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Alcohol. A sensible discussion.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,710 ✭✭✭ablelocks

    Between 41-50
    i like stout, red wine and sometimes beer. Whiskey if I drink spirits but rarely more than 1 or 2. I drink about 25-30 units a week - average. could be more in one week could lower in another - rarely none tho'.

    one thing to note if people used the online calculator in the first post - it's a UK site so the measure for the spirits is only 25ml - an Irish measure is 35.5ml officially - usually a lot more in someone's house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    Less than 5.
    i ticked don't drink in the poll as there's no catagory of a glass of wine with my christmas dinner' option.
    that would be it for the year. have no interest in it. probably weird but that's the way it is;)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Between 41-50
    Bpmull wrote: »
    I don't drink alcohol at all. I never have so. Im glad I never took it up as what you've never had you can't miss. In saying all that I'm by no means against alcohol theres no issue in enjoying a few drinks responsibly. Its the people that don't consider they've had a good night out unless they got so drunk they can't remember it are the ones who I think have taken it too for. I just never seen the point behind drinking alcohol really.

    Looking back on my life so far there are just so many many great times involving drink (and lots off it) I'd have missed out on so much if I didn't drink.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,042 ✭✭✭Bpmull

    Less than 5.
    Looking back on my life so far there are just so many many great times involving drink (and lots off it) I'd have missed out on so much if I didn't drink.

    I do still go on nights out with friends and all that just drinking minerals I still have good fun but I will admit when everyone is sh!t faced at 1am you start to loose interest. I can see your point of view on it too but I still have no regrets when it comes to deciding not to drinking its something that I never really think of on a daily basis as I've never known anything else. Each to their own I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,127 ✭✭✭✭kerry4sam

    Less than 5.
    Macavity. wrote: »
    Anyway, so my doctor warned me about my alcohol intake recently. Basically, I've drank more than 65 units per week over the last few months or so which is apparently too high. Recommended maximum is 20 units or so, which seems very low to me. Sure three naggins and you'd be over the limit. :(Here's a calculator you can use to see how many units you consume.

    Anyway, how much do you drink, and are you worried about the implications on your health? I'll be honest, I'm not too pushed. My future health isn't a huge concern to me (for various reasons). To quote Winston Churchill - “I've gotten more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.”

    Yes, a macho bullshit quote, alcohol is hugely damaging, we know. But has it gotten you through rough times? Has it gotten you through anxiety inducing situations and onto the other side? Because, fuck yes, it's gotten me there. It's benefited me hugely in life, and sure as fuck it's been highly damaging also. A lot of relationships destroyed. Sure enough, a lot of relationships formed too.

    What's your relationship with alcohol like? Can you go without it for a few weeks? When did you first drink? Are the stereotypes true about the Irish in relation to drink? My friends/acquaintances from Continental Europe would tend to think so. They find it pretty shocking that at 13/14 getting drunk at a teenage disco was the norm. Yet, a French relative of mine would drink wine at dinner on occasion from as young as 13. :confused: Have never seen him drunk though.

    Lets have a discussion about Ireland and alcohol, with no judgement whatsoever, fire away. Yes, I've been drinking tonight.

    Interesting thread. At present, well I clicked that I don't drink. Since last Christmas and today, I've had less than a handful of drinks, including Fathers' Day and one day since.
    My Late Loving Dad passed away on December 20th last and I remember vividly the night Dad was brought Home for the 'wake' - I threw back a few shots of Jameson that to this day, I don't know how. I drink Jameson, but only with ice or watered down, never straight like that night; and can't have shots of it either.
    Just something about that situation that sent me into a state of shock; anger; hurt; confusion; everything negative you can think of and the Jameson Whiskey just went down so easily.
    As soon as people started arriving though, I didn't drink anything, not even a soft-drink. People kept looking for me; I'd go outside to clear my head and turn around to see someone standing there looking at me to ensure I was okay (as Daddy's Girl).
    I've never been in a situation where I felt like I did at that time, so nothing to compare it to.

    College-years & my early-20's were different then with drinking numerous nights a week;
    ~ Sunday: everyone was back together again for the next 4-5days
    ~ Monday: Start of the week session
    ~ 1-night mid/week : some sort of themed session
    ~ Thursday: before we all part again for the w/end.

    thankfully without the social media hype that exists today to record everything :)

    Nice thread by you here,
    Very open & honest replies,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,735 ✭✭✭dar100

    LOL Take it up with the medical community. Tell them their fancy sciency business is wrong. You probably know a lad who drank a barrel of rum one time and sure he's grand. Science disproved.

    I'm not saying I stick to 4 pints or anything like it. But please don't pretend the science is wrong because you don't want to accept it.

    It's not science it's opinion !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,459 ✭✭✭Molester Stallone II

    Between 6-10
    dar100 wrote: »
    It's not science it's opinion !!


  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    I'd probably drink most days. Be it a glass of wine with dinner or a beer. Very rarely get pissed. I go out a lot too but would very often drive so would have one early in the evening only.

    The thing that kills me are the mornings after the late night, with or without drink.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Macavity.

    Between 81-100
    I have decided to abstain from drinking for the next two weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,562 ✭✭✭✭Sunnyisland

    Less than 5.
    Looking back on my life so far there are just so many many great times involving drink (and lots off it) I'd have missed out on so much if I didn't drink.

    Without a doubt there have been great times for me drinking and I would never criticize people who drink, And I would think that most people do go out and enjoy themselves while drinking, unfortunately there quite a few of us when we fell down we couldent get back up and if it was through traits of family or just we succumbed to abuse/alcoholism its a worrying trend that seems to be getting worse.

    Starting in schools having a more educated information on alcohol abuse and the effects of alcoholism would help imo.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,031 ✭✭✭we'llallhavetea

    Between 81-100
    Freaking out about the amount of drinking I'm doing lately, have had about 90 units since last Saturday D: need to source weed :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,985 ✭✭✭✭dgt

    Between 41-50
    I like a drink, I take a drink almost every day. Nothing major, a bottle or 2 a night. Some nights I like to have more, not good for the early next morning :(

    Currently I am enjoying a bottle of Trouble Brewing IPA (yeah yeah yeah I'm one of those)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,571 ✭✭✭0byme75341jo28

    Between 31-40
    A few pints/naggin of vodka is very beneficial to my mood I find, wouldn't want much more though tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,735 ✭✭✭dar100


    Please tell me how it's science??? It's a medical opinion, it could easily be 20 units, there have been no longitudinal studies carried out on people drinking the reccomended weekly allowance to prove it's a science

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,496 ✭✭✭bb1234567

    Macavity. wrote: »
    Anyway, so my doctor warned me about my alcohol intake recently. Basically, I've drank more than 65 units per week over the last few months or so which is apparently too high. Recommended maximum is 20 units or so, which seems very low to me. Sure three naggins and you'd be over the limit. :(Here's a calculator you can use to see how many units you consume.

    Anyway, how much do you drink, and are you worried about the implications on your health? I'll be honest, I'm not too pushed. My future health isn't a huge concern to me (for various reasons). To quote Winston Churchill - “I've gotten more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.”

    Yes, a macho bullshit quote, alcohol is hugely damaging, we know. But has it gotten you through rough times? Has it gotten you through anxiety inducing situations and onto the other side? Because, fuck yes, it's gotten me there. It's benefited me hugely in life, and sure as fuck it's been highly damaging also. A lot of relationships destroyed. Sure enough, a lot of relationships formed too.

    What's your relationship with alcohol like? Can you go without it for a few weeks? When did you first drink? Are the stereotypes true about the Irish in relation to drink? My friends/acquaintances from Continental Europe would tend to think so. They find it pretty shocking that at 13/14 getting drunk at a teenage disco was the norm. Yet, a French relative of mine would drink wine at dinner on occasion from as young as 13. :confused: Have never seen him drunk though.

    Lets have a discussion about Ireland and alcohol, with no judgement whatsoever, fire away. Yes, I've been drinking tonight.
    I remember we had exchanges from Spain and Portugal in 3rd year (when we were about 15) and these guys , who were the same age as us, were really shocked that a lot of us didnt reguarly drink/get drunk by our age.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Between 41-50
    bb1234567 wrote: »
    I remember we had exchanges from Spain and Portugal in 3rd year (when we were about 15) and these guys , who were the same age as us, were really shocked that a lot of us didnt reguarly drink/get drunk by our age.

    I have Italian friends living here and they are very surprised at how little underage drinking they encounter compared to at home where its everywhere and becoming an epidemic (young teens getting absolutely destroyed drunk).

    I don't understand where some people get the idea that Continental Europeans are such sensible drinkers. From my experience of many of them they are just as mad for getting hammered as we are but some people think they just have a glass of wine with their dinner :rolleyes:. Drink driving is very common in many countries and no where near as much a taboo as here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Between 11-15
    Jim Jeffries.

    ,,I love drinking, I hate people who don’t drink. I never met an interesting person in my life that didn’t drink. If you don’t drink, you’re a boring **** and all your stories suck. All stories end the same way with ‘and then I got home’.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭Hoop66

    Between 41-50
    I drink half a bottle of wine every night and most weekends I go to the pub for a couple of hours and have 4 or 5 pints. I would have the very occasional night when I'd be out out and have a skinful, or perhaps a card night where I would drink 'til 3 in the morning. Ooh, now that I say that I remember I've one coming up in a couple of weeks.

    I think that's fairly restrained, especially compared to the way I carried on throughout out my 20s and most of my 30s. The late nineties were particularly bad, booze and drugs-wise, for me - I'd say I drank a bottle of wine and 4 cans strong lager most weeknights, with much more at the weekends. I look back on it and shudder...

    Having had a middle-aged man's MOT/NCT a few months back I was amazed to find that my liver and kidney functions were fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 587 ✭✭✭L'Enfer du Nord

    I binge at the weekends but am otherwise alcohol free the remainder of the week.

    I can't survive a weekend without alcohol, especially with regard to social situations. I really benefit from the false confidence and temporary testosterone boost that alchohol provides, and people definitely respond much more positively to me when I've had a few drinks.

    I had to give up drink for a year for health resons (medication I was on). One thing I noticed when I was in the pub drinking alcohol free beer was how similar the experience was to being out drinking. A real buzz from being with friends in a relaxed envirment. The main difference was that c. 12.00 I realised it was time to go and things were getting a bit flat and people were talking ****e.

    I really think that we allow alcohol to highjack a lot of things that would be fun anyway: get togethers, family occasions, celebrations, sporting events, gigs. We associate alcohol with good times because from an early age we drink when ever we're having a good time. We don't even realise its possible to have a good time without a drink.

    I think alcohol consumption waxes and wains in Ireland. Just before the famine there was a big backlash against drinking led by Father Mathew. As far as I can see from some research I did into the trad music scene in the 1940s and 1950s there were a lot of 'dry' dances in parish halls. (I'm sure some people were drinking at them on the sly). From talking to my parents the 1960s were a sociable time in Dublin/Ireland but not really a heavy drinking time for most young people. The 1990s was a big binge but I definitly think there a bit of a reaction against that now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭JohnDaniels

    Reading through this thread you notice a theme of people in late twenties, early thirties all having common problems with hangovers getting worse and the fear levels rising over the following hungover days. I think alcohol is the same as any other drug. Firstly your body is more equipped to bounce back when you're younger but also diminishing returns start to set in after a sustained period of abusing it. I've had a good go at enjoying most different types of drugs. I found the same experience with all of them. You have a honeymoon period when they are amazing, a long period when they're still great but a tipping point is reached with all of them when I found the pay off just not worth the pain over the days after indulging. I find now that moderation is the key. I'd very rarely indulge in something like ecstasy, maybe once a year at festivals. Alcohol also massively reduced and if you can keep the periods between consuming it relatively long, it's far more enjoyable. Multi day binges though are now completely off the table :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Bootsy.

    Over 100
    I got 84 Units/week!

    I DJ Friday and Saturday nights, and always drink while I'm playing (not nearly as much as I used to though), I go out every Sunday night and then would be out another few nights midweek.

    I'm 33 and single. I live on my own so it's nice to drop down to the local(s) during the week for the bit of craic. I'm a very social person, I love being out and about in the middle of everything. I'm not into staying home, I don't even have a TV, and I don't play sport, I just love people, and the madder the better! So that's why I drink so often. I used to drink for bad reasons and was worse (drunk every day) but thankfully that's passed.

    I'm a pleasant and friendly drunk, I never cause any hassle for myself or anyone else.
    My biggest issue with the booze in financial. I don't earn a lot but I'd say nearly 50% of it goes on booze some weeks. After rent, bills, and food, the rest goes on drink. I even get in debt over it at times, I'm often skint. I literally never save a penny, which is the main reason I want to cut down.

    Health wise it does worry me too, but at the same time, you have to be having fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,785 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Between 6-10
    I'm all for having the odd drink (or ten, on occasion) but some of it just seems bizarre.

    No problem with a glass of wine with a meal or a few alcopops for desert if you're so inclined, or a few beers/ciders or whatever daily, or the occasional bender where you drink ****loads, but I would say if you're REGULARLY drinking 40+ units a week that's a bit much.

    For my own experience, I drink not that often (once every two weeks or so) and then usually only in small amounts, have got properly drunk only a handful of times in my life, but I could go to 2 or 3 times my current level of drinking without issue.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭Macavity.

    Between 81-100
    moxin wrote: »
    Curious, what triggered that advice from the doc? Did you feel unwell from alcohol intake or was it just a random question from the doc as part of a checkup?

    I have ongoing medical issues so these questions are somewhat relevant and routinely asked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,118 ✭✭✭✭castletownman

    I remember going through a bad time a few years ago when I had dropped out of college (with basically too much socialising the sole contributor) and being really down in the dumps and unmotivated on my return home. Didn't leave the house for weeks, slept myself unhealthy and didn't interact with friends too much (mainly due to them being in college during the week and then being broke at the weekend). Actually got to the stage where my parents basically had to physically coerce me to go out for a few drinks at the weekend to socialise as they were worried I was plunging into depression.

    So it annoys me now the judgemental attitude they show towards my social habits at this time of year. Basically a few pints of a Friday night and catching a bit of sport on the Saturday, home for dinner and out again that night. Use it as an opportunity to catch up with mates (the one thing they were concerned about me NOT doing during my low point a few years ago). I spend basically the entire summer staying in at the weekend due to GAA commitments anyway, and make the most of the off-season. It seems they'd rather have me couped up at home in isolation, which is ironic. I like my pints as much as the next guy, but get pissed off at them getting pissed off at me letting my hair down this time of year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,148 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Between 16-20
    I was surprised to read yesterday that at least 90% of people who drink over the guidelines will have a fatty liver which is the first stage of alcoholic liver disease. In most cases it doesn't progress further than that but I found it quite shocking, I thought you had to be a really heavy drinker to even get that far.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Between 6-10
    Macavity. wrote: »
    What's your relationship with alcohol like? Can you go without it for a few weeks?

    I hardly touch the stuff. It adds to my enjoyment of a good meal on a special occasion (eating out - or cooking for visitors who come to my place) - and I usually have something in my hand when I throw my monthly house party. But I barely remember the last time I was drunk.

    I was entirely put off drink when I was in Dublin City one night. I had been at an EARLY gig which had no drink at it and was an all ages gig. So when we left that place it was the first time I had been on the streets of Dublin sober when everyone else there was not sober.

    And witnessing that sober - when in the past I had only done so drunk - essentially left me never wanting to be drunk again. It was like a mix between Walking Dead - and feeding time at the monkey zoo for monkeys who had not been fed in a week.

    It simply inoculated me against being part of a drinking culture ever again I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭theenergy

    Less than 5.
    alcohol ruins live ruins families ruins societies ruins children ruins jobs oh and your mental health

    I cant see no good in alcohol

    effectively legalised drugs is what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,203 ✭✭✭moxin

    Between 41-50
    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    I was surprised to read yesterday that at least 90% of people who drink over the guidelines will have a fatty liver which is the first stage of alcoholic liver disease. In most cases it doesn't progress further than that but I found it quite shocking, I thought you had to be a really heavy drinker to even get that far.

    Link? Education on the matter is good for us all ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,933 ✭✭✭smurgen

    theenergy wrote: »
    alcohol ruins live ruins families ruins societies ruins children ruins jobs oh and your mental health

    I cant see no good in alcohol

    effectively legalised drugs is what it is.

    Everything looks bad if you want to be hysterical about it.Alcohol in moderation is a fantastic thing in my opinion.the key is finding out what moderation is for you.for some it's one or two drinks,for others more. I also wouldn't begrudge teetotalers

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,148 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Between 16-20
    moxin wrote: »
    Link? Education on the matter is good for us all ;)
    More than 15 million people in the U.S. abuse or overuse alcohol. Almost all of them -- 90%-100% -- develop fatty livers.

    Fatty liver can occur after drinking moderate or large amounts of alcohol. It can even occur after a short period of heavy drinking (acute alcoholic liver disease).
