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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Labrador pup
06-12-08 8:57
13 1.6K
norwegian elkhounds
08-01-09 21:39
5 677
Pup Hates Walking
06-01-09 11:33
16 1.5K
HELP Hamster on the run!!!!
03-01-09 13:58
11 910
Puppy Classes - Wicklow
07-01-09 21:41
4 2.9K
Dog trainer in limerick
09-01-09 23:26
0 526
Dog Found in Galway City, 9th Jan 09
09-01-09 23:16
0 400
Where can i get a pair of rats?
08-01-09 20:37
7 600
injections for allergies in dogs
09-01-09 19:55
0 328
27-12-08 22:41
17 1.5K
Kitten Found
07-01-09 10:00
2 469
Alsations/German shepard with young children
08-01-09 23:23
14 3.3K
Cattery Advice
08-01-09 20:03
1 462
home owners not "allowed" to have pets
13-11-08 4:58
15 3.3K
Cat's claw hanging off. What to do?
08-01-09 11:21
16 4.6K
reptile adoption center
08-01-09 1:27
1 387
Lonesome dog in Smithfield!
07-01-09 15:00
1 425
Free Tropical fish & cray fish
06-01-09 15:13
7 906
Animal minding service
05-11-08 12:56
10 1.2K
Advice needed, regarding litter trays.
07-01-09 13:50
3 402
Secure Garden Rule
05-01-09 0:25
16 1.3K
Ashtown on Joe Duffy NOW. 1234
07-01-09 14:35
116 11.4K
How to Volunteer at the pound?
07-01-09 12:35
5 633
Is this considered cruel?
06-01-09 17:29
12 851
Rabbit behaviour
07-01-09 1:36
2 483
Night time toilet training for puppy?
06-01-09 17:34
7 832
dog run wanted
06-01-09 15:31
2 618
Those of you with birds, and other critters?
06-01-09 1:11
3 433
Mobile Groomers in Wexford
06-01-09 14:14
0 338
Reptiles- Skin Conditioner?
31-12-08 3:03
6 623