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Drug experiences



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭echomadman

    "your all gay"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Wolfie

    Hash is a gateway drug, which robs your ambition, and causes brain damage.

    even garda Mick McMucksavage doesnt use that line anymore. did you just wake up from the 1930's?

    do you consider caffeine a gateway drug? most hard drug users started off on caffeine then progressed to the harder drugs.

    99.9% of heroin addicts started off on milk
    99.9% of murderers started out squishing spiders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by Mercury_Tilt
    ahhh young rubadubdubinatub...glad to see you have moved on from your constant referencing to "cabbage" when it comes to the whole drugs debate.

    "Milk".... how.....


    Cabbage rofl...

    He has a point tho, for _some_ idiots hash is a gateway drug but there's _millions_ of people around the world who smoke weed/hash without moving onto harder drugs a vast majority don't even smoke ciggys.

    I think alot of the time it's the company you keep which is the gateway to harder drugs where you're brought up and many other factors some people were just born idiots, this part can't be helped. but i don't think hash/weed can be blamed.

    "they need something bigger and better"

    The actuall high from heroin is alot weaker than most drugs you'd get a far better/stronger high from hash/weed/acid/speed/E which alot of people consider _soft_ compared to heroin which is pretty stupid imo.

    time to stop watching trainspotting lads....

    it's just a film...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭Kone

    Originally posted by Emboss
    Cabbage rofl...

    He has a point tho, for _some_ idiots hash is a gateway drug but there's _millions_ of people around the world who smoke weed/hash without moving onto harder drugs a vast majority don't even smoke ciggys.

    I think alot of the time it's the company you keep which is the gateway to harder drugs where you're brought up and many other factors some people were just born idiots, this part can't be helped. but i don't think hash/weed can be blamed.

    "they need something bigger and better"

    Spot on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,458 ✭✭✭shinzon

    just reading this thread and to be honest tis hilarious for one reason only, the cops if any are reading this now have a reason to arrest 8 pages worth of boards users for taking drugs lol

    Sorry couldnt resist


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    Originally posted by Mercury_Tilt
    ahhh young rubadubdubinatub...glad to see you have moved on from your constant referencing to "cabbage" when it comes to the whole drugs debate.

    "Milk".... how.....


    its a damn sight better than you linking drug abuse to kiddy fiddling and homosexuality

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,950 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    He ****s up every thread he comes across the ****.
    even garda Mick McMucksavage doesnt use that line anymore.

    Should get "best line of the month" :D After a line of cocaine of course ... :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    looks more like fúck and d1ck actually

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    me :eek: i would never say those things to you tilt, i think you are one of gods most wonderous creatures, even greater than jesus, a man among men if you will.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Wolfie
    The majority of people go through life without taking any illegal substances.

    the "majority" being 51% or more? if so then you may be surprised at some surveys on illegal drug use. even surveys not over 50% usually report results in the high 30's

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Mercury_Tilt
    ahhh young rubadubdubinatub...glad to see you have moved on from your constant referencing to "cabbage" when it comes to the whole drugs debate.

    "Milk".... how.....


    actually in some parts of the US i think you could be technically arrested for having human or cow milk as it contains traces of illegal substances, i think it is morphine or DMT. do a search for jonathan ott if interested

    A good few years back the gardai commisoner made a statement about not using the "gateway drug" cockology argument anymore as it was nonsensical and actually worked against the "drug war".

    yes, the milk "gateway" argument is just as ridiculous as the cannabis one.

    for those wondering what the cabbage argument was (lettuce actually, but i am sure cabbage does damage too :p )
    i was just rubbishing the nonsensical argument that cannabis should be (or was made) illegal because it casues harm to the people who smoke it. if this is/was the case then lettuce should also be illegal as smoking it casues physical harm too

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    oh by the way what have they got to arrest us on

    they'd probably say to me
    "sure if it was legal wouldnt i be smoking it myself"

  • Registered Users Posts: 795 ✭✭✭rasper

    God I'd love to try some mushies/LSD. If only I had connections ... [/B][/QUOTE]

    I was in Glasgow a few months back and they sell the magic shrooms in the tobacconist shops
    think they're a tenner fo a small bag.
    Couple of my scottish friends swore by them, but didn't try them myself as never really too
    gone on the acid buzz not since I was 16 anyway.
    Meant to bring a bag home coz I could, but never bothered in the end.Y'could probably get em
    up North too or order them online.
    Not altogether sure on legality of importing them could invite a C&E knock on the door

  • Site Banned Posts: 197 ✭✭Wolfie

    Originally posted by k.oriordan
    He ****s up every thread he comes across the ****.

    Should get "best line of the month" :D After a line of cocaine of course ... :p

    How do you work that out?? Because I dont agree with you on a couple of things? Because I stick to my views and argue them with common sense and fact? Wouldnt what you said be construed as flaming? A personal attack on me? I've been banned already for less, that just shows the clique mentality.

    My original point, hash is a gateway drug, I have seen it many many times in my own life, and sadly for you, there is also evidence from research. I checked the best web sites to show you, but try this one, as it has a list of all the studies it uses as its sources:

    No doubt you will all debunk this now at any rate... :)

  • Site Banned Posts: 197 ✭✭Wolfie

    Originally posted by ixoy
    I know a load of hash smokers and few of them have tried anything else. Those who did so were not trying to look for a "greater high". They were experimenting with different feelings and sensations they got off of them.
    The statistics on drug use are published pretty often, but the amount of hash users vs. the amount of heroin users would seem to contradict your assertion that hash users are all off to try the next "buzz". And no, I'm not a drug user myself.

    I agree that the social circles that a hash-smoker must mix in can be a major factor in influencing peoples decision to try other more mind-bending drugs. Also, I know many people who smoke hash recreationally, and it hasnt affected their lives (although some would have serious concentration problems now that I think of it... :)). I also admit that not everyone who smokes it will move on to other drugs, however, a large percentage will. And that is the danger I was trying to point out. I was just trying to be devils advocate here, and say that this thread was in danger of glamourising drug use, as people talk about their wonderful experiences. I posted truths from my own experiences to counter-balance the discussion, and hopefully make some people think twice about what they do.

    Also, a quick point regarding the come-down from ecstacy. Yes, I do expect a comedown, but the skag can happen without you even getting a high in the first place. You can literally drop one, and be completely skagging (10 times worse than the next day) for several hours, and that is all you get from the tablet. Bit of a waste really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    ok i posted this already but ill post it again
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Someone said that smoking hash is supposed to be good for epilepsy? Nonsense man, any drug that relaxes your nervous system makes you more prone to a seizure or a stroke (neurologist told me that).
    ok you didnt see the links i posted then no? some fairly reputable sources im only going on what i see theirs been different studies that suggest both
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Hash is a gateway drug, which robs your ambition, and causes brain damage. I guess if people need to relax, then go for it, but if abused it tends to turn people into walking cabbage heads.
    i wouldnt consider myself a cabbage head, and no, hash isnt a gateway drug and niether is life, if anything its curiosity or depression. look at alcohol sure how many alcoholics are there? ive seen what it does, ive also seen what hash does to people who cant handle it and turn in to lethargic cabbage heads but this doesnt happen to everyone just the same as not everyone turning in to an alcoholic

    if you want to take harder drugs you will, nobody is forcing it down your neck you choose to yourself the fact that you started on hash doesnt make any difference whatsoever, you could be all your life on drink then get offerd some coke and take it

    i started on hash, but i dont see it as "started on", ive been smoking since i was 15, thats nearly 6 years doin hash. everyone i know has done hash for a good while and, every one i know that were offered harder drugs first deside to do a bit of research in to them, and if they decided they wanted to, then they would do it, one mate didnt even smoke hash.

    their is nearly 900 people working in the place i work in and 80% (if not more) of them smoke hash you probably dont believe me but its true! so thats approximately 720 people that smoke do they all lack ambition? i dont think so...
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Ecstacy can cause permanent brain damage, and causes receptors in your brain to be less responsive to serotonin, as well as causing less serotonin to be produced, making you more prone to depression. It can also 'cook' your internal organs through dancing/dehydration. Personally speaking, you can also get very nasty skags, which basically leave you completely mentally and physically f*cked for hours. Crushing an ecstacy tab and snorting it is stupid, as you dont know what the hell is in it.
    cause permanent brain dammage? i presume only after taking 20 at once?
    yeah it does damage seritonin pathways - if abused.
    cook our internal organs? dont you mean dry out. it also drains a bit of your spinal fluid aswell, but these cases occur if you dont drink a proper ammount of water. and if you take an absolute shjt load.
    the skags are to be expected and they arent that nice, you can be effected for nearly a week after taking ecstacy.
    snorting it tastes a million times worse than coke in the back of your throat
    bit of a waste tbh

    so all of these side effects happen if you abuse the drug same as alcohol
    the skag is natural you dont expect to feel that good and not come down?
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Cocaine - anyone who say they took it and didnt get anything, didnt get good coke. Very addictive and has ruined people financially.
    i got some quality coke actually but for the price it is the most over rated drug ever(€80 for a gram), all you get from it is addiction, good enough feeling but nothing i would care for, and who cares about ruining people financially, i know people in over a grands worth of debt who dont take drugs, too much coke turns people to dickheads who are lookin for coke all the time.
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Heroin - the last place on the pathway of drug taking. You end up a subhuman automaton who lives for the next fix. Live in your own **** and filth with other junkies because the rest of society has disowned you since you have no scruples or standards anymore, and rob from defenseless elderly people and women. You pump a poison into your veins until you eventually get AIDS/HIV or die from an overdose.
    i totally 100% agree this is the last thing i think anyone would take i know someone who did and he said he will never take it again he said if he did that would be it and he would be living in the gutter, not because it felt bad but because it was so good

    i heard a story of some dudes coming down to sell heroin to people in waterford, and the local drugdealers kicked the fúck out of them and kicked em right back out again, even some drug dealers dont want anything to do with it

    bottom line all drugs are bad, if they are mis-used. and herion is in a class of its own

    also pretty much everyone in the medical community has dismissed the argument that it is a gateway drug even the government has said it

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Delerium

    I believe that if you are going to try harder drugs, you will do it anyway, whether hash is involved or not.

    I personally started on acid as my first drug, and have never really been into the whole smoking thing, even though I have had a number of spliffs over the years.
    I have been doing drugs for nealry 10 years now, the first 4 to 5 years of which I used to do acid every single weekend and then E every weekend, and of course everything else under the sun including speed, GHB (amazing stuff!), mushies, Rohypnol, Nexus, weed, ketamine, poppers, liquid E, etc etc etc. But hash and weed were never major players in all of this, even though I lived in SA and it was available on every street corner.
    I always researched everything carfeully before trying it, and never tried anything that I knew to be physically addictive.
    I still do E and ketamine occasionally (mainly because it's so impossible to get hold of anything else), but I do believe that you grow out of it all. Everyone I know who has been taking drugs for as long as I have, have all grown out of it because the effect just isn't the same anymore (and the E is so crap in Ireland)

    People have a very stereotypical picture of drugs users - I am the complete opposite of that. I am a female in her late 20's, in a highly paid IT job, I hate scumbags and actually consider myself to be quite a snob, I have lots of ambition and big plans in life, and........**shock**...**horror**,...... I use drugs.
    All my friends from that era who did just as many drugs, are all very successful now and they too might still indulge on special occasions, but there have been no detrimental effects on any of their lives or mine.
    Using drugs does not automatically mean that you throw your life away, (unless you are talking about heroin of course). Yes, there are some people who smoke all day long and do nothing with their lives, but I think you have to be a certain kind of person in the first place to become like that.

    Drugs do definitely have their drawbacks, but as far as I can see, alcohol causes FAR more problems, especially in Ireland and the UK. I seriously don't think that hash would ever cause the kind of drama that goes on due to alcohol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    No doubt you will all debunk this now at any rate... :)
    thats what a descussion is all about stating the obvious is useless
    Also, a quick point regarding the come-down from ecstacy. Yes, I do expect a comedown, but the skag can happen without you even getting a high in the first place. You can literally drop one, and be completely skagging (10 times worse than the next day) for several hours, and that is all you get from the tablet. Bit of a waste really.

    only half true. and again only after months of abuse of if they gave you a tictac instead

    they just stop having an effect, same with prolonged use of any drug, you dont skag though and it is a waste

    im not glorifying the use of drugs im just saying that not all the people who use them are scumbags and they arent as dangerous as they were in the start of the ninteys then they were dangerous!

  • Site Banned Posts: 197 ✭✭Wolfie

    Originally posted by Catsmokinpot
    thats what a descussion is all about stating the obvious is useless

    only half true. and again only after months of abuse of if they gave you a tictac instead

    they just stop having an effect, same with prolonged use of any drug, you dont skag though and it is a waste

    im not glorifying the use of drugs im just saying that not all the people who use them are scumbags and they arent as dangerous as they were in the start of the ninteys then they were dangerous!

    So I imagined the skag effect I myself experienced? And it wasnt after months of abuse either.... I also had mates that experienced the same thing periodically back then... They werent tic-tacs either, as we knew the dealer very well. So please dont tell me what is half true and what isnt, because I tell you, it is true. I experienced it. I never presumed to say that you were a cabbage head because of smoking dope, I just said that in some people that can happen. Same way not everyone will skag on the same batch of ecstacy.

    I'm not saying that drugs turn people into scumbags, I'm saying that they are a bad idea in general (ie. they have a negative effect on the majority of people who start using them) and are bad for your health.

    I like to be in control of my faculties as often as possible, and being out of my tits, risking parkinsons and damaging my brain are not what I consider an intelligent thing to do to myself. Are you listening late 20's snob girl? I hope youir children are ok if you decide to have any.

    I did my experimentation, and the net result of said experiments was that I learned nothing useful, except that the mind completely controls reality as we perceive it, and it can easily be distorted so that we believe what we think is real. That was with acid, a real drug. The other stuff is just feel-good endorphin stimulants.

    I can, in fact, say that I did more stupid things, and had more negative impacts on my life, when out of my head (and I include alcohol in this). I'm glad I realised that drugs were a load of bollocks. The only reason so many people are defending drug taking here, is because they themselves are users/addicts who may not be physically addicted, but are perhaps psychologically addicted, and want to deny the truth down to the ground. A form of denial, just like smokers have a denial that smoking is bad for your health. When you mix a bit of ****ty hash with the cigarette then it makes it good for your health? I dont think so.

    Think of the people reading this thread that are now thinking that drug taking is acceptable, or that they themselves can have 'whacky' experiences. Sure half you people are claiming there is *nothing* wrong with drug taking... Irresponsible.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    so because you don't like drugs, I shouldn't be allowed take them?

    tell me.. do you like violent computer games? do you want me to be allowed to play them, or would you rather I played scrabble instead?
    please, enlighten me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Delerium

    Wolfie I hear what you are saying, and I won't disagree with you when you say that drugs are "a bad idea in general" (including alcohol).
    I will defend drug taking to a certain degree but I will also be the first to admit that it does have it's down side and it certainly isn't for everybody. Excessive consumption of E did lead to major depression in my case and my immune system took a hammering, and I have seen far worse things happen to other people.
    At the time that I started taking it however, there were no links to Parkinson's and no proof of significant brain damage. Now I do think twice about taking it because I know the risks, and please don't say that the people who are defending drug taking are psychologically addicted and are denying the truth - most people know the truth but are willing to take the risk.

    Life is all about risks - and yes, people do so some stupid things, smoking being one of the best examples. I personally have never smoked, because the risks were too high for me. But the health risks of doing acid were far lower in my opinion, and I can safely say that I never had any negative effects on my health from doing it. (But others have)

    I won't say that there is nothing wrong with drug taking - I just think that people are entitled to make up their own minds about what risks they are willing to take. I'm really glad I did drugs because it opened up my previously narrow mind and gave me a load of confidence, and those were the best years of my life.
    But yes, one day I might end up with Parkinson's and regret every bit of it. Same way as half the population will regret lighting up their first cigarette when they are lying in the cancer ward.

    At the end of the day, people are gonna do drugs anyway. And yeah, it probably is stupid. But at least with forums like these, people can hear both sides of the story and hopefully make an informed decision.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,950 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Originally posted by k.oriordan
    He ****s up every thread he comes across the ****.

    Should get "best line of the month" After a line of cocaine of course ...

    How do you work that out?? Because I dont agree with you on a couple of things? Because I stick to my views and argue them with common sense and fact? Wouldnt what you said be construed as flaming? A personal attack on me? I've been banned already for less, that just shows the clique mentality.

    Yes out of all the posters here, I happened to be referring to you. Get over yourself, I was talking about Mercury_Tilt. Your points are perfectly fine and constructive to the thread I just chose to disagree with them. Mercury_Tilt just posts "stop discussing ****, you're all gay". That's what I mean by ****ing up the thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭Kone

    Originally posted by Mercury_Tilt
    You are homosexual inclined are you not?

    Lads Lads, Come on, Calm down

    Arguing on the internet is like taking part in the special olympics....

    Even if you win you're still retarded!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 152 ✭✭avatar

    when I was about 14 i smoked dope a few times... I think I'm allergic, 'cause one time I got my friend's joint by mistake, and he laced it 3 ways from sunday (probably 5 times more dope than i ever had). Not only did I pull a massive whitey, I puked my guts out and then I fell asleep on my mates shoulder while we were watching LOTR (don't ask me why we were watching lotr stoned. it seemed like a good idea at the time.) basically, that put me off, though other people can do what they want.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26 abaddon1666

    Originally posted by rasper
    God I'd love to try some mushies/LSD. If only I had connections ...

    There's a bit of a loop-hole on the whole mushies thing with the law. As far as I know you are allowed to take mushies as long as you do so in the same field or wherever you found em!

    I did mushies last year, really easy to find, thought they were great but i don't think ill take em again. not really a drug for me. The only other drugs ive tried is hash n some stuff.

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