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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Updated After Hours Charter 20.03.2021 PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING
20-03-21 16:51
0 2.2K
Information for those in need of a little extra help *READ OP BEFORE POSTING* 12
13-11-13 14:49
46 131.9K
Deposit return scheme (recycling) 12...193194
01-06-24 15:13
5.8K 201.9K
Final Ross O'Carroll Kelly book to be released
01-06-24 13:58
30 1.1K
What’s your most controversial opinion? **Read OP** **Mod Note in Post #3372** 12...150151
01-06-24 13:52
4.5K 183.9K
Clampdown on TV 'Dodgy Boxes' 12...6364
01-06-24 12:23
1.9K 139.9K
Trivial Things that annoy you - Mod Note in OP 12...45
01-06-24 12:00
139 3.1K
At what point did they lose it?
01-06-24 11:32
15 975
Homeless Wherers - all are welcome, old and new! 12...910
01-06-24 10:41
299 7.1K
Interesting Maps 12...242243
01-06-24 7:38
7.3K 742.4K
Trivial things that make you happy - Part 3 - The Happyning 12...234235
01-06-24 1:33
7K 355.3K
Favourite "chooooone" - The Highly Anticipated Second Album (Mod Note in Op) 12...165166
31-05-24 23:00
5K 80.2K
Which is your exit Anthem of Choice?
31-05-24 22:47
0 61
Who is someone you inexplicably can't stand? 12...430431
31-05-24 22:20
12.9K 1.2M
Who'd live in a house like this? Part 2 12...479480
31-05-24 21:20
14.4K 1.2M
Back To The Future
31-05-24 18:21
6 322
Most infamous places... 12
31-05-24 16:46
48 1.7K
What book are you reading atm?? CHAPTER TWO 12...5960
31-05-24 16:36
1.8K 92.9K
Funny Election Posters 123
31-05-24 16:25
87 6.4K
Cold Case Review of Sophie Tuscan du Plantier murder to proceed. **Threadbans in OP** 12...247248
31-05-24 15:24
7.4K 237.3K
online dating 12...722723
31-05-24 15:20
21.7K 501.5K
What are your funniest Irish sayings? 12...1819
30-05-24 19:00
552 113.1K
Toxic love songs!!!! 12
30-05-24 18:17
31 1.2K
Question about George's Dock Dublin?
30-05-24 17:03
19 916
Sell Unwanted Wine
30-05-24 13:15
8 371
Unfunny Irish comedians <<MOD note in OP>> 12...102103
30-05-24 12:42
3.1K 335.8K
Moved: Belfast Internation Airport
30-05-24 9:41
0 1
What's the etiquette here?? 12...320321
29-05-24 21:07
9.6K 837.2K
What's your favourite quote? 12...1314
29-05-24 20:48
412 35.4K
Will Presleys lose Graceland 12
29-05-24 19:12
32 1.4K
**** things about the 70s,80s,90s...that don't happen now! 12...2122
29-05-24 19:05
653 28.5K
€50 notes being refused 12...45
29-05-24 18:30
138 7.8K