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Why does it bother others so much that you don't drink?



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,906 ✭✭✭✭PhlegmyMoses

    Felexicon wrote: »
    You know what mate you sound like you'd be a great laugh telling me all about my GABA channels as I get drunker and drunker.
    I always find that non drinkers tend to look down on drinkers more than the other way around.
    I've said I find non drinkers boring in certain situations but unlike you I haven't tried to slag them off for their choices

    Could you imagine someone going on about your GABA channels as you down your 5th Jagerbomb? Proper laughing here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    1. What's wrong with just not enjoying alcohol

    2. and not enjoying the hangover, and not enjoying feeling like a corpse every saturday and sunday morning.

    3.Might I ask what you did on the 27th of December?

    4. I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong), that you too were hanging like a rat all over the Christmas period.
    Im on a phone, so you'll have to forgive my poor quoting.

    1. I think anyone who drinks pure alcohol needs serious help, quick. What i'm sure you're trying to say is that you do not enjoy alcoholic beverages? As i said in my previous post, you haven't tried them all, so saying you do not enjoy any of them is a very uninformed stance, but you're more than entitled to it.

    2. drinking until you get to the state where your brain is dehydrated the following morning is very dangerous and should be avoided

    3. Painted my spare bedroom

    4. Hanging like a rat? I'm going to presume you meant hungover. I think point 2 answers that question/comment.

    I'm feeling a bit of defensiveness on your part. Might i point out that the op asked a very specific question that i tried to answer honestly. If i thought that this tread was for answers from one side of the room only, i wouldn't have wasted my time answering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,906 ✭✭✭✭PhlegmyMoses

    you've said ''non drinkers are boring'', is that not slagging them off. Btw I haven't slagged anyone off, I merely stated some physiology facts for you to digest. Perhaps you don't like being faced with the cold hard reality of what alcohol does to your body? Would you like me to go through the pathophysiology of cirrhosis and fatty liver for you as well or would that be too hard a fact for you to face?

    Please do tell us, I'm nearly there.

    What's wrong with just not enjoying alcohol, and not enjoying the hangover, and not enjoying feeling like a corpse every saturday and sunday morning. It's a fairly legitimate reason to be honest?
    Might I ask what you did on the 27th of December? I was up at the wise hour of 7am fresh as a daisy and went for a ten mile run. 95% of my mates were buried under the blankets saying their prayers that this misery would end. I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong), that you too were hanging like a rat all over the Christmas period.

    You're right about how I spent my 27th. However on the 26th in the evening I was leading a throng of people in what can only be described as a Michael Hutchence-style asphixiwank dance move after a whole hape of pints. Who wins? You decide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Dare2baDaniel

    Squ wrote: »
    I just dont trust non drinkers. I feel the either have something to hide, or dont trust their tempers with a few pints on board.

    Saying "i just dont" doesnt sway well either.. How can you turn your nose up at the hundreds of drinks you havent tried yet.

    Saying "i dont like feeling drunk"? Just stop long before you get drunk.

    Are you actually being serious? You have got to be joking! Alcohol is such an integral part of your life that you don't trust people who do not drink? Have you ever left Ireland/ know that other countries exist? Do you realise our country is ridiculed and stereotyped the world over for being a bunch of 'drunks'.

    Have you absolutely no knowledge of the effects of alcohol?

    How many Irish families are ruined and scarred by alcoholism?
    How many deaths are caused by drunk drivers?
    How many drunken fights/accidents happen every weekend?

    To a lot of people, alcohol is not about ''having the craic' or ''loosening up'', but the cause of grief.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    can't bate the christmas holidays. slab of budweiser and a box of celebrations polished off tonight under the christmas tree lights with the nfl on the box. :) happy days.
    How many cans/bottles in a "slab"?
    Id go easy if i were you lad.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    Are you actually being serious? You have got to be joking! Alcohol is such an integral part of your life that you don't trust people who do not drink? Have you ever left Ireland/ know that other countries exist? Do you realise our country is ridiculed and stereotyped the world over for being a bunch of 'drunks'.

    Have you absolutely no knowledge of the effects of alcohol?

    How many Irish families are ruined and scarred by alcoholism?
    How many deaths are caused by drunk drivers?
    How many drunken fights/accidents happen every weekend?

    To a lot of people, alcohol is not about ''having the craic' or ''loosening up'', but the cause of grief.

    Did you read my reply to SuPackOfIdiots?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Dare2baDaniel

    Squ wrote: »
    Did you read my reply to SuPackOfIdiots?

    Your reply about your drinking habits? How is that relevant to what I just said?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    1. Are you actually being serious?
    2. You have got to be joking!
    3. Alcohol is such an integral part of your life that you don't trust people who do not drink?
    4. Have you ever left Ireland
    5. know that other countries exist?
    6. Do you realise our country is ridiculed and stereotyped the world over for being a bunch of 'drunks'.
    7. Have you absolutely no knowledge of the effects of alcohol?
    8. How many Irish families are ruined and scarred by alcoholism?
    9. How many deaths are caused by drunk drivers?
    10. How many drunken fights/accidents happen every weekend?
    11. To a lot of people, alcohol is not about ''having the craic' or ''loosening up'', but the cause of grief.
    Your reply about your drinking habits? How is that relevant to what I just said?

    Again, I'm on the phone, so you'll have to excuse my poor quoting;

    Ok so, lets start from the top,

    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    3. Alcohol is not an integral part of my life, but yes, i do not trust people over 18 who do not drink (for reasons stated)
    4. I have left Ireland
    5. I do know other countries exist.
    6. I am well aware of the popular stereotype of the Irish drunk.
    7. I am aware of the affects of the misuse of alcohol.
    8. Too many families affected by misuse of alcohol.
    9. It is something like a third of all road deaths
    10. God knows.

    11. I'll disagree with you there. I would say it's the person who cannot say enough is enough, who and then gets behind the wheel of a car, or drunkenly abuses their partner/children, gets into drunken fights. I'd wager the only damage a bottle of alcoholic beverage ever did anyone was falling off the shalf and hitting someone's head.

    From your first reply, I can see that you are generalizing Drink, drunk and alcoholic. You have asked so many questions, can I ask what age you are?

    edit; read your op, 23.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    Your reply about your drinking habits? How is that relevant to what I just said?

    I don't comment on my "drinking habits" in that post. Are you sure you're reading the correct post?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Dare2baDaniel

    Squ wrote: »
    Again, I'm on the phone, so you'll have to excuse my poor quoting;

    Ok so, lets start from the top,

    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    3. Alcohol is not an integral part of my life, but yes, i do not trust people over 18 who do not drink (for reasons stated)
    4. I have left Ireland
    5. I do know other countries exist.
    6. I am well aware of the popular stereotype of the Irish drunk.
    7. I am aware of the affects of of the misuse of alcohol.
    8. Too many families affected by misuse of alcohol.
    9. It is something like a third of all road deaths
    10. God knows.

    11. I'll disagree with you there. I would say it's the person who cannot say enough is enough, who and then gets behind the wheel of a car, or drunkenly abuses their partner/children, gets into drunken fights. I'd wager the only damage a bottle of alcoholic beverage ever did anyone was falling off the shalf and hitting someone's head.

    From your first reply, I can see that you are generalizing Drink, drunk and alcoholic. You have asked so many questions, can I ask what age you are?

    edit; read your op, 23.

    You are completely missing the point. It is a ridiculous statement to say you do not trust people who do not drink alcohol. Alcohol is a dangerous drug which has endless disastrous effects. Just because it is a socially acceptable to drink does not make it ok.

    If alcohol was not an integral part of your life you would have no problem ''trusting'' people who do not drink.

    What about people who do not drink because of their faith?

    I still find it hard to believe you are being genuine

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Dare2baDaniel

    I think you have pretty much answered my question Squ. Some people are just mystified by others who do not have the same lifestyle as themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭Felexicon

    you've said ''non drinkers are boring'', is that not slagging them off. Btw I haven't slagged anyone off, I merely stated some physiology facts for you to digest. Perhaps you don't like being faced with the cold hard reality of what alcohol does to your body? Would you like me to go through the pathophysiology of cirrhosis and fatty liver for you as well or would that be too hard a fact for you to face?
    Incorrect. I've said they are boring in certain social situations, such as in the pub for the football on a Saturday evening with a rake of pints and whatever follows.

    I know exactly what affect alcohol has on my body. It allows me to chill out with my mates, make a tit of myself if I'm so inclined and have an excuse for not cleaning the house the next day.

    The nay sayers in this thread need to realize that not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and it is possible to just enjoy the buzz of 10 or 12 pints and a few shots on a Saturday without it ruining your families lives

  • Registered Users Posts: 194 ✭✭kulareggae

    im loads of fun =] =]

  • Registered Users Posts: 751 ✭✭✭dozy doctor

    Have to agree...
    Drinking its boring and a mugs game..... The problem as I see it with Irish people is that they were never brought up to respect alcohol, unlike our spanish and Italian counterparts where it is more normal to drink at early age, pace yourself and not see who can make a gob****e out of themselves the quickest...

    People don't like to have a non dinner in the group as they will obviously remember everything....

    I am off it over 8 years now and don't miss it, not for even a second.... Mind you I was about if a twat on the stuff, like most people, except unlike most people, I am willing to admit it....

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Dare2baDaniel

    Felexicon wrote: »
    Incorrect. I've said they are boring in certain social situations, such as in the pub for the football on a Saturday evening with a rake of pints and whatever follows.

    I know exactly what affect alcohol has on my body. It allows me to chill out with my mates, make a tit of myself if I'm so inclined and have an excuse for not cleaning the house the next day.

    The nay sayers in this thread need to realize that not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and it is possible to just enjoy the buzz of 10 or 12 pints and a few shots on a Saturday without it ruining your families lives

    The problem is the attitude to non-drinkers. I would never dream of questioning someone on WHY they drink alcohol. THAT IS THEIR PERSONAL CHOICE. I do not know why a lot of people feel it is appropriate to question me over my choice not to drink. It is so rude!

    I am perfectly aware that it is possible to enjoy the buzz of alcohol without ruining any lives. I was making the point that the awful effects of alcohol are why some people choose NOT to drink. There are numerous other reasons.

    This is not a thread asking the pros and cons of drinking alcohol, it is asking why choosing not to drink is met with a string of questions and confusion. It is a very sad part of Irish society.

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭libnation

    You don't trust non drinkers because they might be a) aggressive or b) hiding something?

    When I was drinking I always thought this line of thinking was bullsh*t as id seen 100% of my friends do something aggressive at least once when drunk.

    When I stopped drinking I realised drunk people are incapable of telling secrets. When you get over the fear of sober nights out you start to realise people just can't speak at all. Drunk people have nothing to say. I hope someone says they don't trust me to my face in real life because my response would cause some aggression.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    libnation wrote: »
    You don't trust non drinkers because they might be a) aggressive or b) hiding something?

    When I was drinking I always thought this line of thinking was bullsh*t as id seen 100% of my friends do something aggressive at least once when drunk.

    When I stopped drinking I realised drunk people are incapable of telling secrets. When you get over the fear of sober nights out you start to realise people just can't speak at all. Drunk people have nothing to say. I hope someone says they don't trust me to my face in real life because my response would cause some aggression.
    Prob best you're off the drink so

  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭ZETOR_IS_BETTER

    Squ wrote: »
    I just dont trust non drinkers. I feel the either have something to hide,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    We all have little wierd sides to our reasonings, that's just one of mine..

    Prob not the best place to post it..

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 187 ✭✭supackofidiots

    Felexicon wrote: »
    Incorrect. I've said they are boring in certain social situations, such as in the pub for the football on a Saturday evening with a rake of pints and whatever follows.

    I know exactly what affect alcohol has on my body. It allows me to chill out with my mates, make a tit of myself if I'm so inclined and have an excuse for not cleaning the house the next day.

    The nay sayers in this thread need to realize that not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and it is possible to just enjoy the buzz of 10 or 12 pints and a few shots on a Saturday without it ruining your families lives

    Squ wrote: »
    Prob best you're off the drink so

    seriously lads. why come on to a non drinkers forum and start posting this drivel. you're antagonising posters at best and trolling at worst. this is a fairly placid forum a lot of us keep it fairly civil on here, many are off the drink through choice ,force or circumstance or all three but posts like both of yours don't help anyone.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 391 ✭✭anhedonia

    Squ wrote: »
    We all have little wierd sides to our reasonings, that's just one of mine..

    Prob not the best place to post it..

    Please elaborate on what you think non-drinkers might be 'hiding' ?

    Or even better, examples of what you discovered non-drinkers to be 'hiding'.

    Please elaborate, in any way you wish, as I cannot wrap my head around this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭Felexicon

    seriously lads. why come on to a non drinkers forum and start posting this drivel. you're antagonising posters at best and trolling at worst. this is a fairly placid forum a lot of us keep it fairly civil on here, many are off the drink through choice ,force or circumstance or all three but posts like both of yours don't help anyone.
    Ok so the OP asked a question, I give a response, but in your view because I'm on the opposite side of the debate to you I must be a troll? Seems legit.
    Also point to a post I've made that you find antagonising in any way.
    If anything can be taken from this thread, it seems that non drinkers have a bigger problem with drinkers than the other way round.

    I've come in here as a drinker and given an honest answer to a question asked by the OP, if that bothers you, unfollow the thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    anhedonia wrote: »

    Please elaborate on what you think non-drinkers might be 'hiding' ?

    Or even better, examples of what you discovered non-drinkers to be 'hiding'.

    Please elaborate, in any way you wish, as I cannot wrap my head around this.
    One was an alco who wouldn't admit it. Pure tea totaler when out with us, condescending about it as you like, but spending all his cash on spirits to drink alone. Only found out about it when his wife asked me for help.

    The other is a lad who forced himself not to drink as he didn't trust himself with drink on board. His words, not mine so cant elaborate further.

    If you want treads with only like mined posts, i think a hosted forum is for you. But calling a poster you either don't understand or don't agree with a troll, is against the common charter. If you genuinely think someone is a troll, drop the back seat modding, and report the post(s).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Take it easy everyone. No more antagonising the natives with inflammatory comments, and if someone trolls don't respond please.


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,091 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    It's their inference that they are doing something wrong/questionable that you have decided not to. You think that is annoying, try being vegetarian... Or like my boss and vegetarian who doesn't drink. Sure every meal is an ordeal listening to people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,075 ✭✭✭Wattle

    My favourite reaction is: 'What? You don't drink? Not even wine'?

    Umm wine is a drink. Haven't you ever heard of Winos?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Orchidgirl

    Only at the start of completely cutting it out now, but on a previous sober night out someone went as far as to pour vodka in my water :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭FamousSeamus

    I have no problem with people not drinking, I've gone out many nights not drinking myself and still had the craic although people were still shocked a drinker could go out without drink :pac: I didn't start drinking till I got to college and I remember heading out at home and I actually got treathened by people to drink, which to today i still don't see why it bothered people so much!!

    I must agree that many drinkers get very annoyed with people who don't drink and do try to force it upon them and often it looks likes the drinkers are ashamed of their drinking and don't want this sober person to stand out (its just how I view it) If you are confident in what your doing then you won't try change other people (that goes for non-drinkers too) you'll just enjoy their company. As for sober people being boring thats not true, I know many sober people being mad craic in a club and many drinkers who are a bore (thats not to say I don't know boring sober people too).

    Well thats my 2 cents anyway, don't think I made any point just talked usual rubbish:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 391 ✭✭anhedonia

    Squ wrote: »
    One was an alco who wouldn't admit it. Pure tea totaler when out with us, condescending about it as you like, but spending all his cash on spirits to drink alone. Only found out about it when his wife asked me for help.

    The other is a lad who forced himself not to drink as he didn't trust himself with drink on board. His words, not mine so cant elaborate further.

    ok the first guy is an @sshole, nothing worse than an ex smoker/drinker who becomes a preacher and condescends towards those who still indulge. If you can still enjoy a drink/smoke then more power to you, keep on keepin on.

    My issue is with your post where you said that you dont trust all non drinkers as they are either hiding something or aggressive when they drink. This is a prejudice you hold against non drinkers, as you are stereotyping all non drinkers based on a couple of examples.

    For me personally, I hammered it fairly hard for a decade in typical weekend warrior fashion and then chose to move on. Am I now not to be trusted because I prefer my life without alcohol ?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭Squ

    anhedonia wrote: »

    ok the first guy is an @sshole, nothing worse than an ex smoker/drinker who becomes a preacher and condescends towards those who still indulge. If you can still enjoy a drink/smoke then more power to you, keep on keepin on.

    My issue is with your post where you said that you dont trust all non drinkers as they are either hiding something or aggressive when they drink. This is a prejudice you hold against non drinkers, as you are stereotyping all non drinkers based on a couple of examples.

    For me personally, I hammered it fairly hard for a decade in typical weekend warrior fashion and then chose to move on. Am I now not to be trusted because I prefer my life without alcohol ?
    Its just me.. I cant explain it without going over old ground...

    Ive taken the warning from Dave on board, so am hesitant to say things that folks might take offence to.
