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For discussing everything from motorways to boreens
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
M1 New road signs - complete waste of money?
25-07-08 8:26
12 2.9K
Bad Signage
04-09-08 12:57
11 1.8K
Motorway Signage Changes
25-08-08 22:16
24 3.5K
Flooded roads - Poor maintenance by CoCo
29-08-08 14:12
1 1.2K
M50 Eastern Bypass (Foster Ave Co. Dublin)
23-08-08 17:29
1 1.4K
Motorways: Do we need them?
24-06-08 22:59
19 4.6K
M6 Galway outer ring road
25-03-08 16:48
14 5.7K
NRA Project Videos
10-06-08 19:33
0 981
N/M6 Athlone - Ballinasloe
10-06-08 12:39
1 2.3K
Dublin Port Liffey Tunnel
23-05-08 15:41
2 1.8K
N52 Tullamore Bypass to be fast-tracked
02-04-08 15:45
20 5K
M50 upgrade, Blanchardstown overpass
29-01-08 16:06
25 7.6K
[Article] Cancelled: N72 Mallow link road due to land cost
06-03-08 9:45
3 1.9K
Bypass criteria
22-02-08 21:00
4 1.5K
New national route: extend the N75 from Thurles to New Ross?
30-12-07 16:11
17 4.3K
N81 Grade seperate the Tallaght Bypass - can it be done????
08-01-08 16:34
13 4.8K
M7 Nenagh Bypass
26-09-07 15:11
11 4.7K
R158 Kilcock to Summerhill
01-11-07 20:37
2 1.3K
Historic motorway (article)
14-10-07 0:00
5 1.8K
Sallins to Clane/Kilcock - Road upgrade..?
12-09-07 10:49
4 2K
N3 slip road to Clonee/Dunboyne
15-09-07 7:54
2 1.5K
M11 - Arklow/Gorey Bypass 123
26-11-04 14:02
104 6.1K
This is sickening
20-05-07 13:30
26 3.6K
Most Motorways and HQDC are not future proofed.
04-02-07 21:16
14 2.4K