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Giving Up Smoking

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Electronic Cigarettes, the alternative to smoking
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5 weeks on, when will I feel good!
17-09-10 14:44
4 918
Lung Cancer is cheap
17-09-10 20:19
3 766
3rd Times a charm.
07-09-10 14:18
23 1.9K
My quitting Log
09-09-10 15:19
9 1.2K
My journal - DAY ONE
15-09-10 2:51
2 686
Kicking the habit
10-09-10 18:54
2 583
Anyone wanna help me stop children from starting?
13-09-10 13:48
0 482
midle aged almost and started smoking
06-09-10 6:04
7 1.5K
Breaking the habit
21-07-10 16:14
8 1.3K
Smelly feet
10-09-10 1:34
0 749
08-09-10 0:26
1 579
Friday the 13th 1 month smokefree help
07-09-10 11:06
2 649
2010 quitters - where are they now?
14-08-10 1:42
8 1.4K
here we go..
01-09-10 12:07
3 683
How I Gave Up Smoking
02-09-10 2:42
2 907
FML OK guess this is day 1 weather i like it or not
01-09-10 0:10
5 688
Day 1 of Quitting
23-06-10 17:17
19 2.2K
Day 1
24-08-10 17:50
10 1.1K
Anyone go to an interview while off cigs early on?!!
20-08-10 18:14
1 650
NiQuitin patches - Sweat / shower proof?
21-08-10 15:01
5 1.6K
Giving up smoking
10-08-10 16:22
29 2.3K
I hope you don't smoke Marlboro
21-08-10 19:54
2 1K
Hard and Easy
17-08-10 16:21
10 1.1K
Quitting for Good
16-08-10 9:55
3 701
Looking for a drug that begins with "S"
09-08-10 9:55
2 608
Nicotine patches
11-08-10 16:15
1 763
Day 4.
07-08-10 21:41
4 815
Quiting New Years 2010 123
21-12-09 23:20
74 8.2K
third day
07-08-10 15:59
5 779
Another one free!
27-07-10 9:21
7 1K