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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Boundary training flags... source
17-09-21 21:30
1 51
Biodegradable dog poo bags
17-09-21 14:16
3 132
Any advice on Dog that has twirled then bit and circling ?
16-09-21 16:05
2 191
Getting 1 or 2 kittens
15-09-21 18:10
23 404
Does anyone rent with pets?
12-09-21 20:42
11 287
Adult dog pooping indoors
07-09-21 17:50
10 303
Emergency help with a cat
06-09-21 14:43
5 251
Grief counselling for loss of dog?
04-09-21 16:55
6 371
Whistle Recall Training
03-09-21 22:21
3 91
Introducing a new kitten
03-09-21 15:38
1 71
Cost of doggy day care?
02-09-21 18:50
3 192
New Jack Russell puppy
02-09-21 11:26
23 1K
Our dog has started chewing the door. How do we stop him?
01-09-21 14:50
3 244
Arthritis in an old lady.
01-09-21 10:13
18 298
good bye and thanks
31-08-21 0:40
7 613
Stray cat advice
30-08-21 23:42
4 141
Dog friendly restaurants - in Dublin and beyond
25-08-21 20:05
2 91
Cattery alternative cork
25-08-21 0:35
0 25
Cat on Car 12
23-08-21 0:32
44 1.2K
Pet sitter Cavan
22-08-21 13:38
1 63
Rehoming my dogs
22-08-21 3:56
30 2.7K
Dogs Anal Glands
20-08-21 23:33
21 905
Dog food recommendations. 12
19-08-21 18:00
41 2.5K
Importing a puppy
19-08-21 16:01
7 291
Moved: Dog damaged neighbours car
15-08-21 12:20
0 1
Cat allergies and Purina LiveClear cat food
13-08-21 19:01
1 31
Cat bothering neighbor
12-08-21 18:13
5 413
Double dog leads?
11-08-21 11:41
1 51
Best pet insurance
11-08-21 11:11
5 206
Pet sitters/dog walkers insurance
10-08-21 23:31
1 51