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Pilonidal sinus



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I first got my PS in May of last year. I went to visit my GP 2 months later and he refered me to the University Hospital in Galway where I only got my appointment in May of this year. Whilst it mostly doesn't cause me pain, it bleeds every day and in the space of the year, I've gone from 1 PS to about 4. The doctor in the hospital just told me to take a sitz bath everyday until my next appointment in December. He also said that if I wanted surgery, it could take up to 3 years because it's not life threatening. By reading some of the stories, people have gotten theirs sorted out in as soon as 2 months. Am I getting screwed over here??

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Babypanda

    Not been on for about two months now, Still waiting on operation..Feeling tired, Sore most days now but making a brave face as much as i can, have an appointment in September, Bit scared because i don't know whats going to be said or done now. Hopefully nothing as sore as my first operation :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 FC83061

    Hi All,

    I've just read through this thread for the first time and firstly I would just like to wish everybody the best of luck in their current situation/treatments. I'm 27 year old active male, based in Dublin, and I have my first PS. I work in an office during the day and go to college at night. As a result of work and being at the end of my evening college course with exams, I have being sitting excessively over the last few months. I noticed PS about a month ago with it not progressing to the point of infection and intense pain until 3 days ago. I called my health insurer's 24 hour nurse on call who advised me to go to the hospital today. The hospital popped, drained, cleaned and dressed my PS, and has put me on a 7 day course of antibiotics. I’ve to return this Tuesday for them to redress the PS and discuss outpatient surgery.

    From resource ( and some of the comments on the thread, I am wary of invasive “excision surgery” in my case and at this stage which I believe I will be referred for by the hospital on Tuesday. The “conservative” approach seems to encourage drainage followed by excise of the Pilonidal pit through a small incision approx. 5-7 days later when the swelling has gone down.

    I’m concerned having read through people’s experience on line but as with other difficult issues I’ve had to face in life, I will not let this keep me down. Life is too short!

    Knowledge is power. I would appreciate anybody’s feedback and advice. I am interested in people’s recommendations/experience of outpatient treatment of PS in the Dublin region. Particularly, I would be grateful of anybody’s experience with the “conservative” approach that I mentioned and any locations in Dublin (public/private) practicing this technique (Pilonidal pit extraction through a small incision). Also, any recommendations/experience of “excision surgery” in locations in Dublin (public/private) would be welcome. I understand that this information would need to be PM’ed to me.

    Best of luck and regards

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭chappy

    Hi Guys,

    Haven't been on for awhile...

    I am going in for my second surgery on Monday.This will be a full excision surgery leaving an open wound.

    My wound has still not completely healed from when it was drained 4 months ago.This is the 3rd appointment I've been given for the second surgery and each time it has been cancelled...I had an awful lot of pain after my last surgery and am terrified about going in next week.

    I have several other medical complaints which I am also trying to deal with but cannot proceed with treatment until I get the PS sorted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    So relieved to have found this thread. I'm typing this while lying on my stomach, as I have been for almost a week now. Never had anything like this before, Monday I start to notice extremely sore back pain and by Wednesday I was forced to go to the GP the pain was that bad, and I had noticed the source of it and was concerned.

    GP referred me straight to A&E where I had to sit for hours waiting (not ideal) Eventually I was seen by a surgeon who said that the area wasn't "ripe" enough for draining yet. I was given two IV doses of antibiotics and painkillers, which i was told to use sparingly. I was given an appointment for outpatients surgery in 10 days. That was two days ago now, and I have been in absolute agony since. The painkillers are not helping at all, I can't leave my bed, it takes me about half an hour to get up just to go to the bathroom, and I cannot stand up straight at all.
    The pain is keeping me awake and I feel ill from constantly lying on my stomach and the amount of drugs I am taking (2 antibiotics, prescribed painkillers, protein tablets for my stomach as well as paracetamol and neurofen plus as I was only given 4 painkillers)

    Has anyone had an experience like this? I am really quite concerned, I've never felt pain like this, and I couldn't even think about returning to the hospital as I can't even get down the stairs, let alone further than that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭chappy

    I was in the exact situation you are 5 years ago....I would suggest getting in touch with your GP for stronger painkillers until your appointment.

    A lot of people do not realise the unbearable pain this can cost...

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭Goldenquick

    Can anyone tell me anything more about the portable hoover dressing? I've looked on the internet and can only find references to Vacuum therapy as an intermediate phase in wound closure: a clinical experience but this is from America. My daughter has an appointment with a surgeon on Thurs. of this week & I would like to ask about this treatment when there.

    Thanks in advance. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 sasha100

    i never realised that pilonidal sinus could be such an event. I also thought after an operation it would be okay. Just had one recently and after a week , had it removed rather swiftly. Hasnt come back as yet but will definitely after reading this thread be on the lookout if it does!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Has anyone used a VAc as part of the healing process?


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I was at my GP recently and he refered me to a surgeon who I have an apointment with in 2 weeks. The GP didn't mention anti-biotics which I thought was a bit strange now that I've read up on the disease/illness as that seems to have been the route most have gone down first.

    Just wondering if surgery is on the cards how long should I expect to be in hospital and how long will I be out of work. Could do with a few days off but I can think of better ways to get it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,969 ✭✭✭antomorro-sei

    I was at my GP recently and he refered me to a surgeon who I have an apointment with in 2 weeks. The GP didn't mention anti-biotics which I thought was a bit strange now that I've read up on the disease/illness as that seems to have been the route most have gone down first.

    Just wondering if surgery is on the cards how long should I expect to be in hospital and how long will I be out of work. Could do with a few days off but I can think of better ways to get it.

    Don't really think you have to use the antibiotics. Never did any good for me, or anyone else I know that has them!

    You could be in hospital for either a couple of hours, or a couple of days! Depends on what type of Op you'll be getting! And, I'd say you'd be recovering for at least 3 weeks.

    If your looking to take a few relaxing days off work, take them before the Op!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    After having my op back in September getting the dressings for past month but last week went to every second day. How long does it usually take to heal once the dressings are done every second day???

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,969 ✭✭✭antomorro-sei

    After having my op back in September getting the dressings for past month but last week went to every second day. How long does it usually take to heal once the dressings are done every second day???

    Around 3 or 4 weeks I'd say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Operation booked for next week. Don't know whether to be happy that this could be the begining of the end or nervous about leaving my a*s exposed while I'm asleep...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭chappy

    OK... so 9 weeks after having my second operation and I finally feel like I am getting somewhere!!!

    My wound was so big some of the district nurses got a could not believe they had "slashed me open" and sent me home the same day...

    Got an infection in the first week but it cleared up pretty quickly.Now I have the length down from 11cm at the start to 1.5 cm now ans the depth down from 5.5 cm to 1cm!!!

    The difference is unreal!!!It's the small things that I can't get over.Never thought I would get pleasure from leaning against a wall at the bus stop!

    I'm hoping this will all be over soon....hope everybody else is getting there too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    What surgeon is everyone with? An 11cm cut seems huge. They consultant I went to said he makes a much smaller cut than most of the others and that since he has been doing it this way he see's little or no re-occurance in patients.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hey there,

    I just got my appointment there last week to go see the surgeons...This is my first appointment...Will they just set a date to have it removed on that day or will I be put on a waiting list??

    I am unsure as to what to expect, tbh I my GP only referred me a couple of weeks ago and I didn't expect to get an appointment until well into the new year!

    Is this a day procedure and you can go home after?? I can't afford to take any time of work or college at all cos I just started a new job as a sales assistant and I'm in my 3rd year of college, so I am out on placement in Feb and have my exams in Jan.

    Does anyone know what I should expect in terms of the procedure...and the recovery...I think mines only 4/ I'm hoping to get away lightly!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I met my consultant for the first time last week. He booked me in for the op next Friday. Not sure if it's normally done that quickly. He told me it will be done as a day case and that I'll be out that evening. He also said I could go back to work straight away but if I could afford it to take a week off so that’s what I'm going to do to give it as much of a chance as possible to heal properly. I'd hate to have to go through the op a second time and start all over again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭chappy

    I've had mine for 5 years so it has buried quite deep.I was with Broe in Beaumount.The first surgery I had was very small but did not work at all.Was also a lot worse pain wise for the recovery as it was harder to pack and took the same if not long to heal.

    You will have to take time off work and college no matter what type of procedure you receive.Your college will have to make allowances for this as mine did when I was quite ill in my final year.

    Once you have a doctors cert your job can take no action against you either.I took a month off work completely this time and for the past 5 weeks have been working part time as I have the nurses coming to pack still every morning so can not get into work until later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Nine weeks and your still having it dressed every day by the nurses? Damn. Hope that heals up for you soon. My consultant told me to get my wife to clean and dress it twice a day instead of getting the local nurse. Nothing against the local nurse but he said they can be really busy so sometimes rush through it and then tell you it only needs to be done every second day where as he thinks it should be a minimum of once a day till it has fully healed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Does anyone know how quick Jame's are? I don't think mine is severe, but at the same time I have had numerious antibiotics for it...

    I know what yer saying about college, but I have fallen so far behind already this semester: as painful as the recovery is, I think I'd have to end up sitting through it!

    Same case with work, I took 3 months sick leave in another job, which I was actually quite seriously ill and I was replaced...that's why I am reluctant to take time off....if I have to take one or two days after off I will...other than that, it's a no no!

    How long after are ye saying that you have to get it dressed for by the nurse?? Also, were ye awake for the procedure?? Sorry for all the questions, just havn't got much information from my GP about it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭chappy

    My first surgery I was in hospital for 3 days.The second I was out that night but still on morphine for 2 weeks at home.My district nurse has been great.I have been getting the wound packed this time for nearly 10 weeks and reckon it will be for another week or 2 still.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    D-day has arrived. In for the op in the morning.

    I've never been in hospital before so anyone any advise on what I should bring with me? It's a day case and the nurse said just to bring a dressing gown but I know when I get there the first thing I'm going to say is 'I should have brought.....'

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    hey all,

    Just saw the consultant there today and I'm on the waiting list now to have the surgery. He said that its rather big, even bigger than I had previously thought! They going to do it under general aneastic even though I did ask to go down the 'local' road but he said it would be far to painful and by the looks of it, it going to be a bit of a job.

    I was slightly concerned at the fact that they going to leave the wound open and that i'll have to get it packed and dressed daily for 2/3 weeks. I was thinking there earlier that I might need to get it done before xmas because my college exams are on in January and I am out on work placement at the end of January as well.

    I got the impression from the doctor that it would be in the new year, I was thinking of having a word to my GP tomorrow to see if he could get it brought forward, at least that way I will have time to rest over xmas hols...Do ye think that this would work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭stantheman8

    I was slightly concerned at the fact that they going to leave the wound open and that i'll have to get it packed and dressed daily for 2/3 weeks. I was thinking there earlier that I might need to get it done before xmas because my college exams are on in January and I am out on work placement at the end of January as well.

    I got the impression from the doctor that it would be in the new year, I was thinking of having a word to my GP tomorrow to see if he could get it brought forward, at least that way I will have time to rest over xmas hols...Do ye think that this would work?

    I would advise you give yourself plenty of time afterwards - particularly if you're going to ask your body to deal with the stress of exams, new job, etc as well as trying to heal.

    I had the operation done about 18 months ago and was advised by my consultant I could be back to work in a few days but it was over 3 weeks before I could comfortably sit again (I have an office based job).

    So I'm not saying it'll be the same for you, but do make sure you give your body time to deal with a general anaesthetic and surgery before you go throwing it into more work will let you know if it doesn't like it, but better not to go that route!

    Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    bumping this up again, as unfortunately it looks like im back for the 5th time!! 10 months after 4th op, the longest i've gone between operations so thought i was getting somewhere..had a look and its tiny, looks like a pin prick, going to head down to health nurse on monday and see what she says, will prob have to head back to consultant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Mink wrote: »
    Well, turns out it's healed & I don't need the surgery. I only wish I knew that beforehand. I've stocked the fridge & arranged everything to be home. Been in hospital since 7.45, got all prepped for surgery, just waiting to be wheeled in at 11.30 & the consultant checked it & said it's probably better not to operate as could cause more problems. He said he's seen it where it healed & never came back again. The little sinus hole is closed up & there doesn't seem to be any infection.

    Well although annoyed at only finding that out after all the rigmarol, I'm glad I was so lucky. I hope this luck rubs off on others on this thread & they heal up too without having to go through surgery!

    Thanks to all for the support & keep your fingers crossed it doesn't actually come back. If it does, I'll let you know.

    Well just over a year later it has raised it's ugly head again I'm afraid. Started noticing a sore bump a few weeks ago & it's after getting bigger & sorer the past two days.
    I'm sort of half hoping it will magically disappear again.

    When I was there a year ago, the consultant had said that if it comes back, just to call his dept straight away & I'd be booked in with one of his team. No he may have meant that if it came back within a couple months. Might try and call & see if can get an appointment straight away as I have a sort of open file there. Going to leave it a few days though & see if it goes down again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    HI Mink, just wondering are ya uising salt and water to treat it at the moment? I assume, being a regular contributor to the thread that you are...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    HI Mink, just wondering are ya uising salt and water to treat it at the moment? I assume, being a regular contributor to the thread that you are...

    As of tonight yes. I think I have two separate tracts, managed to drain part of one - don't know if they link to the same sinus. Anyway yeah did the trick of a shot glass with salt & cooled-boiled water. They helped the past time so hoping that will help healing. It does seem like there is another tract that's still full if you know what I mean.
    I'm keeping a close eye on it & may end up going to GP soon

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 POAJ

    Hi all, I have had mine for about 4 years, I saw a consultant last week and she said it was a rather big one. She said she was going to refer me to plastics about having some kind of flap made. It was all a bit much for me to take in what she was telling me tbh! Just wonder if anyone know anything about this.
    Also how long after surgery can you get back to a normally enough way off life. Such as going back to work, playing sports, socialising, etc etc. I work in an office jobs so Ill be sitting most of the day
