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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Smart engaged with backers over future
14-06-09 16:44
0 530
Telecom Package
11-06-09 20:44
3 701
WiMax will be Wi-Fi's big brother, says Intel
09-06-09 9:56
11 1.4K
Cisco forecasts IP traffic to increase fivefold by 2013
10-06-09 9:59
0 465
NGN consultation
14-05-09 10:15
10 1.2K
[UK] BT to roll-out faster broadband
03-06-09 21:37
5 862
Rapid broadband
08-06-09 18:32
8 7.4K
Envisioning the Cloud - Google White Paper
23-03-09 1:09
14 2.1K
[Sunday Business Post] Investment bank IBI proposes Eircom nationalisation. 12
27-04-09 11:44
36 5.8K
Britons say broadband 'essential'
03-06-09 9:33
3 476
Ireland lags EU in access to broadband
30-05-09 19:10
0 546
ISPs push speeds in the race to retain market share
29-05-09 9:58
0 377
Report calls for commuter belt criss-crossing
28-05-09 14:31
0 465
UK broadband 'notspots' revealed
27-05-09 13:23
3 614
More bids for eircom
27-05-09 10:18
0 483
UK - LLU Prices increase
22-05-09 14:07
4 740
'Deficient' regulation has cost consumers
26-05-09 8:53
1 453
Urgent fibre strategy needed to accelerate Ireland's recovery
25-05-09 8:58
4 661
Inistioge NBS coverage: First look.
08-05-09 13:11
13 1.8K
broadband for E6
22-05-09 10:01
1 563
EC proposes state aid rules on public broadband support
20-05-09 11:38
1 616
Ireland drops in OECD rankings
21-05-09 11:15
3 786
Vodafone 'quick-fix' plan to deliver broadband to rural Ireland
20-05-09 15:02
13 1.3K
Just moved in and I received an Eircom bill...
18-05-09 14:11
2 808
reverse phone lookups
19-05-09 19:10
20 69.3K
Melly seeks to aquire Eircom
18-05-09 6:16
2 746
Why we need 100Mbps MINISTER RYAN READ THIS!
08-05-09 9:57
2 861
Former Vodafone man new Eircom CEO
15-05-09 16:53
3 900
Minister not "not considering" the purchase of Eircom.
13-05-09 13:42
1 570
Three NAT
10-05-09 14:13
6 1K