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The Miseducation of Jimbo Slice



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    So thats where the family guy skit comes from-I never get pop culture references. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    brian, stop what ever you are doing, go home, and watch that movie!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,441 ✭✭✭Killme00

    that website is great. lots of reading material and fck all work will be done this afternoon

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I'm going to have to try the whole warm up next week, could only remember a few bits of it. :o
    Why is your ab strength down out of interest?

    I haven't done them in a while, and I had thought I'd been doing a good job training my abs but I'm not sure how up to scratch the other exercises were. Basically, for me, pulldown abs up, squat up. So unless my other ab work is driving those gains there's very little sense in doing it!!
    kevpants wrote: »
    Hanley is the eternal self depreciator. Some of it is just that he hasn't done ab pulldowns in a while, so he's not as good at them. It can be just neural, in that you have to learn them again and you'll find the strength comes back really fast. I'm sure all his training in the suits etc running up to the comp left s mark on his raw squat when going heavy for reps. Once again it's mostly neural.

    Lolz you're probably right, but weak excuse tho. "Hey man, my lifts are down cos my adrenal glands are bothering me".
    That and you need to stop over-analyzing it Hanley! Give it a few more cycles and the PR's will come. I'm like a broken record at this stage. Reminds me of this scene

    Quite true... it's not fair tho!! I'm getting back towards PR weights now so hopefully things'll pick up


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    5/3/1 - Wave 2 - "3" Day

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Warm Up:
    4kg 'bells - 4 reps

    Pull Ups:
    bodyweight 2x6

    Hang Power Cleans:
    40kg x3
    50kg x3
    60kg x3
    70kg x3
    80kg x3
    90kg x1
    95kg 2x3

    Military Press:
    40kg x5
    52.5kg x3
    60kg x3
    67.5kg x7 - bleh!

    One Arm Dumbbell Press:
    22.5kg 'bell 4x10

    Close Grip Bench:
    62.5kg x5
    72.5kg x5
    85kg 4x8

    bodyweight +7.5kg 4x6

    Lunges w/ front foot on bosu ball:
    2x10 (seriously!)

    Good little session today. The popping and burning from the Diesel Crew warm up continues to amaze me!!

    The pull ups were good again today. Feeling pretty comfortable with 6's now... 7's are up next!! Happy that they're coming along doing them so frequently like.

    The hang power cleans were good today.... felt really snappy on them, which is mad considering my glutes and hams were fried from squatting yesterday. Think I'll be going up to 100kg next time!

    Military Press was decent today, shoulda had an 8th rep but I pushed out in front of me and couldn't fight it back in the groove.

    One arm dumbbell press was good... for some reason it's make me fee bad ass when I'm doing them! (even tho the weight's shockingly light).

    CG bench continues to climb.... dunno wtf's going on there but I'll take it. At this rate I'll be up to repping 90kg for sets of 8 at the end of a workout no problem. Bar speed on the first rep is quality too... almost DE-esque. My tri's always feel nice and pumped after them too, which is nice!!

    Weighted chins were good today... should have 4x6 with 10kg next time out too.

    The bosu ball lunges were hilarious. I was falling all over the place!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    those lunges sound dangerous :pac:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    400m run

    12 hill sprints

    400m run

    Time: 15mins 43 seconds has my "400m" run closer to 500m, but I won't split hairs and because it's deffo at least 400, we'll call it that.

    My normal hill was in use today (2 girls sitting right in the middle of where I wanted to run!!), so I had to use a shallower but longer hill instead. Not sure of comparable difficulty levels tbh, so I just went all out on it for 12.

    I sprinted up, killed the speed at the top, jogged it off (about 5-10m) walked back down and went at it again.

    Happy with my recovery levels and general endurance at the moment. There's still a bit of drop off in speed as the sprints go on, but I'm recovering from the runs faster so that's good!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Oh and gotta deadlift tomorrow.... thankfully my performance last time out was rubbish (210kg x3) so I've a nice low target to beat!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 32,865 ✭✭✭✭MagicMarker

    Hanley wrote: »
    Oh and gotta deadlift tomorrow.... thankfully my performance last time out was rubbish (210kg x3) so I've a nice low target to beat!!

    I know what you mean man, 210kgx3 is just pitiful. :pac:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I know what you mean man, 210kgx3 is just pitiful. :pac:

    Hahaha next to 215 x6 easily and 232 x5 with a struggle it is!!

    The weight's relative, and that is a poor weight for me!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »

    My normal hill was in use today (2 girls sitting right in the middle of where I wanted to run!!), so I had to use a shallower but longer hill instead.

    On sight of you coming up the hill huffing and puffing like a rhino they probably would have moved pretty quickly :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Kev M wrote: »
    On sight of you coming up the hill huffing and puffing like a rhino they probably would have moved pretty quickly :D

    I actually thought about....

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    5/3/1 - Wave 2 - "5/3/1" Day

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Warm Up:
    3kg 'bells - 5 reps

    Pull Ups:
    bodyweight 2x7

    Hang Power Snatch:
    30kg x3
    40kg x3
    50kg x2
    60kg 3x2

    60kg x5
    100kg x3
    140kg x3 (all double overhanded to here)
    170kg x5
    190kg x3
    215kg x5

    SLDL off a plate:
    110kg 5x10

    70kg 3x15

    Good session. Pull ups were nice and handy again. Did more reps on the Diesel Crew warm up cos I couldn't find the dumbbells I wanted.

    Hang power snatches were good. Stayed over the bar longer and extended better and the bar popped nicely as a result.

    Deadlifts were pretty good. The 170 and 190 were done beltless and went really easy. I had to pull the 215 while surrounded by AN ENTIRE FOOTBALL TEAM. Seriously. About 15 guys crowed around a smith machine, standing over my bar etc etc... they were sound enough about giving me a tiny little bit of space (which tbh is all ya really need) and considering I only did 205x7 last week, and 210x3 on my first cycle, it's a definite improvement.

    SLDL's were good again. Could feel my hams and back getting into it.

    The Gm's are are actually a total killer on my abs... the high reps are bloody awful!!

    Happpy my DL's picking up a little bit. Especially after running yesterday.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest for a total of 16 minutes.

    So a total of 11 minutes skipping, in which I did 817 skips.

    That's a rate of approx. 74 per minute.

    I'd like to get this to 1,000 in the same time, so I need to be hitting about 90 a minute. That'll be fun!!

    I don't actually feel too out of breath after it. Coulda kept going like!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    5/3/1 - Wave 2 - "5/3/1" Day

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Warm Up:
    3kg 'bells - 5 reps

    60kg x5
    75kg x3
    90kg x2
    107.5kg x5
    122.5kg x3
    135kg x4

    bodyweight +10kg 2x12, 1x10
    bodyweight 1x12

    Lucy Press:
    60kg x5
    85kg x14, 10, 10

    Pull Ups:
    bodyweight +5kg x8,7,6,5

    Face Pulls:
    plate 50 x12
    plate 67 x12
    plate 75 2x12

    *supersetted with*

    One Arm Curls w/barbell:
    20kg x8, 6, 5, 5

    Ummm.... not too bothered with the session to be honest. Bit of a wave like.

    135kg x4 is 1 rep off my PR with that weight, and 5kg off my 4rm tho both were done while 3-4kg heavier and fresh, so I guess I'm on the right track. If I can get 137.5 x5 next cycle it'll be an all time PR so I'd gladly take that. I figure if I can take 8-9 weight or rep PR's over the course of 9-10 months I'll see nice gains.

    Dips were down this week, not too bothered really. They were bound to drop off eventually. I'll stick with BW +10kg til I can bash out 4x12.

    Lucy Presses were ok... groove was all over the place and I seemed to have my shoulders around my ears for them. I'll move up in weight next cycle and start the whole process all over again....

    Weighted pull ups felt good. Could feel my lats being torn apart nicely. My entire back region was still fairly tender from yesterday so I was happy enough with the performance there. Made arching and setting up my benches pretty hard tho.

    The face pull/one arm barbell curl superset's fun. Stabilising and curling the bar is really hard, my arms were pumped to bits afterwards!!

    No training til Friday... gonna try and get out for a run tomorrow and skip on Thursday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants


    Pictures are great, them Egyptians had it down, screw writing.

    I'm telling you man Cycle 3 and 4 are gonna be PR country. Just the way it goes.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    kevpants wrote: »

    Pictures are great, them Egyptians had it down, screw writing.

    I'm telling you man Cycle 3 and 4 are gonna be PR country. Just the way it goes.

    Is it wrong that I'd purposely sabotage them just so you can say;


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Hanley wrote: »
    60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest for a total of 16 minutes.

    So a total of 11 minutes skipping, in which I did 817 skips.

    That's a rate of approx. 74 per minute.

    I'd like to get this to 1,000 in the same time, so I need to be hitting about 90 a minute. That'll be fun!!

    I don't actually feel too out of breath after it. Coulda kept going like!


    Interval: 60 seconds on, 30 off
    Total Time: 16 minutes
    Total Skipping Time: 11 minutes
    Total: 906 skips
    Skips per minute: 82

    Took a 30 second break and continued on from here to 1,000 for the laugh. Final 94 skips took 70 seconds!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    man, i laughed at you at the start cause you couldnt skip, i tried skipping there for the laugh and got a mighty 3!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    man, i laughed at you at the start cause you couldnt skip, i tried skipping there for the laugh and got a mighty 3!

    It's picking up nicely now!! My calves are KILLING me tho. I'm sure they'll get used to it...

    Was gonna go running hills today but my hamstrings and back are too tight. Ill leave that til tomorrow. The skipping seems to be a nice low impact alternative!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Hanley wrote: »
    It's picking up nicely now!! My calves are KILLING me tho. I'm sure they'll get used to it...

    Was gonna go running hills today but my hamstrings and back are too tight. Ill leave that til tomorrow. The skipping seems to be a nice low impact alternative!

    Low Impact!! your a hundred and seven kg and both your feet are off the ground!!:D i'd hate to see high impact!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Low Impact!! your a hundred and seven kg and both your feet are off the ground!!:D i'd hate to see high impact!

    Closer to 105 ACTUALLY.

    It's only a short bounding motion... it's not like I'm doing high rep depth jumps. THAT could be fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    L hes got big ass legs though, your weedy little ankles are a different story...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    5/3/1 - Wave 2 - "5/3/1" Day

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Warm Up:
    5kg 'bells - 3 reps

    Pull Ups:
    bodyweight 2x8

    Hang Power Snatch:
    30kg x3
    40kg x3
    50kg x2
    60kg x1
    65kg 2x2

    60kg 2x5
    100kg x3
    130kg x3
    150kg x5
    170kg x3
    190kg x6 - PR, finally!!!
    *belt off*
    135kg x12

    Step Ups:
    20kg bar 3x10

    1-Leg RDL's:
    20kg bar 3x10

    Pulldown Abs:
    warm ups
    stack +20kg 1x10, 1x9.5 - grrrrr

    Well... I found a squat PR. Took the bar down lower and things just clicked together today. Pretty happy/relieved!! Mighta had a 7th, but I was on my own and didn't really wanna get squished.

    Drop the volume a bit on the assistance squats cos I wanna run over the weekend and din't want to be too DOMS'd.

    Hang Power Snatches were good... lots of power there, and I think form's coming together a bit better. Can really notice the difference in the receive position when I don't stay over the bar or finish the pull properly.

    Step ups were grand... gonna have to start loading them a bit more I think. Getting used to the movement.

    The 1 leg RDL's are something I haven't done in a while and it really shows. Stability was god awful. Gonna persevere there.

    Pulldown abs starting to come back too. Was sooooo close on the 10th rep but it wasn't there. Gonna push harder next time!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    congrats on the pr - it sounded like you were getting impatient with the lack of progress a while ago, you seem to be flying now though

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    podge57 wrote: »
    congrats on the pr - it sounded like you were getting impatient with the lack of progress a while ago, you seem to be flying now though

    Cheers!! It's about time!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    400m warm up run

    30 meter sprint, 45 meter walk x15

    400m warm down run

    Total Time: 20mins 28 seconds

    BOTH my hills were in use today.... the feckin sun's bringing out all the lazy people.

    Decided since I didn't have an incline I may as well done some HIIT... went pretty well, not too fcuked after it. Rough going having squatted yesterday....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Hanley wrote: »
    5/3/1 - Wave 2 - "5/3/1" Day

    Step ups were grand... gonna have to start loading them a bit more I think. Getting used to the movement.

    I did some of these last week for some unknown reason, they're a pain in the hole as far as i'm concerned!!

    + throw some feckin weight on 'em horse!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    190kg x6 - PR, finally!!!

    Sick stuff sir. What d'ya reckon your raw 1rm would be nowadays?

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Kev M wrote: »
    Sick stuff sir. What d'ya reckon your raw 1rm would be nowadays?

    Cheers!! I've no idea what we'd be talking max wise... 220+ maybe.

    220 = 86%
    225 = 84%
    230 = 82%

    I'd say a 6rm is somewhere in the region of 82-86% of my 1rm anyway!
