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The Laughing Goblins - Adventurers Board



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Siegfried

    That is cool. We should schedule a meeting, trade skype and stuff. If anyone else have a interest post here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 unforgivenirl

    Cassidy's bar has closed down, but we've moved the IGA Games Night to the Plough on Lower Abbey Street as of 24 of June.

    Club name : IGA Games Nights in The Plough
    Instutition : IGA
    Location : The Plough, Lower Abbey Street (across from the Abbey Theatre)
    Time/Date : Every Thursday from 7pm
    Games played : Anything
    Miscellaneous Info. : It's free, but money spent at the bar is always good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 Crazy Aido

    Ivan wrote: »
    Me and a friend are looking for something in Dublin. I play Vampire the Masquerade and she plays Shadowrun. Would love to get a game of either of the two if anyone can point us in the right direction.

    Wouldn't mind if you'd post up here with info about any game of VtM you found...

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭hacx

    anyon know of any RPG groups around north Kerry?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 129 ✭✭andgoodbye

    I'm new to the tabletop RPG, (sort of) and I'm looking for a relatively simple gmae? I have Hero quest, if there's anyone up for it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    andgoodbye wrote: »
    I'm new to the tabletop RPG, (sort of) and I'm looking for a relatively simple gmae? I have Hero quest, if there's anyone up for it?

    Heroquest is an epic game. I have that and warhammer quest myself we used to run games of it in the club i was part of a long time ago god i haven't played that game in a long time.

    Where abouts are you based? I Think the Dublin Games Guild are still running?

    Their website is here:

    Drop them a bell if you in dublin?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 129 ✭✭andgoodbye

    Thanks man. Yeah, based in Dublin, and hero quest is mega epic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,257 ✭✭✭hairyheretic

    What sort of games / genres you interested in trying out?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 129 ✭✭andgoodbye

    What sort of games / genres you interested in trying out?

    Everything really, just nothing too futuristic. Fantasy is my thing really. Hero Quest, D&D etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    I also know there's a gaming group just starting up see the thread here

    for more info.

    Your in luck so as there are loads of groups meeting in dublin atm. Plus there's always conage to look forward too aswell.

    Convention season is almost apon us once more with gaelcon just around the corner if you have a few mates (and even if you dont) that want to pop along head down

    If you've never been i would HIGHLY recommend it

    it rules so it does.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27 Crazy Aido

    Hardly a great thing for improving one's standing, but I'd be looking for some deathwatch...

    Anyone know any groups?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 tahsnadeen

    Recently got GW's new RPG Deathwatch, loved the artwork and deathwatch fluff. I havent played any RPG's in years but I'm looking to find a group to play the game with in dublin, perhaps in gamersworld on jervis st.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Paracelso

    Hi all,

    We would like to set a group to play one the retro Original D&D clones like Sword & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC or just the Original Dungeons & Dragons. We are 2 of us at the moment and we live in South Dublin.

    Send me private message if you are interested! Thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 hen93

    Is there anything wargaming/tabletop related running in galway?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    Give the NUIGalway gaming society (FanSci) a look, they do wargaming Tuesdays from 6pm in room SC200 (don't actually know where that is exactly, sorry). If student gamers don't do it for you they'll at least know where to find the non-student gamers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,419 ✭✭✭allanb49

    South Dublin too, looking for games at night or weekend, myself and fiancee. Anything going on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Greyfoot

    Alright everyone, we are looking for -well-either experienced or not so experienced player(s) for a soon to start Pathfinder campaign.
    If any of you interested and played some 2nd or 3rd edition before and feels like joining and trying out him/herself for an adventure please drop me a PM.
    Sessions usually take place in Blanchardstown on saturday afternoons once or twice a month but we are flexible.


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Sean_Alpha

    Camarilla Ireland is on in maynooth wensdays and dublin on tuesdays

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 Crazy Aido

    Just out of curiosity is there anyone running games on a weekend maybe? Or close to maynooth? Kinda trying to get my fix again. Weekday evenings not so good for me...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Domenkidu

    If anyone is interested in tabletop RPG in the Co. Wexford area I'm very much looking to get something up and running in Ferns. I've got Deathwatch, Earthdawn and 3.5 Ed. D and D (my preferred systems to run), as well as SLA Industries, Hero system, Aberrant, and Adventure. I'd also be very happy to run (or delighted to join a game if there are any going) in South Dublin on a weekday as I work in the Stillorgan area.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,035 ✭✭✭Sir Ophiuchus

    Just going to stick my oar in here to let people know that the Trinity Gamers Society, of which I'm President this year, is happy to accept members who aren't TCD students. We have a room in which to hang out, run regular events and have an RPG sign-up list for people who're looking for games.

    You can contact us on or at

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 Crazy Aido

    Just going to stick my oar in here to let people know that the Trinity Gamers Society, of which I'm President this year, is happy to accept members who aren't TCD students. We have a room in which to hang out, run regular events and have an RPG sign-up list for people who're looking for games.

    You can contact us on or at

    Any games in particular your running?

  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭cozski

    Hey, looking to join a game/group anywhere between Dublin City Centre and South Dublin. I ain't played in the best part of 20 years so a little rusty but was pretty familiar with D&D, Cthulu, Vampire, MERP, Hero, Warhammer RPG. If anyone needs some additional players and doesn't mind them playing a bit of catch up I'd be delighted to come along and give it a whirl. PM me if there are any options. Cheers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 Belisknar

    Hey I'm also looking to join a game/group in the graater dublin area preferably Blanchardsown but amywhere in dublin would be fine, I'm relatively new to the hobbie, but I'm eager to learn and will quickly. Have tried some World of Darkness but wasnt' really into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭cozski

    @Belisknar send me a PM if you're interested in getting something started. I've had another PM from a fella and his wife who are moving up to Dublin and may be interested too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,342 ✭✭✭seagull

    Does anyone know of any groups in Fingal who might be looking for people?

  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭cozski

    cozski wrote: »
    Hey, looking to join a game/group anywhere between Dublin City Centre and South Dublin. I ain't played in the best part of 20 years so a little rusty but was pretty familiar with D&D, Cthulu, Vampire, MERP, Hero, Warhammer RPG. If anyone needs some additional players and doesn't mind them playing a bit of catch up I'd be delighted to come along and give it a whirl. PM me if there are any options. Cheers.

    Hey... so we've nearly got a viable group looking to start from scratch but there's definitely room for one or two more if interested. I'm hoping to arrange an initial meetup in the next few weeks so if you're Dublin based (or can make Dublin) and fancy joining a new group PM and register you're interest... we can talk details at the meetup. If you've already sent me an email dont send another... I'll be sending out a generic one over the next few days. Cheers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 JesterWX58

    seagull wrote: »
    Does anyone know of any groups in Fingal who might be looking for people?

    There is a group in Skerries that might have a spot open. Can you give us a few details about yourself.

    drop me a few lines at jester AT tinet DOT ie

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭wedgelington

    any groups around the south dublin area willing to let a complete noob join them and learn to play ?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 NunoTheo


    I'm looking for a group to join in Dublin City Center. I've some time of experience playing RPG (mainly Vampire, Mage and D&D), but I'd used to play in portuguese. So, I'm a little beginning.
    My time schedule is very open and I'm willing to try new systems. So, if you have pacience to deal and play with a brazilian guy, please let me know. :D
    Thank you so much!

This discussion has been closed.