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Pilonidal sinus



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Skittlers

    Mink wrote: »
    Thanks Skittlers... oh dear, is all I can say!

    I don't have much of a choice as the consultant put it down as urgent 1-4 weeks & the 21st will be just over 4 weeks since he wrote that. Also I can't afford to take a week off work so I'm sort of forced to do it over xmas/new years break.

    I'll just expect & prepare for the worst & maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones.

    Hope you ar one of the lucky ones..Hope you are a quick healer even if
    it is Stitch up after op..I live on out skirts of town and had to drive my
    car a few days after op it was very sore and very uncomfortable i used
    a pillow but nures sugested a plastic ring that kids use in swimming pool
    but i stuck with pillow..Dont drive if you dont have to..You will need
    regular dressings at 1st after op so that might be difficult over xmas so
    make sure you have that arranged before op..Hope that helps some bit more..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Skittlers

    Mink wrote: »
    Thanks Skittlers... oh dear, is all I can say!

    I don't have much of a choice as the consultant put it down as urgent 1-4 weeks & the 21st will be just over 4 weeks since he wrote that. Also I can't afford to take a week off work so I'm sort of forced to do it over xmas/new years break.

    I'll just expect & prepare for the worst & maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones.

    Mink im just wondering if you had opperation.??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    No they postponed it to the 11th. They had actually changed my date to earlier than 21st but decided not to let me know. I got a call one morning in work & they were wondering why I hadn't shown up!
    I'm actually glad it's for after Christmas so I can enjoy the festivities pain free.

    Will post what happens when I get home & anaesthetic wears off :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Skittlers

    Mink wrote: »
    No they postponed it to the 11th. They had actually changed my date to earlier than 21st but decided not to let me know. I got a call one morning in work & they were wondering why I hadn't shown up!
    I'm actually glad it's for after Christmas so I can enjoy the festivities pain free.

    Will post what happens when I get home & anaesthetic wears off :D

    It was probly for the best..Have a good xmas and build yourself up for
    when you go in..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,217 ✭✭✭pookie82

    Mink wrote: »
    I really hope I the wound stitched up rather than left open. I know there is a higher recurrence rate with stitching it up but I'd be willing to give it a go so faster healing time.

    Most of the stories here seem to be where it's left open. Anyone have it stitched up? What state was it in before the op?

    If I'm going in for 7.45am, when can I expect to be waking up from the General & then heading home?

    Hey Mink,

    I had mine operated on 5 times before it went on its merry way. Have a lot of scar tissue left and the skin on this is pretty irritated at times but couldn't give a damn as long as it never comes back. Mine was apparently four inches deep and about six inches long. I was stitched, stitched, left open, left open and then in the end the wound was so deep they stitched it up layer by layer. My surgeon said it was the worst case he had ever seen and tried everything he could with it - the last one worked.

    The pain will be pretty bad afterwards but not much worse than the agonising pain of having it in the first place and in many cases you will only need one surgery, so it's easier to deal with the excruciating agony of the problem if you feel you'll soon be rid of it. Plus they dose you up on pain killers.

    Stitching leads to a much quicker recovery - as you have probably guessed, leaving the wound open requires daily dressings and a much longer healing period. I really hope it goes well for you and that you're rid of it after this! Do let us know how you're doing :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Thanks Pookie.
    I just confirmed with the hospital & still going ahead for Monday morning.

    Luckily I'm not in any pain & haven't had a flare up since Oct/Nov. Even when it did flare up, it never got bad, just hurt if leaned on it (ie; sit ups or lying on my back). It's just a mark now, no bump. So I'm hoping it's not too deep & wide so it will heal a bit faster.

    I'm going for getting back to work by the end of that week but we'll see how it goes. I don't think I'd be able to go back if it's an open wound.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Hope it all goes well for you on Monday Mink.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Well, turns out it's healed & I don't need the surgery. I only wish I knew that beforehand. I've stocked the fridge & arranged everything to be home. Been in hospital since 7.45, got all prepped for surgery, just waiting to be wheeled in at 11.30 & the consultant checked it & said it's probably better not to operate as could cause more problems. He said he's seen it where it healed & never came back again. The little sinus hole is closed up & there doesn't seem to be any infection.

    Well although annoyed at only finding that out after all the rigmarol, I'm glad I was so lucky. I hope this luck rubs off on others on this thread & they heal up too without having to go through surgery!

    Thanks to all for the support & keep your fingers crossed it doesn't actually come back. If it does, I'll let you know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Jebus that'd annoy me now, all the messing with scheduling and preparation, mentally and otherwise for nowt. I suppose its logical that they would not touch it if you have been having no discomfort of late, let sleeping sinuses lie so to speak.

    On the plus side, life can resume to normal now without having to go through the painful recovery procedure. All you can hope for is that it doesn't return, as you say. In my experience the surgeons are only guessing at best however. He just might be right this time. Alas not to be sounding overly negative, but rather realistic, I wouldn't bet against it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm definitely not ruling out having to get it done in future, especially as the sinus is still there & could get filled up again. At least it will be somewhat fasttracked as he said they'd put me straight in for surgery if comes back.

    I think the other thing on my side is that when I had it, I was able to burst it out, as in it formed a head. So I was able to drain it myself a bit. I remember the last time I drained it I did the trick mentioned somewhere above of getting a shot glass with dissolved rock salt & boiled (& cooled) water & then putting it over the area.

    I think that helped in drawing out anything else & disinfecting it safely.

    It was a nightmare yesterday trying to get home from the hospital (no car with me obviously) & then having to wash & dry all my work clothes last night to get back to work today!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭Skittlers

    Mink wrote: »
    Well, turns out it's healed & I don't need the surgery. I only wish I knew that beforehand. I've stocked the fridge & arranged everything to be home. Been in hospital since 7.45, got all prepped for surgery, just waiting to be wheeled in at 11.30 & the consultant checked it & said it's probably better not to operate as could cause more problems. He said he's seen it where it healed & never came back again. The little sinus hole is closed up & there doesn't seem to be any infection.

    Well although annoyed at only finding that out after all the rigmarol, I'm glad I was so lucky. I hope this luck rubs off on others on this thread & they heal up too without having to go through surgery!

    Thanks to all for the support & keep your fingers crossed it doesn't actually come back. If it does, I'll let you know.

    LOL Mink.Nice one.Lucky you and so you should be happy.
    Dont worry about preperations i would take that anytime.
    I was 2days away from having 2nd op but it disappeared but it returned
    but my gp lanced it and drained it.that was 6months ago..its all behind me now LOL..Good luck to you keep Smiling.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Misty Chaos

    I'm going to remain public for this because I've nothing to lose.

    But anyway, I'm 23 and I've had this bloody thing for over a year, started as a big pimple on my ass which oozed out of a hole that had being there since I was younger, I guess that was the first warning sign but I ignored it as I didn't know what it was and thought it was harmless. Guess I was wrong, sadly.

    The thing is, I haven't told anyone I know that I have this condition, partly because I'm somewhat embarrassed by it. I mean who wouldn't be embarrassed by having a spot / cyst on their ass, so to speak.

    Its not so much painful ( not that say that it can be ) its the fact that it can be messy that gets me down. It always seems to be oozing, even just a little bit. I do take steps to stop it getting messy but at this point, I'm getting really fed up of hiding it.

    Why am I hiding it? I not really sure. What I do know is that when I was reading about this condition, the cure is rather drastic and it makes that jaw operation I had a few years ago look like a walk in the park. Another thing is that I'm on a type of college course where if you miss a week, your going to be left behind!

    I guess thats why I'm hesitating to go to the doctor, on the chance I'll wind up being operated on the same day ( I'm talking about open wound here, not a lancing ) It seems a few people here have being operated on the same day they reported it to a doctor, thats both a good and bad thing in my books as it would cause me to miss out on college. One good thing going for me is that I'm generally a fast healer.

    I'm also looking for some advice on how to explain this to my parents ( ' mum, dad, I need to go see a doctor, I've got a cyst on my ass! ' ) as they'll need to know so that I can be looked after following surgery when it happens. Also, I plan on going to a doctor about this during mid term in February.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Hi Misty. Another member of the club!!

    I am sure you don't need me to tell you this problem is not going to go away, you need to face it. Before you get medical help dose it with salt and water, it works a treat, it did for me anyway.

    As for your embarrassment I wouldn't place too much concern in that, it is what it is and you were one of the unlucky ones. College will look after itself, your class mates and lecturers will understand and help you with any work you need to catch up with. You don't have to go into detail about why your absent a medical cert will suffice.

    Your parents will have your welfare at heart rather than making an issue of where your problem lies. Without wanting to sound too American you need to own this pest, and control it rather than the other way around. See a doctor, try organise a plan that suits you, hopefully you maybe one of the lucky ones that needs just one op for a successful resolution. Good Luck....

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    Just seen this now, shocked at he response as i thought i was the only one who suffered this problem, Glad to see other people in the same boat (sorry guys!!)

    I first got this in October 2007 after days of unbearable pain finally went to the doctor who said it was a abscess and prescribed anti biotics.
    Was then referred to a consultant and was operated on in March 2007, spent 2 nights in Mt Carmel had the wound stitched and had a drain in for 2 days.

    Had my second operation in April 2009, the scar wasnt healing properly- chioloid (sp!!) scar, but it was also weeping again, so had the scar injected with a steroid so soften it, in and out in one day and dressings for 2 weeks- Grand, or so i thought.....

    Had 3rd operation in October 2009 same thing in and out and 6 weeks of dressings, wound was 4cm deep. Went back to get discharged Xmas week and doctor confirmed disease was all clear.

    Last week i started to get some pain again and noticed it was bleeding, had the usual salt baths but nothing stopped it. Rand public health nurse on Monday who came to house and told me to go straight to A&E, off I went, waited for 6 hours for the doctor just to give me antibiotics although he did refer me to another consultant who I am going to see on Monday.

    This problem really gets me down, its a horrible thing to have and as the doctor said to me it ruins your quality of life, thankfully the pain has eased and it seems to have stopped weeping but I still want to get it looked at my another specialist.

    Will keep you guys updated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,330 ✭✭✭niallon

    Mine was first operated on in June 08. After two failed healings I returned to the specialist around November 08 and he performed a smaller scale version of the original procedure, just to aggitate the area and encourage healing. After that it sped on, finally closing around March 09. Now in Feb 2010 it's open again. Appears a nest of hair has gathered at the lower end of the wound and is preventing any further healing. Anyone else had this problem? A hair nest as opposed to the wound splitting open/another sinus appearing? I've another appointment with another specialist on Thursday and have a horrible feeling he's going to tell me we're back to square one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I hope the next round goes better for you & then that will be the end of it! Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    niallon wrote: »
    Mine was first operated on in June 08. After two failed healings I returned to the specialist around November 08 and he performed a smaller scale version of the original procedure, just to aggitate the area and encourage healing. After that it sped on, finally closing around March 09. Now in Feb 2010 it's open again. Appears a nest of hair has gathered at the lower end of the wound and is preventing any further healing. Anyone else had this problem? A hair nest as opposed to the wound splitting open/another sinus appearing? I've another appointment with another specialist on Thursday and have a horrible feeling he's going to tell me we're back to square one.

    I have this exact problem where the hair and debry is gethring. Goin on Monday to se consultant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭SilverSparkle

    A week and a half before last Christmas I noticed a spot in my tailbone area... I assumed it was just a spot and put sudocream on it... However it got hard a tough and more painful so exactly a week before Christmas during my college exams i went to my GP.
    He refered me straight away to the local A+E with what he called a PS and a high fever.
    I went to A+E and they saw me 2 hours later. They said it wasn't "ripe" yet and sent me home with pain killers and antibiotics and said come back in 2 days... The next night it had balooned up hugely. The pain was unbearable and it burst itself... I went back to A+E the next day where the doctor did an incision and drainage procedure... She then said usually we'd refer you back in two weeks to a surgeon but ya know since its Christmas they'll be on holidays! I was unimpressed by this but i thought the I and D would work...I went to my GP until Christmas Eve for dressings...

    2 weeks later I was on holidays in Disneyland and I got very sore in the area again. I was changing dressings every day and keeping it clean. The wound was closed but it got painful and it looked like it had filled again..

    I had an appointment with my GP the day after i returned home and he said he would perform an I and D on me the next day. He put me on more antibiotics and i got it dressed regularly again...

    2 weeks ago i went back to my GP and he said it was infected again... He referred me to a surgeon in the County Hospital but the waiting list was 6-8 weeks!! So I am going private and have an appointment with a surgeon next week... It is just a consultation but it is a start! I have missed so much college since Christmas.. I have been in for 3 days to be exact...
    I just want this to be over!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Does it with salt water Silversparkle.. For me it works wonders and has kept me away from GP's etc. Put some salt in a shot glass, fill it with warm water and stir.. Then hold it up to the affected area for a few mins.. It'll sting but it alleviates the pain big time.. At least it did for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭SilverSparkle

    Does it with salt water Silversparkle.. For me it works wonders and has kept me away from GP's etc. Put some salt in a shot glass, fill it with warm water and stir.. Then hold it up to the affected area for a few mins.. It'll sting but it alleviates the pain big time.. At least it did for me.

    Really? I have salt baths every couple of days and i find that they do relieve me of the pain a bit... It is such a nuisance. Right now it is swollen and filled again... By morning it will have burst itself again... it would really get ya down!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9 BARNEWALL

    Hi. I'v had this on & off for over 20years. Had it operated on 4 times
    & still it comes back. I am how 6 months pregnent & it has flared up. To keep it clean i have Epson Salts Baths every night. I fill the bath with the hotest water i can stand get in & put the 500gm's of epson salts in at the bace of my back & rub the salt in. If its not weeping i dont dress it as i find it can make it swet & try ware loose fitting underware.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,330 ✭✭✭niallon

    Specialist is of the opinion to let it try heal itself, even the last two days without packing have shown remarkable recovery. May possibly require surgery if it persists to Summer but for now I'm just delighted I don't require more surgery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    niallon wrote: »
    Specialist is of the opinion to let it try heal itself, even the last two days without packing have shown remarkable recovery. May possibly require surgery if it persists to Summer but for now I'm just delighted I don't require more surgery.

    Good news so Niallon... It's a pest isn't it, and all too easy to ask "why me?".. From my own experience and from talking to others it seems to be a life long burden. Some are luckier that others in terms of its positioning, size and recurrence rate but we just gotta get on with it. Personally I am at the stage of dealing with it roughly twice a year, for a couple of days each time. The salt handles it well, and it's perfectly dormant most of the time, so I am grateful that it doesn't disrupt my life to any great degree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    Well, I had appt with new consultant yesterday and he is going to operate and clear the whole things out, start from scratch and re do everything from previous 3 times. He has told me it will be big and sore, so needless to say i aint lookin foward to it. Was provisionally booked in for next thursday but my Mum is going away for a week and I will need her while i get the daily dressings so its looking like ill be operated on early April.

    Fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,316 ✭✭✭Reginald P. DuM

    Best of luck ash, report back won't ya.. This thread needs some good results, most people seem to be having great difficulty in finding a resolution to this bugger. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    Will definatley report back dont worry, it's a pain in the ass (litreally!) really starting to get to me now as im only 16 and isnt exactly anything to be boasting about!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,217 ✭✭✭pookie82

    Best of luck with this Ash, I was your age when this kicked off for me and I know how disruptive it can be to school/exams/social life etc. It's also something that I found very hard to explain to my friends at the time too.

    It wasn't until I suffered from this though that I realised the huge number of people who battle it but never talk about it - therefore it seems like you're the only person in the world who suffers with it until you talk to nurses/doctors/people who come forward about it when you explain what it is. It really is rather common and nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭SilverSparkle

    I saw my consultant yesterday and he has given me the date of the 18th of March for surgery, only 2 weeks away. Thank God it is this close as I have missed so much college this year and its my first year!
    The surgeon said that he is going to get inside and clean it all out and stitch it up...

    Also good luck ash with your surgery too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭ash.c

    Thanks pookie & SilverSparkle.

    Pookie you are so right in what you said, its just such an inconvenience this forum has been brilliant. Hopefully i will get sorted this time, just over 5 weeks till operation now.

    Hope yours goes well Silver x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I have something similar to a pilonidal sinus. I'm having an examination later in the month. They suspect it might be a fistula.
    I'm wondering if anyone else gets these symptoms. When the infection is very bad I feel very sick and shaky and I get other infections like boils and ear infections.
    I've had an increased white blood cell count since this problem started. I feel like I'm sick throughout with it.
    I'm dreading the exam. It's under a general anaesthetic and will be very invasive (I'm female).
    Best wishes to those of you havng procedures soon.
