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Vaping & E-Smoking

Electronic Cigarettes, the alternative to smoking
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Just one?
30-07-10 23:19
5 1K
31-07-10 19:49
1 583
One year today!
11-07-10 12:09
10 1.2K
Smoked 5 cigarettes after 9 months off
27-07-10 22:43
6 3.2K
Ok, FML!!
29-07-10 4:36
5 897
Started with Patches - Stick with Patches??
27-07-10 9:05
1 567
Where to buy e-cigs in Dublin
30-12-08 0:51
4 3.9K
The Habit
30-06-10 2:28
13 1.6K
619c quitlog 12
01-05-10 4:24
40 4.3K
Please Quit today
19-07-10 22:51
3 866
Drug Addict No More...
11-07-10 14:04
7 1K
Go me!
14-07-10 12:30
4 868
21, 2 years smoker
06-07-10 2:11
8 1K
05-07-10 8:17
2 827
Quitting Diary
04-07-10 1:29
6 743
Day 1!
28-06-10 1:24
1 555
Day 3
03-06-10 6:51
26 2.7K
The benefits to quitting! 12
19-03-10 11:22
50 7K
Quiting Diary
10-06-10 11:12
5 807
Feel like slipping
28-05-10 21:42
14 2K
How much tax do we pay to the government per pack of cigarettes?
13-06-10 21:25
0 715
Smoking tablets
10-06-10 13:35
2 569
Getting ready to quit
04-06-10 2:38
1 659
How ya gettin' ahn??
27-05-10 23:41
6 722
the right product
26-05-10 9:30
0 643
Ouch...feel like crying:(
25-03-10 13:26
10 1.9K
Scared to take the plunge and stop smoking!
08-03-10 22:47
23 4.2K
Day 5
26-03-10 0:39
4 1.4K
Weekend smoking
08-04-10 14:00
4 1K
Eating more.
10-03-10 2:11
16 2.5K