience, providing instant relief and within 24 hours you can sit on whatever the hell you like!

    TO anyone who hasnt used this method I urge you to take control of your problem and do it. You'll be as surprised as I was. The less time and money you donate to GP's and pharmacists the better I reckon. We'll never be rid of the problem but we can tackle it as best we can without their intervention. Never did a health professional mention this method to me in my dealings with them. It's cheap, fast and effective and IMO the best option open to us. Ask me if you have any concerns or report back if you try it.

    If this is old news sorry the thread was to large to read in detail.

    +1 on this

    What I do is have a bath once/twice a week with some salt in it (roughly a shot glass full). It's not painful and keeps the PS at bay!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 oceanfree

    I was first diagnosed with this annoying, embarrassing little critter 15 years ago. I had about 4 ops in 4 years and it still came back. The surgeons took the decision to just remove all the tissue in the area and let my body start from scratch. Huge gaping wound for weeks was the result, but it worked. It didn't come back. Ten years free of the pilonidal sinus I was. I've had over a dozen other surgeries for perianal abcess and am being treated for hidradenitis suppurativa as well. But the pilonidal was gone. Today I was told it is back and I will need the op again. So sick that I'm back at the start again. I'm hoping that if they repeat the procedure they did in 1999 that I'll be free of it for another ten years. Nothing anybody can do, just needed to rant!!! Thanks.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm due to get surgery on this at the end of December. I think the consultant said something about the channel/sinus being about an inch long.

    I'm told it has to be done under general & I'm going in at 7.45am.
    Is this a reasonably short thing, will I be discharged within a few hours? I've never been to hospital apart from when I was born so I'm not clued into these things.

    Is it very painful afterwards to sit or lie on your back?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Mink wrote: »
    I'm due to get surgery on this at the end of December. I think the consultant said something about the channel/sinus being about an inch long.

    I'm told it has to be done under general & I'm going in at 7.45am.
    Is this a reasonably short thing, will I be discharged within a few hours? I've never been to hospital apart from when I was born so I'm not clued into these things.

    Is it very painful afterwards to sit or lie on your back?

    Yo Mink, I'm sure if ya have read the thread you'll be aware that many people affected by this have undergone multiple surgeries. Make sure you find out if this will be conclusive, in so far as they can say. Personally I had two ops, and neither of them did the job long term. Yes the immediate pain was dealt with but it came back again numerous times since. Now I don't even bother with medical types when it comes back I just dose it with warm water and salt.

    I think I spent 2 nights in hospital after each time under the knife. The have to pack and dress the wound daily so ya won't be getting out on the day of the op I'd imagine. The pain is pretty intense I won't lie. I found when they were packing the wound it was the worst, searing pain would be a good word to describe it. Unpleasant another!!! Make sure you get lots of painlkillers, I spent a lot of the time after the op out of my head but it's the only way to go I reckon. You'll be spending all of the time on your side too, moving about is not really an option. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Thanks for that. My brother-in-law had it done 9yrs ago & hasn't come back so I'm hoping I'll be lucky like him.

    I wish I wasn't booked in so close to Christmas, they seemed to think I'd be out the same day. I better make sure I have all my shopping & cleaning done before the op as I have a load of family arriving 2 days later.

    If you don't mind me asking, prior to you going in for these ops, was your PS quite bad - ie; were the tunnels longer than an inch?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Mink wrote: »
    Thanks for that. My brother-in-law had it done 9yrs ago & hasn't come back so I'm hoping I'll be lucky like him.

    I wish I wasn't booked in so close to Christmas, they seemed to think I'd be out the same day. I better make sure I have all my shopping & cleaning done before the op as I have a load of family arriving 2 days later.

    If you don't mind me asking, prior to you going in for these ops, was your PS quite bad - ie; were the tunnels longer than an inch?

    No I had quite a small one now, just at the top of the ass crack, on the bone. Not sure of the size details but to be honest but not near the inch mark thankfully. It was ten years ago when I had the first op, about 2 later then when I went for the second. So a lot could have changed in terms of surgical procedures and recovery times so you may well get out the same day. I didn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Well I'll see how I get on. Thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,446 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Hello all,

    I have just noticed this thread and decided to add my experience of PL S in the hope of someone benefiting. While I don't claim to have the answer to this recurring problem I have it controlled to such a degree that I can banish the pain/lump within 24 hours of it appearing. I have only speed read through the posts so I am presuming I won't be the first to mention the word SALT, good old fashioned sodium chloride.

    I first experienced this terrible discomfort in my early 20's, and not knowing what it was headed straight for the GP. Like many others it was located just at the tailbone, left side. The hasp of the ass if you will. GP recommended surgery and becuase the pain was so bad I jumped at the chance to be rid of the problem. Had the procedure done, docs seemed happy that they had dealt with it. That made me happy too, life goes back to normal for 18 months or so, then it rears its ugly head again. So I jump through the same hoops again, back to the same GP, back to the same hospital, only this time under a different surgeon. He told me that the original surgeon hadnt gotten all the offending hair out and he'd fix it. Who was I to question this.

    He didn't fix it, it re-appeared about 2 years after the second op and I was damned if I was going through the same rigmarole again. I did a little research and it turns out the PL S hates salt. I have a shot glass I use for the purpose. Everytime I feel the onset of pain (twice yearly average) I put half teaspoon of salt into the glass, fill it up with warm water and stir it up. Press and hold the glass around the spot, hold for a minute or so. If it starts to sting and hurt more it means you are doing it right. No pain no gain. Repeat few times daily if necessary but generally once is enough. It works without fail in my experience, providing instant relief and within 24 hours you can sit on whatever the hell you like!

    TO anyone who hasnt used this method I urge you to take control of your problem and do it. You'll be as surprised as I was. The less time and money you donate to GP's and pharmacists the better I reckon. We'll never be rid of the problem but we can tackle it as best we can without their intervention. Never did a health professional mention this method to me in my dealings with them. It's cheap, fast and effective and IMO the best option open to us. Ask me if you have any concerns or report back if you try it.

    If this is old news sorry the thread was to large to read in detail.

    Damn, wish I read this earlier. Had another case of it 2 weeks ago. Wasn't actually as painful as other times, and it burst before it got too bad. Thats the last 3 that have burst. I'll definitely try your way next time it starts up

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Damn, wish I read this earlier. Had another case of it 2 weeks ago. Wasn't actually as painful as other times, and it burst before it got too bad. Thats the last 3 that have burst. I'll definitely try your way next time it starts up

    Do Paddy, give it a whirl. I was skeptical when I first tried it but was amazed how quickly it retreated. It's like the sinus is a snake and the salt a mongoose! Makes a big difference to your attitude when it works. It's controllable ya know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 KKilleen

    Just joining in on this one - I had the procedure carried out in May 2007 in St Michael's DunLaoghaire but was booked in through a consultant and was in and out on the same day - horrific recovery procedure though - daily visits for dressings as the wound is left open

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I really hope I the wound stitched up rather than left open. I know there is a higher recurrence rate with stitching it up but I'd be willing to give it a go so faster healing time.

    Most of the stories here seem to be where it's left open. Anyone have it stitched up? What state was it in before the op?

    If I'm going in for 7.45am, when can I expect to be waking up from the General & then heading home?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Skittlers

    Mink wrote: »
    I really hope I the wound stitched up rather than left open. I know there is a higher recurrence rate with stitching it up but I'd be willing to give it a go so faster healing time.

    Most of the stories here seem to be where it's left open. Anyone have it stitched up? What state was it in before the op?

    If I'm going in for 7.45am, when can I expect to be waking up from the General & then heading home?

    Hi mink.i had it done january 08 i had it stitched up after op.Spent 1 night in hospital after op.
    If i were u i would ask if they would defer op till january because u will be very sore an uncomfortable after op and would spoil ur xmas.
    As u said u have family comming round 2days after i dont think u will be in best mood to be in xmas spirit..
    Sitting down is goin to be very unconfortable u will have to lay down sideways so that means taking over sofa or laying on the bed..
    Sorry but i have to be honest with u its best u know whats ahead of u.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Thanks Skittlers... oh dear, is all I can say!

    I don't have much of a choice as the consultant put it down as urgent 1-4 weeks & the 21st will be just over 4 weeks since he wrote that. Also I can't afford to take a week off work so I'm sort of forced to do it over xmas/new years break.

    I'll just expect & prepare for the worst & maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones.
