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Sleeping & Dreaming

Anything about sleeping and dreaming.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Lucid Dreaming Guide - Introduction 123
30-06-24 12:38
102 59.3K
Forum Feedback
18-01-18 2:10
7 2.7K
Links / Resources
17-04-12 14:43
11 16.9K
[N.B.] CHARTER - Read before posting [N.B.]
03-08-06 14:20
0 14.8K
Sleep Apnoea and CPAP 12...2223
18-01-25 8:33
1.1K 112.9K
Reading Books Before Sleep
17-01-25 6:04
10 306
Insomnia?/Tips for good sleep 12...67
03-01-25 16:32
334 90.6K
Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, How to reset?
26-12-24 14:28
5 111
Restless Legs anyone? 12
26-12-24 1:03
52 20.5K
Does anyone use CBD Oil to help with sleep?
11-11-24 9:15
2 173
Sleep apnea newly diagnosed
28-10-24 20:09
3 165
CPAP Machine Repairs
01-07-24 7:09
0 41
I haven't had a full night's sleep for about 2 years
25-04-24 22:03
23 1.4K
Anybody recommend a good sleep clinic?
18-01-24 21:09
14 1.9K
CPAP Rental whats important when choosing supplier?
18-01-24 20:41
1 51
Buying cpap machine
10-12-23 21:18
2 121
Sleep clinic advice
08-09-23 15:24
0 72
CPAP machine question
12-01-23 12:29
4 1.8K
Sleep paralysis
04-01-23 18:51
2 102
Best Noise Blocking Solutions?
04-11-22 6:49
10 1.4K
Sleep Apnoea (Apnea) / OSA / Diagnosis and Support
09-10-22 8:54
0 41
Caseys continental Matress
28-08-22 7:28
1 31
Psychic medium
01-06-22 15:43
6 1.2K
Recommend Pillow for Stomach Sleeper?
27-04-22 21:31
0 11
Pocket Sprung vs. Zip & Link Mattress
03-04-22 21:31
1 241
14-03-22 14:12
2 602
Couple sleeping apart
15-02-22 19:36
5 792
Sleep Study
31-01-22 22:18
0 71
17-01-22 15:24
0 21
Research Invitation (ADHD, Tourette’s, Cognition & Sleep)
10-12-21 17:49
0 11
recommend radio programme
11-08-21 21:31
3 121
Daydreamin' and I'm thinking of...
04-08-21 15:27
26 3K
Strange dream..
25-05-21 22:17
6 782
What do you use under your CPAP masks to protect the skin?
12-05-21 9:11
1 305