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All Things Retro

Buck Rogers in the twentieth century.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
10-05-04 9:22
11 532
Jase and the Wheeled Warriors
08-05-04 21:42
29 1.2K
Song - I'm so excited !
07-05-04 22:11
3 337
Chips & The Fall Guy
07-05-04 16:44
3 442
drink from a few years ago
07-05-04 13:25
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Urban myth from our childhood
06-05-04 19:20
4 732
The Lang*R song
06-05-04 17:53
2 483
Mr T
06-05-04 16:42
8 454
Fun House!
06-05-04 7:48
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Posters with Irish sayings at school
05-05-04 20:07
2 1.3K
did i dream this?
04-05-04 13:03
4 432
what cartoon?
02-05-04 11:46
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Jem on Region 1 DVD
01-05-04 2:12
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the a-team
27-04-04 12:21
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Timmy Mallett
25-04-04 22:50
21 832
80's Cartoons!
25-04-04 17:43
0 399
Leaning Tower of Pisa hunt thingy
24-04-04 14:29
2 530
Kelloggs Baking Powder boats- woo! look at it sit there!
23-04-04 14:27
11 2.4K
22-04-04 13:09
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If you were granted a wish and money was not on the list /?
21-04-04 21:38
21 742
Other World- and other books you remember...
21-04-04 21:37
0 292
Sega Megadrive
21-04-04 15:09
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Old speccy RPG game
21-04-04 9:00
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Does anyone remember BOSCO? 12
19-04-04 17:14
43 3.2K
little airplanes in kelloggs boxes
16-04-04 11:45
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Mod or a Rocker?
14-04-04 19:30
1 394
Transformers type cartoon?
14-04-04 17:01
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Your friendly neighbo(u)rhood spiderman
13-04-04 21:25
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13-04-04 11:39
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Betamax- 80s ubercool
12-04-04 13:47
4 480