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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
what are these?
15-01-09 18:39
3 644
Snappin Turtle(common)
03-10-08 10:15
8 769
Contacts for cat rescues
15-01-09 13:30
2 465
Missing - Elderly 3 legged JRT - Urgent
14-01-09 13:34
4 631
Joint Problems in Husky 123
15-01-09 13:27
78 4.2K
Operations on older dogs
14-01-09 21:24
5 808
Too Skinny??
14-01-09 17:53
1 461
wheelchair for dogs?
09-01-09 22:53
8 856
Puppy Training Cork
13-01-09 12:12
1 1.8K
How Far to Walk a 5 Month Old Boxer
13-01-09 20:21
16 2.1K
New kitten not using her litter tray all the time!
13-01-09 21:44
2 503
dog messing in my house...every couple of hours 12
09-03-08 19:03
51 3.8K
To neuter or not???
13-01-09 17:32
5 583
Need some help with dog training.
13-01-09 18:58
0 363
Found - Cairn Terrier Puppy
13-01-09 18:41
0 345
areas to let dogs run free??? Dublin?
08-01-09 14:27
15 1.8K
Neutering a male dog?
12-01-09 20:32
8 791
Cat eyes leaking...
12-01-09 18:44
4 774
12-01-09 19:14
1 600
Agh, fleas!!!
10-01-09 22:11
5 723
Leinster Fish Keeping Society.
12-01-09 12:51
0 688
gold fish question
04-01-09 15:08
7 777
Puppy Training Sites
11-01-09 1:08
1 467
need info on shows/exhibitions
10-01-09 17:36
2 805
Chameleon Babies
27-11-08 20:23
7 924
Pet Shop open tomorrow!
10-01-09 22:41
3 637
Hitting Dog
09-01-09 23:43
19 1.7K
Sick Kitty
09-01-09 23:10
4 492
Possibly a new dog owner?
02-01-09 5:58
9 1.2K
Alaskan malamute and agility trials
01-10-07 13:14
18 1.9K