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Has anything genuinely creepy or unnerving ever happened to you?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    dyeti wrote: »
    What is :confused:

    That was the short version, yeah?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    I rang my dad in my sleep last night, and asked him if he knew where I was. He didn't. Poor guy worrying. Then I managed to dial my mate Mark who told me "Stand up"... I did, asked me what I could see around me, "You're at home love".

    It was really, really freaky. I had no idea where I was (lived here six months and it's certainly home) but I got lost in my sleep. I had no recollection of either phonecall till my mother rang me to make sure I was at home.

    I woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago bursting for a wee. I checked my phone and it was 2:30am. It was freezing and I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed so I fought it for what I thought was about 15 or 20 minutes before giving in and going to the loo. Just as I was getting back into bed the alarm went off. I asked my partner why he'd set the alarm for 3am and he said it's not, it's 6:30. My phone said the same. I burst into tears from sheer exhaustion and also total confusion at where four hours had gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    I woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago bursting for a wee. I checked my phone and it was 2:30am. It was freezing and I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed so I fought it for what I thought was about 15 or 20 minutes before giving in and going to the loo. Just as I was getting back into bed the alarm went off. I asked my partner why he'd set the alarm for 3am and he said it's not, it's 6:30. My phone said the same. I burst into tears from sheer exhaustion and also total confusion at where four hours had gone.

    That's weird. You must have dozed off again while you were holding it in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    I reckon so too, it just didn't feel like it. I was so tired all that day from lack of sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 469 ✭✭Janedoe10

    Does anyone have stories from the old Tralee hospital now county council offices. ?
    My mother in the 70's when she was in the maternity section there in the middle of the night she said that in the floor above she used hear an industrial Hoover going on seemingly when there was no one working . And whatever ward she was on she described it again as if there were hundreds outside walking the corridor .
    When shed ask the next day about all the commotion outside the nurses used say it was a quiet night .
    She wasn't the only one in the ward that used here it .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭JimmyChew

    Couple of years back i got a job in a really busy bar, went in on the first night and was tipping away keeping the head down as you do when you're new. i heard the pay phone ring over in the corner of the bar (back in the day about 1997) went over and answered it, the person on the other end said "hello"
    me -"Hi old quarter bar can i help"
    other person "just got a missed call from this number"
    me "no sorry there's no one rang you from here"
    Other person " no sorry i just got a missed call and rang it right back?"
    me- Dad?
    father- Jimmy? did you ring me?
    me - no!
    father "WTF"
    father - did you give them this num in the interview or something?
    Me - no sure i have my own phone!!
    father - alright, so you're alright so are you
    me - yeah im grand see you later so.
    father ahh alright so.

    Cannot for the life of me figure it out. How did he get missed call from a bar where he never drank in or had never been in and none of his mates had been and i just started in. i never gave them his number cos i gave my own..

    My Mam was going down hill at the time and died not too long after that was that a factor?
    I know it's easy to say maybe you gave his number as next of kin or something but im sure i did not give his number and i did not ring from that phone previously. think about it every now and again and im stumped.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭FiachDubh

    Here's my own one, not so much creepy as curious but it did freak me out.

    In my boyhood i was an alter server, and during a month of the summer of my 5th class a mission came to my parish. As any churchgoer in the country knows, a mission is just a big hullabalah where the mass gets 20 minutes longer and the collection baskets get 20% heavier. Now on the last mass of the mission all stops were taken out, and I was given the esteemed honor of carrying the big crucifix up the church.

    After the mass there was tea and refreshments and a bit of a get together in the parish hall, i was going around with a pot of tea and refilling cups. I came to the table where the priest and the missionaries sat, the head missionary (or whatever title she had) was sitting apart from the others so I went to her first. I asked her if she wanted more tea and she said please. I put down the pot after I filled her cup and quick as lightning her hand flashed out and caught my wrist. It didn't see it as aggressive at the time
    "were you nervous carrying the crucifix?" she said to me.
    "I was" I said, smiling at her I suppose.
    "I just want you to know that it showed, you did a very bad job"
    I was slightly stunned by this and she squeezed harder on my wrist (but again not painfully) I can still see her staring at me with a smile on her face, completely at odds with the tone she just spoke in.
    She let go and I got away from her, the whole thing just left a bad taste in my mouth.
    When I woke up the next morning I had massive blister type yolks on my wrist and I got acute pain whenever I moved my hand.
    It unsettled me no end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭.Henry Sellers.

    Man this thread gives me the willies before bedtime!!

    * not that type of willy! the spooky kind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 972 ✭✭✭MultiUmm

    Sadderday wrote: »
    .... I was cooking dinner when I heard Gerry Ryan died, it was sad. I put my dinner on the table and BFs on the table in front of him also. All I said was I was never fond of Gerry Ryan and the lightshade just fell from the ceiling directly onto my plate. WTF like, thanks... stinger.

    :D This made me laugh uncontrollably!
    My dad worked in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham... he was up the top floor with an electrician I think fixing some lights... he said it was eerie up there but ya no yourself.. so what? thought not much of it... but he said he was facing a very long corridor and saw a nun or nurse hes not sure but dressed all in white just glide up the dim lit corridor towards them... he said his legs went to jelly and he had to run towards her to get back down the stairs... so both grown men ran... towards her and just made it to the stairs, he said he doesnt know how one of them didnt brake their necks on the way down they were running that fast. got out to the security guy outside... he knew what they saw and said that that noone thats been up there has ever went back up for a second look...

    This on the other hand sent a chill down my spine. :eek:

    A few years ago my brother, his girlfriend and I were cycling around the countryside and we came across an old ruined church in relatively good condition. There was a crypt outside the church, for some reason there was a small slit in the wall of it so that you could see inside the crypt... it was oddly bright looking in there and it contained a very long dark coloured coffin, it was pretty ominous looking but any old crypt would be. We ventured into the ruin of the church anyway and I distinctly remember the wind increased in speed on what was a calm hot day, the strangest thing of all was that a load of crows seemed to just... crawl out of the walls near the roof, just staring at us with the odd caw coming from them. It was weird to say the least, we left pretty soon after that.

    I remember a good few years back having the most horrible nightmare too... the worst thing about it was how real it felt. I was awoken out of my sleep by this black silhouette like figure lying on my bed on top of me, no eyes or anything just the outline of a figure. It had its hands wrapped around my throat and was shaking me vigorously telling me to wake up over and over again. It was horrible, it felt like I was awake but I was paralysed and couldn't do anything. I read stuff about sleep paralysis before and I assume that's what it was but still... absolutely terrifying at the time, still makes me fearful thinking about it. :(

    Was staying out at the Marino Institute this summer, I remember the very top floor where the attic was had an awful feeling to it. It's hard to explain but it just wasn't nice up there. It was derelict excluding a broken statue of the virgin Mary and a few pieces of old furniture, we tried to go up there at night once but it was pitch black in there and we chickened out... for a lovely place in general it had one creepy ass room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 266 ✭✭THall04

    One Sunday evening , back in 1995 , I was driving on the road from Limerick going to Waterford.
    Just outside Clonmel I realised I was running low on petrol , but thought I’d have just enough to get me the final 30 miles home
    (I was also low on cash and didn’t want to fill up unless I really had to).

    By 10pm, going through Carrick on Suir , all the petrol stations were closing for the night.
    That was my last chance to fill up......20 miles to go and only few small villages on the way , there was little hope of finding anywhere else open.

    About 10mins later I was surprised to see a filling station still open in the village of Piltown.
    I should have stopped , but ever the optimist I thought , “nah ,f**k it , I’ll keep goin’”.

    As I drove past , the needle on the fuel gauge went a bit mental , jumping from empty to full and back again.
    Decided to turn around and fill up.

    As I lifted the petrol pump a woman who ran the filling station walked out to me and said.....
    “Ahh that’s great made it here OK!”

    Me: err.....wha???

    Woman: “Tis great that you got here before you ran out of petrol!”

    Me: how did you know that I was...

    Woman: “The phone call...... I got a phone call a few minutes ago and the person asked if I could keep the shop
    open as there was a chap on the way who was about to run out of petrol.
    Normally we would close before 10 , but I’d said I’d hang on because I knew ye were on the way.”

    The person who phoned the filling station didn’t leave a name and the woman who worked there wasn’t sure if it was a man or woman who called.
    At that time(1995) I didn’t have a mobile phone , I didn’t know anyone who had a mobile and nobody else knew I was driving along that road that night.

    As I stood there , I half expected somebody in an expensive car, fitted with a car phone, to arrive...but no one else turned up.
    After I left the filling station , I pulled in a few hundred yards down the road.
    I watched as the woman I talked to turned off the lights , closed the shop and drove home.
    I waited another few minutes , but the mysterious phone caller never turned up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    THall04 wrote: »
    but the mysterious phone caller never turned up.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

    Probably ran out of petrol. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Sadderday

    i love this thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 susie14

    my dad often told us about piseogs. my uncles next door objected to a quarry. the quarry owners mother practiced white magic and piseogs. my uncle's wife found a basket of eggs on her doorstep one evening no note. brought them into the house. within days the mother broke her legging gardening on a slope, daughter was rushed to hospital with meningtitis and uncles turned over a dumper that nearly killed him. apparently my dad said the basket was cursed and she did wrong by bringing it into the house.

    I remember my sister and I loved going to this old man's house with my mum (who was a retired nurse). she would feed and bathe him. he lived with his useless grown up drunk of a son. it was musty and full of dusty ornaments and those freaky red jesus lights things. he was very elderly. but myself and my sister would go out to the yard and find money amongst the stones. it was like magic. we went with mam almost every second day and would always find money. dad had often told us stories of piseogs (good and bad) and so believed it was that kind of thing.

    wasn't til years later we found out it was the drunk ass son coming in from the pub so langers falling around the place that it was the change in his pocket falling out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 susie14

    broke her legging??? lol meant leg, my bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,776 ✭✭✭up for anything

    FiachDubh wrote: »
    When I woke up the next morning I had massive blister type yolks on my wrist and I got acute pain whenever I moved my hand.
    It unsettled me no end.

    What were the blisters put down to by your mother or the adults in your life?

    MultiUmm wrote: »
    we came across an old ruined church in relatively good condition. There was a crypt outside the church, for some reason there was a small slit in the wall of it so that you could see inside the crypt... .

    Where was this can you remember? Can you link to it on google maps?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭Johnny_Fontane

    A couple of years ago, I was in the house alone watching the killing (danish version), a bit spooky and dark, but hi de ho, its great stuff.

    So up to bed, a bit shook after 4 episodes, turn on the bedside light, get changed, get into bed, open book, look up, theres a pigeon sitting on the curtain rail above the window. Calm as you like, not a bother on him, not even a coo. I'm like WTF :eek:.....take a second calm down its just a pigeon, ok. I'm calm.

    So I get out of the bed and I'm thinking how the f**k did he get in here? windows were closed, curtains drawn. Immediately went to the other bedrooms, seeing if there was a window open, nothing doing....scratching my head until I see the (what I thought was) blocked fireplace on the other side of the room. There is rags and paper strewn all over the floor and the poor chap had come down the chimney! now this is one of these tiny old fireplaces from a 100 year old house, must have been hell for him. so managed to get him down, he was definitely a homing pigeon, as he was tagged (and in good shape :confused:). Opened the window and he just wouldnt fly out, so put him in a box, gave him some bird seed and water in a bowl, put him outside in the box on the window sill. I closed the window and he was gone in the morning!

  • Registered Users Posts: 972 ✭✭✭MultiUmm

    Where was this can you remember? Can you link to it on google maps?,-8.630872&hl=en&ll=51.890027,-8.627164&spn=0.008065,0.021136&sll=51.891886,-8.625561&sspn=0.008065,0.021136&geocode=FS7DFwMdqE18_w&oq=Innis&mra=ls&t=m&z=16

    Funny how I remember the location of it after all these years by just looking at the map of the area! Travel around there fairly often I suppose. If you go into street view you can see the ruin of the church itself and the side of the crypt. There's a graveyard there too, some of the graves look quite new actually in the street view pictures. Apparently (at least in the older graveyard behind the church) it used to be a Catholic burial ground until Protestants started burying their own dead there. At least that's what I've heard anyway, no way of verifying it.

    I love how the road leading up to it is called unknown road as well... how ominous. :eek: :D

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo.

    In Morse code :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭calanus

    So, a few years ago I was travelling to my friends house down a road I travelled 100's of times before. It's not completely rural (about 5 minutes from a one horse town in Donegal) but there are no lights on this stretch of road. The road runs from the main road, down into a small valley between two hills so it is very dark but you still get a glow from the town lights when the clouds are hanging low. There is a graveyard at the top but I never really paid no notice to it.

    But there was this one winters night about 10pm I was travelling down the road and suddenly I heard the sheep in the field, some 50 of them make haste and just sprinted off further into the field. I was startled by it but turn around to see a silhouette of someone about 100 meters back up the road just standing there. Fair enough I thought, I've met the odd person on the road before, but this person was just standing there what felt like 10 minutes. Suddenly he starts moving towards me and after 5 steps or so he is below the horizon so I can't see anything and the steps pick up pace. The sound was like someone wearing big heavy boots. At this stage I'm bricking it and frozen to the spot and the person then stops about 20 meters ahead of me. I can just about make out something in front of me but it is that hazy kind of sight where you're not quite sure if there is anything there or not.

    I let out one of the most pitiful sounding "hello, who's that" but nothing. I swear I mustn't have moved for 10 minutes trying to peer through the dark but nothing. Rooted to the spot for an age until a car came by and when they passed there was no sign of anyone. I kind of got the feeling that what was there was no longer around so I legged it down the road stopping to listen out for footsteps behind me every 100 meters or so.

    No idea what it was or who was there but I never really go down that road much on my own any more

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭Dawn Rider

    Were you near the border? As in, could you have come across 'a security person' who shouldn't have been there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6 pahy

    Probably ran out of petrol. :P

    Haha….. very good!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 Bassfacewhy

    Never read this thread before bedtime gaaah!!

    Anyway I don't have a creepy or unnerving story myself but I feel I may have creeped out a girl before.. by accident!

    Me and my friend were waiting for a bus home after a concert in Dublin last year and we decided to go look for a shop - funnily enough, none could be found nearby.

    Anyway, we turned a corner and saw a woman dressed in jogging/walking gear, wearing yoga pants with a killer arse .. She was walking about 20 feet in front of us.

    My friend and I are not at all scary looking but we both had jackets on and huds up so we may not have looked too friendly. Anyway, us being teenagers, we walked faster to greater appreciate this ladies bottom, she looked over her shoulder once or twice and began walking faster and faster until me and my friend realised there was no shop in sight and our bus would be arriving soon so we turned around.

    It was only afterwards when I look at it from her point of view that I realised we may have scared the crap out of her!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,114 ✭✭✭ivytwine

    Never read this thread before bedtime gaaah!!

    Anyway I don't have a creepy or unnerving story myself but I feel I may have creeped out a girl before.. by accident!

    Me and my friend were waiting for a bus home after a concert in Dublin last year and we decided to go look for a shop - funnily enough, none could be found nearby.

    Anyway, we turned a corner and saw a woman dressed in jogging/walking gear, wearing yoga pants with a killer arse .. She was walking about 20 feet in front of us.

    My friend and I are not at all scary looking but we both had jackets on and huds up so we may not have looked too friendly. Anyway, us being teenagers, we walked faster to greater appreciate this ladies bottom, she looked over her shoulder once or twice and began walking faster and faster until me and my friend realised there was no shop in sight and our bus would be arriving soon so we turned around.

    It was only afterwards when I look at it from her point of view that I realised we may have scared the crap out of her!!

    As a woman it is so easy to get creeped out when you're on your own. But I usually tell myself it's me being paranoid, I'm sure she went through that process when she got home :D

    (Telling people ye were admiring her arse though doesn't really help yer cause!!) :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 Bassfacewhy

    ivytwine wrote: »
    As a woman it is so easy to get creeped out when you're on your own. But I usually tell myself it's me being paranoid, I'm sure she went through that process when she got home :D

    (Telling people ye were admiring her arse though doesn't really help yer cause!!) :P

    Ah just tell yourselves it's a bunch of teenagers who think youre goodlooking sure!

    It's better than wanting to murder her isn't it haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭wadefuq


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,344 ✭✭✭Thoie

    wadefuq wrote: »

    Possessed keyboard? We have a winner!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Sadderday

    Can we keep this thread going ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I miss it :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,678 ✭✭✭I Heart Internet

    Sadderday wrote: »
    Can we keep this thread going ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I miss it :(

    It went quiet because of..................................................ghosts!!! Woooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

    (seriously though - great thread, but we may have exhausted all the good stories?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,254 ✭✭✭ellejay

    I'm on page 12 of this thread and don't think I'll sleep for at least a month.

    Myself, my sister and her little girl, aged about 3 at the time were in my sister's boyfriends house. It was my first time ever in the house.

    My niece had been to the house about twice before and started wandering around. Nothing strange there. She appeared to be looking for something, nothing strange there either!

    Then she came over to her mother and asked "where is she" we all stopped talking and the niece repeated it again "where is she." There was none else in the house except us four.

    We asked her who is she looking for and my niece replied "the lady with uncle alan". "not my nana"
    -Uncle Alan is actually our uncle, would be my niece's great uncle and is dead about twelve years. He was incredibly close to his mother, my grandmother who we called nana. Nana is dead about 22 years!

    We quizzed her some more but she just smiled at us.
    We asked her to tell them we said hello but looked at us like we were crazy.

    Very Strange indeed but we're happy they're keeping an eye on her!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Sadderday

    ellejay wrote: »
    I'm on page 12 of this thread and don't think I'll sleep for at least a month.

    Myself, my sister and her little girl, aged about 3 at the time were in my sister's boyfriends house. It was my first time ever in the house.

    My niece had been to the house about twice before and started wandering around. Nothing strange there. She appeared to be looking for something, nothing strange there either!

    Then she came over to her mother and asked "where is she" we all stopped talking and the niece repeated it again "where is she." There was none else in the house except us four.

    We asked her who is she looking for and my niece replied "the lady with uncle alan". "not my nana"
    -Uncle Alan is actually our uncle, would be my niece's great uncle and is dead about twelve years. He was incredibly close to his mother, my grandmother who we called nana.

    We quizzed her some more but she just smiled at us.
    We asked her to tell them we said hello but looked at us like we were crazy.

    Very Strange indeed but we're happy they're keeping an eye on her!

    holy shat!!!!

    and thanks for bringing the thread back to life
