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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

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Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
French Document
01-02-13 18:31
8 890
Leaving Cert Maths Higher level
04-02-13 15:55
5 535
Leaving Cert Irish poems!
04-02-13 19:36
1 1.4K
too late to apply for leaving cert exam ?
03-02-13 20:20
2 440
can I drop Irish??
03-02-13 13:55
4 566
Learning irish online
03-02-13 20:09
0 334
Biology as an extra subject?
02-02-13 21:37
7 660
Pres/Mocks? 12
28-12-10 22:30
44 3.6K
Points System
03-02-13 2:02
5 412
Spa and Wellness Management AIT
02-02-13 23:22
0 301
French+Irish Oral Exam Tips..
29-01-13 23:00
4 911
Exchanging notes for Leaving 2013! :D
24-01-13 19:42
22 2.1K
History Dictatorship and Democracy
01-02-13 23:44
1 317
Returning to Leaving cert in Dublin
30-01-13 16:44
12 1.1K
Maths Paper 2 help
31-01-13 20:40
2 921
Three Sciences for the Leaving 12
16-06-12 15:25
37 4.2K
01-02-13 20:54
3 456
Leaving Cert outside School
01-02-13 17:00
2 637
Maths question
01-02-13 18:06
0 232
Urgent HEAR scheme
30-01-13 21:12
5 978
31-01-13 21:36
6 660
Studying at night?
30-01-13 23:47
8 744
Repeating leaving cert and cvu afterwards please help!
31-01-13 20:15
2 301
Maths in External Leaving Cert
31-01-13 18:36
4 442
Maths grinds in Carlow
31-01-13 18:13
1 469
Just have a question about PLC Courses.
31-01-13 18:13
0 224
Quick and hyper dumb question
30-01-13 2:05
3 487
Arts in Maynooth or UCD?
13-01-13 2:34
12 3.8K
*Student Grant* 12...1819
27-05-12 15:00
569 70.6K
CAO Deadlines
30-01-13 18:51
3 428