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America sends nuclear-capable stealth bombers to scare South Korea into submission



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    From RTÉ today:

    North Korea has put its missile units on standby to attack US military bases in South Korea and the Pacific.

    The threat came after the US flew two nuclear-capable stealth bombers over the Korean peninsula in a rare show of force.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed off on the order at a meeting of top generals and "judged the time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists in view of the prevailing situation", the official KCNA news agency said.

    South Korea's Defence Ministry Spokesman Kim Min-seok also confirmed the meeting.

    He said: "There was a report that at dawn today that North Korea's Kim Jong-un called an emergency military meeting and ordered missile units to standby.

    "We see this as a continuing measure, after its army's supreme commander's announcement on 26 March that its army will take combat duty posture No 1."

    The North has an arsenal of Soviet-era short-range Scud missiles that can hit South Korea and have been proven.

    However, its longer-range Nodong and Musudan missiles that could in theory hit US Pacific bases are untested.

    Mr Kim said that South Korea continues to monitor North Korean activities.

    "This is seen as an extra measure in regards to its missiles. South Korean and US intelligence personnel are closely monitoring North Korea's readiness with its short, middle and long-range missiles such as Scud missile, Rodong missile and Musudan missile," he said.

    The US yesterday flew two radar-evading B-2 Spirit bombers on practice runs over South Korea, responding to a series of North Korean threats.

    They flew from the US and back in what appeared to be the first exercise of its kind, designed to show its ability to conduct long-range, precision strikes "quickly and at will", the US military said.

    South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported there had been additional troop and vehicle movements at the North's mid and long-range missile sites, indicating they may be ready to fire.

    It was impossible to verify the report, which did not specify a time frame, although South Korea's Defence Ministry said that it was watching shorter-range Scud missile sites, as well as Nodong and Musudan missile batteries.

    Russia said that heightened military activity near North Korea was slipping into a "vicious cycle" that could get out of control.

    Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov suggested that North Korea should cool down, calling on "all sides not to flex their military muscle" and avoid the danger of a belligerent response.

    Russia supported new UN Security Council sanctions North Korea in early March, but Moscow has criticised actions taken outside the council, including US and South Korean military drills.

    Shiit may actually hit the fan

    so, despite seeing what america has gotten up to over in the other side of the world and through all their allied nations, Ireland included with the blind eye shown towards rendition flights and much more dirt we know of thanks to wikileaks, is it any wonder someone wants to wipe them out???????? cablegate was one thing but since then people are far better informed as to truth regarding the reasons why countries are invaded and "dictators" or "terrorists" are wiped out, i'm using inverted commas there simply because these people were all best of friends with the "elite" until it suited the "elite" to take the resources of the respective countries. :eek:

    I'm not saying north korea are good guys but neither are those they're standing up to. If we lived 1 day of what some parts of the world have to put up with thanks to american interference the overall anti-war movement would be much bigger than it is right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,965 ✭✭✭laoch na mona

    G Power wrote: »

    I'm not saying north korea are good guys but neither are those they're standing up to.

    north Korea are not standing up to anyone they are trying to maintain fear in their citizens. Its like the continuous war in 1984.

    Im on the anti war side but north Korea should not be left alone the govt there is the worst dictatorship in the world so Im on Americas side on this one

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,739 ✭✭✭scamalert

    if anything to go by looking at the footage of protests in n.korea and photoshop videos of 10year old skills,showing how they gonna bomb and nuke US is total laugh,knowing that they dont have anything that could reach midway to US soil.Now watched few comments of the hail great leader countrymen and have to say,wouldnt feel sorry for any of them if Americans would decide to nuke them down to ashes,making crater out of the whole n.korea area.
    now G Power if you think that Americans are the ones who are threatening them your too brainwashed to even have clear opinion on this matter.As i see country where every clown is ready to take guns into their hands with a blow of a whistle just because their great leader ping pong is insulted of planes flying over head,and they are the ones who speak of wiping down s.korea and US soil,so get it straight who the real enemy is here.
    Even Russians criticized the bombers flying over n.korea because of muscle stretching to show the power.But if it comes down that n.korea decides f it and lets launch attack on innocent south korea,i say let Americans show full blast power and whos in charge of saving the world.
    As if it wasn't for US interventions we would probably be living in a ****ty world with dictators in every country,if it wasn't for US who are the ones always saving everyone s else a$$.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,965 ✭✭✭laoch na mona

    G power does not represent human rights or anti war activists

    he is a lunatic

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,965 ✭✭✭laoch na mona

    G power does not represent human rights or anti war activists

    he is a lunatic

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    if watching what's going on around the world and not looking at it all through rose tinted glasses and not trying to justify their every move as being justified now in this instance makes me prone to "lunacy" well then that's fine by me

    regardless of who started this particular episode in global codology as that's immaterial in the grand scheme of things, i am trying to say if a country is being bullied by their governments they should stand up to their oppressors just like we should be at least semi-fighting back against the loading of international debts and all it encompasses on our people, the north koreans should stand up too and so should the whole of america and demand they cut the **** or the people will have their heads.

    the sooner we all did the same the sooner the message will get to those who are oppressing us all

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,208 ✭✭✭Fattes

    In a statement, the United States Forces Korea said the mission "demonstrates the United States’ ability to conduct long-range, precision strikes quickly and at will."
    I shall read no further. - Article written by George Bush most likely.

    That would be the name h US department of defense gives to its divisions stationed on the Korea peninsula. Perhaps educate yourself or google before making moronic statements.

    It is rare the US fly B2 at low level in the day, as they have done in Korea, it is purely an attempt to remind those North of the border of what they will be facing if they do decide to do something.

    It is nothing but posturing on both parts nothing will come of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,341 ✭✭✭✭ArmaniJeanss

    G Power wrote: »
    the north koreans should stand up too and so should the whole of america and demand they cut the **** or the people will have their heads.

    the sooner we all did the same the sooner the message will get to those who are oppressing us all

    From my limited interactions with the American people they seem largely quite content that they have a strong military force backed up by leaders willing to strike quickly at those who are perceived as threatening the US.

    They don't appear to feel oppressed, though I'm guessing you'll counter that as being more proof of how oppressed they are actually are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Hamiltonion

    I'm not a fan of American Imperialism but North Korea are a threat to the western world, it's up to America and Europe to have a plan in place so at the 1st instance of a threat N Korea can be blown back to the stone age

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    From my limited interactions with the American people they seem largely quite content that they have a strong military force backed up by leaders willing to strike quickly at those who are perceived as threatening the US.

    They don't appear to feel oppressed, though I'm guessing you'll counter that as being more proof of how oppressed they are actually are.

    tell that to the many who have risen above the bull**** designed to fool them into thinking everything is great when it's far from it. Tell it to those who've been beaten and pepper sprayed etc while out protesting. Tell that to those who can't have certain services or even better ones because of such debts and costs of war and delivering "democracy" across the world

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,341 ✭✭✭✭ArmaniJeanss

    G Power wrote: »
    tell that to the many who have risen above the bull**** designed to fool them into thinking everything is great when it's far from it. Tell it to those who've been beaten and pepper sprayed etc while out protesting. Tell that to those who can't have certain services or even better ones because of such debts and costs of war and delivering "democracy" across the world

    The amount who've been beaten or pepper sprayed is so tiny that I think I'd struggle to find them to tell them.

    But as always feel free to transpose the beliefs of OWS or ODS to being the beliefs of some vast millions upon millions of people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,106 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I love this sensationalist OP.

    Now as comical as it is, DPRK is making every signal it can muster to say "WE ARE GONNA GO TO WAR BITCHES" - from mapping out missile trajectories to major US Population centers, cutting off lines of diplomatic communication, arming their missiles, etc. etc.

    And then America responds by flying stealth bombers out to the region, and the US is suddenly a big bad meanie bully.

    Give me a break.

    On a more serious note, this should be a reality check for the young demi-god-dictator: We can send stealth bombers over your head, and you are, demonstrably, unable to do anything about it. If DPRK wants to press the issue further, those training runs can quickly become bombing runs.

    The entire issue sparked by the DPRK in the last few weeks is farcical, don't get me wrong, and nobody really has a desire to nuke Koreans (most of whom it's been clearly displayed are the innocents of the world's most nightmarish charade) but the international community still needs to act on it's seriousness and respond accordingly. The hope is that they will calm the hell down when they realize they have no idea what the global theater of war really looks like.

    Clear as day though the OP was oblivious to the actions of North Korea in the last few weeks, and only picked up the news today thinking these training runs were an unprovoked act of aggression against the South Koreans. Sigh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    I'm not a fan of American Imperialism but North Korea are a threat to the western world, it's up to America and Europe to have a plan in place so at the 1st instance of a threat N Korea can be blown back to the stone age

    sure so was Osama, then Sadam had something to do with 9-11 too, then northern Africa, certain countries in the middle east and somehow it's perfectly acceptable for Israel to occupy most of Palestine and receive $113,000,000,000+ in the last 10 years and the list of terrorist creating exercises goes on and on with this endless war and agression.

    each nation needs to set their own respective governments straight for once and for all and if that doesn't work take them to the streets and lets all get along instead of trying to kill each other or ignore ordinary decent people hurting through all this madness.

    Fighting it can't be any worse than letting it go unchallenged with unhinged people at the controls. It's a bit like the recent "elections" in America, you'd imagine it would have been hard to find someone who hasn't signed off on a single drone murder or whatever worse than the bastard that's still not brought about much change other than making things worse and more unstable globally.

    haliburton and lockheed martin are doing well out of it all though. oh only yesterday monsanto/dupont and so the lobbying continues and the world gets sold out for bank handers and bungs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 152 ✭✭seanm92

    G Power what point are you even trying to argue at this stage? First you say we should all stand up the US, then you later go on to say that if a country is being bullied by their governments they should stand up to their oppressors, I dont see where you're going at this stage, is that not whats happening now, people standing up to North Korea after putting up wih their crap for 60 years? You started a thread about North Korea now you're gone totally off topic talking about banking, protestors being beaten up etc.

    You keep ranting about how everyone needs to stand up to this, that and the other, but you've not suggested anything as a solution, you're just giving out for the sake of it at this stage. You cant seriously compare government oppression in Ireland or the US with that in North Korea, its simply foolish to actually belive that to be true

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭fullgas

    G Power wrote: »
    sure so was Osama, then Sadam had something to do with 9-11 too, then northern Africa, certain countries in the middle east and somehow it's perfectly acceptable for Israel to occupy most of Palestine and receive $113,000,000,000+ in the last 10 years and the list of terrorist creating exercises goes on and on with this endless war and agression.

    That figure is not true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 bcdfghjklm

    I'm no fan of the US government's global imperialism but do you honestly think that those stupid military drills conducted with the permission of the South Korean government have any significance whatsoever?

    They're about as relevant as the North Korean government's threats to destroy the South & US.

    Furthermore, if you think it's soooooo easy to reform a government's policies then what are you doing to change the current political & economic issues of Ireland? Any success?

    If political reform is so easy, then why aren't the people of France & Britain marching in the street protesting their governments's imperialism in central Africa & the Middle East?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,739 ✭✭✭scamalert

    G force are you that of a clown or still living in a womb ?
    N.koreans should stand up ? If a single person stood up there,hes bound to be shot on the spot,including all family being sent to camps :cool: were speaking here of a country where cell phones dont exist,tv shows propaganda 24/7,children being thought that everything outside their country is evil,internet is non existent in the country,food supply is so short people have to chew bark to survive,those who escape that hell try to hide their identities in fear of any family members being left in the country not to be killed.And that is happening for well over 50 years day to day brainwashing with propaganda.
    While you sit at home eating anything you want being supported by government even if you dont have a job,can have any access to media,internet and freedom to express your opinion,and yet you choose to moan about bankers and government who lets you have all of this,i ain't saying its perfect world,but to compare western world with n.korea regime youd have to have some mental illness.but dont blame you theres always some clown in such topics who will find million ways do defend their opinion and express hatred towards country,because of which you have all the lifestyle and modern society today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,027 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    scamalert wrote: »
    As if it wasn't for US interventions we would probably be living in a ****ty world with dictators in every country,if it wasn't for US who are the ones always saving everyone s else a$$.
    absolute bulls//t, the US only interfere in these countries because theirs natural resources there, and it was the US and britain who put many of those dictators into power in the first place along with supporting them, if we did end up in a world with dictators in every country it would be because the US put them there as their puppets

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,580 ✭✭✭Voltex

    Its all theatre...Id bet theres an Ohio class sub hanging around the waters just in case it does kick off....and if I can think of that you can bet the Stalinist boys club has aswell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,785 ✭✭✭SeanW

    absolute bulls//t, the US only interfere in these countries because theirs natural resources there, and it was the US and britain who put many of those dictators into power in the first place along with supporting them, if we did end up in a world with dictators in every country it would be because the US put them there as their puppets
    Are you alright upstairs?
    Beijing and Moscow are just as bad, if not worse, for supporting horrible dictatorships. Ever heard of Syria? Their dictatorship is a major ally of Moscow, and China is a big time supporter of both North Korea and the (hopefully now changing) kleptocratic hellhole of Myanmar. In fact I distinctly recall some years ago some monks were protesting against the hopelessly corrupt kleptocratic nightmare "government" there, some Chinese immigrant on boards (obviously brainwashed on a lifetime of Commie propoganda) accused Washington of trying to drive a wedge between Beijing and its great buddy ally in Myanmar.

    Not only was this claim a total fabrication, but it would have been good (for the people of Myanmar at least) if it were true. Yet it seems to me that you and G Power are only interested in bashing the United States ... it makes no sense to me at least?

    Oh yeah I almost forgot, this is addition to Chinas intimidation and attempted theft of virtually all the maritime territory of its Southern neighbors ...

    BTW Korea has no natural resource.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Voltex wrote: »
    Its all theatre...Id bet theres an Ohio class sub hanging around the waters just in case it does kick off....and if I can think of that you can bet the Stalinist boys club has aswell.
    It's always second guessing with the military and politicians of every country as to where each major player has it's military tools stationed and that's even without this present NK situation , just as it was in the cold war ie, the Cuban Missile .

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 bcdfghjklm

    absolute bulls//t, the US only interfere in these countries because theirs natural resources there, and it was the US and britain who put many of those dictators into power in the first place along with supporting them, if we did end up in a world with dictators in every country it would be because the US put them there as their puppets

    While I'm no supporter of the US government's imperialism, I really wonder if you actually believe that the governments of the US & UK are the only ones supporting dictators around the world...

    Can you assure me that the governments of Russia, France, China, etc. don't support any dictators?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,785 ✭✭✭SeanW

    bcdfghjklm wrote: »
    While I'm no supporter of the US government's imperialism, I really wonder if you actually believe that the governments of the US & UK are the only ones supporting dictators around the world...

    Can you assure me that the governments of Russia, France, China, etc. don't support any dictators?
    EOTR and G Power cannot give you those assurances. Also very likely they don't care. They're only interested in bashing America. Which - if true - is both infantile and bizarre.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    bcdfghjklm wrote: »
    I'm no fan of the US government's global imperialism but do you honestly think that those stupid military drills conducted with the permission of the South Korean government have any significance whatsoever?

    They're about as relevant as the North Korean government's threats to destroy the South & US.

    In the overall context of that region of the world I would say they are quite significant for two reasons in particular. There is a game for want of better words unfolding in the pacific Asia region at the moment the US admitting the B2 bombers flight was obviously by design and is relevent and not just because of the show of force toward the North.

    In Japan and Korea at the moment there are a lot of people and some politicians calling for both countries to develop their own nuclear weapons because of the dear leader and his unpredictable belicose ways. The US doesnt want this if it happens it has the potential to change the geopolitics of the region and would in turn if that happened put the two dominant powers in the region - US and China on a collision course. If it happend you would have three nuclear powers opposing two of which one doesnt even have an ICBM capability for all their sh1tetalk. And that would upset the balance. A couple of weeks ago the US and Korea signed some defence pact called the counter provocation plan to deal with the Norths provocations. This is significant because it isnt like an alliance agreement based on aggression but provocation - words.

    The US signed that pact to show they mean business and are prepared to up the ante. The flying of the B2 bombers showed too both korea and Japan that the US nuclear umbrella is extended and working and will be used if need be, the message being neither you or Japan need nukes as we will nuke someone on your behalf if required.

    The US do not want a nuclear arms race in that part of the world this is why those bombers were deployed it wasnt just to piss the North Koreans off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    fullgas wrote: »
    That figure is not true.

    US aid to Israel: 115 billion dollars

    New data shows Washington has given more than 115 billion dollars in financial aid to Israel over the years, indicating Tel Aviv’s great dependence on the US.

    According to the report published by the Congressional Research Service Israel has received more assistance from the US than 15 European countries did to recover from the devastation caused during World War II.

    More than 67 billion dollars of the Washington's aid to Israel has been in military, the report said.

    The astonishing report adds that the US has allocated 3.1 billion dollars, around one-fifth of its defense budget, to Israel this year alone.

    Americans also allow the Israeli army to use their emergency reserve ammunition stored in Israel. The value of the weapons held in the US emergency supplies is 1.2 billion dollars.

    The US gives billions of dollars in American taxpayers' money to the Tel Aviv regime each year in the form of military and economic aid, legally justified as part of US government's foreign aid package.

    Washington has never downsized its annual 3 billion dollars grant to the Israeli regime despite going through its worst recession in decades which has prompted the government to impose major cuts on most public service programs for citizens.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭fullgas

    They received $115b in aid since WW2 - a 65 year period. Not 10 years as you quoted. During this time Israel has been attacked by ALL of its neighbours and has been bombarded with terorist attacks.

    Why don't you dwell on the fact the United States contributes the most to the UN budget 22%.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,733 ✭✭✭✭corktina

    dmc17 wrote: »
    I'm just making lunch at the moment but I'm free after that. What are we going to do?

    drinks then a show?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,785 ✭✭✭SeanW

    fullgas wrote: »
    They received $115b in aid since WW2 - a 65 year period. Not 10 years as you quoted. During this time Israel has been attacked by ALL of its neighbours and has been bombarded with terorist attacks.

    Why don't you dwell on the fact the United States contributes the most to the UN budget 22%.
    Or why doesn't he dwell on the fact that the non-Western powers (Russia, China) are far worse than America for supporting horrifying regimes that make Israel on its worst day look trivial by comparison.
    G_Power wrote:
    Washington has never downsized its annual 3 billion dollars grant to the Israeli regime despite going through its worst recession in decades which has prompted the government to impose major cuts on most public service programs for citizens.
    You've just gone from infantile and bizarre to utterly incomprehensible and disconnected from reality. Quoting from PressTV which is propoganda for Iranian Islamic extremists ... WTF?

    You do realise that for the last 5 years the USA has been labouring under a president who is a big time tax-(borrow)-and-spend Democrat? Forced healthcare plans, a move towards a graduate tax system are two of the big things that come to mind when I think of Obama.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭G Power

    bcdfghjklm wrote: »
    Furthermore, if you think it's soooooo easy to reform a government's policies then what are you doing to change the current political & economic issues of Ireland? Any success?

    some of us are doing all we can do with our very limited support and resources, much like what happened to the 4 garda the other night some people of Ireland are being let down by the majority with regards supporting us instead of mocking us at every single bastard opportunity!!

    I am sick and tired of been asked what I'm doing to change things as if I'm part of this mocking majority who end up doing absolutely nothing at all to try change things. We didn't win the right to vote by voting for it, instead it was through demonstrations of people power. We live in a world now where billions of us are connected together online and we can root out the truth and secrecy surrounding so many dodgy deals, wars etc by getting alternative sources of information and please don't try to tell me that everything except for the instigators version of events are conspiracy theories because there are always two sides to every story.

    To let things anymore crazy would be letting things slip further and further with reduced rights, health, lifestyles ruined indefinitely for too many good people for it to not be worth fighting for, more crazy laws for us while even more crazy moves by war criminals and their network that stretches through almost all governments, banking, big business/pharma/GM etc go unpunished. If I went around acting like some of these crazy bastards I'd be picked up in a heartbeat and my feet wouldn't touch the ground until I seen plenty of jail time. We have an endless amount of examples of banks and big business/pharma lately that's way to big to fail or prosecute.

    I can't see how we're supposed to ignore all the craziness indefinitely no matter how dodgy or far reaching it keeps getting. Are we ever going to care enough or are some of us cursed with caring but not being able to do anything productive without support. I would be very weary of just getting through our daily routines and hoping the terror we know that's being unleashed in certain parts of the world to protect the American national security and foreign policies or agendas, to protect European interests, Russian/Iranian and others interests like we expect to not to feel any pain if all hell breaks loose before we do enough protesting to stop it.

    Millions marched over Iraq so if we should take anything from that it should be that the numbers weren't big enough. It would be dangerous to walk away and think well that's me done ever trying to change anything because what we are witnessing since Iraq started 10 years ago is now what would have been called then bat **** crazy world politics, yet 10 years in we're all so desensitised and practically defeated there is no belief left that we can live in a better world or else we'd all definitely be striving for it right now and not just giving up.

    One we won't stand a chance is by just doing nothing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,207 ✭✭✭miralize

    G Power wrote: »
    some of us are doing all we can do with our very limited support and resources, much like what happened to the 4 garda the other night some people of Ireland are being let down by the majority with regards supporting us instead of mocking us at every single bastard opportunity!!

    I am sick and tired of been asked what I'm doing to change things as if I'm part of this mocking majority who end up doing absolutely nothing at all to try change things. We didn't win the right to vote by voting for it, instead it was through demonstrations of people power. We live in a world now where billions of us are connected together online and we can root out the truth and secrecy surrounding so many dodgy deals, wars etc by getting alternative sources of information and please don't try to tell me that everything except for the instigators version of events are conspiracy theories because there are always two sides to every story.

    To let things anymore crazy would be letting things slip further and further with reduced rights, health, lifestyles ruined indefinitely for too many good people for it to not be worth fighting for, more crazy laws for us while even more crazy moves by war criminals and their network that stretches through almost all governments, banking, big business/pharma/GM etc go unpunished. If I went around acting like some of these crazy bastards I'd be picked up in a heartbeat and my feet wouldn't touch the ground until I seen plenty of jail time. We have an endless amount of examples of banks and big business/pharma lately that's way to big to fail or prosecute.

    I can't see how we're supposed to ignore all the craziness indefinitely no matter how dodgy or far reaching it keeps getting. Are we ever going to care enough or are some of us cursed with caring but not being able to do anything productive without support. I would be very weary of just getting through our daily routines and hoping the terror we know that's being unleashed in certain parts of the world to protect the American national security and foreign policies or agendas, to protect European interests, Russian/Iranian and others interests like we expect to not to feel any pain if all hell breaks loose before we do enough protesting to stop it.

    Millions marched over Iraq so if we should take anything from that it should be that the numbers weren't big enough. It would be dangerous to walk away and think well that's me done ever trying to change anything because what we are witnessing since Iraq started 10 years ago is now what would have been called then bat **** crazy world politics, yet 10 years in we're all so desensitised and practically defeated there is no belief left that we can live in a better world or else we'd all definitely be striving for it right now and not just giving up.

    One we won't stand a chance is by just doing nothing.

    You should start a blog.

    So that no one will take you seriously over there.

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