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Discuss website and GUI development for software. Formerly Web Development & Design
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Advice on how to deal with new client - financial and professional aspects
31-03-10 20:25
1 573
Embed script in Header pushing down body content
30-03-10 3:32
6 732
Embedding a music file on a web page
29-03-10 21:11
3 589
take a website offline for a while????
29-03-10 0:46
6 739
Creating a simple website by Web Expression
30-03-10 13:43
3 643
Press Release - Design advice please!
27-03-10 12:52
10 790
joomla menu
29-03-10 11:06
3 429
28-03-10 4:13
6 858
Is it unprofessional to use a Gmail address for a sites main point of contact?
26-03-10 0:42
25 2.5K
convert dreamweaver
28-03-10 20:37
3 478
Need help coding cross-browser css
29-03-10 11:55
1 406
Screen shot app?
29-03-10 11:31
6 512
Subscribe to newsletter
29-03-10 3:17
1 378
Basic Frontpage
26-03-10 12:46
6 550
Easy way of using Flash on web site?
15-03-10 23:10
3 610
difference between notepad and notepad 2
26-03-10 14:16
8 2.7K
Should I change my website look
27-03-10 15:09
2 439
How do you program those social media icons?
26-03-10 21:23
2 542
Designing and creating a new website
26-03-10 18:33
3 472
Pop Out Sub Menu for Worpdress Theme
26-03-10 13:26
1 306
website layout advice
24-03-10 23:39
2 399
Design Dos and Don'ts
23-03-10 22:01
9 782
hosting? mac user
24-03-10 5:24
4 491
Cost of website. Frontend design only. 12
23-03-10 13:37
39 2.2K
Want honest feedback on new sports website?
23-03-10 15:52
10 899
Just starting web design
11-02-10 17:38
13 1.3K
Please critique my design for this site
21-03-10 18:32
7 1.1K
24-03-10 1:10
1 382
Looking for reputable web designer based in Tralee
23-03-10 23:59
0 327
A Little Question if u guys dont mind.
23-03-10 23:45
0 385