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Waterford City

Lovely City in the south east.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Cheap Wreaths
11-12-13 21:20
9 939
Is there a waterford version of........
10-12-13 19:28
21 2K
Waterford City/County Council
12-12-13 18:24
11 1K
Lisduggan Turkish Barbers
13-12-13 17:06
0 419
Looking for pet rescue place
12-12-13 15:08
2 384
Model Shop?
09-12-13 20:46
3 549
Mandela at TCD, Tawdy in the crowd?
11-12-13 10:01
2 1K
Anyone know where I can pick up a Double Edged safety razor?
06-12-13 13:01
17 1.2K
Pay As You Go Gym
03-12-13 23:07
5 1K
Kingfisher gym
07-12-13 23:10
6 736
club to go to every night of the week in waterford
05-10-13 10:42
4 1.2K
Waterford Twins - Volunteers of the Year 2013
06-12-13 10:55
5 649
Old Christmas Lights
19-11-13 20:56
9 1.1K
Matt Keane
26-09-13 8:52
13 2.5K
Nighlife Waterford 12
30-07-13 21:07
55 6.7K
Waterford Christmas song: Along the banks of the River Suir
06-12-13 1:35
0 377
Galaxy S3 screen glass broken
02-12-13 15:53
6 753
Solas Centre
18-09-13 22:51
30 4.4K
Fiver Fridays. Anything happening in Waterford
05-12-13 13:32
2 738
Bus Eireann Waterford "privatisation"
04-12-13 20:17
4 719
City Bus Service Waterford City
04-12-13 14:15
3 476
Anyone else hear H and M are coming in the New Year
03-12-13 19:37
6 1.7K
Turf in the city
27-11-13 9:49
5 752
03-12-13 23:16
0 588
theJournal article on Waterford at Christmas
01-12-13 18:46
22 2.3K
Real Christmas Trees & Prices
28-11-13 13:45
8 1.3K
School bag / trolley bag
30-11-13 22:32
3 386
Is it poaching or simply a case of attracting the best young schoolboy soccer players
01-12-13 20:51
0 632
The old B+Q building 12
25-11-13 17:14
37 3.5K
Kilcohan Greyhound Stadium Menu?
30-11-13 2:45
0 265