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Should the Seanad Éireann be Elected?
21-03-13 15:42
20 2.1K
disability benefits in ireland- david mc william's article 123
03-04-13 20:20
83 12.4K
Elderfield going
09-04-13 12:05
15 1.9K
Financial ombudsman
02-03-13 6:42
5 946
Welfare fraud 123
08-03-13 18:27
70 12K
The final nail - the proptery tax - my rant on TAX 12...56
25-03-13 2:30
155 17K
Cyprus - Anti-Money Laundering legislation
18-03-13 14:45
2 1.3K
Why do we punish the smaller parties, but not the big boys? 123
01-04-13 23:00
65 6.3K
IRELAND - Best place for Americans to retire
05-04-13 16:22
4 1.5K
Portugal halts austerity
07-04-13 21:20
2 832
11 children reportedly killed in NATO air strike in Afghanistan
07-04-13 21:30
1 762
Ministers Attending Union Conferences
02-04-13 11:24
7 959
BUDGET'05 - Stamp duty abolished 12
06-04-13 11:01
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Political Mandates: What are they good for?
01-04-13 1:38
3 2.3K
PUP membership back to GFA levels
05-04-13 23:06
0 406
republican sinn Fein 12
26-01-12 5:04
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New Beginnings or Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation
05-04-13 11:19
3 1.5K
Tax on this, tax on that... 1234
29-03-13 0:49
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Ming and the quashed penalty points 123
13-03-13 0:15
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Legal Constraints on Contract Cuts
02-04-13 19:01
4 738
Government to cut rent supplement 12...56
16-01-12 13:52
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Is Boris finished?
25-03-13 9:54
18 2K
UK EU referendum by end 2017 12
23-01-13 0:38
31 4.5K
US should agree to Iran's right to Peaceful Nuke Tech in 2013 and give them the 20% U 12
31-12-12 18:19
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Naturalisation Residency Calculator
02-05-12 17:17
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The right to Vote for Uachtarán na héireann? 12
11-03-13 11:36
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guardian ad litem-barnardos
02-04-13 23:30
1 416
What sort of Politics do we want
02-04-13 12:23
15 1.3K
RE: North Korea conducts long range nuclear test 12
25-01-13 3:27
47 6.2K
So our savings are next for the chop! 1234
25-03-13 21:44
92 11.6K