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Student Finances

Grants, fees, cost of living, registration fees, etc.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Repeat year fees
06-04-15 16:03
2 1.4K
Cannot get proof of being independent. Landlord not registered.
31-03-15 21:09
1 537
VTOS Course - Payment
24-03-15 21:43
0 517
Repeating 1st year of college !!
18-03-15 23:05
1 830
VTOS & Student Grant Query ?!?
19-03-15 16:07
0 632
Returning to do a Level 8 - Will I get a grant again?
16-03-15 1:49
1 722
student grant appeal boards over turned susi decision... but...
16-03-15 14:11
1 901
Question about Back to Education Allowance
12-03-15 21:14
3 821
irish mature student in the uk
10-03-15 16:15
11 1K
Returning to college Affordability
06-03-15 18:05
2 1.1K
SUSI question
10-03-15 3:45
1 606
If i dropout do i have to repay fees
10-03-15 2:56
1 627
2nd undergraduate degree fees
28-02-15 14:49
2 907
Two questions I need answers to please
04-03-15 11:41
0 503
Back to college BTEA help
03-03-15 15:26
0 344
quit my job to go back to college entitlments
10-02-15 23:04
4 1.1K
Susi application
10-02-15 23:35
1 684
Susi grant eligibility?
11-02-15 6:58
1 645
Is there anything out there for me?
08-02-15 13:39
3 739
Deceased Parents - Income Assessment
25-02-15 3:31
3 754
Grant or back to school allowance?
23-02-15 13:05
3 527
Second Undergraduate Course - Grant?
17-02-15 18:18
3 585
(Yet another) BTEA Qualification Thread
15-08-12 11:18
5 1.1K
Alternate funding sources: not eligible for grants
21-07-14 15:58
2 834
Actual cost of masters
18-02-15 15:48
1 589
EGF Grant
04-12-14 18:10
1 520
I am going to study in the UK and I need a big loan....…..
14-02-15 9:59
3 686
transferring online adsense earnings into student account?
07-02-15 11:46
3 642
02-02-15 2:17
3 727
Postgraduate Course Tax Back - Help
31-01-15 22:49
1 482