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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New Router -I cant see other pc's on network
01-09-09 10:31
8 918
Moving Dsl line
31-08-09 20:44
7 445
cheapest way to get my 3x1tb drives as network drives?
14-08-09 16:45
5 562
Downloaders face disconnection following Eircom settlement
31-08-09 13:56
8 1.3K
D-Side Copper Jointing Course?
28-08-09 17:05
0 387
CDPR Error
28-08-09 15:42
2 811
Anyway of prioritizing game traffic?
25-08-09 18:19
4 462
Where can I find my Eircom UAN ?
27-08-09 16:00
2 2K
Home Media Networking HELP
24-08-09 10:52
3 452
Juniper --- Qemu - sockets - need input please
14-08-09 18:26
9 2.6K
What is a CRN number?
08-07-09 17:32
5 6.4K
Phone Line Questions
23-08-09 13:21
3 369
Port throttling by irish ISP's
08-12-06 17:00
9 1K
help with calls made from south africa?
17-08-09 0:23
1 408
ISDN over Fibre Extender
21-08-09 11:08
2 519
Connecting a device with a different IP to my network
18-08-09 21:03
14 1.2K
Power Surge Protection for phone line?
20-08-09 13:31
2 554
3G phone to phone connectivity
15-08-09 17:55
1 337
199000 readback looking for a pin
20-08-09 1:15
0 357
How to renew IP address
16-08-09 22:22
4 578
Cable quality query for phone extension
06-08-09 12:02
10 831
Hipath refresher
17-08-09 3:46
0 315
Diverting Eircom home phone to mobile?
16-08-09 23:07
1 2K
phone dilemma
12-08-09 21:31
5 459
GSM dial in server
23-07-09 9:42
8 1.8K
Eircom phonebook & golden pages - what's the point?
11-08-09 23:48
4 2.6K
phone line repair
12-08-09 23:11
2 507
NIC problem
14-08-09 0:04
7 391
CAT5e all over the house but what about the analogue phone?
17-07-09 18:42
18 4.5K
Recruitment Advice? Looking for an IT technician...
01-11-08 22:35
14 1.3K