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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Solid Wood Flooring in Ireland
19-06-17 21:28
2 780
Mortgage for Building contract
23-06-17 10:54
0 479
Recent costs for utilities and connection fees
23-06-17 10:44
0 459
Building cheaply
13-06-17 16:33
8 1.3K
Cost of building an internal wall
20-06-17 21:33
3 2K
Cos to build an office in the garden
20-06-17 18:32
0 549
50 Sq metre concrete floor
10-02-17 12:43
30 2.5K
Gas Mains Extension Costs
16-06-17 10:15
0 354
Central Heating query
15-06-17 22:09
0 422
Cost of building a new house limerick
10-06-17 1:05
23 4.6K
Looking for cost for paving driveway/labour cost
26-06-16 15:58
1 1.1K
skywalker 2.1 plastering stilts
13-06-17 23:26
0 514
Charlesland Surveyor
13-06-17 13:37
0 472
Looking for cost of building a house in 2015 12...2021
11-01-15 20:47
610 271.5K
Thermohouse ICF
31-07-14 13:22
4 2.1K
Current "day rate" for a plumber,carpenter,Electrician? 12
04-04-12 20:07
59 45.9K
Kokoon Windows
19-08-16 16:42
2 892
08-06-17 19:30
0 617
Water Filters
11-10-14 16:50
4 2.6K
insulated twin wall
07-06-17 18:18
4 703
Painting and Decorating
25-05-17 17:15
5 945
Building engineers quote
07-06-17 21:13
1 408
Electric Fire in passive house
05-06-17 22:21
1 552
Building / Material Cost Spreadsheet
31-05-17 18:23
2 876
Upstairs renovation
02-06-17 20:18
0 416
Engineer charge
02-06-17 10:02
1 461
Natural slate
01-06-17 13:59
0 483
Tiling costs
31-05-17 21:15
2 745
28-05-17 12:35
3 2.1K
Retaining Walls- Include in build or do separately.
27-05-17 14:53
5 512