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need a shorter book
29-11-17 21:55
5 393
Upgrading From Kindle Paperwhite 2
12-10-17 11:05
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Help finding a poem
25-11-17 22:23
0 375
james joyce
12-07-17 16:36
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Book events/Readings
23-10-17 10:28
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Does owning a Kindle change your reading habits?
19-11-14 2:09
44 6.8K
book on knowing what to say / converse
05-10-17 18:30
1 436
Cheap second hand book shops?
01-07-17 8:10
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J.P. Donleavy
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1 507
Arabic translation
10-08-17 23:53
0 453
How the irish invented slang
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Harry Potter at 20, did JKR save reading?
27-06-17 11:40
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12-07-17 16:42
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12-07-17 16:50
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Vampire book
09-07-17 19:03
1 475
ISBN codes
06-07-17 16:24
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Ender's Game
05-07-17 14:49
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What's the most famous book set in each County of Ireland?
10-04-17 10:24
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Orson Scott Card
03-07-17 17:42
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Irish famine book-- fiction - help me find the title!!
28-06-17 13:03
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Need help buying a book
16-06-17 10:52
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reading books with your kids
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Non-scary, non-violent young teen book recommendations?
20-02-17 11:53
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Jodi picoult
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New Zine: a vent zine (poetry & art)
17-05-17 13:59
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The Dark Tower 12
19-12-07 15:11
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Help identifying macabre children's poem
16-05-17 11:58
1 493
recommend me a ww1 book
13-01-17 19:50
13 1.1K
Poem about teaching/teachers
26-04-17 20:26
3 453
Cobh Readers and Writers Festival - 1st/7th May
26-04-17 18:40
0 382