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Drug experiences



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    Originally posted by Mordeth
    no, it's not that you stick to your guns and are ruthless in your arguments. it's that you're arguments are tired and old, have been argued to death and beaten to the dust many many times now and you seem to lack any sort of skill at all in logical jump from claim to claim, refuse to produce a link or somethnig to back up your claims. you are arguing on such a massive issue, and you claim to have a perfect understanding because of what's happened to you and your friends?I've nothing against anyone who doesn't do drugs, I've nothing against anyone who doesn't like drugs but I'm just sick of arguing with people who don't know what they are talking about, and refuse to educate themselves.

    What's this? What what? Yeah, you're an all-round sack of open-mindedness, tasty information and lack-of-prejudice yourself, Mordeth. Refreshing as always, thank you for spreading the e-induced love.

    Gwan the seratonin over-producers!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    Originally posted by neuro-praxis
    What's this? What what? Yeah, you're an all-round sack of open-mindedness, tasty information and lack-of-prejudice yourself, Mordeth. Refreshing as always, thank you for spreading the e-induced love.

    Gwan the seratonin over-producers!

    what the Hell are you talking about..

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Catsmokinpot
    heroin, other opiates and crack, i dont think anyone wants them legalised :( they are the other end of the hard drugs spectrum and the ones that should definitely remain illegal, they are highly addictive and ruin people almost instantly im sure that the vast majority of people who have tried heroin or crack have been ruined by it

    many doctors are actively campaigning for heroin to be legalised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Originally posted by Kone

    I just cannot, believe in a war against drugs when they've got anti-drug commercials on TV all day long, followed by, "This Bud's for you."
    I got news for you, folks. A-1, alcohol is a drug, and B-2, and here's the real one, alcohol kills more people than crack, coke and heroin ... combined each year. You know what, if I was going to have a drug be legal, it would not be alcohol, you know why? There's better drugs and better drugs for you.
    That's a fact, so you can stop your internal dialogue.

    I've heard this argument many times, and its false. The reason why alcohol causes more problems/deaths is because it is so much more widespread than drugs. Thats why statistically more problems are caused by alcohol.

    actually the "widespreadness" is taken into account. i.e. a higher % of alcohol users die per year from alcohol than the % of heroin users who die from heroin.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    lads this isnt a dueling board u know

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by neXus9
    I know a few people that have eventually confessed to being addicted to hash(!), although it took them awhile to admit it. They are still taking huge amounts of it, and have successfully thrown their ambitions away (they don't even go out on the weekend anymore, aslong as they have thier hash).
    bet they started smoking it with tobacco. if you smoke a very pleasurable non addictive drug mixed with the most addictive substance known to mankind then it is going to be far more addictive than mildly pleasurable tobacco on its own.

    if they started putting nicotine or heroin in big macs you get many big mac addicts too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    ya thats true i smoke hash with tobacco and i feel compelled to smoke joint after joint. Ive gone to addiction councilling but it did no good. Im just not ready to quit, i havent come to that stage yet ... i have to run my course with it

    even when i dont have hash i smoke the odd cigarette to get a bit of a relief
    and i hated cigarettes all my life

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 493 ✭✭muffen

    It has veered well off topic, and I can debate against all of you forever...

    ok... let's see how this one continues...
    ...and be correct in my arguments, but ultimately it will be unproductive. A waste of my time, since druggies dont seem to follow conventional logic (Note: I cant post a link to back this up, I'm solely going on my research from this thread).

    PS - Mooseman, I appreciate the research and links you have provided (thanks for the last link, it was quite interesting), but if I respond to them, then the thread will continue on its tangent, so I think I will just bow out, and let people talk about acting like idiots while not in control of their mental functions. Thats the thread topic.

    Muffen, you have typed a lot, but your logic is flawed in many places in your post, and you need to go back over the contexts of what you have quoted.

    Anyway, its unproductive, this debate. I dont particularly enjoy continuing a debate once I have irrefutably proved my correctness. :)

    You just couldn't stop.. could you?
    ...and be correct in my arguments
    ...since druggies dont seem to follow conventional logic (Note: I cant post a link to back this up)
    ...and let people talk about acting like idiots while not in control of their mental functions.

    Nice arguments dude... especially considering the fact that you were going to stop!
    Calling everyone who argued against you a "druggie".. and claiming you have links that prove that none of us follow convensional logic...
    The amount of crap that's coming out of your mouth is unbelivable...

    I dont particularly enjoy continuing a debate

    Can you move that to the humor forum?
    So, anyway, drug experiences... Glorify.

    We have wolfies blessing to continue our discussion that the mods of this forum had no problems with... how very nice...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭Kone

    Originally posted by rubadub
    actually the "widespreadness" is taken into account. i.e. a higher % of alcohol users die per year from alcohol than the % of heroin users who die from heroin.

    Nice one rubadub!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    thats very true

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    Originally posted by Wolfie
    Hide from the reality of your own addiction. As I predicted, you brain is making up the excuses so that it continues to receive its endorphin rewards. Its what we've always been programmed to do.
    yes as planned a person is defending themselves?? what is your problem! you do refuse to believe that you are wrong or even the possibility that you are wrong, sorry dude but, you are wrong, you think you know what addiction is you havent a fúckin clue.

    from the age of 0 ive had to deal with my mother being an alcoholic. she gave up drinking 6 years ago because i asked her to she hasnt drank a drop since, i thank god every day for that! i have seen what addiction can do to you, wandering round to every pub in the middle of the night, when your 8yrs old looking for your mother, every barman knowing your name giving ya a packet of crisps before you go on your way to the next pub to find her, having to go stay with your gran when it got really bad, thats not even half of it, nobody will ever know and i dont want people to have to know what i went through with her.

    i know what addiction is and that is why i will never be addicted and if you cant believe that you can go to hell.

    all of you ANTI drugs - people are saying that the majority of people who take drugs are going to be lowlives with no ambition, you are automatically assuming that the human race is stupid and weak. well i hate to burst your bubble but they aren't, some of the people i know who take drugs are the smartest people i know. smarter than most ive met through my travels and ive travelled alot.

    you people have to accept the fact that what you've heard about some hard drugs could possibly be wrong, when cannabis was first made illegal they said that cannabis users became psychotic killers, who would steal anything and kill anyone to get their next hit, we have since found otherwise.

    drugs will damage only weakminded and depressed people, and they shouldnt even drink! let alone take anything else, majority of the population are not weakminded or depressed, therefore the majority will not fall victim that is if people are taught properly about the use of drugs.

    all of you people who are saying that drugs arent safe! its because they are not legalised that they are not safe! it is because lack of education about drugs that they are not safe, do you people realise the conditions that some of the drugs are created in? if they were legalised they would be safer and better for you than they are at the moment.

    its true some drugs are addictive eg. coke, speed some are highly addictive eg. heroin, crack the highly addictive ones should remain illegal. but if people are taught about this and how to deal with it before they take it it will be safer. even if you dont agree with it people are still going to do it.... so all we can do is make it safer for them!
    Originally posted by Wolfie
    since druggies dont seem to follow conventional logic (Note: I cant post a link to back this up, I'm solely going on my research from this thread).
    yes exactly like my research in to epilepsy which you completely ignored, also its not very nice to be calling people you know nothing about druggies. druggies imply people who are complete addicts and live for drugs. and i am not and i believe in logic
    Originally posted by rubadub
    many doctors are actively campaigning for heroin to be legalised.
    yeah? for what reason? not taking the piss would just like to know

    EDIT:now in saying that she wasnt the worst mother she loved me to bits but she had me at 20 and she couldnt handle it and ive loved every minute of life with her since she stopped drinking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 947 ✭✭✭neXus9

    okey dokey, so lets stop the abuse and get back on topic shall we.

    i promise to play nice if everyone else will.

    if you really want to argue about the legal and moral aspects of drug taking then start another thread.

    i'm just as guilty of turning this into a flame war as anyone else so if i can stop and be good surely everyone else can too.

    so lets play nice, eh kids.

    so lets play nice, kids? You're the one who doesn't have the literacy level to spell your fave drug that you seem so compassionate about, nevermind the fact that you seem to view drug taking as an 'achievement'.

    You can't just call a truce, and then just insult at the end, in hoping that you had the last laugh, that's just sad.

    I can argue with you all day, but it's pretty pointless. If you're actually serious then, sure, I hate having to resort to flaming on threads. Let's just agree to disagree:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,016 ✭✭✭✭vibe666

    yes well done. i make an effort to put an end to the childish tit for tat crap thats been plaguing this thread for days and and the big man that neXus9 is decides he's still got to get his oar in. great, so i mis-spelled ecstacy once. call the garda and get me arrested. or maybe grow up and get over it if you possibly can.

    look, read the subject of this thread and unless you've got something valid to add (i.e. any of the following)

    drug experiences
    favourite/least favourite drugs
    funny/bad/scary/weird stories regarding drugs

    or anything else valid to the subject then would you please piss off somewhere else and find a thread you like and stop all this crap.

    we know you don't like drugs and we know you aren't going to to take them or have anything to contribute along those lines, so please take your self righteous bullshit somewhere else. we don't care. if you really do care then start your own little thread called 'why drugs are crap and bad for you' or something else equally imaginative and post there and leave this thread to the people who have something relevant to say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 878 ✭✭✭Bicky

    Your all stupid.
    Drugs will eat your melon like brains.
    Thats if there is any left to eat after you have taken your E and other chemical ****.
    I knew a guy who got really stoned and crashed his car killing two people.
    Bottom line is that your all evil for breaking the law.

    Sorry, didnt mean that. Just got High and fell off my horse.
    Or was that just fell off my high horse?
    Who cares? Either way I dont cos im a druggie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭king_of_inismac

    Ok guys, I apologise in advance for going off topic.

    In my opinion, Wolfie is correct in his assertions, and I believe that every single person in here would agree that drug abuse is harmful on some level. I think that this point is the essence of what Wolfie is trying to say. This may not be what you want to hear, but I believe it is irrefutable, and Wolfie should not be condemmed for making the point

    However, I also like to point out that these facts are well known to the drug-using public, who have made the consious decision to ignore the warnings in favour of the pleasure of drug-taking (their perogotive). This decision is a personal one, and is fine as long as it doesn't hinder or encroch upon someone else rights.

    I apologise again for going off topic, but I just thought Wolfie was getting unfair treatment for making a point that we all know to be valid.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    Originally posted by king_of_inismac
    Ok guys, I apologise in advance for going off topic.

    In my opinion, Wolfie is correct in his assertions, and I believe that every single person in here would agree that drug abuse is harmful on some level. I think that this point is the essence of what Wolfie is trying to say. This may not be what you want to hear, but I believe it is irrefutable, and Wolfie should not be condemmed for making the point

    However, I also like to point out that these facts are well known to the drug-using public, who have made the consious decision to ignore the warnings in favour of the pleasure of drug-taking (their perogotive). This decision is a personal one, and is fine as long as it doesn't hinder or encroch upon someone else rights.

    I apologise again for going off topic, but I just thought Wolfie was getting unfair treatment for making a point that we all know to be valid.

    im sure and i hope everyone thinks that drug abuse people abuse is wrong and will damage your health but you have to accept the possibility that drug use in moderation is ok, as with everything in moderation!

    1. you eat too much food you get fat you die
    2. you smoke too much you get cancer you die
    3. you drink too much you get alcohol poisoning if you live you all laugh about it or else you die

    all of these things are legal more people die of this every year than coke ecstacy or speed, for that matter and dont say its because not that many people take it, thats bull**** loads of people take drugs all the time they sieze a couple of million pills you think only a couple of people take them! they siezed a load of coke their last week you think only a couple of people take it?

    the only reason why people die is because of the conditions drugs are manufactured in! and because of the filter substances some drugs producers use. and because people arent being taught how to use them properly! why is that so hard for everyone to understand?

    has noone on the anti side are reading anyone elses posts

    your refusing to believe any of this thats your problem who am i harming by taking drugs? i still have a job, i pay tax! im living in my house with pleanty of money in my pocket im about to take out a loan to buy a car every thing is going grand.

    only problem is if i get caught i go down for a couple of years! i didnt kill anyone i didnt hurt anyone physically i didnt hurt anyones feelings, all i did was not drink. and have a good time with my mates addicts take drugs when noone else is around! i nor any of my friends could do that nor anyone i know apart from 2 take drugs on their own, and their fairly depressed people

    you call someone an addict because they go out and do it every weekend. well heres a wakeup call! thousands of people all over the country go out and drink themselves silly more than twice a week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭king_of_inismac

    please re-read my post man:
    originally posted by catsmokinpot
    by your refusing to believe any of this thats your problem who am i harming by taking drugs? i still have a job, i pay tax! im living in my house with pleanty of money in my pocket im about to take out a loan to buy a car every thing is going grand.

    and as i said earlier:
    This decision is a personal one, and is fine as long as it doesn't hinder or encroch upon someone else rights.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭MoosemaN

    In my opinion, Wolfie is correct in his assertions, and I believe that every single person in here would agree that drug abuse is harmful on some level.
    What Catsmokinpot is saying is that Abuse and use is to totally different things.
    Why can you not see that a person can use Cannabis in the same manner as a person can use Alcohol?

    You must see that?

    I do not enjoy drinking that much any more. I drink max. Once a month, but I usually smoke on weekends. I have not smoked for the last 2 weeks though.

    However, I also like to point out that these facts are well known to the drug-using public, who have made the consious decision to ignore the warnings in favour of the pleasure of drug-taking (their perogotive).
    Myself and many other peoples in this thread HAVE stated that abuse of anything is not good for you. I am not ignoring what Cannabis or any other drug is doing to me as I have done an extensive research, and can provide links to government research reports for you if you like.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    Originally posted by king_of_inismac
    please re-read my post man:

    and as i said earlier:
    woups! sorry didnt mean to get so angry its just people who are anti drugs aren't looking at the otherside of the coin you seem to be but wolfie isnt neither are alot of people. theyve had it drilled in to their heads that drug taking is irresponsible, wrong and bad for you well i have tried it and i dont find that it is as long as people are taught and have safe drugs then all the anti drugs people will have no argument to make

    by making it illegal they are creating the argument that they uphold! and i find that stupid

    Edit: also remember the extent that cannabis was demonised through history in films where evil mexicans smoked the reefer.......

    now look at todays views on cannabis, nobody is ignoring the risks that cannabis and cannabis abuse(carcinogenic etc.) has but it isnt as dangerous as people made it out to be

    now look at the ecstacy all the scare mongering that goes on with it.... just like what cannabis went through..... ooh people die from ecstacy all the time ecstacy is bad bla bla bla i used to be one of those people....

    this may sound silly but look at the film bad boys II and how it is completely demonised exactly the same as cannabis was in the past.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭DEG viper

    did anyone go to gods kitchen on saturday. i would say that everyone there was after takin a few yokes by the way lisa lashes is class

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Catsmokinpot

    heard it was good not a mental fan of hard house but lisa lashes is deadly, goin to see felix da house cat tonight in the forum waterford fairly wicked house dj cant wait

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭MoosemaN

    Here we go again (more off-topic) :ninja: ;)

    Anyone going to at the red box this Friday?

    Psychedelic Carnival Party, extremly good if you like "psychedelic trance"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    lads keep on topic please

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Catsmokinpot

    Originally posted by rubadub
    many doctors are actively campaigning for heroin to be legalised.

    yeah? for what reason? not taking the piss would just like to know

    because many believe it causes more death and misery due to the fact it is illegal. it is a very addictive drug (though not as bad as nicotine) whose addicts will steal/rob/mug to feed their habit. not many alcoholics or chronic pot smokers would mug a granny for a pint or a joint. dealers can charge more knowing they will pay anything, dealers also must charge more as it is class A and so costs them more to import illegally. most heroin deaths are from impurities but the usual gutter press papers nearly always say it is an overdose.

    there was a program on bbc2 a while back and a lot of doctors in the uk are heroin users themselves, and lead normal lives just like doctors who smoke and drink. heroin is not the evil chronically addictive drug propaganda media would have you believe, many users are not addicts which cannot be said of nicotine (ab)users.

    what do they give heroin addicts? methadone! all the addiction but none of the buzz. great remedy...

    attitude seems to be "but sure being a drug addict is fine, as long as you dont enjoy it"

    nicotine will never be made illegal, far too many addicts who would turn into theiving junkies just like heroin addicts, just to pay for contaminated overpriced nicotine from dealers on street corners. if people as much as giggled on nicotine it would have been illegal years ago

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Originally posted by Catsmokinpot

    now look at todays views on cannabis, nobody is ignoring the risks that cannabis and cannabis abuse(carcinogenic etc.) has but it isnt as dangerous as people made it out to be
    cannabis doesnt have to be carcinogenic, you can eat it. same goes for lettuce, you dont have to smoke it which would give you cancer.
    burnt toast is carcinogenic but there is nobody trying to ban toasters.
    the whole health concern about drugs is a farce, i can legally cut my legs off but cant harm myself with cannabis smoke, however i can still go into a pub and destroy other peoples health with my lovely drug tobacco.

    Originally posted by Catsmokinpot
    now look at the ecstacy all the scare mongering that goes on with it.... just like what cannabis went through..... ooh people die from ecstacy all the time ecstacy is bad bla bla bla i used to be one of those people....

    ecstacy: millions of users per week worldwide. many taking far more than a "usual" dose.
    result: a handful of deaths each year.
    verdict: a very safe drug in most doctors minds. many drugs available in supermarkets (not even OTC) kill far more per year and are still deemed safe for sale with only a leaflet for advice

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭Kone

    Originally posted by MoosemaN
    Here we go again (more off-topic) :ninja: ;)

    Anyone going to at the red box this Friday?

    Psychedelic Carnival Party, extremly good if you like "psychedelic trance"

    Sounds good MoosemaN!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    if you use a vapouriser with hash/weed, there'#s no smoke at all.. so no cancer :)

    and it's a hell of a strong hit too i've read.. I'd love to have a proper one.

    also, i loved how "X" was handled in bad boys 2.. pity we didn't get to see erm.. the guy who wasn#'t will smith scaggin the next day

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭Kone

    I tried a vapouriser in the dam, it was strange to say the least! Very nice though!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    alright id just like to say something else i didnt say earlier about my experiences with drugs
    smoking hash they say isnt addictive ur not supposed to get hooked
    but if ur reading this and thinking of smoking it first think
    i wouldnt advise it if u have an addictive personality like me

    because of that and the downward spiral afterwards i dropped out of college, lost my long term girlfriend and basically my lifes on hold for the time being
    so its strange the way one stoned day can go into another

    just a thought

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭MoosemaN

    There are people that have an "addictive"-gen in them. This is inheritable. Some people should not use any kind of Drug.

    I said this before in my posts. But I would guess that you are not hooked physically but mentally.

    And please do not only blame it on the drug, that is just an excuse. Nobody forced you to smoke and to continue smoking.

This discussion has been closed.