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Discuss website and GUI development for software. Formerly Web Development & Design
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IxDA Dublin. March and April events.
23-03-10 23:07
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Appreciate comments on my online shop
20-03-10 15:01
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Where to get freelance work?
23-03-10 12:35
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web design issue... http:// vs http://www
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Joomla Menu position
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Simple coding problem, Tabula Recta
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how to promote a website
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Multiple versions of Internet Explorer
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Editing site 12
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Online Ticket Sales Management System
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Putting site on search engine
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Anyone had experience of this?
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Any idea what this font is?
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Web design tutorials
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Website Developer - biggish project?
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Help!! Wordpress music player that doesn't reload with each page?
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Property Portfolio Template?
14-03-10 19:32
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E-commerce solution that takes laser card?
16-03-10 10:35
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If I buy a .ie domain with one provider can I easily switch to another provider?
12-12-09 16:14
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Shed some light on setting up a professional forum?
08-03-10 20:08
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Search Bar Title Juts out in IE!
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where to start ?
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Are you allowed alter Google adverts like this?
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Starting a Website 12
08-03-10 15:00
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Weird error - space at top of page
11-03-10 11:18
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xml to shopping cart
08-03-10 12:59
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Vehicle Search
10-03-10 12:10
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