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Music Production

Recording and mixing music Pro-Audio and music production
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fix sloppy musicianship???
26-07-12 12:54
6 996
Free Wav To Mp3 Converter
20-08-12 4:24
4 846
Composer/production competitions?
27-09-12 17:22
5 555
Audio PC Recommendations?
26-09-12 0:04
10 763
Sourcing equipment rack rails
29-09-12 17:39
5 575
Re-ribbon ribbon mics?
27-09-12 21:36
2 511
Massive reduction on M-Audio Venom from! Anyone used it?
25-09-12 14:04
4 929
Small studio set up advice/guidance needed.
26-09-12 12:12
3 442
Magik Sequoia.
26-09-12 18:59
0 334
22-09-12 14:28
9 1K
Teach myself Music Production 12
06-08-12 21:03
58 6.2K
Cakewalk Sonar Studio 7
19-09-12 9:22
2 512
Teach myself logic..?
13-09-12 17:05
6 651
Please recommend a keyboard
18-09-12 7:33
3 411
13-09-12 20:31
3 543
Stop Spill from a Garage on a Budget
10-09-12 20:50
7 835
Songwriter/Multi-instrumentalist forming songwriting team
15-09-12 10:40
1 420
Protools 8 upgrade to 9?
15-09-12 10:29
0 254
Importance of optical cables quality
12-09-12 22:20
5 587
How to record from yamaha stagepass to iPad
10-09-12 23:45
1 465
Studio Furniture
03-05-12 20:00
13 3K
Maag EQ4
06-09-12 22:27
7 668
Miking a guitar amp
31-08-12 16:53
7 800
Ableton Suite 8
07-09-12 21:36
2 402
mackie HDR 24/96 help
04-09-12 20:06
3 745
studio partners wanted
06-09-12 16:46
0 374
Tips for recording Drum plugins?
05-09-12 16:15
6 631
Interface solution needed?!
01-09-12 18:09
3 508
01-09-12 17:28
8 771
Huge thanks to Paul Brewer
02-09-12 22:13
8 990