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The Angelus



  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭Dutchology

    As my younger sister used to say, every day at 6pm...

    Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong.........

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,749 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    Don't care.
    Cactus Col wrote:
    ***The problem here isn't rte, but the moany ****ers looking for somethin to find offensive

    Well said. Its TV. Its bells ringing for 60 seconds. It means alot to the majority of old folk and some young people of this country. Its a time of reflection, and though it is Catholic related (I was a devoted catholic for 20 years, then realized that if I just be the best person I can thats all I need. Havent been to Mass in 4 years) it portrays a message of peace. Grossy offensive my ass. Whats religion at the end of the day? A cult? A way of life? Some form of hope? Call it what ever you want, but the removal of the Angelus will upset decent people as apposed to making others satisfied.
    Mrs_Doyle wrote:
    I like it, but mainly because I am a fan of tradition and in my house, as soon as those bells chime, my Dad always tells us all to Bless ourselves.

    Again, Well said. I understand people have issues with religion. Some have issues with the Catholic Church, what they believe in and there mark on this Country.Tradition in my opinion is a big player here. A bell ringing and a few pictures of people at peace is not going to harm anyone. Church and Mass means alot to people and community, and I cant see it being removed gracefully. I think we have alot bigger issues than the Angelus for crying out loud. If it were to be band, alot of other things would need attention. What about the national anthem for example - Should we ban that? Some of the words are extremely offensive to our neighbours across the water.
